
Application of the Systems Approach to Studying the Essence of State Regulation of Forestry
Zinkevych O. V.

Zinkevych, Oleksandr V. (2020) “Application of the Systems Approach to Studying the Essence of State Regulation of Forestry.” The Problems of Economy 1:68–75.

Section: Economics and national economy management

Article is written in Ukrainian
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The main goal of this article is to apply the methodology of the systems approach to studying the essence of state regulation of forestry. The article analyzes the features of using this approach, its advantages in comparison with other methods of scientific research. To apply this method, in the work, forestry is considered as a branch of material production, which involves studying, keeping records and ensuring reproduction, conservation and protection of forests, as well as regulation of their use, in order to meet the demand of economic entities for forest and other related resources. It is noted that from the perspective of the systems approach, the forestry sector can be represented as a combination of various sub-sectors and industries, namely: timber-planting and other activities in forestry, logging, provision of auxiliary services in forestry, and collection of non-timber forest products. Using the methodology of the systems approach to studying forestry state regulation made it possible to specify its content. In particular, it is proposed to consider the system under study as follows: state regulation of forestry is a system of relations between government bodies and economic entities that carry out business activities in the field of material production, which involves studying, keeping records and ensuring reproduction, conservation and protection of forests. This results in one-way influence on the functioning of these entities, which is made using the necessary methods, tools, and levers, with the aim of forming a favorable environment for their development. Furthermore, the study specifies the goal of the system, which is in creating an economic environment that would contribute to the development of forestry in the country, identifies the main entities in the system and their relationship. The article analyzes the features of the interaction between the system of forestry state regulation and other economic entities. Special attention is paid to highlighting systemic problems in this area and directions for their solution.

Keywords: forestry, state regulation, state regulation of forestry, forestry enterprise, system, systems approach.

Fig.: 2. Bibl.: 19.

Zinkevych Oleksandr V. – Applicant, Department of Finance, Banking and Insurance

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