
Scientific and Methodological Approach to Choosing the Financial Strategy of an Enterprise
Khlevytska T. B., Plevako N. O.

Khlevytska, Tetiana B., and Plevako, Nataliia O. (2020) “Scientific and Methodological Approach to Choosing the Financial Strategy of an Enterprise.” The Problems of Economy 4:241–248.

Section: Economics and Enterprise Management

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The market transformation processes of Ukraine’s economy have determined the need for new approaches to managing the activities of domestic enterprises, ensuring their financial stability and competitiveness, especially when facing difficulties both in generating their own financial resources and raising funds from outside. Under such conditions, the issues of ensuring the strategic development of enterprises become especially relevant, requiring the search for optimum procedures of choosing such strategies, taking into account numerous criteria and alternatives. The purpose of the article is to substantiate a scientific and methodological approach to choosing a financial strategy for an enterprise, the choice being based on multi-vector and sound calculations. The approach is based on the hierarchy analysis method as one that helps to make decisions in complex, structured, multi-criteria and multi-alternative situations. The article substantiates the need for a profound analysis of the coordination of experts’ opinions, which would increase the argumentativeness and reasonableness of the strategy selection process. The expediency of extensively using mathematical methods while developing particular strategies and estimating the quality of their implementation is proven. The practical value of this approach lies in raising the validity level of the strategic decisions taken, and making it possible to provide their early and timely adjustment by differentiating criteria for decision-making and changing strategic alternatives. The proposed approach can be used to form a strategic portfolio for any enterprise, regardless of its scope of activity and form of ownership. Its end result is seen in improving the quality of strategic management at domestic enterprises.

Keywords: financial strategy, global priority, hierarchical structure, hierarchy analysis method, choice alternativeness, priorities vector.

Fig.: 1. Tabl.: 5. Formulae: 4. Bibl.: 14.

Khlevytska Tetiana B. – Candidate of Sciences (Economics), Associate Professor, Associate Professor, Department of Business Economics and Social Technologies, State University of Information and Communication Technology (7 Solomenska Str., Kyiv, 03110, Ukraine)
Plevako Nataliia O. – Applicant, Department of Enterprise Economics and Social Technologies, State University of Information and Communication Technology (7 Solomenska Str., Kyiv, 03110, Ukraine)

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