Intentional Practices of Statistical Assessment of Green Logistics Effectiveness Kobylynska T. V.
Kobylynska, Tetiana V. (2019) “Intentional Practices of Statistical Assessment of Green Logistics Effectiveness.” The Problems of Economy 4:209–215.
Section: Economic statistics. Accounting and Auditing
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Abstract: The aim of the study is the further development of theoretical principles, coverage and justification of global approaches to statistical assessment of effectiveness of green logistics under the current conditions of transformation of the global market for transport and logistics services. It is determined that green logistics, which complies with national or international environmental regulations, can enhance the competitiveness of exporters and increase exports. At the same time, environmental standards are the most important factors affecting the practical implementation of green logistics methods. The Logistics Efficiency Index is significantly related to environmental indicators. However, currently, there seems to be no ideal indicator for assessing effectiveness of green logistics. Therefore, in order to provide a comprehensive assessment of logistics performance of individual countries and environmental performance of their transport sector, for conducting a quantitative analysis, the Environmental Logistics Performance Index (ELPI), which is built using the international Logistics Index (LPI) dataset, CO2 emission from the transport sector and its oil consumption, should be used. Improvement of indicators for assessing effectiveness of green logistics contributes to enhancing factors that affect international competitiveness, in particular, upgrading infrastructure, increasing quality of logistics services, and intensifying the use of modern information technologies to improve efficiency of customs and logistics tracking capabilities.
Keywords: green logistics, Logistics Performance Index, Environmental Logistics Performance Index, logistics-related CO2 emissions.
Fig.: 2. Formulae: 2. Bibl.: 18.
Kobylynska Tetiana V. – Doctor of Sciences (Economics), Associate Professor, Professor, Department of StatisticsDepartment of Economic Security, Public Management and Administration, Zhytomyr Polytechnic State University (103 Chudnivska Str., Zhytomyr, 10005, Ukraine) Email:
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