

The title and content


Section: World economy and international relations
UDC 330.341.1:339.13.024
Grytsulenko S. I.
The Investigation of the European and Eurasian Markets for Technologies: Ukraine in Regional Patent Spaces (p. 7 - 18)

The exclusive right to intellectual property acts as a universally recognized tool of the modern competitive struggle for the markets for goods and technologies, which actualizes the issue of Ukraine’s participation in this process. For this purpose, based on the data from the European, Eurasian and world patent statistics, the article measures the level of inventive activity of Ukraine in the nearest regional markets for technologies. Among the relevant quantitative and qualitative indicators for the evaluation of the patenting in Ukraine and leading countries of Europe and Eurasia there analyzed: the total volume and dynamics of filing patent applications; the total volume and specific weight of patent portfolios; the high-tech patenting. Based on the results of the study, the corresponding conclusions are drawn. In particular, the huge gap between Ukraine and leaders of inventive activity predetermined the absence of any significant influence of the country on the development of innovative markets in Europe and Eurasia. The decrease in Ukraine’s striving to succeed in the above mentioned ones leads to the loss of both promising markets and entire sectors of the national economy.
Keywords: European and Eurasian markets for technologies, intellectual property, inventive activity, evaluation, analysis.
Fig.: 9. Tabl.: 4. Bibl.: 10.

Grytsulenko Svitlana I. – Candidate of Sciences (Economics), Associate Professor, Associate Professor, Department of Economics and Digital Business, University of Intellectual Technologies and Communications (1 Kuznechna Str., Odesa, 65029, Ukraine)

Article is written in Russian
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Reference to this article:
Grytsulenko, Svitlana I. (2017) “The Investigation of the European and Eurasian Markets for Technologies: Ukraine in Regional Patent Spaces.” The Problems of Economy 2:7–18.

List of references in article

Ofitsialnyy veb-sayt VOIS: statistika o patentakh.
Zinov, V. G., and Erlikh, G. V. “V zerkale patentnoy statistiki“ [In the mirror of patent statistics]. Khimiya i zhizn - XXI vek, no. 4 (2014): 26-29.
“Promyslova vlasnist u tsyfrakh. Pokaznyky diialnosti Derzhavnoi sluzhby intelektualnoi vlasnosti Ukrainy ta Derzhavnoho pidpryiemstva «Ukrainskyi instytut intelektualnoi vlasnosti» za 2016 rik“ [Industrial property in figures. The indicators of the State intellectual property service of Ukraine and the State enterprise "Ukrainian Institute of intellectual property" for 2016].
Zovnishnia torhivlia Ukrainy [External trade of Ukraine]. Kyiv: Inform.-analit. ahentstvo, 2016.
“Zovnishnyotorhovelnyi balans Ukrainy u 2016 rotsi“ [The foreign trade balance of Ukraine in 2016].
Ofitsialnyy veb-sayt EPO: godovyye otchety i statistika.
Ofitsialnyy veb-sayt EAPO: godovyye otchety.
Zinov, V. G., Romanova, N. V., and Kupriyanova, O. I. “Zarubezhnoye patentovaniye: strategiya i zatraty“ [Foreign patenting: strategy and costs]. Ekonomika nauki vol. 1, no. 2 (2015): 109-117.
Gritsulenko, S. I. “Issledovaniye mirovogo rynka tekhnologiy na osnove patentnoy statistiki: Ukraina v globalnom patentnom prostranstve“ [The study of the world market of technologies based on patent statistics: Ukraine in the global patent space]. Infrastruktura rynka, no. 5 (2017): 15-22.
“Pravovyye aspekty transfera tekhnologiy: ot idei k innovatsii“ [Legal aspects of technology transfer: from idea to innovation].

Section: World economy and international relations
UDC 330.1:339.9–047.52
Deyneka T. A.
Challenges, Contradictions and Risks of the Modern Global Economy (p. 19 - 25)

The aim of the article is to reveal the nature of challenges, contradictions and risks of the global economy. The stages of the reproduction cycle of global contradictions are considered with singling out the “conflict” stage. There described the categorical apparatus of the research with determination of the following meaningful sequence: global challenge ? global problem ? global risk ? global crisis ? global catastrophe. The forecast of the WEF for 2017 on global trends and global risks is analyzed. The system nature of global risks is identified as a defining feature of their modern manifestation. The system approach to determining the source of origin of modern challenges, contradictions and risks of the global economy is used. It is proved that the nature of the system unproductiveness (crisis-induced character) comes from the depths of capitalist relations and finds its modern manifestation through the self-denial of capitalism and the contradictions caused by the evolution of global capital. The idea of the inevitability of the global catastrophe that awaits humanity is refuted and the possibility and necessity of applying long-term safety management strategies on the part of the harmonized society is argued.
Keywords: global challenges, contradictions of the global economy, global risks, global problems, global trends.
Fig.: 2. Tabl.: 2. Bibl.: 12.

Deyneka Tetyana A. – Candidate of Sciences (Economics), Associate Professor, Associate Professor, Department of International Economics, Poltava University of Economics and Trade (3 Ivana Banka Str., Poltava, 36003, Ukraine)

Article is written in Ukrainian
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Reference to this article:
Deyneka, Tetyana A. (2017) “Challenges, Contradictions and Risks of the Modern Global Economy.” The Problems of Economy 2:19–25.

List of references in article

Ageyev, A. I. “Globalnyye riski v nashu epokhu: problemy upravlyayemosti i prognozirovaniya“ [Global risks of our times: the problem of controlling and forecasting]. Globalnyye riski XXI veka: predely regulirovaniya, no. 296 (2013): 8-14.
Bek, U. “Zhizn v obshchestve globalnogo riska - kak s etim spravitsya: kosmopoliticheskiy povorot“ [Life in a society of global risk - how to deal with it: the cosmopolitan turn].
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Buzgalin, A. V., and Kolganov, A. I. Globalnyy kapital [Global capital]. Moscow: Editorial URSS, 2007.
Globalnoye ekonomicheskoye razvitiye: tendentsii, asimmetrii, regulirovaniye [Global economic development: trends, asymmetries, regulation]. Kiev: GVUZ KNEU im. V. Getmana, 2013.
Kostiuchenko, Yu. “Hlobalni vyklyky 2014: Mizh teoriieiu i praktykoiu“ [Global challenges 2014: Between theory and practice]. Den.
Timofeyev, T. T. “«Vyzovy - otvety» XXI veka i nekotoryye aspekty globalnykh vzaimodeystviy“ ["Calls and answers" twenty-first century, and some aspects of global interactions]. Globalnyye riski XXI veka: predely regulirovaniya, no. 296 (2013): 33-44.
Toynbi, A. Dzh. “Issledovaniye istorii“ [The study of history].
Elliott, A. “Beck's Sociology of Risk: A Critical Assessment“ British Sociological Association vol. 36 (2) (2002): 293-315.
Perrow, Ch. The Next Catastrophe: Reducing our Vulnerabilities to Natural, Industrial, and Terrorist Disasters Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2011.
Randers, J. 2052: A Global Forecast for the Next Forty Years Hardcover, Chelsea Green Publishing Company, 2012.
“The Global Risks Report 2017, 12th Edition: World Economic Forum, Geneva. 2017“

Section: World economy and international relations
UDC 338.46(48).017
Yevtushenko V. A., Raкhman M. S., Mangushev D. V.
The Impact of International Tourism on the Economic Development and the Image of an Individual Country (p. 26 - 34)

The aim of the paper is to study the dynamics of economic indicators of international tourism, the main problems, trends and prospects of the industry development in the world market and an individual country, the role of the country’s image and its impact of on the creation of a competitive tourist product. There considered the dynamics of statistical indicators of the international tourism structure, in particular the tourist flow, contribution to the world GDP and employment, and national economies. The analysis of the status of the tourist industry of Ukraine in the context of the main economic indicators and hotel infrastructure is conducted using the example of Kharkov region. The role of the image and its influence on the competitiveness of the national tourist product is revealed. On the basis of correlation analysis, forecast models for a number of indicators are created. The present trends in the development of the tourist industry of Ukraine are identified and recommendations on improving its competitiveness are given.
Keywords: international tourism, income, employment, tourist flow, Ukraine, image, forecast, recommendations.
Fig.: 7. Tabl.: 3. Bibl.: 12.

Yevtushenko Viktoriia A. – Candidate of Sciences (Economics), Associate Professor, Head of the Department, Department of Marketing, Management and Entrepreneurship, V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University (4 Svobody Square, Kharkіv, 61022, Ukraine)
Raкhman Mahbubur S. – Candidate of Sciences (Economics), Associate Professor, Associate Professor, Department of Marketing and Management of Foreign Economic Activities, V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University (4 Svobody Square, Kharkіv, 61022, Ukraine)
Mangushev Dmitriy V. – Candidate of Sciences (Economics), Associate Professor, Department of Marketing and Management of Foreign Economic Activity, V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University (4 Svobody Square, Kharkіv, 61022, Ukraine)

Article is written in Ukrainian
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Reference to this article:
Yevtushenko, Viktoriia A., Raкhman, Mahbubur S., and Mangushev, Dmitriy V. (2017) “The Impact of International Tourism on the Economic Development and the Image of an Individual Country.” The Problems of Economy 2:26–34.

List of references in article

“World Tourism Barometer“ UNWTO.
“World Travel & Tourism Council“ WTTC.
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“Novyi turystychnyi imidzh Ukrainy ta instrumenty yoho populiaryzatsii dlia pidtrymky interesu do Ukrainy yak destynatsii“ [New tourist image of Ukraine and tools of its popularization for maintaining interest in Ukraine as a tourist destination].
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Ulihanets, S. I., Basiuk, D. I., and Melnyk, L. V. “Znachennia turystychnoho imidzhu dlia rozvytku Zakarpatskoi oblasti“ [The value of the tourist image for the development of Transcarpathian region]. Heohrafiia ta turyzm, no. 24 (2013): 162-173.
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“U Kyievi prezentuiut novyi ukrainskyi turystychnyi brend“ [In Kiev presented a new Ukrainian tourism brand]. Radio Svoboda.

Section: World economy and international relations
UDC 378:336(477)
Kuzmin O. Y., Krevs V. Y., Yastrubskyy M. Y.
Mechanisms of Attracting Investments within the Activity of Higher Educational Institutions (p. 35 - 40)

Mechanisms of attracting innovations within the activity of higher educational institutions are considered. Features of educational innovations arising from the immanent nature of the sector are characterized. The attention is focused on the applied aspect of educational innovations. The emphasis is placed on the need for rapid adaptation of higher education of the present time to new social realities, civilizational challenges, giving consideration to trends and prospects for human development. The state of introduction of educational innovations in leading European countries and the USA, their orientation to the introduction and promotion of e-learning that has formed a powerful market with characteristics inherent in it is considered. It is pointed up that the growth of the popularity of e-schools has led to global changes in educational systems of many countries of the world. The situation of the popularization of e-learning in China and Africa is studied. There identified trends in the development of e-learning that in the long term should ensure continuous education throughout life. The state of introduction of educational innovations in the system of the higher school of Ukraine is described. The prospects of innovative processes in the sphere of education are outlined, and promising directions of attracting educational innovations are indicated.
Keywords: educational innovation, e-learning, higher education, corporate training, quality of education, state regulation, demand, adaptability.
Fig.: 1. Bibl.: 16.

