
Conceptual Foundations of a Scientific and Methodological Approach to Geopolitical Analysis of International Innovation and Technology Cooperation
Omelyanenko V. A.

Omelyanenko, Vitaliy A. (2020) “Conceptual Foundations of a Scientific and Methodological Approach to Geopolitical Analysis of International Innovation and Technology Cooperation.” The Problems of Economy 1:36–42.

Section: World economy and international relations

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The aim of the study is to analyze international projects for innovation cooperation in terms of criterion of technology transfer and risks of international cooperation as part of geo-economic game. To solve the research problems, general scientific methods of analysis and synthesis, historical and logical, systemic, structural and functional analysis are used. For designing an innovation strategy, among the innovative methods the study uses imitation institutional and evolutionary modeling to maximize the effects of synergy in the public management space and a systems approach to its construction. It is possible to solve the research task through using elements of the geo-economic game methodology, which will combine (i) understanding of international relations as a struggle among states for influence, the result of which depends on their capabilities conditioned by the quantity and quality of available resources, and (ii) the main elements of international innovation management. The author analyzes the basic trends in modern geo-economic strategies and identifies the main aspects of their impact on the implementation of international innovation projects. Using a number of examples of the international technology transfer (the space sector, resource extraction), the main risks of the lack of own geo-economic strategies are identified, and recommendations to increase the effectiveness of participation in international relations are made. In view of the current global problems, the theoretical approaches to innovation policy defined in the study allow for getting a new angle on the relationship between the geo-economic game, national strategy, technologies and key problems of world politics and international relations. In further studies, it is necessary to develop practical tools for evaluating innovative strategies, taking into account the criteria of the game theory and the principles of geo-economic competition.

Keywords: geo-economic competition, strategy, international cooperation, international projects.

Fig.: 1. Bibl.: 17.

Omelyanenko Vitaliy A. – Doctor of Sciences (Economics), Associate Professor, Head of, Educational and Scientific Center for Design Technologies, Sumy State Pedagogical University named after A. S. Makarenko (87 Romenska Str., Sumy, 40002, Ukraine)

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