Social Media as a Means for Big Data Research Holubova H. V.
Holubova, Halyna V. (2020) “Social Media as a Means for Big Data Research.” The Problems of Economy 1:298–304.
Section: Economic statistics. Accounting and Auditing
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UDC 311.21:[316.774:004.738]
Abstract: The growing use of cloud computing, social networks, mobile technologies and big data techniques is leading to increased opportunities for both carrying out scientific research and implementing practical tasks. Researchers are faced with a large amount of data created by social networking platforms, the diversity of which is further enhanced by the mixing of social networking platforms and new features of the Internet. The relevance of big data and social media is growing, but the scientific literature lacks conceptual tools and approaches that would help researchers structure and codify knowledge from big data of social media in various subject areas. Researchers do not have a common plan for understanding data and a complex network of relationships between entities, social networks, social platforms and other third-party databases, systems and objects. This problem is even more complicated when entering spatio-temporal data. The article provides a common framework for studying social media using big data. The author presents five analytical directions: space-time analytics, intranet analytics, internet analytics, platform analytics, and third-party data analysis. In these areas, three perspectives are identified — perspective of the account, perspective of the content, and perspective of the network. This material is intended to help researchers focus their study in a specific area of the discipline, using social media data sequentially.
Keywords: social media, social media analytics, big data analysis, research model.
Fig.: 1. Tabl.: 1. Bibl.: 27.
Holubova Halyna V. – Candidate of Sciences (Economics), Associate Professor, Associate Professor, Department of Statistics, The National Academy of Statistics, Accounting and Auditing (1 Pіdhіrna Str., Kyiv, 04107, Ukraine) Email:
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