Kuzmin Oleh Ye. – Doctor of Sciences (Economics), Professor, Director, Scientific-Educational Institute of Economics and Management of the Lviv Polytechnic National University (5 Mytropolyta Andreia Str., Lviv, 79013, Ukraine)
Krevs Victor Ye. – Candidate of Sciences (Physics and Mathematics), Head of, Preparatory Department for Foreign Citizens, Ivan Franko National University of Lviv (1 Unіversytetska Str., Lvіv, 79000, Ukraine)
Yastrubskyy Mykhailo Ya. – Candidate of Sciences (Economics), Associate Professor, Department of Accounting and Analysis, National University «Lviv Polytechnic» (12 Stepana Bandery Str., Lvіv, 79013, Ukraine)

Article is written in Ukrainian
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Reference to this article:
Kuzmin, Oleh Ye., Krevs, Victor Ye., and Yastrubskyy, Mykhailo Ya. (2017) “Mechanisms of Attracting Investments within the Activity of Higher Educational Institutions.” The Problems of Economy 2:35–40.

List of references in article

Kremen, V. H. “Filosofsko-osvitnia diialnist: innovatsiini aspekty“ [Philosophical-educational activities: innovative aspects]. Stanovlennia i rozvytok naukovo-pedahohichnykh shkil: problemy, dosvid, perspektyvy (2012): 10-26.
Nazarova, L. I. “Aktualnyye voprosy razvitiya innovatsionnoy obrazovatelnoy sredy vuza“ [Topical issues of development of innovative educational environment of the University]. Obrazovaniye i nauka. Izvestiya Uralskogo otdeleniya RAO, no. 7 (2011): 47-55.
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“Kak u nas, i kak u nikh: rossiyskiy i zapadnyy rynki E-learning kak ne poddayushchiyesya sravneniyu“ [As we do, and how they: Russian and Western markets of E-learning as not comparable].
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“The rise of E-learning in China“
“ELearning Market Exploding in China“
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Martyn, I. “Partnerstvo v mizhnarodnii merezhi rozumnykh tekhnolohii“ [Partnership in international networks smart technology]. Audytoriia. Osvitnii studentskyi tyzhnevyk, no. 20 (2980) (2017): 3-.
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“How Africa's first education tablet computer was created“

Section: World economy and international relations
UDC 338.2
Qoqiauri L. G., Gechbaia B. N.
The State Regulation of Innovation Activity at the Present Stage (p. 41 - 47)

The article discusses the necessity of state regulation in the field of development of innovations and technologies at the present stage. The main directions of the state innovation policies in developed countries of the world are studied and analyzed. Special attention is paid to the objectives of the national strategy for development of science and innovations and to searching the ways for fulfilling this strategy. Apart from these specific problems, the work considers the issue of the state regulation and support of further introduction of innovations and increase of the so called “entrepreneurial” role of the state.
Keywords: innovations, state regulation, technological policy, innovation strategy, innovative product, innovation activity, innovation policy, technological leaders, innovation infrastructure.
Fig.: 2. Tabl.: 1. Bibl.: 17.

Qoqiauri Lamara G. – Doctor of Sciences (Economics), Director, Fund of Financial-Investment Policy and Strategies (11-a 2nd microdistrict, Upper Plateau, Varketili, Tbilisi, Georgia)
Gechbaia Badri N. – Doctor of Sciences (Economics), Professor, Director, Institute for Economic Research (15 Anhisy Str., Batumi, 6010, Georgia)

Article is written in English
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Reference to this article:
Qoqiauri, Lamara G., and Gechbaia, Badri N. (2017) “The State Regulation of Innovation Activity at the Present Stage.” The Problems of Economy 2:41–47.

List of references in article

Agabekov, S. I., Kokurin, D. I., and Nazin, K. N. Innovatsii. Sistemno-institutsionalnyy analiz [Innovation. Systemic-institutional analysis]. Moscow: Transit, 2010.
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Nelson, R. National Innovation Systems: A Comparative Analysis Oxford Univ. Press, 1993.
Qoqiauri, L., and Qoqiauri, N. InnovationTb.: Technical University of Georgia, 2015.

Section: World economy and international relations
UDC 330.5:336.2
Telnova H. V.
The Analysis of Corporate Tax and Personal Income Tax in European Countries (p. 48 - 54)

The aim of the article is to reveal the relationship between the rates of corporate tax and personal income tax and the pace of economic development. The existence of the open financial market under conditions of globalization leaves its imprint on forming the vectors of development of the tax systems in the countries. Thus, the optimal corporate taxation creates a competitive and investment-attractive climate, facilitates encouraging foreign investments and locating economic activities. The study made it possible to establish the absence of a direct link between the tax rates and economic growth. At the same time, a linear relationship between the tax rates and the tax burden is revealed. On the basis of the presented mathematical expression, it can be concluded that an increase in the personal income tax causes an increase in the tax burden, and an increase in the corporate tax — its reduction. The cluster analysis of the corporate tax and the personal income tax in European countries allowed to justify the determinants of successful economic development presenting the formation of the vector of the tax policy in the aspect of moderate taxation of individuals and the need for low taxation of corporate profits.
Keywords: analysis, corporate tax, personal income tax, economic growth, tax system.
Fig.: 3. Tabl.: 1. Formulae: 1. Bibl.: 8.

Telnova Hanna V. – Doctor of Sciences (Economics), Associate Professor, Professor, Department of Management, Donbass State Academy of Machine Building (72 Akademichna Str., Kramatorsk, Donetsk region, 84313, Ukraine)

Article is written in Russian
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Reference to this article:
Telnova, Hanna V. (2017) “The Analysis of Corporate Tax and Personal Income Tax in European Countries.” The Problems of Economy 2:48–54.

List of references in article

Moroz, P. A., and Brazhko, K. O. “Podatok na prybutok pidpryiemstv yak instrument fiskalno-biudzhetnoi polityky krain YeS u zabezpechenni innovatsiinoho rozvytku“ [Tax on profits of enterprises as a tool of fiscal and budget policy of the EU in support of innovation development]. Ekonomika ta derzhava, no. 2 (2013): 110-114.
Kharchenko, N. V., and Harkusha, Yu. I. “Podatok na prybutok: yoho rozvytok ta suchasnyi stan“ [Income tax: its development and current state]. Ekonomichnyi visnyk Zaporizkoi derzhavnoi inzhenernoi akademii, no. 5 (2) (2016): 124-127.
Storozhuk, O. V., and Panura, Yu. V. “Podatok na prybutok pidpryiemstv: vitchyznianyi ta zarubizhnyi dosvid“ [The tax on profit of enterprises: domestic and foreign experience]. Naukovyi visnyk Natsionalnoho universytetu derzhavnoi podatkovoi sluzhby Ukrainy (ekonomika, pravo), no. 3 (2013): 191-196.
Maksymova, N. O. “Osoblyvosti vstanovlennia stavok podatku pry opodatkuvanni dokhodiv fizychnykh osib“ [Specifics of establishment of tax rates for taxation of income of individuals]. Aktualni problemy rozvytku ekonomiky rehionu, no. 9 (1) (2013): 28-33.
Yurchyshena, L. V. “Podatok na dokhody fizychnykh osib: mekhanizm stiahnennia ta dzherelo dokhodu biudzhetu Ukrainy“ [Tax on income of individuals: the mechanism of collection and source of income of the budget of Ukraine]. Fynansy, uchet, banky, no. 1 (2016): 215-224.
Boiko, S. V., and Drahan, O. O. “Podatok na dokhody fizychnykh osib u formuvanni finansovykh resursiv rozshyrenoho uriadu“ [The tax to incomes of physical persons in the formation of financial resources of the enlarged government]. Ekonomichnyi chasopys-XXI, no. 161 (2016): 35-38.
“Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development“

Section: World economy and international relations
UDC 339.9:331.556.4
Shymanska K. V.
The Trends in International Migration of Human Resources under Conditions of Geo-Economic Transformations (p. 55 - 60)

The aim of the article is to reveal the influence of geo-economic transformations on the trends in international migration of human resources as an element of the resource potential of countries and regions. The current state of geo-economic transformations is analyzed, and their influence on the processes of international migration of human resources is revealed. The relevance of analyzing international movement of human resources, not labor ones, in building the geo-economic strategy of a country or a regional grouping is justified. The connection between the international migration of human resources and the trends in development of individual countries and regions (oil exporting countries, newly industrialized countries and least developed agrarian countries) is determined, the general patterns of migration flows in these countries are described. Furthermore, the topical issues in studying international migration of human resources in the context of the directions of geo-economics identified by scientists are formulated. It is determined that the regional migration policy should contribute to maximizing the benefits of migration of human resources for the development of the region and the use of immigrants in the countries of the region as an economic resource that becomes strategically important under conditions of geo-economic transformations.
Keywords: geo-economics, geo-economic transformations, international migration, human resources, migration policy, regional integration.
Tabl.: 1. Bibl.: 17.

Shymanska Kateryna V. – Candidate of Sciences (Economics), Associate Professor, Associate Professor, Department of International Economics, Zhytomyr State Technological University (103 Chudnivska Str., Zhytomyr, 10005, Ukraine)

Article is written in Ukrainian
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Reference to this article:
Shymanska, Kateryna V. (2017) “The Trends in International Migration of Human Resources under Conditions of Geo-Economic Transformations.” The Problems of Economy 2:55–60.

List of references in article

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Section: World economy and international relations
UDC 314.15(4):312
Iurchenko S. A., Iurchenko О. Y., Vorkueiva K. А.
Peculiarities of International Migration of Population in Europe at the Present Stage (p. 61 - 69)

Under conditions of globalization, international migration of population is steadily growing and significantly affects the socio-economic development of countries and regions. The aim of the article is to identify the features of international migration of population in Europe. The migration trends in the region and its subregions are analyzed. It is shown that Western Europe is leading according to the number of migrants residing on its territory, but the maximum growth of migrants for the period of 1990-2015 is observed in Southern Europe. The proportion of women and population of active age groups is increasing in the structure of migrants. In recent years the flow of refugees has increased. The impact of the migration crisis on the economies of the host countries is analyzed. Calculations of coefficients of multiple correlation demonstrated the level of dependence between the indicators of migration and GDP, population size, share of urban population. It is concluded that it is necessary to develop migration policies at different hierarchical levels.
Keywords: migration, international population migration, emigration, migration intensity, forced population migration, migration policy.
Fig.: 2. Tabl.: 6. Formulae: 2. Bibl.: 21.

Iurchenko Svitlana A. – Candidate of Sciences (Geography), Associate Professor, Department of Tourism and Country Studies, V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University (4 Svobody Square, Kharkіv, 61022, Ukraine)
Iurchenko Оlena Ye. – Applicant, Department of International Economic Relations, V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University (4 Svobody Square, Kharkіv, 61022, Ukraine)
Vorkueiva Kateryna А. – Student, V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University (4 Svobody Square, Kharkіv, 61022, Ukraine)

Article is written in Russian
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Reference to this article:
Iurchenko, Svitlana A., Iurchenko, Оlena Ye., and Vorkueiva, Kateryna А. (2017) “Peculiarities of International Migration of Population in Europe at the Present Stage.” The Problems of Economy 2:61–69.

