
General Provisions of Economic Analysis of Fixed Assets under Concession and their Modernization
Lutska N. I.

Lutska, Nataliya I. (2019) “General Provisions of Economic Analysis of Fixed Assets under Concession and their Modernization.” The Problems of Economy 3:246–254.

Section: Economic statistics. Accounting and Auditing

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The general provisions of economic analysis of fixed assets under concession are investigated. In view of the need to present the object of the concession by elements of fixed assets, the analyst, first of all, should assess the correctness of their breaking down into individual elements and evaluate the need for the modernization. To this end, forms of reporting, including the analytical sheet of the element distribution of the concession object, are proposed. The analytical sheet has both analytical and accounting character and is formed on the basis of the act or acts confirming that the object of the concession is transferred by the state partner and accepted by the enterprise-concessionaire. The procedure for the analytical assessment of the received concession object by elements is determined. This will allow to establish by how many percent the value of the received object of fixed assets is more or less than the value which was recorded on the balance sheet of the liquidated state / municipal enterprise. The procedure for the analytical assessment of retirement of the elements of the concession object by elements is proposed. This direction of the analytical support for management of operations to modernize the concession object will allow establishing further tasks to be implemented by the concessionaire to acquire fixed assets. To assess the condition of and need for modernization of the concession object and its fixed assets there developed a system of analytical indicators, including: integral coefficient of the accepted value of the concession object by the concessionaire company, element coefficient of the accepted value of the concession object by the concessionaire company; rates of: retirement of the elements of the concession object, need for modernization of the elements of the concession object, need for modernization regarding the elements of the concession object that were taken to the balance of the concessionaire, need for modernization regarding the elements of the concession object with respect to the balance of the liquidated state enterprise, need for modernization regarding the elements of the concession object that retired in the process of transfer and acceptance, need for modernization regarding the elements of the concession object that require modernization). These indicators will allow to analyze the degree of compliance of the accepted concession object with the requirements for operation, and whether it requires the attraction of additional funds for the acquisition of fixed assets.

Keywords: concession, concessionaire, analytical support, modernization, economic analysis, concession agreement.

Tabl.: 6. Bibl.: 8.

Lutska Nataliya I. – Candidate of Sciences (Economics), Associate Professor, Pro-rector, King Danylo University (35 Ye. Konovaltsia Str., Ivano-Frankivsk, 76018, Ukraine)

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