Adaptation of the International Classification of Status in Employment to National Conditions Lazebnyk I. O.
Lazebnyk, Iuliia O. (2018) “Adaptation of the International Classification of Status in Employment to National Conditions.” The Problems of Economy 4:317–324.
Section: Economic statistics. Accounting and Auditing
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UDC 311.311:006.322:331.52
Abstract: The actual issues of substantiating the theoretical and methodological principles of adaptation of the International Classifications of Status in Employment and at Work to the national conditions of Ukraine are considered. The modern definitions of such concepts as “work”, “employment”, and “job” are disclosed based on the Resolution of the 20th International Conference of Labor Statisticians (2018). The main criteria used to classify the population by status in employment are considered. There revealed peculiarities of the formation and the essence of the main categories of the International Classification of Status in Employment ІCSE-18 in each of two alternative hierarchies (the International Classification of Status in Employment according to type of authority (ІCSE-18-A) and the International Classification of Status in Employment according to type of economic risk (ІCSE-18-R)) and the International Classification of Status at Work (ІCSaW-18). The necessity of applying these classifications in Ukraine is substantiated, and their adaptation to national conditions is implemented. The main sources that are appropriate to use as a basis for employment statistics are identified.
Keywords: quality of employment, labor activity, International Classification of Status in Employment (ІCSE-18), International Classification of Status at Work (ІCSaW-18), adaptation to national conditions.
Fig.: 2. Tabl.: 3. Bibl.: 9.
Lazebnyk Iuliia O. – Doctor of Sciences (Economics), Professor, Professor, Department of Management and Administration, Educational and Research Institute «Karazin Business School» of V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University (1 Myronosytska Str., Kharkiv, 61002, Ukraine) Email:
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