

The title and content


Section: World economy and international relations
UDC 338.2:349.422.231
Rechka K. M.
Summarizing the Main Directions of Economic Growth and Development of Agriculture in Countries with Market Economy (p. 7 - 14)

The aim of the article is to determine the main directions of economic growth and development of agriculture in general. The economic development of the agricultural sector in countries with market economy, namely in the US and EU countries, is analyzed. Based on the analysis of works of a number of academic economists, the advantages of large agricultural enterprises over small ones are identified and summarized. As a result of the research, it is revealed that the most significant factors that influence the economic development of agricultural enterprises are their size and forms of ownership and management. At the same time, it is proved that only an increase in the scale of production does not ensure an increase in the economic effect. The increase in the scale of production should be accompanied by improvement of production technologies and perfection of the forms of intraeconomic organization of labor, as well as specialization and cooperation. Summing up all the issues of the economic priority of large agrarian enterprises discussed above, we can formulate the following conclusions. The provision on the operation of such economic laws as “identity of property and labor”, as well as “the law of the advantage of large enterprises” is scientifically justified. Having studied the main directions of economic growth in countries with market economy, it is proved that cooperation is the most effective type of management. This should be a priority and promising vector for our country.
Keywords: economic growth, economic development, agriculture, factors of influence, state policy, concentration of agriculture.
Tabl.: 3. Bibl.: 16.

Rechka Kateryna M. – Candidate of Sciences (Economics), Associate Professor, Department of Economics, Tavria State Agrotechnological University (18 Bohdana Khmelnytskoho Ave., Melitopol, Zaporizka obl., 72315, Ukraine)

Article is written in Ukrainian
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Reference to this article:
Rechka, Kateryna M. (2018) “Summarizing the Main Directions of Economic Growth and Development of Agriculture in Countries with Market Economy.” The Problems of Economy 1:7–14.

List of references in article

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Section: World economy and international relations
UDC 330.322:356.075-027.63
Siryk Z. O.
The Ways of Using Foreign Experience of Intermunicipal Investment Cooperation (p. 15 - 21)

The content and nature of intermunicipal investment cooperation (IMIC) are disclosed in the article. The aim of the article is to study the foreign experience of intermunicipal investment cooperation with a view to further introduction of local self-government into domestic practice. By analyzing and summarizing the scientific works of many scientists, in which the general experience and mechanism of intermunicipal cooperation is considered, the main features of the reasons for the existence and promotion of intermunicipal investment cooperation are revealed. Some foreign practices of the existence of intermunicipal investment cooperation are analyzed. There made a critical analysis regarding the forms of implementation of such cooperation. Features of the mechanism of functioning of various models of such cooperation are revealed. It is substantiated that the intermunicipal investment IMIC is not a fairly common practice and direction of cooperation between territorial communities and their government bodies. The legislation of most of the analyzed countries does not establish clear rules that would administer or regulate IMIC to an extent required by the practice of territorial management and development of territories. It is determined that a large number of forms, models and methods of implementing IMIC, despite even a certain rarity of their application, attests to the most important characteristic feature of it. It is stated that the following forms of IMIC should be considered as the most effective with regard to domestic practice of organization of local self-government and financial flows: establishment of a separate intermunicipal institution (body) authorized to manage or regulate the implementation of investment processes and administration of investment processes by concluding an administrative agreement.
Keywords: municipality, territorial community, intermunicipal investment cooperation, local government bodies, development of territories.
Fig.: 1. Tabl.: 1. Bibl.: 21.

Siryk Zenoviy O. – Candidate of Sciences (Engineering), Associate Professor, Associate Professor, Department of Applied Mechanics, Lviv Branch of Dnipropetrovsk National University of Railway Transport named after V. Lazaryan (12a I. Blazhkevych Str., Lviv, 79052, Ukraine)

Article is written in Ukrainian
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Reference to this article:
Siryk, Zenoviy O. (2018) “The Ways of Using Foreign Experience of Intermunicipal Investment Cooperation.” The Problems of Economy 1:15–21.

List of references in article

Barabash, T. H. “Finansovi peredumovy obiednannia ta spivrobitnytstva terytorialnykh hromad v Ukraini“ [Financial prerequisites for the association and cooperation of territorial communities in Ukraine]. Naukovi pratsi NDFI, no. 2 (2014): 44-52.
Hryndei, O. I. “Mizhmunitsypalne spivrobitnytstvo – innovatsiina forma mistsevoho rozvytku“ [Inter-municipal cooperation is an innovative form of local development]. Naukovi pratsi Chornomorskoho derzhavnoho universytetu imeni Petra Mohyly kompleksu «Kyievo-Mohylianska akademiia». Seriia : Derzhavne upravlinnia vol. 263, no. 252 (2015): 54-58.
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Hertzog, R. “Inter-municipal Cooperation in France: A Continuous Reform, New Trends“ Inter-Municipal Cooperation in Europe. Governance and Public Management.
Franzke, J. “«Traditions, Problems and Challenges of Inter-municipal Cooperation in the German Federal State of Brandenburg»“ Inter-Municipal Cooperation in Europe.
Lysek, J., and Saradin, P. “Mapping the Success: Inter-municipal Cooperation in Two Czech Micro-regions“ Inter-Municipal Cooperation in Europe.

Section: World economy and international relations
UDC 330.101
Kholiavko N. I., Kurochka V. O.
The Trends of Financing and Commercialization in the System of Higher Education in Ireland (p. 22 - 27)

The aim of the article is to determine the current trends in financing the higher education system in Ireland and identify the applied basis for the commercialization of the results of university research. The processes of modernization of the higher education system in the Republic of Ireland are analyzed. The role of higher education and science in ensuring economic growth of the country is disclosed. It is determined that the key vector in the modernization of the Irish higher education system is the improvement of the quality of educational services. Particular attention is paid to studying the financial aspects of the development of higher education in Ireland. Taking into account the pan-European tendency to reduce the amount of financing from the state budget, the necessity of diversifying the sources of financing for activities of Irish universities is substantiated. Under conditions of information economy, there is a growing demand of the business sector for results of scientific research. The authors note the priority of intensifying the commercialization processes, transferring innovation developments and inventions of university scientists to the real sector of the national economy. Prospects for further research are studying the leading experience of countries of the world in the effective modernization of the system of higher education; identifying the best world practices for the commercialization of research results of higher education institutions; defining approaches to their adaptation and directions of effective implementation in Ukraine.
Keywords: higher education system, higher education institution, sources of financing, commercialization, information economy.
Fig.: 1. Tabl.: 2. Bibl.: 11.

Kholiavko Nataliia I. – Doctor of Sciences (Economics), Professor, Professor, Department of Finance, Banking and Insurance, National University «Chernihiv Polytechnic» (95 Shevchenka Str., Chernihiv, 14027, Ukraine)
Kurochka Viktoriia O. – Masters Student

Article is written in Ukrainian
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Reference to this article:
Kholiavko, Nataliia I., and Kurochka, Viktoriia O. (2018) “The Trends of Financing and Commercialization in the System of Higher Education in Ireland.” The Problems of Economy 1:22–27.

List of references in article

Zaporozhchenko, Yu. H. “Systema osvity v Irlandii: metodychni rekomendatsii do kursu «Porivnialnyi analiz osvitnikh system»“ [System of education in Ireland: methodical recommendations for the course "Comparative analysis of educational systems"].
“Rroposed exchequer - employer investment mechanism for higher education and further education & training / consultation paper“
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Human Development Index.
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Global Innovation Index.
Ease of Doing Business in Ireland.
OECD Education at a Glance 2015.

Section: World economy and international relations
UDC 339.743.053
Cherkas N. I.
Studying the Factors of Economic Growth in Countries of Central and Eastern Europe (p. 28 - 35)

The aim of the article is to study the impact of macroeconomic, technological and institutional indicators on economic growth of countries of Central and Eastern Europe (CEE) using a panel data model. A sample of 12 CEE countries for the period 2006-2015 is analyzed. The following methods are used: 1) ordinary least squares (OLS), 2) fixed effects model (FE); 3) random effects model (RE). As a dependent variable there selected GDP per capita based on purchasing power parity, as an independent one — the exchange rate, export of high- and low-tech products, import of high-tech products, innovations. There used additional control variables: foreign direct investment, government efficiency, human capital, the Gini index, and public debt. The results of the study show that the devaluation of the monetary unit adversely affects the economic growth. Asymmetric results of the impact of high-technology and low-technology exports on GDP are obtained. The development of innovation and the improvement of the quality of human capital demonstrate a positive significant impact in terms of all specifications. The obtained results confirm that European integration supports non-price competition of CEE countries in the world market of high-tech products through participation in production networks of the EU-15.
Keywords: economic growth, high-tech exports, panel data, CEE countries, European integration.
Fig.: 1. Tabl.: 6. Formulae: 1. Bibl.: 16.

Cherkas Nataliia I. – Candidate of Sciences (Economics), Associate Professor, Candidate on Doctor Degree, Department of International Economics, Kyiv National Economic University named after Vadym Hetman (54/1 Beresteiskyi Ave., Kyiv, 03057, Ukraine)

Article is written in Ukrainian
Downloads/views: 21

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Reference to this article:
Cherkas, Nataliia I. (2018) “Studying the Factors of Economic Growth in Countries of Central and Eastern Europe.” The Problems of Economy 1:28–35.

List of references in article

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Shevchuk, V. O., and Cherkas, N. I. “Yevrointehratsiia i yakist ekonomichnoho zrostannia“ [European integration and the quality of economic growth]. Aktualni problemy mizhnarodnykh vidnosyn, no. 66 (2007): 15-23.
Huang, C. H., and Yang, C. Y. “European exchange rate regimes and purchasing power parity: An empirical study on eleven Eurozone countries“ International Review of Economics & Finance, no. 35 (2015): 100-109.
Cherkas, N. I. “Ekonomichnyi vymir efektyvnosti uchasti krain u hlobalnykh lantsiuhakh vartosti“ [An Economic Measure of the Efficiency of Participation in Global Cost Chains]. Ekonomika rozvytku, no. 4 (84) (2017): 5-16.
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Shevchuk, V., Atamanchuk, Z., and Cherkas, N. “Monetarni efekty platizhnoho balansu i remonetyzatsiia ukrainskoi ekonomiky“ [Monetary effects of the balance of payments and repair of the Ukrainian economy]. Stratehichni priorytety, no. 3 (2007): 67-75.
Stanisic, N. “Do foreign direct investments increase the economic growth of Southeastern European transition economies?“ South-Eastern Europe Journal of Economics, no. 6 (1) (2008): 29-38.
Iwasaki, I., and Tokunaga, M. “Macroeconomic impacts of FDI in transition economies: a meta-analysis“ World Development, no. 61 (2014): 53-69.

Section: Economics and national economy management
UDC 338.43:504
Andreichenko A. V.
Innovative Investment Support for Zero Waste Agriculture: Problems and Prospects (p. 36 - 41)

The article is dedicated to the peculiarities of innovative investment support for domestic zero waste agriculture under conditions of modern social and economic transformations. It is established that the development of innovative investment support for zero waste agriculture is a decisive factor in achieving the goal of competitive, resource saving and environmentally safe production in agribusiness. The main problems of innovative investment support for zero waste agriculture are determined. The main directions of the state innovation policy on the introduction of zero waste agriculture in Ukraine are determined. It is proved that an increase of innovative investment support for zero waste agriculture will contribute to a technical, technological, organizational, and economic renewal of agribusiness, and as a result —the manufacturing of competitive products for the domestic and world markets and ensuring of the country’s food security.
Keywords: agribusiness, zero waste agriculture, innovations, investments, innovative investment support, competitiveness.
Bibl.: 12.

Andreichenko Andrii V. – Candidate of Sciences (Economics), Associate Professor, Associate Professor, Department of Economics and Management, Odesa I. I. Mechnikov National University (2 Dvorianska Str., Odesa, 65082, Ukraine)

Article is written in Ukrainian
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Reference to this article:
Andreichenko, Andrii V. (2018) “Innovative Investment Support for Zero Waste Agriculture: Problems and Prospects.” The Problems of Economy 1:36–41.

List of references in article

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Section: Economics and national economy management
UDC 005.52:330.101.541:330.876(477)
Broyaka A. А.
The Analysis of the Main Macroeconomic Indicators of the Socio-Economic Development of Ukraine (p. 42 - 48)

The article deals with studying the most important macroeconomic indicators characterizing the trends in the social and economic development of Ukraine for the period 2010–2017. Particular attention is paid to the index of nominal and real gross domestic product (GDP), including per capita, and to the factors that restrain its growth. An analysis of inflation processes using the dynamics of price indices (GDP Deflator, Consumer Price Index) is carried out. Furthermore, the problem of unemployment and employment, their impact on GDP dynamics are highlighted. Some aspects of Ukraine’s financial and economic stability are assessed on the basis of analysis of the performance of government debt obligations, balance of payments, and investments. As a result of the conducted research, it is revealed that during the last 2016-2017 there observed a partial stabilization of the socio-economic state of the national economy and its transition to the phase of recovery (in particular, the real GDP growth was 2.5 %, inflation — only 1.3 %, and unemployment — only 0.2 %). However, the analyzed indicators testify to the still relatively low rates of economic recovery caused by the previous loss of production capacities, interbranch and logistics links in the interregional and foreign economic space, restriction of access to energy raw materials, devaluation of the national currency, and growth of investment risks. As a result, the directions of addressing the main unsolved problems for the transition to sustainable economic growth are outlined.
Keywords: macroeconomic indicators, GDP, inflation, unemployment, balance of payments, public debt, socio-economic development.
Fig.: 3. Tabl.: 1. Bibl.: 12.

Broyaka Antonina А. – Candidate of Sciences (Economics), Senior Lecturer, Department of Economics, Vinnytsia National Agrarian University (3 Soniachna Str., Vinnytsia, 21008, Ukraine)

Article is written in Ukrainian
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Reference to this article:
Broyaka, Antonina А. (2018) “The Analysis of the Main Macroeconomic Indicators of the Socio-Economic Development of Ukraine.” The Problems of Economy 1:42–48.

List of references in article

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Borhova stiikist yak stratehichnyi napriam pidvyshchennia rivnia finansovoi bezpeky [Debt stability as a strategic direction to increase financial security]. Kyiv: NISD, 2016.
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Section: Economics and national economy management
UDC 351:378:347.73
Verbytska A. V.
Financial Mechanisms for Integrating Higher Education of Ukraine into the Quadrangle “Education — Government — Business — Society” (p. 49 - 54)

The aim of the article is to identify the financial mechanisms for integrating higher education of Ukraine into the quadrangle “education — government – business — society”, which are intended for increasing the international competitiveness of higher education of Ukraine. There substantiated the formation of a new national financial strategy in the field of higher education, which is based on the introduction of a mechanism for distributing financial responsibility between the state and consumers of educational services represented by employers and business structures, which can be implemented within multi-channel financing; adaptation of the experience in creation of endowment funds as a tool for additional financing of the higher education system; increase in the effectiveness of the export policy in the market for educational services. The principle of performance-based budgeting of higher education and its coordination with the concept of effective financial management is revealed.
Keywords: financing of higher education, financial mechanisms of public management, diversification of financial sources, state policy in higher education, competitiveness of higher education, export of educational services, internationalization.
Fig.: 1. Tabl.: 1. Bibl.: 12.

Verbytska Anna V. – Candidate of Sciences (Public Administration)

Article is written in Ukrainian
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Reference to this article:
Verbytska, Anna V. (2018) “Financial Mechanisms for Integrating Higher Education of Ukraine into the Quadrangle “Education — Government — Business — Society”.” The Problems of Economy 1:49–54.

