A Simulation Model of Social Responsibility of an Enterprise with the Implementation of Fuzzy Inference to Estimate the Level of Ecological Safety Potrashkova L. V.
Potrashkova, Lyudmyla V. (2019) “A Simulation Model of Social Responsibility of an Enterprise with the Implementation of Fuzzy Inference to Estimate the Level of Ecological Safety.” The Problems of Economy 4:277–285. https://doi.org/10.32983/2222-0712-2019-4-277-285
Section: Mathematical methods and models in economy
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UDC 174:004.942:65.011
Abstract: Decision-making on corporate social responsibility (CSR) should be based on assessment of consequences of the enterprise’s activities both for the enterprise itself and its stakeholders. To assess these consequences, mathematical models of social responsibility of an enterprise taking into account the specifics of the enterprise’s activities should be developed. The aim of the study is to formulate conceptual requirements for displaying the characteristics of CSR in microeconomic simulation models as well as to build on this basis a simulation model of social responsibility of a printing plant (printing house). To achieve this goal, the study forms the requirements for building simulation models of social responsibility of an enterprise, in particular, those to the composition of their factors and responses. It is proved that many factors in these models should contain indicators of cost, quality, ecological and resource safety, as well as indicators of suitability of resources to meet the needs of persons with disabilities. The set of responses in the models should contain indicators reflecting satisfaction of various needs of stakeholder (concerning financial issues; quality of life; development) as well as indicators of reproduction of the enterprise’s potential. The relationship among these resource indicators and the enterprise’s performance is revealed. A typical diagram of cause-effect relationship among enterprise’s activities with regard to social responsibility is formed. To describe the relationship among the characteristics of resources and the level of social responsibility of the enterprise, it is proposed to use fuzzy logic tools. Based on the presented conceptual requirements, using Matlab Simulink tools, a simulation model of social responsibility of the printing house is built, which allows assessing consequences of the enterprise’s activities with regard to social responsibility both for the enterprise itself and its stakeholders. In the developed model, indicators of cost, quality, ecological and resource safety that correspond to the specialization of the enterprise are used. The estimation of ecological safety of the printing house is obtained by implementing the fuzzy inference process in the model.
Keywords: social responsibility of an enterprise, simulation modeling, fuzzy logic.
Fig.: 6. Tabl.: 2. Bibl.: 8.
Potrashkova Lyudmyla V. – Candidate of Sciences (Economics), Associate Professor, Associate Professor, Department of Computer Systems and Technologies, Simon Kuznets Kharkiv National University of Economics (9a Nauky Ave., Kharkіv, 61166, Ukraine) Email: lv7@ukr.net
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