List of references in article

Vorkuyeva, Ye. A. “Vliyaniye migratsionnogo krizisa na ekonomiku Yevropy“ [The impact of migration crisis on the European economy]. Aktualni problemy svitovoho hospodarstva i mizhnarodnykh ekonomichnykh vidnosyn. Kharkiv: KhNU im. V. N. Karazina, 2017. 33-36.
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“World Data Atlas“

Section: Economics and national economy management
UDC 330.144
Abakumenko O. V., Lukiashko P. O.
Problems of Ukraine’s Electricity Sector and the Ways to Solve them with Consideration for the Experience of EU Countries (p. 70 - 75)

The aim of the article is to systematize the main problems of the development of the domestic electricity sector and compare the ways of solving them in Ukraine with the practice of EU countries. In particular, to identify the problems that under domestic conditions are being tackled not effectively enough, or the mechanism for solving which is not created at all. The systematization of the problems, the addressing of which is a prerequisite for the efficient functioning of Ukraine’s electricity sector, made it possible to divide them into general ones, which arise due to the specificity of electricity as a commodity, and those specific to the Ukrainian conditions. The general problems in Ukraine as a whole are being solved with consideration for the experience of EU countries, although the tackling of some of them is still at the initial stage. In particular, for the introduction of the European experience in the field of the functioning of the Electricity Exchange, at this stage a basic law has been adopted, the implementation of which is still ahead. The comparison of the domestic and European practice of solving the problems of the electricity sector shows the gradual adoption by Ukraine of the positive European experience in tackling a group of general problems, however, mechanisms to overcome the specific for domestic conditions problems have not been created yet. First of all, this concerns the issue of restoration and expansion of the electricity generation capacities, which are on the verge of exploitation.
Keywords: electricity sector, European experience, general problems of the development of the electricity sector, specific problems of the development of the electricity sector.
Tabl.: 1. Bibl.: 15.

Abakumenko Olha V. – Doctor of Sciences (Economics), Professor, Professor, Department of Finance, Banking and Insurance
Lukiashko Pavlo O. – Candidate of Sciences (Economics), Associate Professor, Associate Professor, Department of Finance, Banking and Insurance, Chernihiv National Technological University (95 Shevchenka Str., Chernihiv, 14027, Ukraine)

Article is written in Ukrainian
Downloads/views: 11

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Reference to this article:
Abakumenko, Olha V., and Lukiashko, Pavlo O. (2017) “Problems of Ukraine’s Electricity Sector and the Ways to Solve them with Consideration for the Experience of EU Countries.” The Problems of Economy 2:70–75.

List of references in article

Bilotserkivskyi, O. B., and Shyriaieva, N. V. “Suchasnyi stan i tendentsii rozvytku elektroenerhetyky Ukrainy“ [Modern state and tendencies of development of power industry of Ukraine]. Visnyk NTU „KhPI”, no. 26 (2015): 69-76.
Hrytsak, N. I., and Skoryk, H. I. “Problemy efektyvnosti funktsionuvannia pryrodnoi monopolii u sferi postachannia elektroenerhii“ [Problems of efficiency of functioning of natural monopolies in the field of electricity supply]. Visnyk Natsionalnoho universytetu "Lvivska politekhnika", no. 778 (2013): 279-285.
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Weiss, T., and Schulz, D. “Germany. Overview of the electricity supply system and an estimation of future energy storage needs“ The stoRE project.
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“Yevropeiskyi enerhorynok: yak zakhystyty vrazlyvykh spozhyvachiv“ [European energy market: how to protect vulnerable consumers]. Prezentatsiia Mizhnarodnoho fondu „Vidrodzhennia” ta Fondu rozvytku analitychnykh tsentriv za finansuvannia posolstva Shvetsii v Ukraini.

Section: Economics and national economy management
UDC 332.2:334.71
Boiko V. V.
Evaluation of the Effectiveness of the State Policy for Ensuring Economic Safety in the Sphere of Development of Rural Areas (p. 76 - 82)

The aim of the article is to conduct a comprehensive evaluation of the effectiveness of the state policy for ensuring economic safety in the sphere of development of rural areas. The effectiveness of implementing the safety components of the state targeted programs for development of rural areas is studied. There identified the main shortcomings in the implementation of the applied principles of the state policy for ensuring economic safety in the sphere of development of rural areas that limit its effectiveness: the declarative nature of the state target programs, the imperfection of the organizational and economic instruments for ensuring economic safety, the lack of mechanisms for financing the program activities, the resource constraints in the system of public administration, the imbalance of the latter at various hierarchical levels, the secondary principle of priority in solving rural development problems, the excessive bureaucracy in making managerial decisions, the corruption of officials, the inertia and passivity of the population in rural areas. The information basis for increasing the effectiveness of the implementation of the state policy for ensuring economic safety in the sphere of development of rural areas is formed.
Keywords: state policy for ensuring economic safety, rural areas, efficiency, agriculture, state target program.
Fig.: 1. Tabl.: 4. Bibl.: 12.

Boiko Vitalii V. – Candidate of Sciences (Economics), Associate Professor, Candidate on Doctor Degree, Security Department of the Real Sector of the Economy, The National Institute for Strategic Studies (7-a Pyrohova Str., Kyiv, 01030, Ukraine)

Article is written in Ukrainian
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Reference to this article:
Boiko, Vitalii V. (2017) “Evaluation of the Effectiveness of the State Policy for Ensuring Economic Safety in the Sphere of Development of Rural Areas.” The Problems of Economy 2:76–82.

List of references in article

Vlasiuk, O. S. Teoriia i praktyka ekonomichnoi bezpeky v systemi nauky pro ekonomiku [Theory and practice of economic security in the system of the science of Economics]. Kyiv: Vyd-vo NIPMB, 2008.
Hubeni, Yu. “Rozvytok silskykh terytorii: deiaki aspekty yevropeiskoi teorii i praktyky“ [Development of rural areas: some aspects of European theory and practice]. Ekonomika Ukrainy, no. 4 (2007): 62-70.
Derzhavna sluzhba statystyky Ukrainy: ofits. sait.
Iliash, O. I. Transformatsii systemy sotsialnoi bezpeky Ukrainy: rehionalnyi vymir [Transformation of the system of social security of Ukraine: regional dimension]. Lviv: PAIS, 2012.
Kliuchnyk, A. V. Formuvannia ta rozvytok ekonomichnoho potentsialu silskykh terytorii Ukrainy [The formation and development of the economic potential of rural territories of Ukraine]. Mykolaiv: Dyzain ta polihrafiia, 2011.
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Pro rezultaty audytu efektyvnosti vykorystannia koshtiv derzhavnoho biudzhetu, spriamovanykh na vykonannia Derzhavnoi tsilyovoi prohramy rozvytku ukrainskoho sela na period do 2015 roku [On results of audit of efficiency of use of state budget funds aimed at implementing the State target program of development of Ukrainian village for the period up to 2015]. Kyiv: Rakhunkova palata Ukrainy, 2015.
Talavyria, M. P. “Rozvytok silskykh terytorii na zasadakh stalosti“ [Development of rural areas on the principles of consistency]. Naukovyi visnyk Uzhhorodskoho universytetu. Seriia: Ekonomika vol. 2, no. 1 (47) (2016): 146-150.
Shlemko, V. T., and Binko, I. F. Ekonomichna bezpeka Ukrainy: sutnist i napriamky zabezpechennia [Economic security of Ukraine: the nature and direction ensure]. Kyiv: NISD, 1997.

Section: Economics and national economy management
UDC 339.92
Galenko S. M., Ocheretnyi D. S.
The Current State and Quantitative and Qualitative Parameters of the Development of the Domestic Innovative Entrepreneurship in Ukraine (p. 83 - 89)

The domestic innovative entrepreneurship in Ukraine has a long history of formation and development and takes its origins from the days when the country was part of the unified national economic complex of the USSR. Although our state has always had a significant and promising potential for development of innovative entrepreneurship, at present it is not fully used. At the same time, the inconsistent and contradictory nature of reforming the economic and political systems of Ukraine in the newest period of its independent existence has caused the preserving of the backward technological structure of the economy, which on the global scale is still positioned as energy intensive, uncompetitive and incapable of ensuring an effective convergence of all elements of technological chains of innovation intensive production. According to internationally accepted indicators of development of innovative entrepreneurship, Ukraine is most inferior to the leading countries of scientific and technological progress in terms of absolute and relative costs (public and private) on R & D (research and development); quality conditions of the domestic research infrastructure; availability of venture capital; export of high-tech goods and science intensive services; scale of international patent-licensing cooperation; degree of interrelations between the components of the national innovation system, level of their integration into global and regional research and innovation networks, and participation of the state in the international technology transfer. This negatively affects the scale and dynamics of the development of domestic innovation entrepreneurship causing a significant loss of competitive positions of our state in world markets. The aim of the article is to study the current state of domestic innovative entrepreneurship and determine the prospects for its development.
Keywords: innovative entrepreneurship, international scientific and industrial cooperation, international technology transfer.
Fig.: 2. Tabl.: 2. Bibl.: 18.

Galenko Serhii M. – Candidate of Sciences (Economics), Associate Professor, Candidate on Doctor Degree, Department of European Integration, Kyiv National Economic University named after Vadym Hetman (54/1 Beresteiskyi Ave., Kyiv, 03057, Ukraine)
Ocheretnyi Dmytro S. – Postgraduate Student, The Department of International Accounting and Auditing, Kyiv National Economic University named after Vadym Hetman (54/1 Beresteiskyi Ave., Kyiv, 03057, Ukraine)

Article is written in Ukrainian
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Reference to this article:
Galenko, Serhii M., and Ocheretnyi, Dmytro S. (2017) “The Current State and Quantitative and Qualitative Parameters of the Development of the Domestic Innovative Entrepreneurship in Ukraine.” The Problems of Economy 2:83–89.