List of references in article

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Kholiavko, N. I. Dyversyfikatsiia dzherel finansuvannia yak sposib zabezpechennia ekonomichnoi bezpeky vyshchoi osvity. Upravlinnia innovatsiinoiu skladovoiu ekonomichnoi bezpeky. T. 2 : Naukovo-praktychni zasady formuvannia innovatsiinykh komponentiv zabezpechennia naukovo-tekhnolohichnoi ta vyrobnychoi bezpeky ekonomichnoi systemy [Diversification of funding sources as a way of securing the economic security of higher education. Management of the innovative component of economic security. Vol. 2: Scientific and practical principles of formation of innovative components of providing scientific, technological and industrial safety of the economic system]. Sumy: Trytoriia, 2017.

Section: Economics and national economy management
UDC 338.2
Hubarieva I. O.
Monitoring the Implementation of State Regulation of National Economic Security (p. 55 - 61)

The aim of the article is to improve the methodological tools for monitoring the implementation of state regulation of national economic security. The approaches to defining the essence of the concept of “national economic security” are generalized. Assessment of the level of national economic security is a key element in monitoring the implementation of state regulation in this area. Recommendations for improving the methodology for assessing national economic security, the calculation algorithm of which includes four interrelated components (economic, political, social, spiritual one), suggests using analysis methods (correlation and cluster analysis, and taxonomy), which allows to determine the level and disproportion of development, can serve as a basis for monitoring the implementation of state regulation of national economic security. Such an approach to assessing national economic security makes it possible to determine the place (rank) that a country occupies in a totality of countries, the dynamics of changing ranks over a certain period of time, to identify problem components, and monitor the effectiveness of state regulation of the national economic security. It the course of the research it was determined that the economic sphere is the main problem component of ensuring the security of Ukraine’s economy. The analysis made it possible to identify the most problematic partial indicators in the economic sphere of Ukraine: economic globalization, uneven economic development, level of infrastructure, level of financial market development, level of economic instability, macroeconomic stability. These indicators have a stable negative dynamics and a downward trend, which requires an immediate intervention of state bodies to ensure the national economic security.
Keywords: economic security, monitoring, state regulation, management, integral assessment.
Fig.: 1. Tabl.: 4. Formulae: 3. Bibl.: 19.

Hubarieva Iryna O. – Doctor of Sciences (Economics), Professor, Deputy Director, Research Centre for Industrial Problems of Development of NAS of Ukraine (2 floor 1-a Inzhenernyi Ln., Kharkіv, 61166, Ukraine)

Article is written in Ukrainian
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Reference to this article:
Hubarieva, Iryna O. (2018) “Monitoring the Implementation of State Regulation of National Economic Security.” The Problems of Economy 1:55–61.

List of references in article

Abalkin, L. I. “Ekonomicheskaya bezopasnost Rossii: ugrozy i ikh otrazheniye“ [Economic security of Russia: threats and their reflection]. Voprosy ekonomiki, no. 12 (1994): 4-16.
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Section: Economics and national economy management
UDC 338.23
Karintseva O. I.
The Optimal Structure of the National Economy as a Guarantee of Sustainable Development of a State (p. 62 - 68)

The article considers the theoretical essence of the category “national economy” in a narrow and broad sense and identifies its following features: versatility of the links between its structural elements and their integrity; hierarchy of the structure of the national economy, dynamism, openness. The main trend of development of the national economy, which is manifested in the transformation processes, is determined. The following transformation processes of the national economy are identified: system-forming, system-affirming, system-reproducing. Theories of structural transformation of the national economy are considered. There determined relations that characterize the reproductive structure of the national economy: between the main stages of the movement of the aggregate social product; between the forms of the aggregate social product according to the natural-material composition; between elements and forms of the aggregate social product by a functional role; between the constituent parts of social production; between the replacement of the means of production used and the newly created products. Based on the data of the World Bank on the structure of the gross added value of groups of countries in terms of income and regional characteristics in the context of individual spheres, the practical analysis of the structure of the national economy in different countries is carried out. It is established that for the last five years the trend of development of enterprises in the sphere of services has grown.
Keywords: national economy, transformation processes, economic structure, typology, optimization.
Fig.: 1. Tabl.: 3. Bibl.: 25.

Karintseva Oleksandra I. – Candidate of Sciences (Economics), Associate Professor, Deputy Head of the Department, Department of Economics, Entrepreneurship and Business Administration, Sumy State University (116 Kharkivska Str., Sumy, 40007, Ukraine)

Article is written in Ukrainian
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Reference to this article:
Karintseva, Oleksandra I. (2018) “The Optimal Structure of the National Economy as a Guarantee of Sustainable Development of a State.” The Problems of Economy 1:62–68.

List of references in article

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Section: Economics and national economy management
UDC 620.92
Kyzym M. O., Shpilevskyi V. V., Miliutin H. V.
The Substantiation of Priority Directions for the Structural and Technological Modernization of the Electricity Generation Sector (p. 69 - 86)

The article substantiates the necessity of the structural and technological modernization of the electricity generation sector of Ukraine in view of the promising directions of technological development of modern energy and the production sufficiency of domestic power engineering. A methodical approach to the selection of priority directions for structural and technological modernization of the Ukrainian electricity generation sector is proposed. The structural shifts in electricity consumption in the country are investigated. The production and consumption of electricity in the country, the specifics of regulation of daily “semi-peak” and “peak” loads, as well as seasonal fluctuations during the year are analyzed. The methods of base-load provision in the united energy system of Ukraine (UES), the level of flexibility of various types of power plants, the distribution of capacities for base-load provision in the UES by types of energy generation are analyzed. Comparison of the main recommended and actual parameters of the energy generation sector based on the data of 2016 is made, and the existence of significant unused reserves of electric power generation is proved. The possibility for optimizing the structure of the energy generation fleet is justified. The main structural measures for eliminating the problems of the national generation of electric power are identified. A comparative structural and technological characteristic of the sphere of electric energy generation is developed. There constructed a matrix of the positioning of technologies for generation of electric power by the adjusted operating expenses and capital investments as well as a matrix of comparison of technologies for generation of electric power by level of their development and level of market development. Comparison of advanced technologies for thermal generation of electric power until 2035 is made. There justified the choice of the list of technologies for electric power generation, which are expedient to introduce at Ukrainian power stations.
Keywords: electricity generation, power engineering, structural and technological modernization, structural shifts, electricity generation technologies.
Fig.: 9. Tabl.: 19. Formulae: 4. Bibl.: 22.

Kyzym Mykola O. – Doctor of Sciences (Economics), Professor, Corresponding Member of NAS of Ukraine, Chief research scientist, Research Centre for Industrial Problems of Development of NAS of Ukraine (2 floor 1-a Inzhenernyi Ln., Kharkіv, 61166, Ukraine)
Shpilevskyi Volodymyr V. – Candidate of Sciences (Economics), Head of Department, Department of Industrial Policy and Energy Security, Research Centre for Industrial Problems of Development of NAS of Ukraine (2 floor 1-a Inzhenernyi Ln., Kharkіv, 61166, Ukraine)
Miliutin Hlib V. – Applicant, Research Centre for Industrial Problems of Development of NAS of Ukraine (2 floor 1-a Inzhenernyi Ln., Kharkіv, 61166, Ukraine)

Article is written in Ukrainian
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Reference to this article:
Kyzym, Mykola O., Shpilevskyi, Volodymyr V., and Miliutin, Hlib V. (2018) “The Substantiation of Priority Directions for the Structural and Technological Modernization of the Electricity Generation Sector.” The Problems of Economy 1:69–86.

List of references in article

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Kyzym, M. O. et al. Forsait-prohnozuvannia priorytetnykh napriamiv rozvytku nanotekhnolohii i nanomaterialiv u krainakh svitu i Ukraini [Foresight-prediction of the priority directions of development of nanotechnologies and nanomaterials in the world and Ukraine]. Kharkiv: VD «INZhEK», 2015.

Section: Economics and national economy management
UDC 338.2:33.02
Kolupaieva I. V.
The Analysis of the Regulatory Activity of Executive Authorities (p. 87 - 94)

The aim of the article is a detailed analysis of the regulatory activity of executive authorities. By systematizing and summarizing the available information on the implementation of the state regulatory policy in the context of analysis of the regulatory activity of executive authorities, the following issues are considered: the draft regulatory acts are reviewed for compliance with the principles and requirements of the state regulatory policy; the level of integration of Ukraine’s regulatory policy with that of the EU is determined by analyzing the fulfillment of Ukraine’s obligations on the implementation of EU norms regarding legislation; the ineffectiveness of ensuring and implementing the state regulatory policy is identified through determining the compliance of the priorities in ensuring and implementing the state regulatory policy with the available results. It is determined that at the present time there is a tendency to decline in the regulatory activity of executive authorities due to the formal and unsystematic nature of planning their regulatory activities and the failure to comply with the requirements of the Law of Ukraine “On the Principles of Regulatory Policy in Economic Activity”. Prospects for further research in this direction are to determine the impact of regulatory policy on the national economy by building an appropriate simulation model with the reflection of the relevant cause-effect relations.
Keywords: state regulatory policy, regulatory activity, executive authorities, draft regulatory acts, implementation of EU norms.
Fig.: 1. Tabl.: 3. Bibl.: 14.

Kolupaieva Irina V. – Doctor of Sciences (Economics), Professor, Professor, Department of Economic Cybernetics and Management of Economic Security, Kharkіv National University of Radioelectronics (14 Nauky Ave., Kharkіv, 61166, Ukraine)

Article is written in Ukrainian
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Reference to this article:
Kolupaieva, Irina V. (2018) “The Analysis of the Regulatory Activity of Executive Authorities.” The Problems of Economy 1:87–94.

List of references in article

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Malyha, V. A. “Vplyv perehliadu rehuliatornykh aktiv na realizatsiiu derzhavnoi rehuliatornoi polityky“ [The Impact of Reviewing Regulatory Acts on the Implementation of the State Regulatory Policy]. Naukovyi visnyk Uzhhorodskoho natsionalnoho universytetu. Seriia : Pravo vol. 1, no. 29 (2014): 190-193.
Melnyk, T. M. “Rozvytok natsionalnoi rehuliatornoi polityky v protsesi stanovlennia hlobalnoi torhovelnoi systemy“ [Development of national regulatory policy in the process of formation of the global trading system]: avtoref. dys. ... d-ra ekon. nauk : 08.00.02, 2009.
Ofitsiinyi sait Ofisu efektyvnoho rehuliuvannia.
[Legal Act of Ukraine] (2016).
[Legal Act of Ukraine] (2004).
Radeiko, R. I. “Rehuliatorna polityka v Ukraini: osoblyvosti formuvannia i tendentsii rozvytku“ [Regulatory Policy in Ukraine: Peculiarities of Formation and Development Trends]. Visnyk Natsionalnoho universytetu «Lvivska politekhnika». Yurydychni nauky, no. 837 (2016): 100-104.
“Zvit «Ukraina ta Uhoda pro asotsiatsiiu: monitorynh vykonannia za 2014 - I-pivrichchia 2016 roku»“ [Report "Ukraine and the Association Agreement: monitoring implementation in 2014 - I-half of 2016"]. Ukrainskyi tsentr yevropeiskoi polityky, 2016.
“Zvit «Ukraina ta Uhoda pro asotsiatsiiu: monitorynh zoboviazan za period z 2014 roku - I pivrichchia 2016 roku Chy vidbuvsia prohres? stanom na 01 bereznia 2017 roku“ [Report "Ukraine and the Association Agreement: monitoring commitments for the period from 2014 - the first six months of 2016. Has progress been made? as of March 1, 2017]. Ukrainskyi tsentr ievropeiskoi polityky, 2017.
“Zvit «Ukraina ta Uhoda pro asotsiatsiiu: monitorynh zoboviazan zi strokom vykonannia 1 lypnia - 1 lystopada 2016 roku»“ [Report "Ukraine and the Association Agreement: monitoring obligations with maturity from 1 July to 1 November 2016"]. Ukrainskyi tsentr ievropeiskoi polityky, 2016.

Section: Economics and national economy management
UDC 311.21:[316.32:004.73](477)
Korepanov O. S.
Development of the Information Society in Ukraine: the Historical Aspect in the Development of Statistics of Information and Communication Technologies (p. 95 - 100)

The aim of the article is to carry out a thorough study and analysis of different historical aspects in the formation and development of statistics of information and communication technologies (ICT). The history of the origin and the main approaches to defining such concepts as “information and communication technologies”, “information technologies”, etc. are considered. The chronology of covering issues of the ICT development at the World Summits on the Information Society (WSIS) is disclosed. The roles and approaches of the leading international organizations in studying the issues of using and developing ICT, as well as identifying the initiatives on the availability and measurement of ICT statistics are revealed and analyzed. The main goals and main achievements of the Partnership for the statistical measurement of ICT are analyzed. Also, the author of the article has carried out a grouping of interested parties regarding the use of the ICT statistics system at the national level and their content analysis. There carried out a comparative analysis of the data on the use of computers and computer networks, application of modern systems and means of telecommunications and communication, access and use of the Internet in Ukraine and regions of the world. Based on the results of the analysis, the author has formulated the main possible positive changes in the country’s socio-economic development, which are expected as a result of effective application of the latest competitive ICTs in all spheres of public life.
Keywords: information and communication technologies, information technologies, ICT development, ICT statistics, ICT indicators, statistical measurement.
Fig.: 4. Bibl.: 11.

Korepanov Oleksiy S. – Doctor of Sciences (Economics), Professor, Professor, Department of Statistics, Accounting and Auditing, V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University (4 Svobody Square, Kharkіv, 61022, Ukraine)

Article is written in Ukrainian
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Reference to this article:
Korepanov, Oleksiy S. (2018) “Development of the Information Society in Ukraine: the Historical Aspect in the Development of Statistics of Information and Communication Technologies.” The Problems of Economy 1:95–100.

List of references in article

“Vykorystannia informatsiino-komunikatsiinykh tekhnolohii na pidpryiemstvakh Ukrainy u 2016 rotsi : stat. biuleten“ [Use of information and communication technologies at enterprises of Ukraine in 2016: stat. bulletin]. Derzhavna sluzhba statystyky Ukrainy : ofits. sait.
“ITU (International Telecommunication Union), WSIS Outcome Documents: Geneva 2003 - Tunis 2005“
“ITU (International Telecommunication Union), Manual for Measuring ICT Access and Use by Households and Individuals“
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“UNCTAD (United Nations Conference on Trade and Development). Manual for the Production of Statistics on the Information Economy“ Revised Edition, Geneva, 2009.

Section: Economics and national economy management
UDC 332.14: 005.332.4
Kuzmin O. Y., Maslak O. O., Petryshyn N. Y., Zhezhukha V. Y.
Revisiting the Issue of Development of the Legal Framework for Cluster Development (p. 101 - 107)

The article deals with the concept of clusterization of the national economy as a process of creating within the national economy clusters (cluster systems), and other network structures, there highlighted its importance for the development of the national economy (it ensures increasing competitiveness of the national economy, strengthening its innovation component, improving the quality of education, reconciling the interests of government and business structures, etc.). As a result of investigation of the major clusters, there determined the underdevelopment of the legal framework of clusterization and the negative impact of the legislative factor on it. The article presents recommendations for the development of the legal framework for cluster devlopment in four areas: development (adoption) of certain laws and regulations, the introduction of amendments to the existing laws in the field of clustering, changes to a number of legal acts concerning the regulation of the national economy, adherence to the norms of international law.
Keywords: economy, clusters, clusterization, legal framework, development.
Fig.: 2. Bibl.: 12.

