
Conceptual Aspects of Managing the Diversification and Integration Development of Enterprises in the Conditions of Neo-Technological Reproduction
Zalutska K. Y.

Zalutska, Khrystyna Ya. (2020) “Conceptual Aspects of Managing the Diversification and Integration Development of Enterprises in the Conditions of Neo-Technological Reproduction.” The Problems of Economy 4:164–170.

Section: Economics and Enterprise Management

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The effective development of an enterprise depends on the effective management of this development. Management of enterprise development is based on known paradigms and concepts of management, which change depending on changes in the business environment. Accordingly, the conceptual aspects of enterprise development management change depending on the changing business environment. The article aims at forming the concept of managing the diversification and integration development of enterprises in the conditions of neo-technological reproduction. The peculiarities of modern conditions of enterprise development, characterized by manufacturability, innovation, and creativity, are analyzed. The main priorities in enterprise management in this environment are analyzed. It is proved that the activities of modern enterprises take place in the conditions of neo-technological reproduction. It is established that diversification and integration development is an effective direction of development for enterprises in the specified environment. The elements and the necessity of applying the corresponding aspects of the concept of managing the diversification and integration development of enterprises in the conditions of neo-technological reproduction are outlined. The article suggests a sketch of the concept based on the delimitation and identification of objective trends in the interaction between the following economic categories: "business process reengineering", "management innovation" and "resource allocation." The author takes into account the multidisciplinary paradigm of spreading creative ideas taken from scientific theories, and the results of successful implementation of specific knowledge into various aspects of society activity. The concept is aimed at providing the successful development of an enterprise, taking into account the main external and internal incentives for such development. It is proved that the proposed concept forms a theoretical and methodological basis for improving the management system of diversification and integration development in terms of neo-technological reproduction, as its observance provides the ability to produce cumulative neo-technological effects, and to activate qualitative and quantitative changes. As a result, it promotes the effective development of an enterprise and forms the innovative development management through the prism of three conceptual areas: the technological effectiveness of the process, knowledge creativity, and resource innovativeness.

Keywords: paradigm, concept, diversification and integration development, enterprise development management, neo-technological reproduction.

Fig.: 1. Bibl.: 16.

Zalutska Khrystyna Ya. – Doctor of Sciences (Economics), Professor, Professor, Department of Enterprise Economics and Investment, National University «Lviv Polytechnic» (12 Stepana Bandery Str., Lvіv, 79013, Ukraine)

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