
Theoretical Bases of Social Transformation of Humanity as a Historical Inevitability
Kovalyov V. M.

Kovalyov, Valeriy M. (2018) “Theoretical Bases of Social Transformation of Humanity as a Historical Inevitability.” The Problems of Economy 4:176–187.

Section: Economic theory

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Theoretical provisions on the social transformation of humanity as a historical inevitability in Ukraine and in the world are considered. It is proved that these transformations are a product of human development in accordance with the requirements of objective economic laws, whose emergence is predetermined by the natural triune — material, spiritual and social essence of man. The essence of the economic category «sociality», which, unlike its generally accepted definition as «gregariousness» or «civic consciousness», is inherent to an individual as their quality, is in fact a category inherent in all humanity. It expresses equitable distribution of the results of human labor between laborers and owners of the means of production and technological energy. In its essence, this category reflects the class structure of the whole human community, which with the disappearance of classes can turn into a museum piece. It is established that the processes of social transformations of humanity, which take place in a historical context, require the emergence of the newest science of man and his development in accordance with objective economic laws and the theory of our compatriot, academician V. I. Vernadsky, of the noosphere, which we define as human studies. There developed a methodology and formula for quantifying the level of social maturity of humanity according to the structure of labor potential, which is evidenced by the calculations of the indices of socialization and capitalization in Ukraine based on the data of 2015–2017, which allowed for revealing the patterns of social transformations in Ukraine and in the world as well as the advancement of humanity towards a classless society. The essence and manifestation of the objective economic law of wages are disclosed, and the methods for determining its required level are substantiated.

Keywords: humanity, laws of development, sociality, materiality, spirituality, society, class nature, transformation, scientific attitude, economic system.

Fig.: 2. Tabl.: 2. Formulae: 9. Bibl.: 26.

Kovalyov Valeriy M. – Doctor of Sciences (Economics), Professor, Professor, Department of Economics of Enterprises and Management, Educational-Scientific Professional-Pedagogical Institute of the Ukrainian Engineering Pedagogical Academy (Bakhmut) (9a Nosakova Str., Bakhmut, Donetsk region, 84500, Ukraine)

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