Kuzmin Oleh Ye. – Doctor of Sciences (Economics), Professor, Director, Scientific-Educational Institute of Economics and Management of the Lviv Polytechnic National University (5 Mytropolyta Andreia Str., Lviv, 79013, Ukraine)
Maslak Oleksandr O. – Candidate of Sciences (Economics), Associate Professor, Associate Professor, Department of foreign trade and customs operations, National University «Lviv Polytechnic» (12 Stepana Bandery Str., Lvіv, 79013, Ukraine)
Petryshyn Natalia Ya. – Candidate of Sciences (Economics), Associate Professor, Associate Professor, Department of Foreign Economic and Customs Activities, Scientific-Educational Institute of Economics and Management of the Lviv Polytechnic National University (5 Mytropolyta Andreia Str., Lviv, 79013, Ukraine)
Zhezhukha Volodymyr Yo. – Candidate of Sciences (Economics), Associate Professor, Associate Professor, Department of Foreign Economic and Customs Activities, Scientific-Educational Institute of Economics and Management of the Lviv Polytechnic National University (5 Mytropolyta Andreia Str., Lviv, 79013, Ukraine)

Article is written in English
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Reference to this article:
Kuzmin, Oleh Ye. et al. (2018) “Revisiting the Issue of Development of the Legal Framework for Cluster Development.” The Problems of Economy 1:101–107.

List of references in article

[Legal Act of Ukraine] (2011).
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Melnyk, O. H. “Model klasteryzatsii ekonomichnoi systemy v konteksti spivpratsi z YeS v naukovo-tekhnolohichnii sferi“ [Model of clustering of the economic system in the context of cooperation with the EU in the scientific and technological sphere]. Ukrainskyi sotsium, no. 1(44) (2013): 129-140.
Mikula, N. Yevrorehiony: dosvid ta perspektyvy [Euroregions: experience and perspectives]. Lviv: IRD NAN Ukrainy, 2003.
Mikula, N. A., and Pasternak, O. I. “Transkordonni klastery“ [Cross-border clusters]. Rehionalna ekonomika, no. 2 (2009): 228-229.
“Orhanizatsiinyi plan spryiannia stvorenniu i rozvytu klasternykh struktur na terytorii Sevastopolia na 2004-2005 rr.“ [Organizational Plan to Promote the Establishment and Development of Cluster Structures in the Sevastopol Region for 2004-2005].
Rekomendatsii shchodo vprovadzhennia novykh form transkordonnoho spivrobitnytstva [Recommendations on the introduction of new forms of cross-border cooperation]. Lviv: IRD NAN Ukrainy, 2010.

Section: Economics and national economy management
UDC 338.24
Provolotska O. M., Voloshina S. V., Hura O. S.
The Place of Ukraine in World Rankings as an Indicator of its Investment Attractiveness (p. 108 - 114)

The article is dedicated to the substantiation, based on world rankings, of top-priority measures for the formation of Ukraine’s investment attractiveness at the present stage of its development. The dynamics of direct foreign investment in the economy of Ukraine for 2012-2017 is analyzed, negative trends of recent years are established. The study of Ukraine’s positions in the main world rankings in 2015-2016 showed no significant positive changes in the country. The analysis of changes in the components of the indexes (subindexes) made it possible to identify factors that hamper the flow of foreign investment in the national economy of the country: the weakness of institutions that must ensure the rule of law, excessive regulation of the economy, concentration of power in the hands of oligarchic clans, significant corruption in the allocation of public funds, incompetent judicial system, etc. It is determined that priority measures should be aimed at eliminating or significantly weakening the influence of these “symptoms”. As a result, it is expected that both Ukraine’s positions in world rankings and activation of foreign investment will be strengthened.
Keywords: foreign direct investment, world rankings, index, subindex, corruption, competitiveness.
Fig.: 2. Tabl.: 3. Bibl.: 20.

Provolotska Olena M. – Candidate of Sciences (Economics), Associate Professor, Kryvyi Rih Economic Institute of Kyiv National Economic University named after Vadym Hetman (16 Medychna Str, Kryvyi Rih, Dnіpropetrovsk region, 50051, Ukraine)
Voloshina Svitlana V. – Candidate of Sciences (Economics), Associate Professor, Head of the Department, Department of Economics, Donetsk National University of Economy and Trade named after M. Tugan-Baranovsky (16 Tramvaina Str., Kryvyi Rih, Dnipropetrovsk region, 50005, Ukraine)
Hura Olha S. – Master, Kryvyi Rih Economic Institute of Kyiv National Economic University named after Vadym Hetman (16 Medychna Str, Kryvyi Rih, Dnіpropetrovsk region, 50051, Ukraine)

Article is written in Ukrainian
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Reference to this article:
Provolotska, Olena M., Voloshina, Svitlana V., and Hura, Olha S. (2018) “The Place of Ukraine in World Rankings as an Indicator of its Investment Attractiveness.” The Problems of Economy 1:108–114.

List of references in article

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Arsenenko, A. Yu. “Formuvannia mekhanizmu reitynhovoho upravlinnia investytsiinym klimatom Ukrainy“ [Formation of the mechanism of rating management of Ukraine's investment climate]: dys. … kand. ekon. nauk : 08.00.03, 2013.
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“Innovatsii abo smert: yak biznesu vyzhyty na tonuchomu korabli «Ukraina»“ [Innovation or death: how to survive on a sinking ship "Ukraine"].
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Tykhomyrova, Ye. B. “Reitynhy ta renkinhy: investytsiine pozytsionuvannia Ukrainy“ [Ratings and Rankings: Investment positioning of Ukraine]. Slovianskyi visnyk, no. 15 (2013): 149-153.
“Chy shchaslyva Ukraina v mizhnarodnyi den shchastia?“ [Is Ukraine happy on the international day of happiness?].

Section: Economics and national economy management
UDC 027.021.7::378.4(477:4-672ЄС)
Serbin O. O., Sitnicki M. W.
Prospects for the Development of Scientific Libraries of Ukrainian Research Universities in the context of the Implementation of the European Experience (p. 115 - 121)

The key directions for the long-term development of scientific libraries of research universities in Ukraine are determined to improve their strategic management system on the way toward entry into the European competitive environment. The scientific ideas, practice and legislative bases in the field of the development of scientific libraries in the European Union are highlighted. There carried out comparative characteristic of the traditional library and the modern one with the purpose of revealing distinctions of their functioning and development. The content of the seventeen main contrasts that distinguish these libraries is identified and described. On the basis of the analysis of the European experience, there identified and characterized twelve key directions for the further strategic development of Ukraine’s scientific libraries, which are in the improvement of digital content; library space; systems of automation of service processes; observance of copyrights; commercialization of library services; international exchange of the library information; depository of master works; updating of equipment; a consolidated system for detecting plagiarism; introduction of new related services; alternative financing systems; systems for staff development. The results of this study will be useful for leaders of research universities and their scientific libraries, as well as scientists and practitioners in the field of strategic management of development of research universities.
Keywords: scientific library, research university, European experience of development.
Fig.: 1. Tabl.: 1. Bibl.: 17.

Serbin Oleh O. – D. Habil. (Social sciences, Communication), Senior Research Fellow, Director, M. Maksymovych Scientific Library, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv (60 Volodymyrska Str., Kyiv, 01033, Ukraine)
Sitnicki Maksym W. – Candidate of Sciences (Economics), Associate Professor, Associate Professor, Department of Management of Innovative and Investment Activities, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv (60 Volodymyrska Str., Kyiv, 01033, Ukraine)

Article is written in Ukrainian
Downloads/views: 2

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Reference to this article:
Serbin, Oleh O., and Sitnicki, Maksym W. (2018) “Prospects for the Development of Scientific Libraries of Ukrainian Research Universities in the context of the Implementation of the European Experience.” The Problems of Economy 1:115–121.

List of references in article

“OECD Science, Technology and Industry Scoreboard 2017“
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Sytnytskyi, M. V. “Stratehichni imperatyvy rozvytku naukovoi biblioteky doslidnytskoho universytetu“ [Strategic imperatives for the development of the scientific library of the research university]. Visnyk KNU imeni Tarasa Shevchenka. Seriia: Ekonomika. 2017.
Serbin, O. O., and Sytnytskyi, M. V. “Otsiniuvannia stratehii rozvytku naukovoi biblioteky doslidnytskoho universytetu v konteksti praktychnoi realizatsii ta okreslennia podalshykh perspektyv“ [Assessment of the research library development strategy in the research university in the context of practical implementation and outline of further perspectives]. Biznes Inform, no. 1 (2018): 117-127.
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Section: Economics and national economy management
UDC 330.5:620.91(477)
Skrypnyk A. V., Namiasenko Y. O., Sabishchenko O. V.
The Power Sector of Ukraine: Collapse or Survival (p. 122 - 134)

There considered the state of the basic traditional power industries of the Ukrainian economy: hydropower, nuclear, thermal one, which were put into operation as far back as in the time of the planned economy. The analysis of the hydropower industry has revealed its extreme inefficiency in terms of the use of space for the generation of a unit of electricity (1 TWh / year), which makes up 900 sq. km for the cascade of the Dnieper HPPs. This significantly exceeds the figures of the world hydropower industry (53 sq. km). The existence of the cascade of the Dnieper HPPs led to the practical destruction of shipping, as a result of which the country incurs annual losses from USD400 to 700 million. The existing nuclear power industry, whose security state is supported by the EU, is approaching the service life limit of 50 years, which cannot but affects the growth of the accident rate. As regards the existing thermal power industry, it is also approaching the limit of its possible service life and does not meet modern requirements either for input-output energy efficiency, not for the permissible level of pollutant emissions. Consequently, it is necessary to make a transition to the renewable power industry, but its growth rate is much less than is planned in the Energy Strategy. Therefore, the proposed development option will help overcome the onset of a national energy crisis by attracting investments (the increase in emission tax rates and the abolition of VAT for the import of modern equipment for TPPs) in modern efficient thermal power industry and stimulation of renewable power industry by eliminating the maximum power limit for green tariff users and justifying the growth of tariffs for energy in the short term.
Keywords: energy strategy, energy efficiency, emissions, technogenic catastrophes, renewable energy.
Fig.: 8. Tabl.: 6. Bibl.: 27.

Skrypnyk Andrii V. – Doctor of Sciences (Economics), Professor, Head of the Department, Department of Economic Cybernetics, National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine (15 Heroiv Oborony Str., Kyiv, 03041, Ukraine)
Namiasenko Yurii O. – Postgraduate Student, Department of Economic Cybernetics, National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine (15 Heroiv Oborony Str., Kyiv, 03041, Ukraine)
Sabishchenko Oleksandr V. – Masters Student, Faculty of Management, Graduate School of Business in Dabrowa Gornicza (1С Chepliaka Str., Dabrowa Gornicza, 41-300, Poland)

Article is written in Ukrainian
Downloads/views: 14

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Reference to this article:
Skrypnyk, Andrii V., Namiasenko, Yurii O., and Sabishchenko, Oleksandr V. (2018) “The Power Sector of Ukraine: Collapse or Survival.” The Problems of Economy 1:122–134.

List of references in article

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Section: Economics and national economy management
UDC 331.52: 331.5.024.54
Tsymbaliuk S. O.
The Main Trends in the Labor Market and their Influence on the Staff Policy of Enterprises in Ukraine (p. 135 - 141)

The importance of a quick response to changes taking place in the labor market, adaptation to them of the staff policy of enterprises is determined by the need to maintain their competitiveness in the labor market. It is reasonable to monitor main trends in the labor market with a view to adapting the staff policy to changes in order to strengthen the competitive position and attract competent specialists. The aim of the article is to identify the main trends in the labor market and estimate their impact on the staff policy of enterprises in Ukraine. It is determined that the decrease in the number of economically active population, reduction in the supply of workplaces and increase in unemployment are characteristics of the Ukrainian modern labor market. At the same time, there observed a disproportionality between the supply of and demand for representatives of different professional categories. It is determined that the high turnover indices negatively characterize the staff policy and demonstrate that employers neither pay due attention to the issues of forming the employees’ engagement, loyalty nor create appropriate conditions for the fulfillment of their labor potential. The revealed tends lead to increased competition among employers in the labor market for competent specialists, which finally stimulates them to use various instruments for enhancing the enterprises’ attractiveness and the formation of a positive employer brand.
Keywords: labor market, staff policy, employment, unemployment, competitiveness.
Fig.: 4. Tabl.: 4. Bibl.: 8.

Tsymbaliuk Svitlana O. – Doctor of Sciences (Economics), Associate Professor, Dean, Faculty of Personnel Management, Sociology and Psychology, Kyiv National Economic University named after Vadym Hetman (54/1 Beresteiskyi Ave., Kyiv, 03057, Ukraine)

Article is written in English
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Reference to this article:
Tsymbaliuk, Svitlana O. (2018) “The Main Trends in the Labor Market and their Influence on the Staff Policy of Enterprises in Ukraine.” The Problems of Economy 1:135–141.

List of references in article

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Marshavin, Yu. M. Rehuliuvannia rynku pratsi Ukrainy: teoriia i praktyka systemnoho pidkhodu [Regulation of the Ukrainian labor market: the theory and practice of a systematic approach]. Kyiv: Alterpres, 2011.
Libanova, E. et al. Perekhid na rynok pratsi molodi Ukrainy [The transition to the labor market of Ukrainian youth]. Zheneva: MOP, 2014.
Kolot, A. M. et al. Sotsialno-trudovi vidnosyny zainiatosti: suchasni tendentsii, vyklyky, shliakhy rozvytku [Social-labor relations of employment: modern tendencies, challenges, ways of development]. Kyiv: KNEU, 2015.

Section: Regional economy
UDC 332.14:658
Bogdan N. M.
Assessing the Level of Financial and Economic Security of Ukraine’s Regions: Methodology and Practice (p. 142 - 149)

Theoretical and methodological approaches to determining and assessing the level of financial and economic security at the regional level are studied. The aim of the article is to improve the methodology for assessing financial and economic security at the regional level based on the study of existing theoretical and methodological approaches, as well as to assess the level of financial and economic security of regions of Ukraine. Theoretical approaches to defining the category of financial and economic security and methodological approaches to its assessment are reviewed and summarized. It is proved that the financial and economic security of a region is a complex integral concept that combines the concepts of both financial and economic security. Given the simplicity and accessibility of the information base and transparency of calculations, the author established the appropriateness and sufficiency of a set of indicators for financial economic security. The assessment of the level of financial and economic security of regions of Ukraine is carried out. The necessity of developing a mechanism to ensure the financial and economic security of a region is substantiated. It is proved that in its development it is advisable to observe objectively existing principles of integrity, consistency, variability, coordination, and specialization. Based on the results of the study, conclusions are drawn on the need to formulate, develop and create an effective system for ensuring financial and economic security at the regional level in order to promote competitiveness of the regions and their investment attractiveness. The detailed development of the mechanism for ensuring the financial and economic security of a region as well as the planning and organization of its financial security should be the subject of further scientific research.
Keywords: financial and economic security, indicator, integral indicator, aggregate indicator, integral assessment, mechanism for ensuring financial and economic security of a region.
Fig.: 3. Tabl.: 2. Formulae: 2. Bibl.: 22.

Bogdan Nataliia M. – Doctor of Sciences (Economics), Professor, Professor, Department of Tourism and Hospitality Management, O. M. Beketov National University of Urban Economy in Kharkiv (17 Marshala Bazhanova Str., Kharkіv, 61002, Ukraine)

Article is written in Ukrainian
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Reference to this article:
Bogdan, Nataliia M. (2018) “Assessing the Level of Financial and Economic Security of Ukraine’s Regions: Methodology and Practice.” The Problems of Economy 1:142–149.

