
The Place of Innovation Infrastructure in Determining the Results of Innovative Activity
Nosovets O. I., Voloshchuk L. O.

Nosovets, Oleksandra I., and Voloshchuk, Lidia O. (2019) “The Place of Innovation Infrastructure in Determining the Results of Innovative Activity.” The Problems of Economy 3:123–132.

Section: Economics and Enterprise Management

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The concept of innovation infrastructure is detailed and differentiated using various approaches, the grounds for its relationship with the innovation system in the context of their impact on the formation of innovation results is clarified. The aspects of interpreting the investigated concept of innovation studies by regulatory sources of domestic legislation and international standards are considered; inconsistency of the definitions in normative acts is indicated; the author’s definition of innovation infrastructure is presented; the substantive content of the concept of innovation system in conjunction with the innovation infrastructure is clarified. The essence of innovation infrastructure as a result of innovative activity is revealed, and its place in their formation is indicated. Using the axiomatic principle of transitivity, the list of results of the investigated innovation category as results of the innovative orientation of entrepreneurial activity is also given and justified. The theoretical substantiation of the interdependence and certainty of innovation infrastructure and the innovation system in the context of determining the results of innovation from a position of systematic functioning and certainty by signs of innovation is in-depth.

Keywords: innovation, innovative activity, innovation system, innovation infrastructure, results of innovative activity, axiomatic method.

Tabl.: 2. Bibl.: 31.

Nosovets Oleksandra I. – Postgraduate Student, Department of Accounting, Analysis and Audit, Odesa National Polytechnic University (1 Shevchenka Ave., Odesa, 65044, Ukraine)
Voloshchuk Lidia O. – Doctor of Sciences (Economics), Associate Professor, Head of the Department, Department of Accounting, Analysis and Audit, Odesa National Polytechnic University (1 Shevchenka Ave., Odesa, 65044, Ukraine)

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