List of references in article

Poruchnyk, A. M. “Innovatsiinyi potentsial Ukrainy ta yoho realizatsiia v mizhnarodnomu naukovo-tekhnichnomu spivrobitnytstvi“ [Innovation potential of Ukraine and its implementation in the international scientific-technical cooperation]. Mizhnarodna ekonomichna polityka, no. 1 (2004): 94-121.
Derzhavna sluzhba statystyky Ukrainy: ofits. sait.
“Informatsiini materialy dlia slukhannia z pytannia «Pro stan ta zakonodavche zabezpechennia finansuvannia naukovoi i naukovo-tekhnichnoi diialnosti». Dodatok do lysta Derzhinformnauky Ukrainy“ [Information materials for hearings on the issue "On condition and legislative provision of financing of scientific and scientific-technical activities". Annex to the letter Sasii of Ukraine].
“Main Science and Technology Indicators“
Naukova ta innovatsiina diialnist v Ukraini u 2014 rotsi [Scientific and innovative activity in Ukraine in 2014]. Kyiv: Derzhkomstat Ukrainy, 2015.
Naukova ta naukovo-tekhnichna diialnist u 2015 rotsi [Scientific and scientific-technical activities in 2015]. Kyiv: Derzhkomstat Ukrainy, 2016.
Bobryk, V. O. “Mekhanizmy ta instrumenty zaluchennia innovatsiinoho pidpryiemnytstva do protsesiv intensyfikatsii rozvytku rehionalnoi ekonomiky“ [Mechanisms and tools to attract innovative businesses to the intensification of the processes of development of regional economy]. Naukovyi visnyk Mizhnarodnoho humanitarnoho universytetu. Seriia: Ekonomika i menedzhment, no. 19 (2016): 84-88.
Bilenkyi, O. Yu. et al. Hlobalnyi rynok intelektualnoi vlasnosti: masshtaby, struktura, instytuty [The global intellectual property market: the scale, structure, institutions]. Kyiv: Feniks, 2016.
Kurmaiev, P. Yu., and Bairamov, E. A. “Napriamy pidvyshchennia efektyvnosti zakhodiv derzhavnoho stymuliuvannia rozvytku innovatsiinoho pidpryiemnytstva“ [Directions of increase of efficiency of measures of the state stimulation of innovative entrepreneurship]. Naukovyi visnyk Mukachivskoho derzhavnoho universytetu. Seriia «Ekonomika», no. 1 (3) (2015): 23-28.
“Stan rozvytku nauky i tekhniky, rezultaty naukovoi, naukovo-tekhnichnoi, innovatsiinoi diialnosti, transferu tekhnolohii za 2015 rik“ [The state of development of science and technology, results of scientific, scientific-technical, innovation activities, technology transfer for 2015].
Olefirenko, O. M. “Komertsializatsiia innovatsii v Ukraini: peredumovy ta vitchyzniani realii“ [Commercialization of innovation in Ukraine: preconditions and domestic realities]. Ekonomika i suspilstvo, no. 6 (2016): 197-202.
Strikha, M. “Science, Technology and Innovation System of Ukraine, June 2015“
Tkachenko, T. P., and Tulchynskyi, R. V. “Rozvytok innovatsiinoho pidpryiemnytstva v Ukraini“ [Development of innovative entrepreneurship in Ukraine]. Ekonomichnyi visnyk NTUU «KPI», no. 7 (2010): 223-229.
Paladii, M. V. “Efektyvne vykorystannia intelektualnoho potentsialu natsii - neobkhidna umova innovatsiinoho rozvytku ekonomiky derzhavy“ [Effective use of intellectual potential of the nation is a necessary condition of innovative development of economy of the state]. Nauka ta innovatsii vol. 5, no. 3 (2009): 51-54.
Naukova ta innovatsiina diialnist v Ukraini u 2007 rotsi [Research and innovation activities in Ukraine in 2007]. Kyiv: Derzhkomstat Ukrainy, 2008.
Dunska, A. R., and Lokota, A. H. “Problemy ta perspektyvy rozvytku mizhnarodnoi torhivli litsenziiamy v Ukraini“ [Problems and prospects of development of international trade licenses in Ukraine]. Ekonomichnyi visnyk NTUU «KPI», no. 12 (2015): 90-96.
Androshchuk, H. “Zakhyst rezultativ intelektualnoi diialnosti v oboronno-promyslovomu kompleksi Ukrainy: stan ta problemy“ [Protection of results of intellectual activity in the military-industrial complex of Ukraine: state and problems]. DefenceExpress.
Androshchuk, H. O., and Davymuka, S. A. “Mihratsiia intelektualnoho kapitalu: vplyv na ekonomiku ta innovatsiinyi rozvytok“ [Migration of intellectual capital: the impact on the economy and innovative development]. Rehionalna ekonomika, no. 2 (2015): 65-82.

Section: Economics and national economy management
UDC 336.132.1(477)
Ivanova O. Y., Malyshko Y. M., Laptiev V. I.
The Problem-Oriented Approach to Organization of the Functioning of the State Control System in Ukraine (p. 90 - 97)

There conducted an analysis of the number of inspections of business entities that were carried out by controlling bodies in Ukraine in 2015. As a result, it is justified that the issue of reducing the number of inspections of business entities is of primary importance for improving the business climate in Ukraine. The control functions of some central bodies of executive power that are similar or identical are singled out, the cases of dividing one sphere of control between several bodies are considered. By analyzing the organization of the functioning of the state control system in Ukraine, there revealed its main problems and directions for their solution, among which: the depriving of the State Forest Resource Agency of Ukraine and the State Agency of Fisheries of Ukraine of the duplicating control functions; the depriving of the State Service of Ukraine for Labor of functions of control over business entities delegating these functions to the above bodies. As a result, the State Service of Ukraine for Labor will only perform functions of control over activities of the Funds. These changes will make it possible not only to simplify the system of central bodies of executive power that have the right to conduct inspections of business entities by reducing the number of such bodies but also ensure the conducting of the inspections by special bodies.
Keywords: problem-oriented approach, state control, controlling bodies, administrative burden.
Fig.: 5. Tabl.: 2. Bibl.: 8.

Ivanova Olga Yu. – Doctor of Sciences (Economics), Associate Professor, Head of, Sector of Problems of Regional Development and Decentralization of the Department of Macroeconomic Policy and Regional Development, Research Centre for Industrial Problems of Development of NAS of Ukraine (2 floor 1-a Inzhenernyi Ln., Kharkіv, 61166, Ukraine)
Malyshko Yulia M. – Candidate of Sciences (Economics), Lecturer, Simon Kuznets Kharkiv National University of Economics (9a Nauky Ave., Kharkіv, 61166, Ukraine)
Laptiev Viacheslav I. – Doctor of Sciences (Economics), Associate Professor, Professor, Department of Social Economics, Simon Kuznets Kharkiv National University of Economics (9a Nauky Ave., Kharkіv, 61166, Ukraine)

Article is written in Ukrainian
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Reference to this article:
Ivanova, Olga Yu., Malyshko, Yulia M., and Laptiev, Viacheslav I. (2017) “The Problem-Oriented Approach to Organization of the Functioning of the State Control System in Ukraine.” The Problems of Economy 2:90–97.

List of references in article

[Legal Act of Ukraine] (2014).
[Legal Act of Ukraine] (2011).
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Derehuliuvannia ekonomiky: problemy ta perspektyvy [The deregulation of the economy: problems and prospects]. Kharkiv: INZhEK, 2014.
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Kyzym, M. O., Ivanov, Yu. B., and Zinchenko, V. A. Derehuliatorna polityka v Ukraini v 2013 rotsi: otsinka ta shliakhy polipshennia [Deregulatory policy in Ukraine in 2013: evaluation and ways to improve]. Kharkiv: INZhEK, 2013.
Pokryshka, D. S. et al. Mekhanizmy rozvytku pidpryiemnytstva v umovakh postkryzovoho vidnovlennia ekonomiky Ukrainy [Mechanisms of development of entrepreneurship in the post-crisis economic recovery of Ukraine]. Kyiv: NISD, 2010.
“Prezentatsiia «Natsionalnyi reiestr kontroliuiuchykh orhaniv»“ [Presentation "National register of controlling authorities"].

Section: Economics and national economy management
UDC 338.246.025
Ivanova O. Y., Udovenko A. O.
Problems of the Procedure for Regulatory Impact Analysis of Draft Normative Legal Acts (p. 98 - 103)

The aim of the article is to investigate the procedure for regulatory impact analysis and identify problems caused by the adoption of ineffective normative legal acts. The essence of the concept “regulatory impact analysis” and its main tasks are considered. The legislation in the field of RIA is studied, and the contradictions in terms of determining the number of stages of analysis and the timing of the baseline performance monitoring revealed. There made conclusions regarding the unsatisfactory quality of the developed RIAs and presence of violations of legislation requirements by regulatory bodies, mandatory promulgation of the draft normative legal act along with the analysis. There identified the most problematic stages of RIA for the developers, which include identification of mandatory performance indicators, evaluation of compliance with the requirements of the regulatory act and definition of the problem. It is suggested to improve the methodology for regulatory impact analysis by completing the list of its main stages with evaluation of quality and adjustment of RIA. Recommendations for eliminating contradictions in the legislation in the field of RIA are developed.
Keywords: analysis of regulatory impact, normative legal act, regulatory policy, quality evaluation, methodological support.
Fig.: 3. Bibl.: 12.

Ivanova Olga Yu. – Doctor of Sciences (Economics), Associate Professor, Head of, Sector of Problems of Regional Development and Decentralization of the Department of Macroeconomic Policy and Regional Development, Research Centre for Industrial Problems of Development of NAS of Ukraine (2 floor 1-a Inzhenernyi Ln., Kharkіv, 61166, Ukraine)
Udovenko Anastasiya O. – Postgraduate Student, Research Centre for Industrial Problems of Development of NAS of Ukraine (2 floor 1-a Inzhenernyi Ln., Kharkіv, 61166, Ukraine)

Article is written in Ukrainian
Downloads/views: 4

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Reference to this article:
Ivanova, Olga Yu., and Udovenko, Anastasiya O. (2017) “Problems of the Procedure for Regulatory Impact Analysis of Draft Normative Legal Acts.” The Problems of Economy 2:98–103.

List of references in article

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“Informatsiia pro provedenu u 2015 rotsi robotu, zokrema, shchodo vykonannia Prohramy diialnosti Kabinetu Ministriv Ukrainy, ta dosiahnuti rezultaty“ [Information on progress in 2015 work, in particular, regarding the implementation of the Programme of activities of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, and the results achieved].
“Informatsiia shchodo zdiisnennia orhanamy vykonavchoi vlady vidstezhennia rezultatyvnosti dii rehuliatornykh aktiv u 2012 rotsi“ [Information concerning the implementation by the executive authorities of tracking the performance of the action of regulatory acts in 2012].
Kolegov, V. V. “Sovershenstvovaniye sistemy otsenki reguliruyushchego vozdeystviya v gosudarstvennom upravlenii na regionalnom urovne“ [Improving the system of regulatory impact assessment in public administration at the regional level].
Liapin, D. V. “M-test v rehuliatornii politytsi. Prezentatsiia“ [M-test in regulatory policy. Presentation].
[Legal Act of Ukraine] (2004).
Udovenko, A. O. “Problemy zakonodavchoho zabezpechennia analizu rehuliatornoho vplyvu“ [Problems of legislative support of analysis of regulatory impact]. Suchasna hlobalna rehionalistyka i subiekty ekonomiky: napriamy vplyvu. Odesa: MHU, 2017. 41-45.
Shybaieva, N. V. “Teoriia ta praktyka zastosuvannia ARV yak instrumenta rehuliatornoi polityky“ [Theory and practice of the use of regulatory impact assessement (RIA) as a tool of regulatory policy]. Ekonomika. Menedzhment. Biznes, no. 1 (2015): 119-125.

Section: Economics and national economy management
UDC 662.75
Kyzym M. O., Rudyka V. I.
Economic Efficiency of Establishing Domestic Production of Synthetic Liquid Fuel (p. 104 - 110)

The article notes a stable tendency to increasing the oil dependence of Ukraine, which creates a threat to the national economic security, and proves an expediency of establishing domestic production of synthetic liquid fuel. The technical, organizational and economic features of establishing synthetic liquid fuel production in Ukraine are presented. There proved a hypothesis on the expediency of organizing the production of synthetic liquid fuels based on steam-plasma coal gasification technology. The forecast resource cycle of the country until 2020 under conditions of developing this technology is modeled.
Keywords: motor fuel, synthetic liquid fuel, synthetic oil, coal.
Fig.: 4. Tabl.: 3. Bibl.: 12.

Kyzym Mykola O. – Doctor of Sciences (Economics), Professor, Corresponding Member of NAS of Ukraine, Chief research scientist, Research Centre for Industrial Problems of Development of NAS of Ukraine (2 floor 1-a Inzhenernyi Ln., Kharkіv, 61166, Ukraine)
Rudyka Viktor I. – Candidate of Sciences (Economics), Director, State Institute for designing enterprises of coke oven and by-product industry “GIPROKOKS” (60 Sumska Str., Kharkіv, 61002, Ukraine)

Article is written in Ukrainian
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Reference to this article:
Kyzym, Mykola O., and Rudyka, Viktor I. (2017) “Economic Efficiency of Establishing Domestic Production of Synthetic Liquid Fuel.” The Problems of Economy 2:104–110.