List of references in article

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Section: Regional economy
UDC 332.146.2
Kozachenko G. V., Bukolova V. V.
The Analysis of Approaches to Assessing Socio-Economic Security of a Region (p. 150 - 157)

Assessment of social and economic security of a region is used in determining the ways for ensuring it, selecting directions, guidelines and priorities for the development of the socio-economic system of a region. To assess the socio-economic security of a region, there needed an appropriate methodological base, the main element of which is the approach to assessment. There analyzed the content, advantages and limitations of approaches to assessing the socio-economic security of a region (the functional (or complex) approach, the indicator one, the index approach, ranking), which are available in the science of economic security of the meso level, and the presence of which can be regarded as a reflection of the contextual postmodern methodology of the science of economic security. The actual problems in the use of approaches to assessing social and economic security of a region that require resolving are outlined: the lack of justification for the number and type of primary indicators, their inconsistency, the lack of a reasonable base for comparison of the selected indicators, insufficient use of modeling capabilities, low operationalization of the methods of the analyzed approaches.
Keywords: region, social and economic security, assessment, approach, analysis, advantages, limitations, problems.
Fig.: 2. Tabl.: 1. Bibl.: 24.

Kozachenko Ganna V. – Doctor of Sciences (Economics), Professor, Professor, Department of of Finance and Banking, Poltava National Technical Yuri Kondratyuk University (24 Pershotravnevyi Ave., Poltava, 36011, Ukraine)
Bukolova Victoriya V. – Applicant, Department of Finance and Banking, Poltava National Technical Yuri Kondratyuk University (24 Pershotravnevyi Ave., Poltava, 36011, Ukraine)
Email: vbukolova2015@

Article is written in Ukrainian
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Reference to this article:
Kozachenko, Ganna V., and Bukolova, Victoriya V. (2018) “The Analysis of Approaches to Assessing Socio-Economic Security of a Region.” The Problems of Economy 1:150–157.

List of references in article

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Section: Regional economy
UDC 332.14:005.934
Onyschenko V. O., Bondarevska O. M.
A Protective Approach to Determining Economic Security of a Region (p. 158 - 164)

The aim of the article is to systematize scientific approaches concerning the impact of negative factors on the state of economic security of a region, determine the criteria for the transition of the regional economic system from one state to another, with consideration for the intensity of the impact of negative factors of influence, as well identify the sources of threats to economic security of a region. There studied the essence of factors that negatively influence the state of economic security of a region: risk, threat, challenge. The characteristic of the elements of the system for diagnosing economic security of a region is given. A review of the position of scientists regarding the impact of negative factors on the state of economic security of a region is conducted. Based on the generalization of scientific approaches, the areas of manifestation of threats to economic security of a region are singled out. As a result of the research, the threats to economic security of a region are typologized according to their functional components. The directions of further research in this area are related to the calculation and analysis of the state of economic security in the regions of Ukraine, determining the degree of the impact of threats on the main components of the economic security of the regions for developing an effective program for ensuring the security of regional development.
Keywords: region, economic security of a region, protective approach, factor, risk, threat, challenge, danger.
Fig.: 2. Tabl.: 1. Bibl.: 17.

Onyschenko Volodymyr O. – Doctor of Sciences (Economics), Professor, Rector, National University «Yuri Kondratyuk Poltava Politechnic» (24 Pershotravnevyi Ave., Poltava, 36011, Ukraine)
Bondarevska Olha M. – Postgraduate Student, Department of Finance and Banking, Poltava National Technical Yuri Kondratyuk University (24 Pershotravnevyi Ave., Poltava, 36011, Ukraine)

Article is written in Ukrainian
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Reference to this article:
Onyschenko, Volodymyr O., and Bondarevska, Olha M. (2018) “A Protective Approach to Determining Economic Security of a Region.” The Problems of Economy 1:158–164.

List of references in article

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Section: Economics and Enterprise Management
UDC 65:62:338
Gavkalova N. L., Hryshyna V. V.
Analyzing the State of Managerial Activity of Personnel at Machine-Building Enterprises (p. 165 - 173)

Under modern socio-economic conditions of the development of the state, managerial activity of personnel is assigned a decisive role in the process of ensuring the functioning of an enterprise and its competitiveness. The article deals with the study of the state of managerial activity with the help of financial performance indicators of enterprises in the machine-building industry, since finance is considered from the aspects of ensuring the effectiveness of managerial activity of personnel at enterprises. The modern state of the machine-building complex in Ukraine is considered, the financial indicators of the machine-building enterprises in Kharkiv region are grounded. It is proved that the results of social and economic efficiency of managerial activity determine the level of efficiency of an enterprise as a whole, that is why, the analysis of financial indicators characterizing the efficiency of enterprises in the machine-building industry is the initial stage in studying managerial activity of personnel at an enterprise.
Keywords: management activity, enterprises of machine-building industry, financial indicators.
Fig.: 5. Tabl.: 4. Bibl.: 21.

Gavkalova Nataliia L. – Doctor of Sciences (Economics), Professor, Head of the Department, Department of Public Administration, Public Administration and Regional Economics, Simon Kuznets Kharkiv National University of Economics (9a Nauky Ave., Kharkіv, 61166, Ukraine)
Hryshyna Viktoriia V. – Postgraduate Student, Department of Public Administration, Public Administration and Regional Economics, Simon Kuznets Kharkiv National University of Economics (9a Nauky Ave., Kharkіv, 61166, Ukraine)

Article is written in Ukrainian
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Reference to this article:
Gavkalova, Nataliia L., and Hryshyna, Viktoriia V. (2018) “Analyzing the State of Managerial Activity of Personnel at Machine-Building Enterprises.” The Problems of Economy 1:165–173.

List of references in article

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Section: Economics and Enterprise Management
UDC 338.43:339.137
Hranovska V. G.
Methodical Approaches to and Criteria for Diagnosing Competitiveness of Agricultural Enterprises (p. 174 - 181)

Methodical approaches to determining the level of competitiveness of agricultural enterprises are substantiated. Among them there defined the complex, systemic, evolutionary, functional, integration, reproductive, normative, synergetic, dynamic, quantitative, institutional, value-competent one. The main criteria for diagnosing competitiveness of agricultural enterprises are determined. It is proved that assessment of an enterprise’s competitiveness should include the evaluating of the efficiency of its production and sales activities based on studying the dynamics of sales in terms of value and quantity, the loading of production capacities, the portfolio of orders, the volume and directions of investment, the efficiency of capital investments and reserves for reducing production costs. In addition, it is important to analyze the marketing costs in order to identify unproductive costs in the entire system of movement of goods from the seller to the buyer.
Keywords: competitiveness, system approach, synergism, institutional approach, evolutionary approach, integrated approach.
Fig.: 3. Tabl.: 1. Bibl.: 16.

Hranovska Viktoriia G. – Candidate of Sciences (Economics), Associate Professor, Candidate on Doctor Degree, Kherson State Agricultural University (23 Stritenska Str., Kherson, 73006, Ukraine)

Article is written in Ukrainian
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Reference to this article:
Hranovska, Viktoriia G. (2018) “Methodical Approaches to and Criteria for Diagnosing Competitiveness of Agricultural Enterprises.” The Problems of Economy 1:174–181.

List of references in article

Kyrylov, Yu. Ye., Hranovska, V. H., and Pichura, V. I. Rozvytok ahrarnoho sektoru ekonomiky Ukrainy ta yoho konkurentni perevahy [Development of the agrarian sector of Ukraine's economy and its competitive advantages]. Kherson, 2016.
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Section: Economics and Enterprise Management
UDC 339.9
Dovgal O. A., Pankova Y. M.
Conceptualization of the Formation of Corporate Culture in International Business Structures (p. 182 - 186)

The aim of the article is to conceptualize the formation of corporate culture in international business structures. Corporate culture is seen as a powerful strategic factor ensuring a collective’s focus on cohesion in order to effectively solve common problems and achieve the set goals in international business structures. Analyzing, systematizing and summarizing the scientific works of many scientists, approaches to the process of formation of corporate culture in international business structures and its components (mission, strategy, philosophy, goals, values) are considered. Attention is focused on the main activities of international business structures in the field of strategic personnel management under current conditions of development. The conclusion is made that the target and value priorities of a corporation are determined by the essence of its corporate culture, and the corporate culture itself is the backbone for the management of international business structures in controlling the collective, which should ensure directing the vector of the employees’ interests towards and using their strategic potentials for achieving the general goal of the corporation.
Keywords: international business structures, corporate culture, human resources management, international management.
Tabl.: 1. Bibl.: 11.

Dovgal Olеna A. – Doctor of Sciences (Economics), Professor, Professor, Department of International Economic Relations named after Artur Holikov, V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University (4 Svobody Square, Kharkіv, 61022, Ukraine)
Pankova Yuliya M. – Lecturer, Department of International Economic Relations, V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University (4 Svobody Square, Kharkіv, 61022, Ukraine)

Article is written in Ukrainian
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Reference to this article:
Dovgal, Olеna A., and Pankova, Yuliya M. (2018) “Conceptualization of the Formation of Corporate Culture in International Business Structures.” The Problems of Economy 1:182–186.

List of references in article

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Section: Economics and Enterprise Management
UDC 640.41:005.332.4
Zavidna L. D.
A Strategy for Ensuring Enterprise Competitiveness in the Sphere of Hotel Services (p. 187 - 193)

The aim of the article is to study the process of forming a strategy to ensure competitiveness of an enterprise in the sphere of hotel services. The content of the concepts “competitiveness of an enterprise in the hotel industry”, “competitive advantage” and “competitive strategy” is defined. Factors influencing the level of competitiveness of enterprises in the hotel industry are grouped. Taking into account the analysis of the internal and external environment of hotel facilities, a matrix of SWOT analysis is built, and variants of corporate strategies for enterprises in the sphere of hotel services are proposed. Within the framework of the study, 21 hotel facilities from 10 regions of Ukraine (Vinnytsia, Volyn, Dnipropetrovsk, Zakarpattia, Lviv, Ternopil, Kharkiv, Kherson, Khmelnytsky, Chernihiv) and Kiev are analyzed. From the positions of the system approach to enterprise competitiveness, a system of factors that influence the process of forming the strategy of enterprises in the sphere of hotel services is proposed. Taking into account the analysis of the internal and external environment of the hotels, potential threats and opportunities from the external environment are revealed, and the weak and strong sides of each of the hotel facilities are detailed, as well as the basic matrix of SWOT analysis is formed. Based on the results of the study, the following options for corporate strategies are proposed: the Maxi-Maxi strategy, the Mini-Maxi strategy, the Maxi-Mini strategy, and the Mini-Mini strategy. The correct choice of the strategy will ensure its full implementation, have a positive effect for the further development and retention of the leading positions of the hotel industry in the market.
Keywords: strategy, hotel facilities, enterprise competitiveness, competitive advantage, competitive strategy, matrix of SWOT analysis, corporate strategy, enterprises in the sphere of hotel services.
Fig.: 4. Bibl.: 10.

Zavidna Liudmyla D. – Associate Professor, Candidate on Doctor Degree, Department of Hotel and Restaurant Business, Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics (19 Kіoto Str., Kyiv, 02156, Ukraine)

Article is written in Ukrainian
Downloads/views: 223

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Reference to this article:
Zavidna, Liudmyla D. (2018) “A Strategy for Ensuring Enterprise Competitiveness in the Sphere of Hotel Services.” The Problems of Economy 1:187–193.

List of references in article

Buckley, P. J., and Horn, S. A. “Japanese Multinational Enterprises in China: Successful Adaptation of Marketing Strategies“ Long Range Planning vol. 42 (2009): 495-517.
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Portfel konkurentsii i upravleniya finansami (Kniga konkurenta. Kniga finansovogo menedzhera. Kniga antikrizisnogo upravlyayushchego) [Portfolio of competition and financial management (Book of a competitor, book of a financial manager, book of an anti-crisis manager)]. Moscow: SOMINTEK, 1996.
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Skobkin, S. S. Strategiya razvitiya predpriyatiya industrii gostepriimstva i turizma [The development strategy of the hospitality and tourism industry enterprise]. Moscow: Magistr; INFRA-M, 2010.
Mazaraki, A. A., and Zavidna, L. D. “Metodolohichni zasady formuvannia konkurentnoi stratehii pidpryiemstva hotelnoho“ [Methodological principles of formation of the competitive strategy of the hotel company]. The development of International Competitiveness: State, Region, Enterprise. Lisbon, Portugal: Baltija Publishing, 2016. 185-188.
Zavidna, L. D. “Upravlinnia konkurentospromozhnistiu pidpryiemstva hotelnoho hospodarstva v umovakh nestiikoho zovnishnyoho seredovyshcha“ [Managing the competitiveness of the hotel business enterprise in an unstable environment]. International Scientific-Practical Conference From Baltic to Black Sea: National Models of Economic Systems, part 1. Riga: Baltija Publishing, 2016. 147-151.
Nyzhnyk, I. V. “Diahnostyka konkurentnykh perevah pidpryiemstv: metody i modeli“ [Diagnostics of competitive advantages of enterprises: methods and models]. Visnyk Khmelnytskoho natsionalnoho universytetu. Ekonomichni nauky vol. 2, no. 5 (2009): 135-138.

Section: Economics and Enterprise Management
UDC 658
Katkova N. V., Burlan S. A.
Optimization of Processes of Managerial Decision-Making Using Real-Time Reporting (p. 194 - 200)

The aim of the article is to investigate the impact of real-time reporting on effectiveness of managerial decision-making. There considered additional opportunities which the management of organizations will receive from the access to management information in real time, in particular continuous access and data analysis; increased accuracy and reliability; availability of a centralized data repository; ability to perform multi-dimensional reports; possibility of cooperation and information exchange, etc. Market drivers that necessitate the use of real-time reporting are identified. A comparative analysis of the activities of organizations that have access to data in real time and those deprived of this possibility is performed. As part of the use of real-time reporting, certain measures are proposed to stimulate better management for specific groups of enterprises: outsiders, insiders, Best-in-Class. The main technological means to realize the reporting in real time are considered.
Keywords: management, control, decision-making, efficiency, optimization, real time, real-time reporting, information, stakeholders.
Fig.: 3. Tabl.: 2. Bibl.: 15.

Katkova Natalia V. – Candidate of Sciences (Economics), Associate Professor, Professor, Department of Accounting and Economic Analysis, Admiral Makarov National University of Shipbuilding (9 Heroiv Ukrainy Ave., Mykolaiv, 54025, Ukraine)
Burlan Svitlana A. – Candidate of Sciences (Economics), Associate Professor, Professor, Department of Accounting and Auditing, Petro Mohyla Black Sea National University (10 68 Desantnykіv Str., Mykolaiv, 54003, Ukraine)

Article is written in Ukrainian
Downloads/views: 7

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Reference to this article:
Katkova, Natalia V., and Burlan, Svitlana A. (2018) “Optimization of Processes of Managerial Decision-Making Using Real-Time Reporting.” The Problems of Economy 1:194–200.

