Balanced Use of Irrigated Land Lazareva O. V.
Lazareva, Olena V. (2018) “Balanced Use of Irrigated Land.” The Problems of Economy 4:386–391.
Section: Economics of Natural Resources and Environment
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UDC 631.674.1:631.4
Abstract: The aim of the article is to develop theoretical, methodological, and practical aspects of the scientifically based choosing of irrigated lands for cultivation of agricultural crops with consideration for the soil suitability classification. The theoretical and methodological basis of the study is the fundamental principles of land economics, the general theoretical provisions for balanced development of irrigated land. To achieve the objectives set in the work, the following methods are used: abstract-logical (for theoretical generalization of the results of scientific research and the formulation of conclusions); analysis and synthesis (for a comprehensive assessment and determination of the characteristics of the current state of irrigated and drained land); economic and settlement method (for solving the problem of optimal distribution and structure of sown areas when taking into account the soil suitability classification); graphical one (for depicting the vertical level of soil waters); methods of analogy and generalization (for developing a system of measures for balanced use of irrigated land). The article considers the rational use of irrigated land, with the focus being on the need for choosing optimal suitable soils for cultivating crops. The model of optimal distribution and structure of sown areas with consideration for the soil suitability classification has been developed, which allows for receiving the maximum cash proceeds from crop production and providing the livestock subcomplex with feed in sufficient quantities. The change in the size of irrigation and drained lands in Ukraine is analyzed in dynamics. The necessity of foreseeing the depth of the groundwater level during land reclamation is grounded.
Keywords: land reclamation, land irrigation, soil suitability classification, model, structure of sown areas, level of soil water deposits.
Fig.: 1. Tabl.: 2. Formulae: 6. Bibl.: 15.
Lazareva Olena V. – Doctor of Sciences (Economics), Associate Professor, Associate Professor, Department of Land Management, Petro Mohyla Black Sea National University (10 68 Desantnykіv Str., Mykolaiv, 54003, Ukraine) Email:
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