List of references in article

Themelis, N. J., and Castaldi, M. J. “Technical and economic analysis of Plasma-assisted Waste-to-Energy processes“
Byun, Y. et al. “Thermal Plasma Gasification of Municipal Solid Waste (MSW)“
Pigneri, A. et al. “Gasification Technologies Review technology implementation scenarios“
Kovtun, H., Stepanov, A., and Matusevych, H. “Kompleksne vykorystannia vuhillia dlia vyrobnytstva ridkoho palyva, hazu ta elektroenerhii“ [Comprehensive utilization of coals for production of liquid fuels, and electricity]. Visnyk NAN Ukrainy, no. 4 (2008): 68-75.
Hunda, M. V. et al. “Rozvytok tekhnolohii pererobky pryrodnoho hazu v ridki syntetychni palyva ta perspektyvy yikh vprovadzhennia dlia rozrobky rodovyshch vuhlevodniv“ [The development of technologies for processing natural gas into synthetic liquid fuels and the prospects for their implementation for the development of hydrocarbon fields]. Naftohazova haluz Ukrainy, no. 1 (2014): 38-42.
Makarov, V. M., Perov, M. O., and Novytskyi, I. Yu. “Analiz ta perspektyvy rozvytku burovuhilnoho kompleksu Oleksandriiskoho rehionu“ [Analysis and prospects of development of Alexandria lignite complex in the region]. Problemy zahalnoi enerhetyky, no. 3 (2011): 19-24.
“Stvorennia kompleksu z pererobky TPV v syntetychne motorne palyvo“ [The creation of a complex for processing solid waste into synthetic motor fuel]. Dnipropetrovska oblasna derzhavna administratsiia.
“Kharkivski vcheni proponuiut vyrobliaty syntetychne motorne palyvo na bazi vitchyznianoi vuhilnoi syrovynnoi bazy“ [Kharkiv scientists propose to produce synthetic motor fuels on the basis of the domestic coal resource base]. Ofitsiinyi sait telekanalu OTB.
“Shveitsarskyi son ukrainskoho shakhtaria: detali postanovy Kabminu shchodo investuvannia shakht firmoiu “Falco Swiss Sail ling AG”“ [Swiss dream Ukrainian miner: details of the Cabinet decision regarding the investment of the mines company “Falco Swiss Sail ling AG”]. Buh: inform. sait zakhidnoi Volyni.
Potapenko, I. O. “Perspektivy proizvodstva ekologicheski chistogo topliva dlya elektrostantsiy na osnove gazifikatsii ugley“ [Prospects for the production of environmentally friendly fuel for power plants based on coal gasification]. Khimiya tverdogo topliva, no. 6 (2003): 85-92.
Hilsenteger, J. “Catalysts in Petroleum Refining“ Oil and Gas Journal vol. 83, no. 33 (1985): 132-135.
“Plasma gasification: lessons learned at ecovalley wte facility“

Section: Economics and national economy management
UDC 336.145.2
Kotina H. M., Stepura M. M., Tilichenko Y. H.
Economic and Social Importance of Modern SMART Technologies of Budgeting at the Local Level (p. 111 - 116)

The aim of the article is to study the main SMART technologies of budgeting in terms of their economic and social aspects, consider the risks and prospects of their implementation at the local level in Ukraine. The article is dedicated to description of modern SMART technologies of budgeting. The essence of the concept of infrastructure gap is defined, the necessity of its overcoming through increasing capital expenditures is substantiated. The main methods of financing capital investments are disclosed, the advantages and disadvantages of public-private partnership are determined. The technology of participative budget, its history, features of its introduction and functioning in Poland, Germany and Ukraine are described. The necessity of implementing the Public Finance Management Strategy for 2017-2021 in Ukraine is justified, and risks related to it are investigated.
Keywords: SMART technologies, procurement, infrastructure gap, public-private partnership, participative budget, financial development strategy.
Tabl.: 1. Bibl.: 21.

Kotina Hanna M. – Candidate of Sciences (Economics), Associate Professor, Department of Finance, Kyiv National Economic University named after Vadym Hetman (54/1 Beresteiskyi Ave., Kyiv, 03057, Ukraine)
Stepura Maryna M. – Candidate of Sciences (Economics), Associate Professor, Associate Professor, Department of Finance, Kyiv National Economic University named after Vadym Hetman (54/1 Beresteiskyi Ave., Kyiv, 03057, Ukraine)
Tilichenko Yevhenii H.

Article is written in Ukrainian
Downloads/views: 6

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Reference to this article:
Kotina, Hanna M., Stepura, Maryna M., and Tilichenko, Yevhenii H. (2017) “Economic and Social Importance of Modern SMART Technologies of Budgeting at the Local Level.” The Problems of Economy 2:111–116.

List of references in article

Hadden, D. “Smart Cites need Smart Public Investment Planning“ Freebalance: office site.
Bhattacharya, A., Oppenheim, J., and Stern, N. “Driving Sustainable Development Through Better Infrastructure: Key Elements of a Transformation Program“ G-24: office site.
“Smart Cities Financing Guide. Center for Urban Innovation at Arizona State University“ Urban Innovation.
“Agreement on Government Procurement University“ WTO.
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“Modul analityky: vidkrytyi monitorynh derzhavnykh vytrat v systemi ProZorro“ [The Analytics module: public monitoring of public spending in the ProZorro]. ProZorro.
“Forum iz zakupivel, profesiinoi etyky, upravlinnia ta vidkrytosti“ [Forum for procurement, professional ethics, governance and transparency]. Svitovyi Bank: ofits. sait.
“Participatory Budgeting Project“. Onlain-portal Mizhnarodnoho proektu z biudzhetu uchasti.
“Doslidzhennia dosvidu Polshchi zi vprovadzhennia systemy biudzhetu uchasti“ [A study of Poland's experience in introduction of the system of budget participation]. Cherkaska miska rada: ofits. sait.
“Participatory Budgeting in Germany“. Onlain-portal biudzhetu uchasti v Nimechchyni.
“Hromadskyi biudzhet mista Cherkasy“ [Public budget of the city of Cherkasy]. Cherkaska miska rada: ofits. sait.
“Hromadskyi proekt mista Lvova“ [Public project of the city of Lviv]. Onlain-portal biudzhetu uchasti mista Lvova.
“Hromadskyi proekt mista Kyieva“ [Public project of the city of Kiev]. Kyivska miska derzhavna administratsiia: ofits. sait.
“Stratehiia upravlinnia derzhavnymy finansamy na 2017-2021 roky“ [Strategy of public Finance management for the years 2017-2021]. Yedynyi veb-portal orhaniv vykonavchoi vlady Ukrainy.
“Vidkrytyi biudzhet“ [Open budget]. Onlain-proekt vidkrytoho biudzhetu v Ukraini.
Alawadhi, S. et al. “Building Understanding of Smart City Initiatives“ International Conference on Electronic Government vol. 7443 (2012): 40-53.
Becker, J., Bergener, P., and Rackers, M. “Business Process Assessment and Evaluation in Public Administrations using Activity Based Costing“ 15th Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS 2009) vol. 16 (2009): 1-8.
Brown, M. M. “The Benefits and Costs of Information Technology Innovations: An Empirical Assessment of a Local Government Agency“ Public Performance & Management Review vol. 24 (2001): 351-366.
Chapman, R., and Hunt, M. Open Government in a Theoretical and Practical Context Aldershot, Hants, England Burlington, VT: Ashgate, 2006.
Scholl, H. J., and Scholl, M. C. “Smart Governance: A Roadmap for Research and Practice“ In Conference 2014 Proceedings, 163-176, 2014.

Section: Economics and national economy management
UDC 351.862.4:339.562
Lupak R. L., Kunytska-Iliash M. V.
Conceptual Relationships between the Systems of Ensuring the Economic Security of the State and the Implementation of the State Policy of Import Substitution (p. 117 - 123)

The aim of the article is to substantiate the conceptual relationships between the systems of ensuring the economic security of the state and the implementation of the state policy of import substitution. It is noted that ensuring the economic security of the state should take place systematically in order to reach its acceptable level. Therefore, it is important to define all its elements taking into account their effectiveness, necessity, and objective character. According to these assumptions, the conceptual bases of combining the systems of ensuring the economic security of the state and implementing the state policy of import substitution are justified. At the same time, the state policy of import substitution is viewed as the one which can provide the list of directions and tools that would enable stabilizing the national economy, creating conditions for its sustainable development and ensure its self-sufficiency optimally and efficiently. The conceptual content of relationships and mutual influences of the system of state economic security and directions of implementing the state policy of import substitution is substantiated. Correspondingly, structural components, functional components and spatial characteristics are identified as elements of the system of ensuring the economic security of the state. The directions of implementing the state policy of import substitution are characterized taking into account the determinants of counteracting import dependence, priority spheres of regulation and segments of the internal market.
Keywords: economic security of the state, import substitution, state policy.
Fig.: 1. Bibl.: 18.

Lupak Ruslan L. – Doctor of Sciences (Economics), Associate Professor, Professor, Department of Economics, Lviv University of Trade and Economics (10 Tuhan-Baranovskoho Str., Lviv, 79005, Ukraine)
Kunytska-Iliash Marta V. – Candidate of Sciences (Economics), Associate Professor, Associate Professor, Department of Enterprise Economics, Innovation and Counseling in the Agroindustrial Complex named after I. V. Popovich, Lviv National University of Veterinary Medicine and Biotechnologies named after S. Z. Gzhytskyi (50 Pekarska Str., Lviv, 79010, Ukraine)

Article is written in English
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Reference to this article:
Lupak, Ruslan L., and Kunytska-Iliash, Marta V. (2017) “Conceptual Relationships between the Systems of Ensuring the Economic Security of the State and the Implementation of the State Policy of Import Substitution.” The Problems of Economy 2:117–123.

List of references in article

Vasyltsiv, T. H. Ekonomichna bezpeka pidpryiemnytstva Ukrainy: stratehiia ta mekhanizmy zmitsnennia [Economic security of enterprise: strategy and mechanisms for strengthening]. Lviv: Aral, 2008.
Tsap, M. V. “Orhanizatsiino-ekonomichnyi mekhanizm derzhavnoi strukturnoi polityky importozamishchennia v Ukraini“ [Organizational-economic mechanism of state structural policy of import substitution in Ukraine]. avtoref. dys. ... kand. ekon. nauk: 08.00.03, 2015.
Fyliuk, H., and Shevchuk, O. “Tendentsii rozvytku spozhyvchoho rynku Ukrainy“ [Trends in the development of the consumer market of Ukraine]. Tovary i rynky, no. 1 (2011): 24-36.
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Modeliuvannia ekonomichnoi bezpeky: derzhava, rehion, pidpryiemstvo [Simulation of economic security: state, region, enterprise]. Kharkiv: INZhEK, 2006.
Ekonomichna bezpeka [Economic security]. Kyiv: Znannia, 2009.
Investuvannia ukrainskoi ekonomiky [Investing in the Ukrainian economy]. Kyiv: NIPMB, 2005.
Iliash, O. I. Transformatsiia systemy sotsialnoi bezpeky Ukrainy: rehionalnyi vymir [The transformation of the system of social security of Ukraine: regional dimension]. Lviv: PAIS, 2012.
Vasyltsiv, T. H., and Iliash, O. I. “Suchasnyi stan ta ryzyky rozvytku rynku pratsi Ukrainy u konteksti sotsialnoi bezpeky v umovakh yevrointehratsii“ [Current status and risk of development of labor market of Ukraine in the context of social security in the context of European integration]. Yevropeiska ekonomika vol. 9, no. 2 (2010): 169-180.
Hrynkevych, S. S. Rozvytok trudovoho potentsialu v umovakh formuvannia informatsiinoho suspilstva [Development of labour potential in the conditions of information society formation]. Lviv: ARAL, 2012.
Tsvihun, I. A. Demohrafichna bezpeka Ukrainy ta napriamy yii rehuliuvannia [Demographic security of Ukraine and ways of its regulation]. Kamianets-Podilskyi: PP Zvoleiko D. H., 2013.
Ekonomichna bezpeka derzhavy: sutnist ta napriamy formuvannia [The state's economic security: essence and tendencies of formation]. Kharkiv: Pravo, 2009.
Shlemko, V. T., and Binko, I. F. Ekonomichna bezpeka Ukrainy: sutnist i napriamky zabezpechennia [Economic security of Ukraine: the nature and directions of support]. Kyiv: NISD, 1997.
Kharazishvili, Yu. M., and Dron, Ye. V. Prohnozuvannia indykatoriv, porohovykh znachen ta rivnia ekonomichnoi bezpeky Ukrainy u serednyostrokovii perspektyvi [Forecasting indicators, thresholds, and the level of economic security of Ukraine in the medium term]. Kyiv: NISD, 2014.
Sukhorukov, A. I. “Metodolohiia otsinky rivnia ekonomichnoi bezpeky“ [The methodology of evaluation of economic security]. Visnyk KNTEU, no. 1 (2008): 49-55.
Horbulin, V. P., and Kachynskyi, A. B. Stratehichne planuvannia: vyrishennia problem natsionalnoi bezpeky [Strategic planning: addressing national security]. Kyiv: NISD, 2010.
Zhalilo, Ya. A. Teoriia ta praktyka formuvannia efektyvnoi ekonomichnoi stratehii derzhavy [Theory and practice of forming an effective economic strategy]. Kyiv: NISD, 2009.
Priorytety polityky importozamishchennia u stratehii modernizatsii promyslovosti Ukrainy [The priorities of the policy of import substitution the strategy of modernization of industry of Ukraine]. Kyiv: NISD, 2012.