List of references in article

“Understanding investors: the road to real-time reporting“ The Association of Chartered Certified Accountants. Report, September 2013.
Castellina, N. “Real-Time Financial Reporting: The Need for Speed“ Report Aberdeen Group. July 2014.
Tyagi, A. “Real Time Financial Reporting: Ensuring Continuous Compliance and Transparency While Reducing Costs“ Report Aberdeen Group, November (2012).
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Trigo, A., Belfo, F., and Estebanez, R. “Accounting Information Systems: The Challenge of the Real-Time Reporting“ Procedia Technology. 2014.
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Maedge, J. “Real-time reporting: A future necessity?“
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Tuckwell, G. “Why delivering real-time reports to your business clients adds real value - and 4 steps to achieving it“

Section: Economics and Enterprise Management
UDC 330.322:[658:338.246]
Melikhova T. O.
The Improvement of the Methodological Approaches to Calculating the Payback Period for Investment in order to Estimate Expenses on Establishing the Economic Security Service of an Enterprise (p. 201 - 206)

The aim of the article is to improve the methodological approaches to calculating the payback period for investment in order to determine the payback period for expenses on establishing the economic security service of an enterprise. It is found that the source of payback of investment at the enterprise level is cash flow product. These revenues (the result) go to formation of a cash flow (expenses) used to finance investment and financial activities. There proposed methods for determining the gross, net, actual, and specified payback periods for advanced investments in the long-term, which use the accumulated product of cash flow or accumulated cash flow as a source of financing. Analytic relationships between the gross, net, current, and specified payback periods for advanced investments that take into account the relationship between the accumulated gross, net, current and specified cash flows are proposed. The considered options for payback of advanced investment at the enterprise level will provide an opportunity to develop methods for determining the payback period for expenses on establishing the economic security service of an enterprise.
Keywords: economic security service of an enterprise; methods for calculating the payback period for expenses; short-term period; payback of investment; gross, net payback periods for advanced investments, gross, net cash flows, cash flow product.
Tabl.: 1. Formulae: 35. Bibl.: 14.

Melikhova Tetiana O. – Candidate of Sciences (Economics), Associate Professor, Associate Professor, Department of Accounting, Analysis, Taxation and Audit, Zaporizhzhia State Engineering Academy (226 Sobornyi Ave., Zaporizhzhia, 69006, Ukraine)

Article is written in Ukrainian
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Reference to this article:
Melikhova, Tetiana O. (2018) “The Improvement of the Methodological Approaches to Calculating the Payback Period for Investment in order to Estimate Expenses on Establishing the Economic Security Service of an Enterprise.” The Problems of Economy 1:201–206.

List of references in article

Salyha, K. S. Ekonomichne obgruntuvannia innovatsiinykh proektiv [Economic justification of innovation projects]. Zaporizhzhia: KPU, 2010.
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Stasiuk, N. R., and Hreskiv, I. R. “Metody otsiniuvannia efektyvnosti investytsiinykh proektiv: perevahy ta nedoliky“ [Methods of evaluating the effectiveness of investment projects: advantages and disadvantages].
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Davydchuk, S. P., and Kozlovska, T. F. “Otsinka ekoloho-ekonomichnoi efektyvnosti vprovadzhennia suchasnykh tekhnolohii pidvyshchennia rivnia ekolohichnoi bezpeky pryrodnoi ta pytnoi vody“ [Assessment of ecological and economic efficiency of introduction of modern technologies for raising the level of ecological safety of natural and drinking water]. Visnyk KrNU imeni Mykhaila Ostrohradskoho, no. 4 (75) (2012): 150-155.
Baibakova, T. V. et al. “Methodical Aspects of Economic Evaluation of Functioning Efficiency for Vertically-integrated Associations of Enterprises“ Advances in Economics, Business and Management Research vol. 38 (2017): 34-39.
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Drozdov, N. A. et al. “The railway enterprises activity environmental and economic results planning“ Materials International Conference Quality Management, Transport and Information Security, Information Technologies. St. Petersburg, 2017. 1321-1325.
Arkhipova, T. V., Afonasova, M. A., and Beskrovnaya, L. V. “Economic sustainability of state-owned enterprises as basis of sustainable economic development“ Future Academy, no. 7 (2017): 27-34.
Junevicius, A. “Application of Management Audit for Increasing Economic Efficiency of State-Owned Enterprises Activities“ Inzinerine Ekonomika-Engineering Economics, no. 28 (4) (2017): 421-431.

Section: Economics and Enterprise Management
UDC 338.43.01:631.1:330.4
Nykolyuk O. M., Martynchuk I. V.
A Methodology for Assessing Resource Potential of Innovation-Oriented Agricultural Enterprises (p. 207 - 213)

The article outlines the main stages of the procedure for quantitative assessment of resource potential of innovation-oriented agricultural enterprises taking into account the content of the concept of “enterprise resource potential”. These stages include assessment of the current state of the resource base (which involves determining quantitative and qualitative parameters of resources and resource productivity); quantitative measurement of resource use effectiveness; assessment of extent of using the potential. It is found that the peculiarity of the methodical approach to assessing resource potential of innovation-oriented agricultural commodity producers is determined by the need to investigate the capacity of their available resources to provide a sufficient (i.e., potentially possible) level of their innovation activity. It is determined that such an analysis should be carried out on the basis of comparing the results of the innovation activity of an economic entity and its competitors. There singled out methods for assessing the resource potential, including methods of structural-functional analysis, fuzzy logic, statistical and economic methods, methods of rationing, correlation analysis, integral assessment, taxonomic analysis, matrix methods, DEA analysis method.
Keywords: potential, resource potential, agricultural enterprises, innovations, assessment of resource potential.
Fig.: 2. Tabl.: 2. Formulae: 1. Bibl.: 16.

Nykolyuk Olga M. – Doctor of Sciences (Economics), Associate Professor, Associate Professor, Department of Computer Technologies and Modeling Systems, Zhytomyr National Agroecological University (7 Staryi Bivd., Zhytomyr, 10008, Ukraine)
Martynchuk Ivan V. – Candidate of Sciences (Economics), Pro-rector, Zhytomyr National Agroecological University (7 Staryi Bivd., Zhytomyr, 10008, Ukraine)

Article is written in Ukrainian
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Reference to this article:
Nykolyuk, Olga M., and Martynchuk, Ivan V. (2018) “A Methodology for Assessing Resource Potential of Innovation-Oriented Agricultural Enterprises.” The Problems of Economy 1:207–213.

List of references in article

Alieksieiev, S. B., and Zhebokrytskyi, Ye. I. “Vyznachennia poniattia «resursnyi potentsial pidpryiemstva»“ [Definition of the concept "resource potential of the enterprise"]. Derzhava ta rehiony. Ser. : Ekonomika ta pidpryiemnytstvo, no. 2 (2014): 53-56.
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Vyhivska, I. M., Ivanenko, V. O., and Shevchenko, L. Ya. “Kompleksnyi analiz resursnoho potentsialu korporatsii“ [Comprehensive analysis of the resource potential of the corporation]. Visnyk ZhDTU, no. 4 (66) (2013): 10-29.
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Kantor, O. G., and Ganiyeva, L. A. “Otsenka i optimizatsiya resursnogo potentsiala predpriyatiya“ [Evaluation and optimization of the resource potential of the enterprise]. Ekonomicheskiye nauki, no. 4 (2008): 168-172.
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Snitko, L. T., and Snitko, O. A. “Resursnyy potentsial predpriyatiya kak osnova yego ekonomicheskogo rosta“ [The resource potential of the enterprise as the basis of its economic growth]. Naukovyi visnyk Poltavskoho universytetu ekonomiky i torhivli, no. 4 (49) (2011): 166-172.

Section: Economics and Enterprise Management
UDC 338.242.2
Orlova V. K., Puida H. V.
The Evaluation of Influence of Environmental Factors on Intellectual Safety of Oil and Gas Enterprises (p. 214 - 222)

The aim of the article is to study, generalize and evaluate factors of external environment of an enterprise that affect its intellectual capital, for the purpose of studying their impact on managing intellectual safety of enterprises in the oil and gas sector of Ukraine. The following scientific methods are used in the research: analysis, generalization, questioning, statistical methods of data processing. The factors of the external environment of the oil and gas complex enterprises, namely PJSC “Ukrtransgas”, PJSC “Ukrtransnafta”, and PJSC “Ukrgazdobycha” are analyzed. The specifics of the research has caused the distinguishing of three research vectors: industry, enterprise and intellectual capital, which allowed the authors to identify the main external factors that influence intellectual safety of enterprises of the oil and gas complex of Ukraine. The authors have singled out the following groups of factors: macroeconomic trends, regulatory framework, economic situation, demographic indicators, scientific and technical factors. As a result of analyzing the expert evaluation of the identified factors, it is determined that factors that are most significant for intellectual security are the state of the oil market; authorization of Russian oil companies; legislation on the protection of intellectual property. The least influence on intellectual security of an enterprise, according to the collective opinion of experts, is made by the following factors: fluctuations in macroeconomic indicators, legislation on education, and the impact of the market of alternative energy sources.
Keywords: intellectual security of an enterprise, oil and gas complex, environmental factors, expert evaluation, rank.
Fig.: 1. Tabl.: 5. Formulae: 6. Bibl.: 14.

Orlova Valentina K. – Candidate of Sciences (Economics), Professor, Professor, Department of Accounting and Auditing, Ivano-Frankivsk National Technical University of Oil and Gas (15 Karpatska Str., Ivano-Frankіvsk, 76018, Ukraine)
Puida Halia V. – Postgraduate Student, Department of Accounting and Auditing, Ivano-Frankivsk National Technical University of Oil and Gas (15 Karpatska Str., Ivano-Frankіvsk, 76018, Ukraine)

Article is written in Ukrainian
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Reference to this article:
Orlova, Valentina K., and Puida, Halia V. (2018) “The Evaluation of Influence of Environmental Factors on Intellectual Safety of Oil and Gas Enterprises.” The Problems of Economy 1:214–222.

List of references in article

Bryl, I. V. “Stratehiia upravlinnia intelektualnym kapitalom pidpryiemstv“ [Strategy of management of intellectual capital of enterprises]: avtoref. dys. … kand. ekon. nauk : 08.00.04, 2012.
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Section: Economics and Enterprise Management
UDC 658.155:330.131
Sytnyk H. V., Arkhipov N. M.
The System for Managing Enterprise Operational Efficiency (p. 223 - 230)

Based on the generalization and development of modern approaches to managing efficiency of operational activities, its main essential characteristics are defined. The author’s vision of managing operational efficiency based on the system approach is substantiated; the main elements of the system for managing operational efficiency, management tools that can be involved in this process are described. The structural and logical sequence of the stages of managing operational efficiency and their brief characteristics are presented. The research was carried out using the methods of scientific abstraction, analysis and synthesis, systematization and generalization. The proposed approach corresponds to modern management concepts (value-oriented management, stakeholder approach, process-oriented approach), unites various control contours, differentiates control methods by contours.
Keywords: operational activities, efficiency, management of operational efficiency, methods for managing operational efficiency.
Fig.: 2. Tabl.: 2. Formulae: 1. Bibl.: 24.

Sytnyk Hanna V. – Doctor of Sciences (Economics), Associate Professor, Professor, Department of Economics and Finance of Enterprise, Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics (19 Kіoto Str., Kyiv, 02156, Ukraine)
Arkhipov Nazar M. – Postgraduate Student, Department of Economics and Finance of Enterprise, Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics (19 Kіoto Str., Kyiv, 02156, Ukraine)

Article is written in Ukrainian
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Reference to this article:
Sytnyk, Hanna V., and Arkhipov, Nazar M. (2018) “The System for Managing Enterprise Operational Efficiency.” The Problems of Economy 1:223–230.

List of references in article

Skobeleva, I. “Effektivnost predpriyatiya v konkurentnoy ekonomike“ [Efficiency of an enterprise in a competitive economy]: dis. … kand. ekon. nauk : 08.00.04.
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Sarychev, D. O. “Upravlinnia efektyvnistiu operatsiinoi diialnosti pidpryiemstva“ [Management of the operational efficiency of the enterprise]. Stratehiia ekonomichnoho rozvytku Ukrainy, no. 30 (2012): 136-143.
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Section: Economics and Enterprise Management
UDC 65.01
Skrynkovskyy R. M.
An IT Audit as a Tool for Strategic Enterprise Management (p. 231 - 236)

The aim of the article is to form and develop the theoretical and methodological principles of an IT audit as a tool for strategic enterprise management. A scheme for converting economic information into data is presented. It is established that an IT audit (an audit of information technology) is an independent audit (examination) by an auditor (a competent specialist or a group of specialists) of the enterprise IT environment in order to obtain complete and objective information (reliable facts, qualitative and quantitative estimates) about its current state (the state of the given subsystem of the enterprise), form an objective audit report and provide recommendations for improving the IT environment. It is established that the main stages of the IT audit are 1) preliminary IT diagnostics; 2) IT infrastructure audit; 3) IT department audit; 4) IT security audit; 5) monitoring the implementation of IT audit recommendations. It is proved that conducting an IT audit on the basis of best practices in the field of information technology management of an enterprise (institution, organization) guarantees the observance of such modern management approaches as system approach, process approach, functional approach, process and structural approach as well as the principles of strategic management of the enterprise. The prospect for further research in this field is the study of the state of regulatory and legal support for an audit of information technology in Ukraine and member states of the European Union.
Keywords: enterprise, IT-audit, information technologies, information system, strategic management.
Fig.: 2. Formulae: 2. Bibl.: 32.

Skrynkovskyy Ruslan M. – Candidate of Sciences (Economics), Associate Professor, Department of Business Economy and Information Technology, Lviv University of Business and Law (99 Kulparkіvska Str., Lviv, 79021, Ukraine)

Article is written in English
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Reference to this article:
Skrynkovskyy, Ruslan M. (2018) “An IT Audit as a Tool for Strategic Enterprise Management.” The Problems of Economy 1:231–236.

List of references in article

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Section: Economics and Enterprise Management
UDC 631.11:330
Yakubiv V. М., Romaniuk N. D.
The Analysis of Effectiveness of Various Channels for Selling Agricultural Products (p. 237 - 242)

The aim of the article is to conduct an analysis of the agricultural products market in Ivano-Frankivsk region by assessing the main channels for selling products and the price level. By summarizing and analyzing the research of domestic scientists, the importance of conducting a qualitative and detailed market research in the system of intermediary activity is substantiated. Due to the results of the analysis of channels for selling agricultural products, it is revealed that intermediary structures have the largest market share. It is found that there is a tendency to increase the share of sold agricultural products to intermediaries both in Ukraine in general and in Ivano-Frankivsk region in particular. At the same time, direct sales on the market, and, therefore, direct contact with the end user, are decreasing year by year. Prospects for further research in this direction are searching for ways to reduce control over the agricultural market by intermediary structures.
Keywords: intermediaries, sales channel, agricultural enterprises, wholesale markets, marketing research.
Fig.: 3. Tabl.: 3. Bibl.: 10.

Yakubiv Valentyna М. – Doctor of Sciences (Economics), Professor, Head of the Department, Department of Management and Business Administration, Precarpathian National University named after V. Stefanyk (57 Shevchenka Str., Ivano-Frankіvsk, 76018, Ukraine)
Romaniuk Nataliia D. – Assistant, Faculty of Economics, King Danylo University (35 Ye. Konovaltsia Str., Ivano-Frankivsk, 76018, Ukraine)

Article is written in Ukrainian
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Reference to this article:
Yakubiv, Valentyna М., and Romaniuk, Nataliia D. (2018) “The Analysis of Effectiveness of Various Channels for Selling Agricultural Products.” The Problems of Economy 1:237–242.

