
The Torsion Hypothesis to Justify the Economic Integration of High-Tech Enterprises
Ianchuk M. B.

Ianchuk, Marina B. (2020) “The Torsion Hypothesis to Justify the Economic Integration of High-Tech Enterprises.” The Problems of Economy 1:207–213.

Section: Economics and Enterprise Management

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The article studies integration, as an indispensable attribute of any economic system and the most important factor that contributes to its stable evolutionary development, and highlights its dual nature, namely: achievement of a new quality and new integrity using previously unrelated parts and, on the other hand, possible behavior of these processes within an existing system; consolidation and stabilization of an unstable system, improvement of its integrity and organization level, transformation of its old structure into a more progressive one. To expand the subject matter of this study, a multidimensional physical paradigm is used. In the context of the paradigm, a torsion hypothesis is applied to justify the economic integration of high-tech enterprises based on the Graves double-helix model, which combines the balanced functioning of two components of enterprise development: business paradigms, as a kind of philosophy of perception and adaptation to reality and conditions of their existence, within the framework of which the synchronization of torsion fields of helixes acquires a certain economic content and means binding to the time course of integration processes. The Graves integrated cyclic double-helix model is modified by introducing a third spiral — convergent meso-helix, which symbolizes the component reflecting state regulation of national institutions of integration relations (here, institutions are norms and rules that determine the forms and boundaries of integration as well as mechanisms that ensure their implementation). At the same time, state regulation is acquiring a new — negotiating, partnering and conciliatory – character rather than a rigid state monopoly, which ensures the balance, coherence and timeliness of the necessary integration transformations of high-tech enterprises.

Keywords: economic integration, multidimensional physical paradigm, integration inertia of the helix, torsion field of a helix, high-tech enterprises.

Fig.: 3. Formulae: 6. Bibl.: 15.

Ianchuk Marina B. – Doctor of Sciences (Economics), Associate Professor, Professor, Department of Organization of Aerial Work and Services, State University "Kyiv Aviation Institute" (1 Lubomyra Husara Ave., Kyiv, 03058, Ukraine)

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