Section: Economics and national economy management
UDC 338.28:606+608.5
Poliakova O. Y., Shlykova V. O.
The Patenting of Biotechnological Developments in Ukraine: Trends and Structure (p. 124 - 131)

The analysis of the trends and structure of patenting developments in the field of biotechnologies is carried out. The study is based on the information contained in the databases of WIPO (World Intellectual Property Organization), which was used for international comparisons, and “Inventions (Utility Models) in Ukraine” of the Ukrainian Institute of Intellectual Property, which was used for a detailed study of patented developments at the national level. The analysis of patenting the Ukrainian developments for the period of 2000-2015 showed a weak patent activity of Ukraine at the international level. The largest number of active patents on biotechnology granted by the State Service for Intellectual Property of Ukraine to Ukrainian holders belongs to the subclass C12N – “Microorganisms or enzymes; their compositions; reproduction, preservation or storage of microorganisms; mutations or genetic engineering; nutrient media” and amounts to 315. In the structure of patents in the field of biotechnology with the C12N index that are owned by Ukrainian organizations, there prevail state scientific institutions of the NAS of Ukraine and UAAS (Ukrainian Academy of Agrarian Sciences). Representatives of the business sector among the patent holders are almost absent. Among the foreign patent holders the opposite trend is observed — representatives of business structures are leading. Thus, the prospects for the development of biotechnology in Ukraine depend considerably on intensifying the cooperation of scientific institutions with business, which should become a priority area of the state scientific and technical policy.
Keywords: biotechnology, patent analysis, international patent classification, implementation of developments, Ukraine.
Fig.: 9. Tabl.: 1. Bibl.: 12.

Poliakova Olha Yu. – Candidate of Sciences (Economics), Associate Professor, Head of, Sector of Macroeconomic Analysis and Forecasting of the Department of Macroeconomic Policy and Regional Development, Research Centre for Industrial Problems of Development of NAS of Ukraine (2 floor 1-a Inzhenernyi Ln., Kharkіv, 61166, Ukraine)
Shlykova Viktoriia O. – Candidate of Sciences (Economics), Senior Research Fellow, Department of Macroeconomic Policy and Regional Development, Research Centre for Industrial Problems of Development of NAS of Ukraine (2 floor 1-a Inzhenernyi Ln., Kharkіv, 61166, Ukraine)

Article is written in Ukrainian
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Reference to this article:
Poliakova, Olha Yu., and Shlykova, Viktoriia O. (2017) “The Patenting of Biotechnological Developments in Ukraine: Trends and Structure.” The Problems of Economy 2:124–131.

List of references in article

Matiushenko, I. Yu. Rozrobka i vprovadzhennia konverhentnykh tekhnolohii v Ukraini v umovakh novoi promyslovoi revoliutsii: orhanizatsiia derzhavnoi pidtrymky [Development and implementation of convergent technologies in Ukraine in the context of the new industrial revolution: the organization of state support]. Kharkiv: FOP Aleksandrova K. M., 2016.
Streltsova, E. “Patentnaya aktivnost v sfere biotekhnologiy“ [Patent activity in biotechnology]. Forsayt vol. 8, no. 1 (2014): 52-65.
Messeni, P., Rotolo, D., and Albino, V. “Determinants of patent citations in biotechnology: An analysis of patent influence across the industrial and organizational boundaries“ Technological Forecasting and Social Change vol. 91 (2015): 208-221.
Sunhae, Jun, Sang, Sung Park, and Dong, Sik Jang “Patent management for Technology Forecasting: A Case Study of the Bio-Industry“ Journal of Intellectual Property Rights vol. 17 (2012): 539-546.
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“WIPO IP Facts and Figures 2016“ In World Intellectual Property Organization, 2016.
“Richnyi zvit 2014: ofitsiine vydannia Derzhavnoi sluzhby intelektualnoi vlasnosti Ukrainy“ [2014 annual report: the official publication of the State intellectual property service of Ukraine].
“Richnyi zvit 2015: ofitsiine vydannia Derzhavnoi sluzhby intelektualnoi vlasnosti Ukrainy“ [Annual report 2015: the official publication of the State intellectual property service of Ukraine].
“Spetsializovana BD «Vynakhody (korysni modeli) v Ukraini»“ [Specialized DB "Inventions (utility models) in Ukraine"]. DP Ukrainskyi instytut intelektualnoi vlasnosti (UKRPATENT).
“Mizhnarodna patentna klasyfikatsiia. Povnyi tekst (2017.01)“ [The international patent classification. Full text (2017.01)]. DP «Ukrainskyi instytut intelektualnoi vlasnosti (UKRPATENT)».
Concept of a Technology Classification for Country Comparisons - Final Report to the World Intellectual Property Organisation (WIPO) Karlsruhe, Germany: Ulrich Schmoch Fraunhofer Institute for Systems and Innovation Research, 2008.

Section: Economics and national economy management
UDC 334.012:351.746.1
Solodovnik O. O.
The Comprehensive Evaluation of Realizing the Interests of Parties to a Public-Private Partnership (p. 132 - 139)

The aim of the article is to substantiate a comprehensive analytical system for evaluating the realization of the interests of PPP parties as a methodological support for diagnosing problems in development of partnership relations between the state and business. The current state of establishing PPPs in Ukraine indicates that the application of the PPP concept without taking into account the interests of all parties in such agreement does not create favorable conditions for its development and implementation of priorities of the state economic policy. To identify the content of the interests of PPP parties and adequately evaluate the state of their realization, it is necessary to use appropriate analytical tools. In the course of this study it is justified that at building the analytical system for evaluating the realization of the interests of PPP parties, the totality of the interests should be viewed as an ontological complex comprising the subsystem of public sector partners’ interests, on the one hand, and the subsystem of private partners’ interests, on the other; the indicators describing the interests of PPP parties are systematized: four groups are singled out (partial, indirect, analytical and integral), the relationships between them are described, which allows selecting the relevant and most informative indicators for the evaluation avoiding duplication of indicators at building integral indicators; there proposed an approach to the formation of a system of partial indicators for the comprehensive evaluation of the interests of PPP parties, according to which a system of evaluation indicators is developed to diagnose the problems of realizing the interests of the partners at the macro-level; there developed recommendations on quantitative evaluation of consistency of the interests of PPP parties with the help of the integral indicator of consistency of interests of PPP parties and analytical indicators that allow quantifying the financial contradictions that objectively arise between public and private partners. Prospects for further research in this direction are using the proposed analytical tools for diagnosing problems in the realization of the interests of PPP parties in Ukraine.
Keywords: diagnostics, interest, complex, evaluation, indicator, public-private partnership, consistency of the interests of parties.
Fig.: 1. Formulae: 1. Bibl.: 23.

Solodovnik Olesia O. – Candidate of Sciences (Economics), Associate Professor, Professor, Department of Finance and Credit, Kharkiv National University of Civil Engineering and Architecture (40 Sumska Str., Kharkіv, 61002, Ukraine)

Article is written in Ukrainian
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Reference to this article:
Solodovnik, Olesia O. (2017) “The Comprehensive Evaluation of Realizing the Interests of Parties to a Public-Private Partnership.” The Problems of Economy 2:132–139.

List of references in article

Bohdan, I. V. “Perevahy ta ryzyky uchasti inozemnykh investoriv u proektakh publichno-pryvatnoho partnerstva“ [The benefits and risks of participation of foreign investors in projects of public-private partnerships]. Ekonomika i prohnozuvannia, no. 2 (2013): 43-54.
Bondar, H. F. “Upravlinnia derzhavno-pryvatnymy partnerstvamy na zasadakh harmonizatsii interesiv storin“ [Management of public-private partnerships on the basis of harmonization of interests of the parties]. avtoref. dys. … kand. ekon. nauk: 08.00.04, 2010.
Brailivskyi, I. A. “Interesy i vyhody pryvatnoho sektora v derzhavno-pryvatnomu partnerstvi“ [Interests and benefits of the private sector in public-private partnership]. Biznes Inform, no. 8 (2013): 232-236.
Holovinov, O. M. “Derzhavno-pryvatne partnerstvo v innovatsiinii sferi“ [Public-private partnership in the innovative sphere]. Visnyk ekonomichnoi nauky Ukrainy, no. 1 (2010): 47-51.
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Zapatrina, I. V. “Publichno-pryvatne partnerstvo v Ukraini: perspektyvy zastosuvannia dlia realizatsii infrastrukturnykh proektiv i nadannia publichnykh posluh“ [Public-private partnership in Ukraine: prospects of application for implementation of infrastructure projects and the provision of public services]. Ekonomika i prohnozuvannia, no. 4 (2010): 62-86.
Moskalenko, O. M. “Sotsialno-ekonomichni rezultaty tekhnolohichnoho derzhavno-pryvatnoho partnerstva u sviti ta problemy yoho vykorystannia v Ukraini“ [Socio-economic results of technological public-private partnership in the world and problems of its use in Ukraine]. Ekonomichna teoriia, no. 4 (2011): 15-25.
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“Zvitnist pro vykonannia biudzhetiv“ [The reporting about execution of budgets]. Ofitsiinyi sait Derzhavnoi kaznacheiskoi sluzhby Ukrainy.
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“Doing Business“ The World Bank.