List of references in article

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Klimova, I. O. “Rynok silskohospodarskoi produktsii: osoblyvosti rozvytku ta problemni pytannia formuvannia infrastruktury“ [Market of agricultural products: peculiarities of development and problematic issues of infrastructure formation].
Kyryliuk, Ye. M. “Mekhanizmy optymizatsii vzaiemovidnosyn obsluhovuiuchykh i poserednytskykh struktur iz silskohospodarskymy tovarovyrobnykamy“ [Mechanisms of optimization of relations between service and intermediary structures with agricultural commodity producers]. Aktualni problemy rozvytku ekonomiky rehionu vol. 2, no. 4 (1) (2008).
Zhurakovska, L. A. “Pershocherhovi zakhody shchodo rozvytku infrastruktury ahrarnoho rynku v Ukraini. Analitychna zapyska“ [Priority measures for the development of the infrastructure of the agrarian market in Ukraine. Analytical note].
Kyryliuk, Ye. M., and Proshchalykina, A. M. “Transformatsiia struktury ekonomichnykh vidnosyn na ahrarnomu rynku Ukrainy“ [Transformation of the structure of economic relations in the agrarian market of Ukraine]. Efektyvna ekonomika.
“Optovi prodovolchi rynky v Ukraini: protses pishov“ [Wholesale food markets in Ukraine: the process has gone]. Propozytsiia. 2011.
Bilousova, N. “Yak pozbutysia torhovelnykh poserednykiv?“ [How to get rid of resellers?].
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Hurmak, N., and Yakubiv, V. “Efficiency of intermediary activity of agricultural enterprises: methods and assessment indicators“

Section: Economic theory
UDC 336.71
Vasylchuk I. P.
From Corporate Social Responsibility to Corporate Sustainability: Features of Financing Sustainable Development (p. 243 - 250)

The theoretical basis of the concepts of corporate social responsibility and sustainable development are studied. It is revealed that scientists mainly distinguish two main stages in the evolution of the concept of corporate social responsibility. There argued the expediency of singling out the third stage of the development of the concept (version CSR 2.0), which is characterized by the integration of the theoretical and practical foundations of the concepts of CSR and sustainable development as well as by their implementation into activities of corporations. The presence of the necessary prerequisites for singling out the new stage in the evolution of these concepts (version CSR 3.0), which is based on the provisions of the collaborative theory and provides for the cooperation of social enterprises and sustainable corporations in achieving the goals of sustainable development, is revealed, its expediency is justified. The determinant of the stage is the use of opportunities for sustainable development, the dominant is the social orientation, and its content is characterized by the slogan “doing common good to do common well”. Using generalization, there identified the features of the established models of sustainable development of corporations by key aspects (goals, principles, methods). On this basis, the features of approaches to financing sustainable development at the macro and micro levels are determined, and the principles for financing the activities of corporations in the new conditions are defined. It is concluded that achieving sustainability requires an effective system of financing corporate measures aimed at sustainable development, for the creation of which in Ukraine it is necessary to use the experience of “best practices” at the national, local and corporate levels.
Keywords: sustainable development, corporate social responsibility, periodization, social enterprises, corporate models of sustainable development, financing.
Tabl.: 3. Bibl.: 20.

Vasylchuk Irуna P. – Doctor of Sciences (Economics), Associate Professor, Professor, Department of Finance, Banking and Insurance, Kryvyi Rih Economic Institute of Kyiv National Economic University named after Vadym Hetman (16 Medychna Str, Kryvyi Rih, Dnіpropetrovsk region, 50051, Ukraine)

Article is written in Ukrainian
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Reference to this article:
Vasylchuk, Irуna P. (2018) “From Corporate Social Responsibility to Corporate Sustainability: Features of Financing Sustainable Development.” The Problems of Economy 1:243–250.

List of references in article

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Section: Economic theory
UDC 65.01:338.432
Hrinchenko R. V.
Modernization of Theoretical Components of Managing Adaptive Changes in an Enterprise (p. 251 - 256)

The main aim of the article is to study and improve the theoretical basis for managing adaptive changes in an enterprise. An analysis of theoretical approaches to the definition of the concepts of “management”, “adaptation” and “change” is carried out. There proposed the author’s definition of the concept of “management”: management of an enterprise’s activities should be understood as a complex, multifaceted, dynamic process of the formation, adoption and implementation of decisions based on studying the laws, principles, methods, and tools for the formation, adoption, and implementation of decisions to achieve the planned objectives with regard to changes in the external and internal environment of the enterprise. There studied the main aim as well as the task of forming a mechanism for managing activities of enterprises, which made it possible to identify the key tasks of such a mechanism for agro-industrial enterprises. The investigation of theoretical bases of the definition of the concept of “adaptation” is carried out. There proposed the author’s definition of the concept of “adaptation” as a continuous process of studying the external and internal environment of an enterprise, developing and introducing changes in managing organizational and economic, legal, technological, and social components of enterprises to achieve the performance targets and improve the competitiveness of enterprises. There identified and grouped the main components of the mechanism for managing agricultural enterprises: organizational and economic, technological, legal, and social management mechanism.
Keywords: adaptation, changes, activity, management, mechanism, components, efficiency.
Bibl.: 11.

Hrinchenko Raisa V. – Candidate of Sciences (Economics), Associate Professor, Associate Professor, Department of Enterprise Economics and Entrepreneurship Organization, Odesa National Economic University (8 Preobrazhenska Str., Odesa, 65082, Ukraine)

Article is written in Ukrainian
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Reference to this article:
Hrinchenko, Raisa V. (2018) “Modernization of Theoretical Components of Managing Adaptive Changes in an Enterprise.” The Problems of Economy 1:251–256.

List of references in article

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Section: Economic theory
UDC 338.242.4.01
Zhukova L. M.
The Role of the State in Economic Development: the Main Theoretical Approaches (p. 257 - 264)

The aim of the article is to investigate the impact of institutional changes on the economic development of society and determine the extent to which the institutional status of the state is being realized under global uncertainty. Analyzing, systematizing and summarizing scientific works of a number of scientists, new approaches are considered with regard to the features of the functioning and interaction of state institutions as well as the creation of institutional foundations for the formation of an effective state policy adequate to the contemporary economic realities and the needs of society. As a result of the study, the conditions that modify the role of the state are characterized, differences in the interaction of the state and the economy at the current and previous stages of social and economic development are revealed. It is determined that the provision of the institutional status of the state under modern conditions involves both the continuation of the search for its socio-political formation and geostrategic identity and a significant transformation of the socio-economic development of society, in the process of which a multicomponent aggregate institutional system should be formed. It is substantiated that the process of Ukraine’s integration into the global competition environment calls for orientation towards an innovation model of development. There proved the necessity for searching for the criteria of effectiveness of reforms in the area of mutual complementation of state institutions and market institutions through the thoughtful use of the existing institutional and value resources of society. Prospects for further research in this direction are the definition of strategic objectives of the state policy regarding the provision of the institutional status of the state in the context of global changes.
Keywords: state institution, economic development of society, institutional changes, state regulation of the economy, economic policy, institutional status of the state.
Bibl.: 26.

Zhukova Larysa M. – Candidate of Sciences (Economics), Associate Professor, Department of Finance and Credit, V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University (4 Svobody Square, Kharkіv, 61022, Ukraine)

Article is written in Ukrainian
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Reference to this article:
Zhukova, Larysa M. (2018) “The Role of the State in Economic Development: the Main Theoretical Approaches.” The Problems of Economy 1:257–264.

List of references in article

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Section: Economic theory
UDC 332.33:332.012.332(477)
Khaustova V. Y., Omarov S. A.
The Concept of Sustainable Development as a Paradigm of Development of Sosiety (p. 265 - 273)

The article is dedicated to studying the concept of sustainable development as a new paradigm of development of humanity. The genesis of the evolution of the views of scientists on the goals, essence, and problems of the introduction of this concept are considered. The interpretation of the concept of “sustainable development” by scientists and practitioners is analyzed, and the main approaches to understanding its essence are grouped. The basic principles of sustainable development are singled out. The main approaches to assessing sustainable development of socio-economic systems at different levels, their content, goals, and features of application are investigated. The views of scientists on the path to achieving sustainable development are considered, and the key discussion aspects in solving this problem are identified. It is shown that the concept of sustainable development has undergone a long evolution and continues to develop in accordance with new global challenges. Sustainable development is associated with the formation of a fundamentally new attitude towards man: on the one hand, as a subject of the ecological and economic system, on the other hand, as the main goal of its development. It is substantiated that the transition to sustainable development on a global scale is possible only with the obligatory condition of coherence of all objects and subjects of this process, which is systemic in nature and connects all levels of the socio-economic system (the global, national, regional, local one) and various spheres of its functioning (the economic, social, ecological one).
Keywords: sustainable development, concept, paradigm, sustainability, socio-economic system, economic growth, evaluation, indicators, principles.
Fig.: 2. Tabl.: 4. Bibl.: 34.

Khaustova Viktoriia Ye. – Doctor of Sciences (Economics), Professor, Director, Research Centre for Industrial Problems of Development of NAS of Ukraine (2 floor 1-a Inzhenernyi Ln., Kharkіv, 61166, Ukraine)
Omarov Shakhin A.-O. – Doctor of Sciences (Economics), Associate Professor, Honorary Consulate of the Republic of Albania in Kharkiv (1 Akademika Proskury Str., Kharkiv, 61070, Ukraine)

Article is written in Ukrainian
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Reference to this article:
Khaustova, Viktoriia Ye., and Omarov, Shakhin A.-O. (2018) “The Concept of Sustainable Development as a Paradigm of Development of Sosiety.” The Problems of Economy 1:265–273.

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Section: Economic theory
UDC 338.242.2
Shved V. V.
Trust: a Psychological Category or an Economic Value? (p. 274 - 279)

The subject of the article is the analysis of key characteristics of modern economic theories in view of influence of trust on consumer behavior. The main forms of the wikinomistic and behavioral models of economy, their significance for society, key features of the application, as well as the role of trust in their functioning are considered. The basic principles that are unified for all the models under consideration are defined. The Chinese experience of administering and controlling the level of trust is studied with the aim of optimizing the country’s economy, forming consumer sentiments, and influencing behavior of citizens. The key weaknesses of the Chinese system of social rankings are identified. There revealed the negative influence of bureaucracy and state control on the economic models as well as on trust as an independent economic value capable of fundamentally influencing decisions made by market participants.
Keywords: wikinomics, sharing economy, system of social rankings, trust.
Bibl.: 22.

Shved Vadym V. – Candidate of Sciences (Economics), Associate Professor, Professor, Department of Economics and Management, Vinnytsia Institute of Economics and Social Sciences of the University «Ukraine» (23a Khmelnytske Hwy, Vinnytsia, 21000, Ukraine)

Article is written in Russian
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Reference to this article:
Shved, Vadym V. (2018) “Trust: a Psychological Category or an Economic Value?.” The Problems of Economy 1:274–279.

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“Interpretatsiya opyta polnogo okhvata sistemoy sotsialnykh kreditov Rong Cheng“ [Interpretation of the experience of full coverage of the system of social loans Rong Cheng].
“Kreditnyy reyting. Novaya sistema Shandun Rong Cheng: predostavit lyudyam preimushchestva“ [Credit rating. The new system of Shandong Rong Cheng: give people benefits].
Persianinov, R. “«Mekhanizmy pooshchreniya i nakazaniya»: kak v Kitaye ustroyena eksperimentalnaya sistema otsenok grazhdan i kompaniy“ ["Mechanisms of encouragement and punishment": how in China is an experimental system of assessments of citizens and companies].

Section: Economic theory
UDC 338.1
Shpak S. O.
The Development Potential in the System of Potentials of an Industrial Enterprise (p. 280 - 286)

The aim of the article is to clarify the content and formulate a methodologically rigorous definition of the concept of enterprise development as a key category of management theory for restructuring industrial enterprises that provides the basis for a constructive definition of the concept of development potential and its place in the system of enterprise potentials. It is substantiated that the interpretation of the concept of enterprise development that is consistent with the philosophical concept of development should accumulate the concepts of competitiveness of an enterprise, as the ability to generate an acceptable profit on a long-term basis; the potential of an enterprise, as the ability to perform its basic activity characterizing the cumulative result of such activity, its marginal opportunities; the role of the structure of the enterprise as a system in the formation of its ultimate capabilities (potentials). It is shown that these requirements are met by the definition of the development process as a process of a purposeful transfer of the enterprise to a qualitatively new state described by broader opportunities for generating profits under the forecast conditions. At the same time, the structural adaptation of the enterprise to the new operating conditions is a tool for realizing the development process, which indicates the equivalence of the concepts of structural adaptability of an enterprise and its development potential. It is substantiated that the competitiveness of an enterprise is determined by its economic potential and development potential, which form the highest level of the hierarchy of potentials, the construction of which is possible in the course of decomposition of these potentials into their components according to the type of activity of the enterprise.
Keywords: industrial enterprises, development, development potential, hierarchy of potentials.
Fig.: 1. Bibl.: 31.

Shpak Sergiy O. – Candidate of Sciences (Economics), Leading Specialist, RailTransHolding Ltd. (10 Varhanova Str., Mariupol, Donetsk region, 87517, Ukraine)

Article is written in Russian
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Reference to this article:
Shpak, Sergiy O. (2018) “The Development Potential in the System of Potentials of an Industrial Enterprise.” The Problems of Economy 1:280–286.

List of references in article

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Section: Finance and banking
UDC 336.22
Demyanchuk M. A., Osipova M. S.
The Corporate Income Tax as a Set of Levers to Influence Enterprise Development (p. 287 - 293)

Effective functioning of the tax system is one of the main and determining components of the state activity. Taxes are one of the tools for withdrawing a part of the income of legal entities and individuals, among which the corporate income tax (CIT) is of particular importance. With the help of this tax, the state can stimulate the revival of investment and innovation activities, as well as the development of competitive relations. Therefore, the aim of the article is to study the corporate income tax as a set of levers to influence enterprise development. The article substantiates that the CIT presents a system of levers to influence enterprise development: 1) as a fiscal lever, it should be considered in terms of its capacity to fill the budget, since it is an important fiscal tool in the public finance system of each country; 2) as an economic lever, it provides for the possibility of certain manipulative actions with the tax base by using accelerated depreciation; 3) as an investment lever, it should be considered as a means to influence the resolving of economic aspects concerning sources of attraction of investments to an enterprise; 4) as an information lever, it is one of the components of integrated changes in the sphere of taxation and indicates the effectiveness of the government activity and further consequences of implementing the state policy in the sphere of business; 5) as a tax culture, it assumes the consciousness of business entities in paying taxes to the state budget; 6) as a social lever, it provides for an effective implementation of certain changes in taxation, which contribute to positive social consequences, thereby bringing the country’s economy to a new, more effective level. Applying a synergistic approach to the system of CIT levers, it is quite possible that the enterprise can achieve qualitative development, raise its level in the general state sphere as an attractive investment object for domestic and foreign citizens.
Keywords: corporate income tax, fiscal lever, economic lever, investment lever, information lever, tax culture, social lever.
Fig.: 5. Tabl.: 3. Bibl.: 12.

Demyanchuk Marina A. – Candidate of Sciences (Economics), Associate Professor, Department of Economics and Modeling of Market Relations, Odesa I. I. Mechnikov National University (2 Dvorianska Str., Odesa, 65082, Ukraine)
Osipova Mariia S. – Student, Odesa I. I. Mechnikov National University (2 Dvorianska Str., Odesa, 65082, Ukraine)

Article is written in Ukrainian
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Reference to this article:
Demyanchuk, Marina A., and Osipova, Mariia S. (2018) “The Corporate Income Tax as a Set of Levers to Influence Enterprise Development.” The Problems of Economy 1:287–293.

List of references in article

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Section: Finance and banking
UDC 336.14:352
Lysiak L. V., Hrabchuk O. M.
Strengthening the Budgetary Potential of Local Budgets in Ukraine in the Context of Financial Decentralization (p. 294 - 299)

A real financial decentralization should contribute to strengthening the budgetary potential of local budgets as the basis and necessary condition for the socio-economic development of administrative-territorial entities. The aim of the article is to analyze the budgetary potential in the context of financial decentralization and identify ways of its strengthening for the development of regions of Ukraine. The economic essence and components of the budgetary potential of local budgets are considered. To date, the basis of a modern regional development strategy should be creating conditions for maximum use of the existing budgetary potential, which plays a decisive role in the performance by local authorities of the functions and powers assigned to them in accordance with the Constitution and Ukrainian legislation. The analysis of the main components of the budgetary potential of local budgets is carried out, and the directions for their realization in a greater degree are outlined. Recommendations for strengthening the budgetary potential in the context of deepening the financial (budgetary) decentralization are developed.
Keywords: budget, budgetary potential, tax potential, taxes, budgetary decentralization, reserves.
Tabl.: 1. Bibl.: 17.

