
Strategic Goals of the Housing and Utilities Infrastructure Development in the Direction of Ensuring High Quality of Life and Realizing Economic Interests of the State
Ilyash O. I., Buhaichuk N. V.

Ilyash, Olha I., and Buhaichuk, Nataliia V. (2020) “Strategic Goals of the Housing and Utilities Infrastructure Development in the Direction of Ensuring High Quality of Life and Realizing Economic Interests of the State.” The Problems of Economy 1:76–88.

Section: Economics and national economy management

Article is written in Ukrainian
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UDC 330.3”71”:643/645:351.862.4(043)

The article provides theoretical substantiation and proposes a solution to the scientific problem associated with the elaboration of conceptual, methodological and applied tools for the development of housing and utilities infrastructure, with regard to threats to and opportunities of the economic security system of the state. There determined the influence of the level of development of housing and utilities infrastructure on the realization of national interests and economic security by ensuring high quality of life within the triad of functional components: housing provision; equipment of housing; improvement of outdoor space. An integral assessment of the level of development of housing and utilities infrastructure is carried out; the internal opportunities for the development of housing and utilities infrastructure in the system of ensuring national economic interests with the use of the method of taxonomy are identified. There detected the main threats to the development of housing and utilities infrastructure, in particular, threats to the health and life of the population due to low living standards: low rates of introducing renovation / modernization and reconstruction of outdated housing, low rates of energy efficiency in the housing and utilities sector of Ukraine. Using the method of taxonomy, internal opportunities for the development of housing and utilities infrastructure in the system of ensuring economic security of the state are identified. The main indicators of the level of development of housing and utilities infrastructure, broken down in accordance with the functional components of security of housing and utilities infrastructure, are generalized to a single composite indicator of the level of development. Using multivariate statistical analysis, there established a direct linear relationship between the component of quality of life in Ukraine and the level of development of housing and utilities infrastructure, in particular, equipment of the housing in the country. A forecast model of the level of development of housing and utilities infrastructure is proposed in order to ensure high quality of life of the population and realize the economic interests of the state. The strategic guidelines of the state policy and applied recommendations for ensuring the development of housing and utilities infrastructure in the field of realization of economic interests, which envisage the improvement of the housing provision, equipment of the housing stock, and the improvement of outdoor space, are defined.

Keywords: national economic interests, quality of life, economic development, housing and utilities infrastructure, equipment of housing, economic security of the state.

Fig.: 8. Tabl.: 1. Formulae: 4. Bibl.: 25.

Ilyash Olha I. – Doctor of Sciences (Economics), Professor, Professor, Department of Economic Cybernetics, National Technical University of Ukraine «Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute» (37 Beresteiskyi Ave., Kyiv, 03056, Ukraine)
Buhaichuk Nataliia V. – Postgraduate Student, The National Institute for Strategic Studies (7-a Pyrohova Str., Kyiv, 01030, Ukraine)

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