Section: Economics and national economy management
UDC 657.47
Stadnyk V. V., Holovchuk O. V., Holovchuk Y. O.
The State and Factors of the Economic Dynamics of Mechanical Engineering Enterprises in Ukraine (p. 140 - 148)

The economic dynamics of mechanical engineering enterprises in Ukraine is considered. Steady negative trends in the volumes of production and sales of mechanical engineering products are revealed. The analysis of the export capabilities of the mechanical engineering industry in the context of the main commodity groups showed an increase in the exports of products of the third technological mode, which indicates a decrease in its science intensity. The study of the impact on the state of the industry of general macroeconomic trends, which are reflected in the changes in the Global Competitiveness Index of Ukraine in 2014-2016, demonstrated some improvements in the indicators characterizing the conditions of business management and the results of their innovation activities. With the purpose of assessing the conformity of the directions in innovation activities of enterprises in the industrial sector of Ukraine to the objectives of increasing their innovative potential, there conducted an analysis of the structure of innovation costs, which showed a significant predominance of costs on acquiring equipment, while the implementation of new technologies is carried out mainly on the basis of resource saving and not flexibility; the introduction of product innovations in the market, especially of fundamentally new ones, decreases. The examination of organizational forms of innovation management in mechanical engineering enterprises indicated the lack of complementarity of innovation management and quality management systems, as well as a low level of staff involvement in these improvement processes. The necessity of eliminating these deficiencies in management for increasing the innovative potential of enterprises and achieving cognitive self-sufficiency is underlined. It is noted that the principles underlying modern quality management systems can be used to solve these problems.
Keywords: mechanical engineering, economic dynamics, innovative activity, innovative potential, quality management, cognitive self-sufficiency of the enterprise.
Fig.: 1. Tabl.: 5. Bibl.: 17.

Stadnyk Valentyna V. – Doctor of Sciences (Economics), Professor, Professor, Department of Management, Khmelnitsky National University (11 Instytutska Str., Khmelnytsky, 29016, Ukraine)
Holovchuk Oleksandr V. – Postgraduate Student, Department of Management, Khmelnitsky National University (11 Instytutska Str., Khmelnytsky, 29016, Ukraine)
Holovchuk Yulia O. – Postgraduate Student, Department of Management, Khmelnitsky National University (11 Instytutska Str., Khmelnytsky, 29016, Ukraine)

Article is written in Ukrainian
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Reference to this article:
Stadnyk, Valentyna V., Holovchuk, Oleksandr V., and Holovchuk, Yulia O. (2017) “The State and Factors of the Economic Dynamics of Mechanical Engineering Enterprises in Ukraine.” The Problems of Economy 2:140–148.

List of references in article

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Section: Economics and national economy management
UDC 330.341
Ianchenko Z. B.
The Problems of Realizing the Innovative Potential of Science and Mechanisms for their Solution (p. 149 - 153)

The aim of the article is revealing reasons for the low payoff of science in terms of the effectiveness of the research activity and demand for its results in economic spheres, identifying problems in the innovation activity of research institutions and reasons for their arising, searching for fundamental approaches to the development of a strategy and mechanisms for realization of the innovative potential of science to strengthen its position in the real sector. The study used general scientific methods, including: systems approach — to systematize the problems of the innovation activity of research institutions; methods of theoretical generalization — to study the theoretical principles of the scientific and innovation activity; methods of analysis and synthesis — to search for fundamental approaches to the development of mechanisms for realization of the innovative potential of science. The used concepts of scientific activity and innovations are generalized. The author’s definition of the term “innovation” is proposed. The main reasons of the minor impact of science on the economy are systematized, the mechanisms for their elimination are offered. Based on the comprehensive analysis of the reasons for losing by science its impact on the economy, the ways of realizing the innovative potential of science are improved. The results of the research can be used in reforming domestic scientific research institutions.
Keywords: science, innovation, innovative potential.
Bibl.: 8.

Ianchenko Zinayida B. – Doctor of Sciences (Economics), Associate Professor, Head of the Department, Department of Business Administration, International Institute of Business (8a Brest-Litovskyi Highway, Kyiv, 03179, Ukraine)

Article is written in English
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Reference to this article:
Ianchenko, Zinayida B. (2017) “The Problems of Realizing the Innovative Potential of Science and Mechanisms for their Solution.” The Problems of Economy 2:149–153.

List of references in article

Aktyvizatsiia innovatsiinoi diialnosti: orhanizatsiino-pravove ta sotsialno-ekonomichne zabezpechennia [Activization of innovative activity: organizational, legal and socio-economic support]. Donetsk: IEP NAN Ukrainy, 2007.
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Section: Regional economy
UDC 336.145.2
Voznyak H. V.
Influence of the Budgetary Decentralization on the Economic Growth of Regions of Ukraine: Statistical Estimation (p. 154 - 160)

The aim of the article is to define, determine and analyze the interrelationships between the budgetary decentralization and the economic growth of regions of Ukraine under conditions of reforming the power and financial resources. A statistical estimation of the influence of the budgetary decentralization on the economic growth of regions of Ukraine for 2015-2016 is carried out. The application of the panel data modeling allowed to build econometric models that made it possible to determine the ambiguous nature of the budgetary decentralization and identify key factors of its influence. It is shown that in terms of the income and expenditures the budgetary decentralization is positively associated with the economic growth of regions of Ukraine during the chosen time range of the study. The dynamic growth of the own revenues of local budgets is not a catalyst for the economic development of the regions. A strong negative effect of transfers on the dependent variable is confirmed. Among the variables included in the model and additionally characterizing the budgetary decentralization, the single tax and subsidies for the socio-economic development of individual territories attract attention. As a result of the study, the author justifies the need to minimize the transfer dependence of the regions at a simultaneous increasing of their own revenue base with local taxes and fees serving as a reliable basis for a long-term planning and development.
Keywords: budget policy, economic growth, decentralization, panel data, development of regions.
Tabl.: 6. Formulae: 2. Bibl.: 10.

Voznyak Halyna V. – Doctor of Sciences (Economics), Senior Research Fellow, Professor, Department of Economics and Public Administration, Ivan Franko National University of Lviv (1 Unіversytetska Str., Lvіv, 79000, Ukraine)

Article is written in Ukrainian
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Reference to this article:
Voznyak, Halyna V. (2017) “Influence of the Budgetary Decentralization on the Economic Growth of Regions of Ukraine: Statistical Estimation.” The Problems of Economy 2:154–160.

List of references in article

Derkach, M. I. Detsentralizatsiia fiskalnykh funktsii derzhavy u konteksti zabezpechennia staloho rozvytku Ukrainy [Decentralization of the fiscal functions of the state in the context of sustainable development of Ukraine]. Dnipropetrovsk: Styl, 2011.
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Yushkov, A. “Fiscal Decentralization and Regional Economic Growth: The Case of the Russian Federation“

Section: Regional economy
UDC 330.342:332.133.6
Dubnytsky V. I., Fedulova S. O., Vasyliuk O. V.
Regional Infrastructure: Modernization, Priorities and Development Prospects (p. 161 - 168)

The aim of the article is to review the methodologies for classification of the composition of regional infrastructure. In our opinion, today the scientific substantiation of modern tools of the development and modernization of the regional infrastructure remains a particularly urgent and difficult research task. Currently the term “regional infrastructure” is used quite actively in the scientific circles, but neither in normative legal and methodological documents nor in the practice of regional administration has it been unambiguously defined. The article analyzes the theoretical and methodological issues of defining regional infrastructure as a separate category and reveals some lack of regulation of the categorical apparatus in the sphere of regional infrastructure at the legislative level. It is also pointed out that little attention is paid to the issues of regional and local infrastructure as a complex management object, the development of infrastructure policies at the regional level, and the organizational and economic mechanism for its development. The article examines the world trends of spatial development and determines their inevitable impact on the modernization of infrastructure support of the region. The organizational and methodological provisions of the development of regional infrastructure considered at the present stage prove the necessity of forming modern approaches to the scientific definition and management of regional infrastructure.
Keywords: regional infrastructure, limited resources, infrastructure development, regional socio-economic systems.
Fig.: 2. Tabl.: 1. Bibl.: 8.

Dubnytsky Vladimir I. – Doctor of Sciences (Economics), Professor, Professor, Department of Theoretical and Applied Economics, Ukrainian State University of Chemical Technology (8 Haharіna Ave., Dnіpro, 49005, Ukraine)
Fedulova Svitlana O. – Candidate of Sciences (Economics), Associate Professor, Deputy Head of the Department, Department of Theoretical and Applied Economics, Ukrainian State University of Chemical Technology (8 Haharіna Ave., Dnіpro, 49005, Ukraine)
Vasyliuk Oksana V. – Software Engineer, Department of Theoretical and Applied Economics, Ukrainian State University of Chemical Technology (8 Haharіna Ave., Dnіpro, 49005, Ukraine)

Article is written in Ukrainian
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Reference to this article:
Dubnytsky, Vladimir I., Fedulova, Svitlana O., and Vasyliuk, Oksana V. (2017) “Regional Infrastructure: Modernization, Priorities and Development Prospects.” The Problems of Economy 2:161–168.

List of references in article

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Vasyliev, O. V. Metodolohiia i praktyka infrastrukturnoho zabezpechennia funktsionuvannia i rozvytku rehioniv Ukrainy [Methodology and practice of infrastructure provision of functioning and development of regions of Ukraine]. Kharkiv: KhNAMH, 2007.
Infrastruktura rehioniv Ukrainy. Priorytety modernizatsii [Infrastructure of the regions of Ukraine. Priorities of modernization]. Kyiv, 2017.

Section: Regional economy
UDC 330.332
Zabarna E. M.
On the Issue of Forming a Methodical Approach to Assessing the Investment Attractiveness of Regions of Ukraine (p. 169 - 175)

The aim of the article is to further develop the scientific principles of formation of methodological approaches to assessing the investment attractiveness of regions of Ukraine. The content of the economic category “innovation and investment climate” is investigated. There systematized factors of formation and evaluation of the innovation and investment climate, including economic, political, legal, scientific and technical, natural and social ones, which differ in the level of their mobility / inertia. It is shown that practically any legislative efforts of the government to create a favorable innovation and investment climate can be blocked by the authorities locally, while efforts to form an economic mechanism at this level can compensate certain shortcomings in the whole state economic regulation. The volume of direct foreign investments for the period starting from 2010 is analyzed. There proposed a methodological approach to assessing the investment attractiveness of regions of Ukraine with consideration for generalized indicators: level of general economic development; level of investment infrastructure development in the region; demographic characteristics of the region; level of criminogenic, environmental and other risks. Each synthesized indicator is determined by the aggregate of the analytical indicators included in their composition. The quantitative value of each synthesized indicator is obtained by summing the rank values (in the system of regions) that are part of the analytical indicators. An investment passport should provide investment support for regulating the development of a region. There proposed a scheme for formation of an investment passport taking into account the information data system.
Keywords: innovation and investment climate, factors, methodological approach, investment attractiveness of a region, investment region, investment passport.
Fig.: 3. Bibl.: 7.

Zabarna Eleonora M. – Doctor of Sciences (Economics), Professor, Head of the Department, Department of Economic Systems and Management of Innovation Development, Odesa National Polytechnic University (1 Shevchenka Ave., Odesa, 65044, Ukraine)

Article is written in Ukrainian
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Reference to this article:
Zabarna, Eleonora M. (2017) “On the Issue of Forming a Methodical Approach to Assessing the Investment Attractiveness of Regions of Ukraine.” The Problems of Economy 2:169–175.

List of references in article

Fedulova, L. I., Zabarna, E. M., and Filyppova, S. V. Innovatsiinyi rozvytok pidpryiemstva [Innovative development of the enterprise]. Odesa: ONPU; Bondarenko M. O., 2016.
“Investytsiina diialnist v Ukraini“ [Investment activity in Ukraine].
Sydor, H. V., and Davydovska, H. I. “Investytsiina pryvablyvist rehioniv“ [Investment attractiveness of regions]. Stalyi rozvytok ekonomiky, no. 2 (27) (2015): 184-189.
Ishchuk, S. O., and Kulinich, T. V. “Otsiniuvannia investytsiinoi pryvablyvosti rehionu: metodychnyi aspekt“ [Evaluation of investment attractiveness of the region: methodological aspect]. Rehionalna ekonomika, no. 3 (2010): 71-78.
Hrybinenko, O. M. “Ekonomichnyi rozvytok Ukrainy v umovakh pokrashchennia investytsiinoho klimatu“ [The economic development of Ukraine in terms of improving the investment climate]. Ekonomichnyi prostir, no. 117 (2017): 75-86.
Kononets, Ye. V., Bratushka, E. S., and Petrenko, I. P. “Investytsiinyi klimat Ukrainy: faktory vplyvu ta problemy formuvannia“ [Investment climate in Ukraine: influence factors and problems of formation].
“Zvit pro vykonannia Uhody pro asotsiatsiiu ta Poriadku dennoho asotsiatsii Ukraina - YeS“ [A report on the implementation of the Association Agreement and the Association Agenda Ukraine - EU].

