
The Methodological Basis of Management of Enterprise Economic Resilience
Sosnovska O. O.

Sosnovska, Olga O. (2020) “The Methodological Basis of Management of Enterprise Economic Resilience.” The Problems of Economy 1:190–196.

Section: Economics and Enterprise Management

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The article necessitates studying methodology as a system of principles and tools for organizing activities for further research on the process of managing the economic resilience of an enterprise. The aim of the article is the formation of a methodological basis for managing economic resiliency of an enterprise based on a combination of a set of concepts and theories, principles, scientific approaches and methods for systematizing elements of the methodology of economic resilience at the level of enterprise as an object of promising scientific research. It is established that for Ukrainian enterprises the problem of ensuring sustainability of their socio-economic systems resulting from a significant environmental uncertainty is extremely urgent. In view of this, the main goal of managing economic resilience of an enterprise is its sustainable functioning, the key criterion of which is ensuring the target level of economic resilience in a certain time period. It is proved that the basis for sustainable functioning of an enterprise is the implementation of managing functional subsystems of economic resilience, the level of which for each subsystem may be different, but integrally ensure the economically safe functioning of enterprises at different phases of their economic development. Based on the definition of the main goal and criterion of management of enterprise economic resilience, a methodological basis for this process is proposed. It presents a consolidation of concepts and theories concerning the functional subsystems of economic resilience, scientific approaches, specific and fundamental principles and methods, the hierarchical structuring of which allows systematizing the methodology of scientific cognition of management of enterprise economic resilience and form a certain set of scientific views on the organization of theoretical and practical activities aimed at improving efficiency of this process and ensuring a stable functioning of an enterprise in the face of uncertainty.

Keywords: enterprises, uncertainty, methodology, structural elements of methodology, economic security, functional subsystems, economic sustainability.

Fig.: 1. Bibl.: 12.

Sosnovska Olga O. – Doctor of Sciences (Economics), Associate Professor, Professor, Department of Finance and Economics, Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University (18/2 Bulvarno-Kudriavska Str., Kyiv, 04053, Ukraine)

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