
Innovative Development Intensification in the Socially Oriented Economies of Belarus and Ukraine: Problems and Factors
Kulakov G. T., Bondar-Pіdhurska O. V., Khomenko I. I.

Kulakov, Gennady T., Bondar-Pіdhurska, Oksana V., and Khomenko, Iryna I. (2020) “Innovative Development Intensification in the Socially Oriented Economies of Belarus and Ukraine: Problems and Factors.” The Problems of Economy 3:65–72.

Section: Economics and national economy management

Article is written in Ukrainian
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The purpose of the article is to study and highlight the main problems and factors characterizing the innovative development intensification in the socially oriented economies of Ukraine and Belarus, and to suggest the ways to eliminate the causes of hindering this intensification. Taking into account the correlation-regression analysis results and the characteristic features of the structural elements of the innovative development index of Ukraine in 2007-2017, we have identified the main problem and a significant factor hindering the innovative activity in the economy, namely, “innovative products sales in the industry”, i.e., the low level of commercialization of the scientific and technical activity results, caused by a low level of patent protection and patent research. The analysis of marketing and patent research in Ukraine shows the necessity to perform a number of the following tasks: 1) to adopt the national standard of Ukraine titled “Patent and Market Research”; 2) to introduce changes to the DSTU 35-75-97 “Patent Research. Basic Provisions and Procedure”, which is the national standard for implementing the process of patent and market research; 3) to adopt the Methodology for Patent and Market research; 4) to eliminate the hindrances for providing enterprises and organizations with modern market and marketing information. Emphasis has been placed on the imperfections in the methodology for evaluating the efficiency of projects related to the innovations implementation, which have recently attracted some interest from businesses. This primarily applies to licenses, as the right to use an invention, industrial design or license can become an object of transference in a specially defined area and during a specified period of time. A methodology for paying for license agreements (contracts, agreements) has been suggested, based on assessing the net present value received from implementing licenses, which determines the cost of licenses and operating costs paid to authors from the license income during the time agreed under the contract. This will intensify the businesses’ innovative activity and create appropriate conditions to develop the socially oriented economies of Belarus and Ukraine.

Keywords: factors, innovative development, patent and market research, problems, protection of intellectual property rights, socially oriented economy.

Fig.: 1. Formulae: 13. Bibl.: 12.

Kulakov Gennady T. – Doctor of Sciences (Engineering), Professor, Professor, Department of Thermal Power Plants, Belarusian National Technical University (65 Nezavisimosty Ave., Minsk, 220013, Belarus)
Bondar-Pіdhurska Oksana V. – Doctor of Sciences (Economics), Associate Professor, Professor, Department of Management, Poltava University of Economics and Trade (3 Ivana Banka Str., Poltava, 36003, Ukraine)
Khomenko Iryna I. – Senior Research Fellow, Intellectual Property and Technology Transfer Center of Ukraine NAS (54 Volodymyrska Str., Kyiv, 01601, Ukraine)

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