
Developing the Tourism Sector of a Region through Forming Territorial and Production Integration Structures
Lyubarov Y. Y.

Lyubarov, Yuriy Yo. (2020) “Developing the Tourism Sector of a Region through Forming Territorial and Production Integration Structures.” The Problems of Economy 4:106–112.

Section: Regional economy

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The integration mechanism for developing tourism industry is among the ways of increasing the competitiveness of the region, reducing the impact of negative factors, ensuring the diversification of the regional tourism product. Territorial production structure of tourist integration is a regional or interregional association created to combine the potential of tourism and service infrastructure, tourist and recreational resources, tourism goods and services, and human potential of the industry in order to create a single territorial tourist space capable of offering competitive goods in the regional, national and global tourism market. Features of the Mykolaiv oblast determine the possibility of creating specific cluster formations in the tourism sector in this area. From the socio-economic viewpointiew, tourist and recreational clusters form the preconditions for regional development. Thus, the formation of a tourist and recreational cluster actually determines the market positioning of the region and largely affects its image. Among the entities participating in a tourism and recreation cluster, one can not only name the enterprises and organizations acting in the tourism industry and producing and selling tourism products and services, but also the regional authorities (represented by their representatives or specially created regulatory and / or supervisory structures), scientific and educational institutions, associations of entrepreneurs, etc. A tourism and recreational cluster can be formed at different territorial and branch-wise levels, e/g/ local, regional, interregional levels. The development of a tourism and recreational cluster in the region includes several successive stages: a) the initiation of its creation by the authorities («from above»), by business («from below») or by society; b) the creation of a management company; c) drawing up a strategic plan for the cluster development and coordination with the regional development strategy; d) the daily management of the cluster enterprises; e) further development based on self-organization. This model for designing a tourism and recreational cluster makes it possible to take into account the interests of all its participants and create conditions for sustainable development of a tourist area.

Keywords: tourism, tourism branch, recreation, market of tourist services, tourism innovations, infrastructure, tourist flows, strategy.

Fig.: 2. Tabl.: 1. Bibl.: 8.

Lyubarov Yuriy Yo. – Head of the Department, Department of Culture and Cultural Heritage Protection, Mykolaiv City Council (20 Admiralska Str., Mykolaiv, 54001, Ukraine)

List of references in article

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