
Digital Employment in the System of Regulation of the National Economy
Azmuk N. A.

Azmuk, Nadiya A. (2020) “Digital Employment in the System of Regulation of the National Economy.” The Problems of Economy 1:52–58.

Section: Economics and national economy management

Article is written in Ukrainian
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The widespread use of digital technologies in the manufacturing and service sector is changing the labor process, social and labor relations, contributing to the development of digital employment. Digital employment is global in nature and, in fact, is beyond national regulation. The aim of the article is to assess digital employment, forecast its changes in the short term, develop measures and tools for adapting regulation of the national labor market during the transition to a digital economy. A hypothesis for evaluating digital employment, which is based on measuring the number of people employed in the production of a pure digital product, is proposed. The number of employees, volume of production, and the share of value added created in this segment are estimated. Using trend lines, a forecast of changes in the number of employees and volume of manufactured products in the short term is made. The forecast is based on the evolutionary scenario of development of the national digital economy. The reliability of the forecast is confirmed by high values of the coefficients of determination. It is proved that global threats along with the implementation of a negative impact on the social and labor sphere can act as a factor stimulating the development of digital employment. It is determined that the mixed-product manufacturing sector should become a segment of digital employment growth. A system of measures to regulate the national labor market, which is adapted to the conditions of transition to a digital economy, is developed. The proposed system of measures implies a combination of measures for adaptation to digital regulatory conditions with traditional and digital tools. The combination of traditional and digital regulatory tools facilitate minimization of resources.

Keywords: digital employment, labor market regulation, digital regulation tools, digital economy.

Fig.: 2. Tabl.: 1. Bibl.: 18.

Azmuk Nadiya A. – Doctor of Sciences (Economics), Associate Professor, Leading Researcher, Department of Economic Problems of Social Policy, Institute of Industrial Economics of NAS of Ukraine (2 Mariia Kapnist Str., Kyiv, 03057, Ukraine)

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