Lysiak Liubov V. – Doctor of Sciences (Economics), Professor, Head of the Department, Department of Finance, University of Customs and Finance (2/4 Volodymyra Vernadskoho Str., Dnipro, 49004, Ukraine)
Hrabchuk Oksana M. – Doctor of Sciences (Economics), Associate Professor, Head of the Department, Department of Finance, Oles Honchar Dnipro National University (72 Haharina Ave., Dnіpro, 49010, Ukraine)

Article is written in Ukrainian
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Reference to this article:
Lysiak, Liubov V., and Hrabchuk, Oksana M. (2018) “Strengthening the Budgetary Potential of Local Budgets in Ukraine in the Context of Financial Decentralization.” The Problems of Economy 1:294–299.

List of references in article

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Section: Finance and banking
UDC 336.221.4
Nikitishin A. О.
The Adaptive and Coherent Institutional Architectonics of Tax Regulation (p. 300 - 307)

It is determined that insufficient attention has been paid to the disclosure of the content of the adaptive and coherent institutional architectonics of tax regulation, and, therefore, this direction of scientific and practical research is relevant. It is proved that the adaptive and coherent institutional architecture of tax regulation is based on the system of tax regulation ensuring the adequacy and connection of regulatory measures with the economic and social development of a country by achieving and maintaining the most optimal relationships between the elements of this system. The adaptability and coherence of institutional architectonics of tax regulation in the process of implementing the Strategy of Sustainable Development “Ukraine — 2020” is revealed. The consequences of the imbalance in the development of institutional architectonics of tax regulation and examples of institutional gaps are shown. The effect of attractors and repellers on business and the development of institutional architectonics of tax regulation is disclosed. The analysis of institutional indicators of attractors and repellers of the current tax regulation policy is carried out taking into account the geopolitical position of Ukraine in the context of international tax competition.
Keywords: taxes, taxation, tax regulation, architectonics, social and economic development.
Fig.: 2. Tabl.: 4. Bibl.: 15.

Nikitishin Andriy О. – Candidate of Sciences (Economics), Associate Professor, Associate Professor, Department of Finance, Vinnitsa Institute of Trade and Economy of Kyiv National University of Trade and Economy (87 Soborna Str., Vinnytsia, 21050, Ukraine)

Article is written in Ukrainian
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Reference to this article:
Nikitishin, Andriy О. (2018) “The Adaptive and Coherent Institutional Architectonics of Tax Regulation.” The Problems of Economy 1:300–307.

List of references in article

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Section: Social economy, policy and demography
UDC 316.344.272:(331.44+331.104.22)
Kirnos I. O.
Diagnostics of the Organizational Factors Contributing to Work at Retirement Age (p. 308 - 314)

The aim of the publication is to substantiate the research method and to clarify the content of the diagnostic tool for identifying the career goals, specific needs of older workers, and their perception of the organizational climate regarding the continuation of work at retirement age. An authentic questionnaire for 50+ employees is proposed as a universal tool for diagnosing the organizational climate for working at retirement age. In developing the questionnaire, the sectional approach was used, according to which the questions are grouped into content blocks: career preferences, desired working conditions, perception of opportunities for development, perception of organizational support, age accounting in personnel policy, emotional attachment to the organization, perception of age discrimination. The proposed questionnaire is a universal diagnostic tool that can be applied at enterprises of any field of activity. It provides feedback between staff and management, and the results of the survey form a factual basis for developing an organizational climate strategy for successful aging in the workplace and retention of older workers.
Keywords: older workers, retirement, organizational climate, successful ageing at work, age discrimination, age management.
Tabl.: 2. Bibl.: 25.

Kirnos Inna O. – Candidate of Sciences (Public Administration), Associate Professor, Candidate on Doctor Degree, Department of Marketing, Kremenchuk Mykhailo Ostrohradskyi National University (20 Pershotravneva Str., Kremenchuk, 39600, Ukraine)

Article is written in Ukrainian
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Reference to this article:
Kirnos, Inna O. (2018) “Diagnostics of the Organizational Factors Contributing to Work at Retirement Age.” The Problems of Economy 1:308–314.

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Section: Social economy, policy and demography
UDC 316.6
Shchetinina L. V., Rudakova S. G., Drobynska K. O.
Mobbing: the Essence and the Institutional Framework for Protection of Workers (p. 315 - 320)

The aim of the article is to develop propositions regarding the implementation of responsibility for mobbing at the legislative level. The concept of “mobbing”, reasons for its occurrence, indicators of manifestation and consequences for the activity both at the level of the enterprise and from the point of view of an individual are explored. Examples of European countries on the regulation of mobbing at the legislative level, in particular the responsibility for psychological pressure, are considered. Based on the analysis of legal and regulatory documents of foreign countries and the Ukrainian legal framework, it is concluded that it is important to study the problem of psychological abuse and combat it, including at the state level. It is determined that now Ukraine has no legislatively fixed definition of the concept of “mobbing” and, accordingly, the mechanisms for regulating this phenomenon.
Keywords: mobbing, psychological pressure, psychological abuse, mobber, conflict, prevention of mobbing.
Bibl.: 10.

Shchetinina Ludmila V. – Candidate of Sciences (Economics), Associate Professor, Associate Professor, Department of Personnel Management and Labour Economics, Kyiv National Economic University named after Vadym Hetman (54/1 Beresteiskyi Ave., Kyiv, 03057, Ukraine)
Rudakova Svetlana G. – Candidate of Sciences (Engineering), Associate Professor, Associate Professor, Department of Personnel Management and Labour Economics, Kyiv National Economic University named after Vadym Hetman (54/1 Beresteiskyi Ave., Kyiv, 03057, Ukraine)
Drobynska Kateryna O. – Student, Faculty of Human Resources Management, Sociology and Psychology, Kyiv National Economic University named after Vadym Hetman (54/1 Beresteiskyi Ave., Kyiv, 03057, Ukraine)

Article is written in Ukrainian
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Reference to this article:
Shchetinina, Ludmila V., Rudakova, Svetlana G., and Drobynska, Kateryna O. (2018) “Mobbing: the Essence and the Institutional Framework for Protection of Workers.” The Problems of Economy 1:315–320.

List of references in article

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Kachmar, O. V. “Mobinh yak riznovyd psykholohichnoho nasylstva v trudovomu kolektyvi“ [Mobing as a kind of psychological violence in the workforce]. Aktualni problemy filosofii ta sotsiolohii, no. 14 (2016): 58-61.
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Serdiuk, O. I. “Mobinh yak destruktyvne yavyshche v kreatyvnomu kolektyvi, shcho halmuie innovatsiinyi rozvytok pidpryiemstva“ [Mobing is a destructive phenomenon in the creative community, which hinders the innovative development of the enterprise].
Tolstonog, V. “Pravovyye sposoby zashchity ot mobbinga na rabochem meste v Germanii“ [Legal ways to protect against mobbing in the workplace in Germany].
Triukhan, O. A. “Zakhyst pratsivnykiv vid mobinhu na robochomu mistsi: teoretyko-pravovyi aspekt“ [Protecting workers from mobing in the workplace: a theoretical and legal aspect]. Aktualni problemy vitchyznianoi iurysprudentsii, no. 4 (2017): 42-46.

Section: Economic statistics. Accounting and Auditing
UDC 657
Hevchuk A. V.
Features of the Genesis of the Concept of Doubtful and Bad Debts, Organization of their Accounting and Assessment, Creation of a Reserve (p. 321 - 326)

The problem of defining the concept and content of doubtful and bad debts as well as the possibility of improving their accounting and creating a reserve is considered. Further steps to disclose the essence of the concept, qualitative characteristics of doubtful and bad debts under modern economic conditions, to ensure identification and cognition of accounting processes are taken; the debt in value terms is considered; reasons for its depreciation over time are identified, providing for the recording of transactions in accordance with their essence and not only on the basis of legal form. Methods of calculating, accumulating funds to create a reserve for the repayment of doubtful and bad debts and organization of their accounting are scientifically studied; recommendations on improving the accounting of the debt reserve when using various ways of its reflection in the balance sheet, accrual by journal entries and writing off by means of the documents “Debt adjustment” are given. Characteristics of methods for calculating doubtful debts are presented, examples of the mechanism for calculating the amount of the reserve are considered. The conclusions drawn are that the choice of the method strongly influences the final indicators, because using any method of calculating the reserve we receive different amounts of it, which changes the situation for the worse. In the course of the study, differences in approaches to the valuation, writing off and formation of a debt reserve are revealed as well.
Keywords: doubtful debts, bad debts, accounting, debt reserve, management, risk.
Fig.: 1. Tabl.: 3. Bibl.: 9.

Hevchuk Anna V. – Candidate of Sciences (Economics), Associate Professor, Vinnitsa Finance and Economics University (71a Pyrogova Str., Vinnytsya, 21037, Ukraine)

Article is written in Ukrainian
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Reference to this article:
Hevchuk, Anna V. (2018) “Features of the Genesis of the Concept of Doubtful and Bad Debts, Organization of their Accounting and Assessment, Creation of a Reserve.” The Problems of Economy 1:321–326.

List of references in article

Pokutyi, A. “Povernennia borhiv ta zmenshennia debitorskoi zaborhovanosti“ [Debt repayment and reduction of receivables]. Yezhenedelnyk. 2006.
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Tkachenko, N. M. Bukhhalterskyi finansovyi oblik, opodatkuvannia i zvitnist [Accounting financial accounting, taxation and reporting]. Kyiv: Alerta, 2006.
Osadcha, H. H., and Berezhna, A. A. “Metodyka stvorennia rezervu sumnivnykh borhiv“ [Methodology for creating a reserve of doubtful debts]. Problemy i perspektyvy rozvytku finansovoho obliku i marketynhu v suchasnomu seredovyshchi, no. 3 (2012): 160-169.
Proskurina, N. M. “Rezerv sumnivnykh borhiv: udoskonalennia metodyky rozrakhunku“ [Reserve of doubtful debts: improvement of calculation methodology]. Naukovi zapysy Natsionalnoho universytetu «Ostrozka akademiia», no. 25 (2014): 195-199.
Surnina, K. S. “Udoskonalennia obliku debitorskoi i kredytorskoi zaborhovanosti promyslovykh pidpryiemstv“ [Improvement of accounts receivable and accounts payable of industrial enterprises]: avtoref. dys. … kand. ekon. nauk : 08.06.04, 2002.
Hubina, I. “Rezerv sumnivnykh borhiv: stvorennia ta vykorystannia“ [Reserve for doubtful debts: creation and use]. Bukhhalteriia. Pravo. Podatky. Konsultatsiia, no. 48 (2007): 68-70.
Tseliukh, O. I. “Dotsilnist stvorennia rezervu sumnivnykh borhiv na pidpryiemstvi“ [The expediency of creating a reserve of doubtful debts in the enterprise]. Problemy obliku, kontroliu ta analizu v ekonomitsi Ukrainy. Lviv: Vyd-vo NU «Lvivska politekhnika», 2009.
Butynets, F. F. Bukhhalterskyi finansovyi oblik [Accounting financial accounting]. Zhytomyr: Ruta, 2009.

Section: Economic statistics. Accounting and Auditing
UDC 651
Orlova V. K., Kafka S. M.
Accounting in the Context of the Implementation of Production Sharing Agreements (p. 327 - 332)

The aim of the article is to study the problems of accounting in the context of the implementation of production sharing agreements (PSAs) concerning development of proposals for their solution. Therefore, the main tasks considered are the assessment of the legal framework for regulation of accounting in the context of the implementation of production sharing agreements in accordance with the current legislation, a critical analysis of the unsettled provisions of the current legislation acts for the practical need, to generate information on specific accounting objects for management purposes. The ways of their solving based on the methodology for the accounting of PSAs are suggested. The methodology and scientific approaches of the research imply general scientific and specific research methods associated with complex processes of the functioning of the system for managing business entities in languages of the PSA implementation. There proposed a scheme for accounting in the context of the PSA implementation, which allows introducing in the accounting system objects that are new and characteristic only for the PSA. The practical significance is that the obtained results make it possible to separate compensation costs, single social contribution, which is necessary for determining the object of taxation in the context of PSA; to generate information on compensation costs, which is necessary when dividing the products into compensatory and profitable ones, which allows to reflect in the accounting the division of finished products into compensatory, profitable for the investor and profitable for the state. The originality and value of the authors’ development contributes to the formation of reliable information about management objects in the PSA between enterprises and the state, with clear allocation of compensation costs, compensatory products, profitable products for the state and profitable products for the investor in separate accounts.
Keywords: accounting, production sharing agreement, compensation costs, compensatory products, profitable products for the state, profitable products for the investor, financial statements.
Fig.: 1. Tabl.: 1. Bibl.: 8.

Orlova Valentina K. – Candidate of Sciences (Economics), Professor, Professor, Department of Accounting and Auditing, Ivano-Frankivsk National Technical University of Oil and Gas (15 Karpatska Str., Ivano-Frankіvsk, 76018, Ukraine)
Kafka Sofiia M. – Candidate of Sciences (Economics), Associate Professor, Head of the Department, Department of Accounting and Auditing, Ivano-Frankivsk National Technical University of Oil and Gas (15 Karpatska Str., Ivano-Frankіvsk, 76018, Ukraine)

Article is written in Ukrainian
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Reference to this article:
Orlova, Valentina K., and Kafka, Sofiia M. (2018) “Accounting in the Context of the Implementation of Production Sharing Agreements.” The Problems of Economy 1:327–332.

List of references in article

[Legal Act of Ukraine] (1999).
“Za danymy pravovoi firmy Antika Low firm. Osoblyvosti pravoho rehuliuvannia uhod pro rozpodil produktsii“ [According to the law firm Antika Low firm. Features of the right regulation of production sharing agreements].
Zhukov, I. M. “Uhody pro rozpodil produktsii: aktualni pytannia“ [Product Sharing Agreements: Topical Issues]. Porivnialno-analitychne pravo. 2013.
Sarna, S. V. “Stosovno mozhlyvosti vidnesennia uhod pro rozpodil produktsii do spetsialnykh podatkovykh rezhymiv“ [Concerning the possibility of attributing production-sharing agreements to special tax regimes]. Chasopys Akademii advokatury Ukrainy. 2012.
Shumilo, O. “Ekolohichni aspekty uhod pro rozpodil produktsii“ [Environmental aspects of product sharing agreements]. Natsionalnyi iurydychnyi zhurnal: teoriia i praktyka. 2015.
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[Legal Act of Ukraine] (2013).
[Legal Act of Ukraine] (2010).

Section: Mathematical methods and models in economy
UDC 330.51(075)
Vitlinskyy V. V., Katunina O. S.
Methodological Aspects of Modeling Development and Viability of Systems and Counterparties in the Digital Economy (p. 333 - 341)

The aim of the article is to study and generalize methodological approaches to modeling economic development and viability of economic systems with consideration for risk, changing their goals, status, and behavior in the digital economy. The definition of categories of economic development and viability is offered, the directions of their research by means of mathematical modeling are grounded. The system of characteristics and markers of the external economic environment under conditions of digitalization of economic activity is analyzed. The theoretical foundations and methodology for mathematical modeling of development of economic systems as well as ensuring their viability and security under conditions of introducing infrastructure of information society and digital economy on the principles of the information and knowledge approach are considered. It is proved that in an information society, predictive model technologies are a growing safety resource. There studied prerequisites for replacing the traditional integration concept of evaluation, analysis, modeling, management, and administration of economic development based on a threat-oriented approach to the definition of security protectors, information, and knowledge. There proposed a concept of creating a database of models for examining trends and patterns of economic development, which, unlike traditional trend models of dynamics, identifies and iteratively conceptualizes processes based on a set of knowledgeable predictors based on the use of data mining and machine learning tools, including in-depth training.
Keywords: digital economy, development, viability, risk, safety protectors, data mining, machine learning, in-depth training.
Bibl.: 24.

