
Assessment of Enterprise Innovative Potential as an Objective Basis for the Implementation of Structural Transformations: Methodological Aspect
Protsenko A. V.

Protsenko, Anastasiia V. (2019) “Assessment of Enterprise Innovative Potential as an Objective Basis for the Implementation of Structural Transformations: Methodological Aspect.” The Problems of Economy 4:135–141.

Section: Economics and Enterprise Management

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It is determined that assessing structural transformations of innovative potential of industrial energy providers implies identifying available resources and creating a system of units, services, and management bodies with the aim to ensure the enterprises’ performing a new set of tactical and strategic functions. The frequency of organizational and economic changes for a structural transformation of innovative potential is determined with regard to the operational environment of enterprises and the specific market situation. The main adaptive criteria for assessing structural transformations of innovative potential of industrial energy providers are growth in labor productivity, acceleration in technical development, cooperation in adopting and implementing managerial decisions. In the crisis period, changes in structures of enterprises are aimed at their survival due to a more rational use of innovative resources, cost reduction and adaptation to the requirements of the external environment. That is why, today, the key task is not how to organize the implementation of individual tactical and strategic functions but how to form a stable dominant structure suitable for managing an enterprise under changing market conditions. In practice, the task set is most often carried out in part, in the form of assessment and analysis tasks aimed at regulating flow indicators. There also appear conceptual managerial decisions to address problems of optimizing the enterprises’ structures. They involve the urgent task of creating models for reforming the organizational structures of enterprises using labor, financial, material and information flows that affect increase in the level of innovative potential.

Keywords: innovative potential, system, structural transformations, innovative dimensions, methodological approach, efficiency, assessment.

Fig.: 1. Tabl.: 2. Bibl.: 10.

Protsenko Anastasiia V. – Candidate of Sciences (Economics), Associate Professor, Department of Economics and Management, Ukrainian Engineering and Pedagogical Academy (16 Unіversytetska Str., Kharkіv, 61003, Ukraine)

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