
The Methodology of Scientific Cognition as the Basis for Intellectualization of Management of Enterprise Holistic Development
Chobitok V. I.

Chobitok, Viktoriia I. (2020) “The Methodology of Scientific Cognition as the Basis for Intellectualization of Management of Enterprise Holistic Development.” The Problems of Economy 1:234–240.

Section: Economic theory

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The aim of the article is the formation of the methodology of scientific cognition as the basis for intellectualization of management of enterprise holistic development under the current economic conditions. The article establishes that, in the modern business environment, a significant progress in the development of enterprises is provided by specialists that are intelligent. Against this background, resources are of especial importance, primarily those concentrated within intellectual capabilities of man, which are reasonably considered as the intellectual basis for modernizing the economy through innovative solutions. As a result of the study, the main functions of science are considered. The article proposes a methodology of scientific cognition as the basis for intellectualization of management of enterprise holistic development, which solves a number of relevant problems: development and use of research methods; analysis of methodological paradigms in the history of economic thought; study of the stages of economic research, including the disclosure of the mechanisms of “scientific discovery” in intellectualization of management of enterprise holistic development; analysis of the problem of truth, research of its criteria and methods of confirmation; study of the role of the methodology of scientific cognition in the system of the general methodology of social and natural sciences; examination of worldview standards and ideals associated with intellectualization of management of enterprise holistic development.

Keywords: intellectualization, enterprise management, holistic development of an enterprise, methodology.

Fig.: 3. Bibl.: 10.

Chobitok Viktoriia I. – Doctor of Sciences (Economics), Associate Professor, Professor, Department of Economics and Management, Ukrainian Engineering and Pedagogical Academy (16 Unіversytetska Str., Kharkіv, 61003, Ukraine)

List of references in article

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