Vitlinskyy Valdemar V. – Doctor of Sciences (Economics), Professor, Head of the Department, Department of Economic and Mathematical Modeling, Scientific-Educational Institute Information Technologies in Economics of the Kyiv National Economic University named after V. Hetman (54/1 Peremohy Ave., Kyiv, 03057, Ukraine)
Katunina Olga S. – Candidate of Sciences (Economics), Associate Professor, Associate Professor, Department of Economics and Mathematical Modeling, Scientific-Educational Institute Information Technologies in Economics of the Kyiv National Economic University named after V. Hetman (54/1 Peremohy Ave., Kyiv, 03057, Ukraine)

Article is written in Ukrainian
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Reference to this article:
Vitlinskyy, Valdemar V., and Katunina, Olga S. (2018) “Methodological Aspects of Modeling Development and Viability of Systems and Counterparties in the Digital Economy.” The Problems of Economy 1:333–341.

List of references in article

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Section: Mathematical methods and models in economy
UDC 658.52:38.24
Krutova A. S., Serdyukov K. H.
Assessing Attractiveness of Packages of Profit Participation Rights at Transforming the Parameters for Distribution of Packages of Profit Participation Rights in a Business Entity (p. 342 - 350)

The peculiarity of the corporate form of business management is the presence of several owners of packages of profit participation rights, each of which has its own vision of the prospects and guidelines for the development of the business entity. Orientation to this situation made it possible to put forward a hypothesis about the dependence of attractiveness of a package of profit participation rights on the parameters for distributing corporate control in an business entity. Within the framework of this hypothesis, there proposed two sets of indicators that characterize, first, the efficiency of business activity and, secondly, the level of maturity of the mechanism for implementing corporate control. In this case, the independence of the first group of indicators from the specifics of the implementation of corporate control is expected. At the same time, it is proposed to differentiate the assessment process for the second group of indicators depending on the presence or absence of transactions for the transformation of corporate control. The assessment is based on the theory of fuzzy sets and the formation of hierarchical inference using the FuzzyTech software environment. At the same time, it is suggested to form various sets of rules for strategic and portfolio investors.
Keywords: corporate control, attractiveness of packages of profit participation rights, business entity, fuzzy inference.
Fig.: 4. Tabl.: 3. Bibl.: 16.

Krutova Angelika S. – Doctor of Sciences (Economics), Professor, Head of the Department, Department of Finance, Kharkiv State University of Food Technology and Trade (333 Klochkіvska Str., Kharkіv, 61051, Ukraine)
Serdyukov Konstantin H. – Candidate of Sciences (Economics), Associate Professor, Director, Kharkiv Institute of Finance of the Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics (5 Pletnovskyi Lane, Kharkov, 61003, Ukraine)

Article is written in Ukrainian
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Reference to this article:
Krutova, Angelika S., and Serdyukov, Konstantin H. (2018) “Assessing Attractiveness of Packages of Profit Participation Rights at Transforming the Parameters for Distribution of Packages of Profit Participation Rights in a Business Entity.” The Problems of Economy 1:342–350.

List of references in article

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Chernetska, O. V. “Model informatsiinoho zabezpechennia upravlinnia investytsiinoiu pryvablyvistiu pidpryiemstv mashynobuduvannia“ [Model of information management of investment attractiveness of mechanical engineering enterprises]. Problemy ekonomiky, no. 4 (2016): 171-175.

Section: Mathematical methods and models in economy
UDC 004.942:65.011
Potrashkova L. V.
Assessment of Enterprise Potential with the Help of Simulation Modeling (p. 351 - 357)

The object of the study is the process of assessing enterprise potential, which refers to the ability of an enterprise to carry out its activities. The paper presents a general conceptual model of enterprise potential. There built a model for calculating a resultant assessment of enterprise strategic potential using the simulation approach which allows taking into account the dynamics of enterprise resources and using several criteria for evaluating performance of an enterprise.Modifications of the built model, which make it possible to simplify the procedure for performing simulation experiments (including using analytical optimization models as components of the simulation model), are determined. The work was carried out within the framework of a study aimed at the formation and practical implementation of a system of models for assessing potential of a socially responsible enterprise.
Keywords: enterprise potential, strategic potential of an enterprise, effective assessment of enterprise potential, simulation of enterprise activity.
Fig.: 2. Formulae: 25. Bibl.: 8.

Potrashkova Lyudmyla V. – Candidate of Sciences (Economics), Associate Professor, Associate Professor, Department of Computer Systems and Technologies, Simon Kuznets Kharkiv National University of Economics (9a Nauky Ave., Kharkіv, 61166, Ukraine)

Article is written in Ukrainian
Downloads/views: 7

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Reference to this article:
Potrashkova, Lyudmyla V. (2018) “Assessment of Enterprise Potential with the Help of Simulation Modeling.” The Problems of Economy 1:351–357.

List of references in article

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Karapeichyk, I. M. “Otsinka innovatsiinoho potentsialu promyslovykh pidpryiemstv“ [Estimation of innovative potential of industrial enterprises]: avtoref. dys. ... kand. ekon. nauk : 08.00.04, 2010.
Bersutskyi, A. Ya. “Modeli pryiniattia rishen z upravlinnia rozvytkom resursnoho potentsialu pidpryiemstva“ [Models of decision-making on management of development of resource potential of the enterprise]: avtoref. dys. … d-ra ekon. nauk : 08.00.11, 2010.
Potrashkova, L. V. “Analiz metodychnykh pidkhodiv do modeliuvannia potentsiinoi diialnosti pidpryiemstva“ [Analysis of methodical approaches to modeling potential activity of the enterprise]. Evropsky casopis ekonomiky a managementu vol. 1, no. 1 (2015): 24-29.
Potrashkova, L. V. “Pokaznyky potentsialu diialnosti pidpryiemstva z vykonannia ioho funktsii u suspilstvi“ [Indicators of the potential of the enterprise to perform its functions in the society]. Ekonomichnyi prostir, no. 109 (2016): 207-220.
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Section: Mathematical methods and models in economy
UDC 330,4:338.2,351
Skrypnyk A. V., Voronenko I. V., Namiasenko Y. O.
Econometric Models of Dependencies of the Tariffs in the Market for Information and Communication Services (p. 358 - 367)

The market for information and communication services in Ukraine is analyzed based on statistical data. Its main segments by revenue, namely mobile communications and Internet services, are identified. The main regularities of setting tariffs for these services in countries of the world are determined, depending on the welfare of the population, the democracy index, the index of information and communication technologies, as well as the corruption perception index. Scatter diagrams of dependence of the tariffs on mobile communications and the Internet on the GDP per capita are built. The parameters of single-factor and multifactorial models of influence of the GDP per capita, the index of democracy, and the index of information and communication technologies on tariffs for mobile communications and the Internet by regions of the world are investigated. The conclusion is drawn that the tariff policy of the operators of Ukraine is aimed at reaching broad layers of the population, and even after taking into account the effect of the level of the country’s economic development, tariffs remain too low.
Keywords: econometric model, tariffs, welfare of the population, information and communication services, mobile communications, Internet.
Fig.: 7. Tabl.: 7. Bibl.: 29.

Skrypnyk Andrii V. – Doctor of Sciences (Economics), Professor, Head of the Department, Department of Economic Cybernetics, National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine (15 Heroiv Oborony Str., Kyiv, 03041, Ukraine)
Voronenko Iryna V. – Candidate of Sciences (Economics), Senior Research Fellow, Candidate on Doctor Degree, Department of Economic Cybernetics, National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine (15 Heroiv Oborony Str., Kyiv, 03041, Ukraine)
Namiasenko Yurii O. – Postgraduate Student, Department of Economic Cybernetics, National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine (15 Heroiv Oborony Str., Kyiv, 03041, Ukraine)

Article is written in Ukrainian
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Reference to this article:
Skrypnyk, Andrii V., Voronenko, Iryna V., and Namiasenko, Yurii O. (2018) “Econometric Models of Dependencies of the Tariffs in the Market for Information and Communication Services.” The Problems of Economy 1:358–367.

List of references in article

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Section: Mathematical methods and models in economy
UDC 658.012.2
Sokolovska Z. M.
The Modeling of Enterprise Market Strategies under Uncertainty (p. 368 - 377)

The aim of the article is to consider the possibilities of applying a multimethod simulation paradigm in the modeling of enterprise market strategies (using the example of IT companies). By summarizing the works of a number of specialists, there identified the specific features of the functioning of IT companies in the market for information technologies and communications, as well as the problems of the formation and actualization of their strategies. The necessity of using special analysis and forecasting tools with ensuring anticipatory modeling and multivariate research of various scenarios for implementing market strategies of IT companies is emphasized. The correspondence to the given conditions of the method of simulation modeling is substantiated. A simulation model for the formation of a market strategy for an IT company, built using a multimethod simulation paradigm on the AnyLogic system platform, is proposed. System dynamics and agent-based approaches are used as the basic ones. The work of the model is illustrated by fragments of simulation experiments conducted based on the international IT company “NetCracker Technology”. The possibilities of parametrization of the experiments are demonstrated, directions for further improvement of the simulator model are indicated.
Keywords: enterprise, IT company, market strategy, simulation modeling, multimethod modeling, system dynamics, agent-based approach, simulation experiment.
Fig.: 4. Tabl.: 2. Bibl.: 27.

Sokolovska Zoia M. – Doctor of Sciences (Economics), Professor, Head of the Department, Department of Economic Cybernetics and Information Technologies, Odesa National Polytechnic University (1 Shevchenka Ave., Odesa, 65044, Ukraine)

Article is written in Ukrainian
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Reference to this article:
Sokolovska, Zoia M. (2018) “The Modeling of Enterprise Market Strategies under Uncertainty.” The Problems of Economy 1:368–377.

List of references in article

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Section: Mathematical methods and models in economy
UDC 330
Suratna Suratna
Effect of Learning Effectiveness on Market Orientation, Innovation, and Performance of SMEs (p. 378 - 383)

Market uncertainty can be caused by a constantly changing consumer preference, and it is market uncertainty that drives companies to continue to innovate. Some research results indicate that learning effect the market orientation and innovations that occur within an organization. Nevertheless, research on influence of learning effectiveness on market orientation, innovation, and performance of Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) is still very minimal. Successful SMEs will contribute greatly to the development of the country by providing employment and increasing national income. Therefore, learning effectiveness and its impact on the market orientation, innovation, and performance of SMEs is of interest for researchers. This research explains the concept of training and its effect on market orientation, innovation, and performance of SMEs. In addition, the study proposes and tests effective training models and their impact on market orientation, innovation, and performance of SMEs.
Keywords: learning; market orientation; innovation; business performance; SME.
Fig.: 1. Tabl.: 4. Bibl.: 26.

Suratna Suratna – Faculty of Social and Political Science, Universitas Pembangunan Nasional «Veteran» Yogyakarta (Jalan SWK 104 (Lingkar Utara), Condongcatur, Yogyakarta, 55283, Indonesia)

Article is written in English
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Reference to this article:
Suratna, Suratna. (2018) “Effect of Learning Effectiveness on Market Orientation, Innovation, and Performance of SMEs.” The Problems of Economy 1:378–383.

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Section: Economics of Natural Resources and Environment
UDC 332:631.1
Butrym О. V.
The Impact of Normative Monetary Valuation of Agricultural Land on Ensuring the Development of Low-Carbon Land Use (p. 384 - 389)

The aim of the article is to substantiate the prospects for introducing a low-carbon method of using agricultural land, which ensures a non-negative carbon balance in a reservoir of mineral soil. The need to offer financial and economic levers for its ensuring is determined. The importance of implementing the indicated changes is explained by the dynamics of quantitative parameters of agricultural production in comparison with characteristics of the existing qualitative state of soils. There proposed a direction of forming the financial and economic basis for introducing low-carbon land use through improvement of the pricing instrument for agricultural land plots, namely through supplementation of the method of normative monetary valuation with a coefficient taking into account the effect of change in the carbon reserves. The effectiveness of the proposed improvement is explained by the key influence of normative monetary valuation on the functioning of the system of financial and economic instruments that can be involved in economic transactions with land plots. The proposed approach provides the basis for the improvement of the processing of agricultural development programs as well as the restoration and conservation of agricultural resource potential.
Keywords: agroecological safety, low-carbon land use, normative monetary valuation of agricultural land, financial and economic instrument, reservoir of mineral soils.
Fig.: 1. Tabl.: 1. Formulae: 2. Bibl.: 18.

Butrym Оksana V. – Candidate of Sciences (Economics), Senior Research Fellow, Head of the Laboratory, Laboratory of the Economy of Low-Carbon Development of the Agrosphere of the Department of Institutional Environmental Management, Institute of Agroecology and Nature Management of the National Academy of Agrarian Sciences of Ukraine (12 Metrolohichna Str., Kyiv, 03143, Ukraine)

Article is written in Ukrainian
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Reference to this article:
Butrym, Оksana V. (2018) “The Impact of Normative Monetary Valuation of Agricultural Land on Ensuring the Development of Low-Carbon Land Use.” The Problems of Economy 1:384–389.

List of references in article

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Butrym, O. V. “Zabezpechennia nyzkovuhletsevoho zemlekorystuvannia v konteksti zbalansovanoho rozvytku ahrosfery Ukrainy“ [Ensuring low carbon land use in the context of balanced development of the agrosphere of Ukraine]. In Klimatychni zminy ta silske hospodarstvo. Vyklyky dlia ahrarnoi nauky ta osvity, 79-82. Kyiv, 2018.
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Section: Economics of Natural Resources and Environment
UDC 332.33:332.012.332(477)
Yarova B. M.
Problems of Creating a Specialized Institution for Managing the State-Owned Agricultural Estate (p. 390 - 395)

The aim of the article is to develop a new model for managing the state-owned agricultural lands taking into account the European experience. The analysis of the functioning of land funds in countries of the European Union is carried out, the basic characteristic features of their activity are singled out and grouped. As a result of the research, it is proposed to create a state specialized institution for managing the state-owned agricultural estate, ensuring the implementation of the state policy and development of rural areas that, unlike existing ones, carry out scientific research activities. The activities will focus on ensuring the implementation of state policies to regulate the agricultural land market; consolidating agricultural land; settling the problem of collective land ownership and the issue of recognition of agricultural lands as escheat inheritance; realizing on behalf of the state of the preferential right to acquire agricultural land plots in case of their sale; conducting intermediary activity in the market for agricultural estate, etc. The existence of a state specialized institution will allow land users not only to utilize but also to dispose land resources. An interesting and promising way to manage the state-owned agricultural lands can be using public-private partnership.
Keywords: state specialized institution, management, state property.
Bibl.: 15.

Yarova Bogdana M. – Candidate of Sciences (Economics), Assistant, Department of Geodesy and Cartography, National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine (15 Heroiv Oborony Str., Kyiv, 03041, Ukraine)

Article is written in Ukrainian
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Reference to this article:
Yarova, Bogdana M. (2018) “Problems of Creating a Specialized Institution for Managing the State-Owned Agricultural Estate.” The Problems of Economy 1:390–395.

List of references in article

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