
Organizational and Managerial Innovations in Increasing Efficiency of Logistics Using the Example of a Supply Chain
Yakymchuk I. M.

Yakymchuk, Iryna M. (2020) “Organizational and Managerial Innovations in Increasing Efficiency of Logistics Using the Example of a Supply Chain.” The Problems of Economy 2:325–330.

Section: Economics and Enterprise Management

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The theoretical foundations of organizational and managerial innovation in increasing efficiency of manufacturing, practical business aspects of organizational and managerial innovation in enhancing business efficiency are studied. These issues were considered both by Ukrainian and foreign scientists. However, today, despite the multitude of works highlighting these issues, there are no comprehensive studies dealing with the generalization and systematization of existing supply chain models. Organizational and managerial innovations in increasing efficiency of logistics are considered using the example of a supply chain. It is proved that organizational and managerial innovations are continuous in time, starting from the initial one, which, after a situational analysis, goes through planning, programming, particular actions aimed at its implementation and making decisions for the future. Given the existing risks and the complexity of innovative solutions, specific approaches are proposed to increase efficiency of logistics using the example of a supply chain. Improving a supply chain with particular tools allows introducing market changes in the organization of the supply chain. Application of innovation in logistics requires quick decisions to address the issues of production, management and environmental impacts on logistics processes. It is found that a supply chain with the necessary attributes provides many benefits to companies that use its tools through outsourcing agreements. Considering the practice of European companies, it is proven that the introduction of logistics tools increases the company’s profitability after six months of their constant use and its participation in logistics outsourcing projects, contributes to the growth of the company’s market share, speeds up its penetration into new markets by expanding the geography of the functioning of logistics operators and banks – supply chain business partners.

Keywords: logistics systems, business efficiency, operational management, logistics costs management, organizational mechanism, European practice, logistics solutions, logistics outsourcing.

Fig.: 1. Bibl.: 9.

Yakymchuk Iryna M. – Candidate of Sciences (Economics), Associate Professor, Associate Professor, Department of Management in Construction, Kyiv National University of Construction and Architecture (31 Povitryanykh Syl Ave., Kyiv, 03680, Ukraine)

List of references in article

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