Section: Regional economy
UDC 332.365/.6(477-25)
Tsvyakh O. M., Openko I. A., Shevchenko O. V.
The Problems of Payment for Land at the Implementation of Investment Projects on Redevelopment of Industrial Areas in the City of Kiev (p. 176 - 183)

The aim of the article is to determine the amount of fees to be paid by investors for the industrial areas subject to renovation at the stage of approving the relevant project documentation at implementing projects on redevelopment of these areas in the city of Kiev and identify a mechanism for encouraging and stimulating investments in this industry. Despite the complicated procedure for implementing a project on redevelopment (renovation) of industrial areas, it is worth noting that one of quite significant capital-intensive categories of investment activity that creates a certain additional “barrier” for investors is overhead cost, namely, payment for land. That is, at the stage of development, coordination of projects on reorganization of industrial areas, an investor has already to pay a fee for land plots gaining no economic income from these territories. The maximum amount of land tax to be paid by investors for the actual functional use of these lands is 72.51 million UAH / year. Thus, in order to make the redevelopment of large industrial territories attractive to investors, the city authorities should act as a full partner and take a number of obligations, namely, to introduce special investment rules and mechanisms, for example, to significantly shorten the time for review and approval of relevant projects (transferring industrial facilities, changing the purpose of land, constructing new real estate properties, etc.), grant tax breaks (“holidays”) for this period, take the responsibility for organizing the transfer of production facilities and defray part of the costs related to it and after completion of the investment project to transfer the land to the investor without equity participation in a predetermined period.
Keywords: redevelopment, investor, land use, industrial territories, investments, payment for land.
Tabl.: 1. Bibl.: 14.

Tsvyakh Oleg M. – Candidate of Sciences (Economics), Lecturer, Department of Land Cadastre, National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine (15 Heroiv Oborony Str., Kyiv, 03041, Ukraine)
Openko Ivan A. – Candidate of Sciences (Economics), Associate Professor, Department of Geodesy and Cartography, National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine (15 Heroiv Oborony Str., Kyiv, 03041, Ukraine)
Shevchenko Oleksandr V. – Candidate of Sciences (Economics), Associate Professor, Associate Professor, Department of Geodesy and Cartography, National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine (15 Heroiv Oborony Str., Kyiv, 03041, Ukraine)

Article is written in Ukrainian
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Reference to this article:
Tsvyakh, Oleg M., Openko, Ivan A., and Shevchenko, Oleksandr V. (2017) “The Problems of Payment for Land at the Implementation of Investment Projects on Redevelopment of Industrial Areas in the City of Kiev.” The Problems of Economy 2:176–183.

List of references in article

Onyshchuk, H. I. “Tendentsiia rozvytku naselenykh punktiv ta zhytlova problema“ [The development trend of human settlements and the housing problem]. Komunalne hospodarstvo mist. Seriia: Ekonomichni nauky, no. 34 (2001): 24-29.
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Novakovska, I. O., and Iliushchenko, Ye. I. “Efektyvnist vykorystannia zemel mist“ [The efficiency of land use of cities]. Zemleustrii, kadastr i monitorynh zemel, no. 3-4 (2014): 118-123.
Dmitriyev, A. N., and Pelepets, A. O. “Effektivnost realizatsii i riski redevelopmenta promyshlennykh territoriy v kontekste “zelenogo» stroitelstva“ [The effectiveness of implementation and risk of redevelopment of industrial territories in the context of "green" construction]. Tekhnologii stroitelstva, no. 6/7 (2014): 50-54.
“Redevelopment - novaya zhyzn promyshlennym obektam“ [Redevelopment - new life for old industrial sites]. Instytut miskoho tsyvilnoho proektuvannia: veb-sait.
“STO NOSTRO 2.35.4-2011. Standart organizatsii. «Zelenoye stroitelstvo». Zdaniya zhilyye i obshchestvennyye. Reytingovaya sistema otsenki ustoychivosti sredy obitaniya“ [STO NOSTRO 2.35.4-2011. The standard of the organization. "Green building". Residential and public buildings. Rating system of the sustainability of the environment].
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Tsviakh, O. M., and Openko, I. A. “Promyslovi terytorii yak prostorovyi bazys optymizatsii vykorystannia zemel v misti“ [Industrial areas as a spatial basis of optimization of land use in the city]. Zemleustrii, kadastr i monitorynh zemel, no. 1 (2017): 83-91.

Section: Economics and Enterprise Management
UDC 330.322.2
Bryukhovetskaya N. Y., Ivanenko L. V.
Scientific Approaches to Determining the Economic Essence of Investment Activity of Ukrainian Enterprises and its Evaluation (p. 184 - 192)

The aim of the article is to systematize theoretical approaches to determining the economic essence of investment activity of enterprises and general evaluation of the current trends in its changing in Ukraine. Based on the analysis of differences in scientific approaches, it is found that investment activity can be considered both as a characteristic of an investment process and as intensity of investing. As a result of the research, there suggested a combination of these approaches that makes it possible to evaluate the effectiveness of actions aimed at increasing investment attractiveness, reducing investment risks and gives grounds for drawing conclusions about the level of innovative development of enterprises, intellectualization of production, activation of human capital of an enterprise and its social responsibility. The study of the level of investment activity in the economy of Ukraine, which was carried out using estimation of gross fixed capital formation, shows a stable tendency to its decreasing. This situation provides prerequisites for further de-industrialization of the national economy. Prospects for further research are substantiated by the need to develop theoretical provisions for formation of a system of indicators for evaluating the level of investment activity of enterprises and justification of the mechanism for ensuring investment activity that would contribute to increasing the value added at enterprises through activation of human capital, innovative development and efficient use of resources.
Keywords: investment activity, investment process, investment intensity, activation of human capital, gross fixed capital formation
Fig.: 3. Tabl.: 3. Bibl.: 27.

Bryukhovetskaya Natalya Ye. – Doctor of Sciences (Economics), Professor, Head of, Department of Problems of Enterprise Economics, Institute of Industrial Economics of NAS of Ukraine (2 Mariia Kapnist Str., Kyiv, 03057, Ukraine)
Ivanenko Lilia V. – Junior Researcher, Department of Problems of Enterprise Economics, Institute of Industrial Economics of NAS of Ukraine (2 Mariia Kapnist Str., Kyiv, 03057, Ukraine)

Article is written in Russian
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Reference to this article:
Bryukhovetskaya, Natalya Ye., and Ivanenko, Lilia V. (2017) “Scientific Approaches to Determining the Economic Essence of Investment Activity of Ukrainian Enterprises and its Evaluation.” The Problems of Economy 2:184–192.

List of references in article

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“Ekonomichna statystyka/Natsionalni rakhunky/Valove nahromadzhennia osnovnoho kapitalu v rozrizi vydiv nefinansovykh aktyviv u 2016 rotsi“ [Economic statistics / National accounts / Gross fixed capital accumulation by type of nonfinancial assets in 2016]. Derzhavna sluzhba statystyky Ukrainy: ofits. sait.

Section: Economics and Enterprise Management
UDC 338.001.36:640.41
Ivchenko L. A., Redko V. Y.
The Integral Index as a Means for Determining Financial Stability of a Small Hotel (p. 193 - 199)

The aim of the article is to develop and substantiate a methodology for evaluating the integral index of financial stability of hotels. By analyzing scientific works of foreign and Ukrainian scientists, there studied different methods for evaluating the financial stability of enterprises that take into account factors affecting their economic activities. The advantages of using the integrated approach to evaluating and forecasting the financial condition of small hotels are identified. In the work there offered a method for evaluating the integral index of financial stability of a hotel based on the principles of qualimetry and simple regression analysis. The tree of properties of the integral index includes all coefficients that affect financial stability and are calculated from the financial statements of a hotel, as well as the probability of bankruptcy calculated by four models. It is justified that the combination of the qualimetric and regression analysis allows not only to obtain integral characteristics of the financial stability index of a hotel, but also to make quantitative evaluation of the average speed and direction of its dynamics. Given a sufficient number of statistical observations, the results obtained can be used to determine the interval for evaluating types of financial stability of a hotel and forecasting its integral index.
Keywords: financial stability of a hotel, integral index, qualimetric analysis, regression model.
Fig.: 2. Tabl.: 2. Formulae: 1. Bibl.: 18.

Ivchenko Liubov A. – Candidate of Sciences (Physics and Mathematics), Associate Professor, Associate Professor, Department of Tourism and Hotel Business, National University of Food Technology (68 Volodymyrska Str., Kyiv, 1601, Ukraine)
Redko Viktoriia Ye. – Candidate of Sciences (Economics), Associate Professor, Associate Professor, Department of Management and Tourism Business, Oles Honchar Dnipro National University (72 Haharina Ave., Dnіpro, 49010, Ukraine)

Article is written in Ukrainian
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Reference to this article:
Ivchenko, Liubov A., and Redko, Viktoriia Ye. (2017) “The Integral Index as a Means for Determining Financial Stability of a Small Hotel.” The Problems of Economy 2:193–199.

List of references in article

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“Otsenka veroyatnosti bankrotstva predpriyatiya v Excel“ [Assessment of the probability of bankruptcy in Excel].

Section: Economics and Enterprise Management
UDC 005.932.(075)
Кolodizieva T. O.
Using Innovation Management Concepts to Improve the Functioning of Supply Chains (p. 200 - 209)

The aim of the article is to clarify the advantages of integrating innovation management concepts and their using to improve the functioning of supply chains. The evolution of innovation management concepts in the context of their application in the logistic activity of enterprises is examined, their mutual influence and combinations, features and advantages are investigated. The expediency of using innovation concepts of enterprise management not just at the micro-level of the economy but also at the meso- and meta-levels, that is, in the network structures of business and supply chains, is grounded. The application of tools of innovation management concepts to analyze and improve the functioning of supply chains is proposed. To identify and eliminate bottlenecks in supply chains, a sequence of stages of implementing an integrated solution is developed and their content, which comprises the concept of Supply Chain Management (SCM), Theory of Constraints (TOC), Lean Production Concept (LP), Resource-Based View (RBV), 6-Sigma Theory and Balanced Scorecard (BSC), is described. There identified prospects for using integrated solutions, which allow creating a significant synergy of innovation logistic concepts, ensuring the overcoming of certain drawbacks of the concepts, moving to a new level of management of the business processes of the national economy.
Keywords: supply chain management, logistic concept, management concept, constraint, supply chain capability.
Fig.: 1. Tabl.: 3. Bibl.: 13.

Кolodizieva Tetiana O. – Candidate of Sciences (Economics), Associate Professor, Department of Economics, Enterprise Management and Logistics, Simon Kuznets Kharkiv National University of Economics (9a Nauky Ave., Kharkіv, 61166, Ukraine)

Article is written in Ukrainian
Downloads/views: 2

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Reference to this article:
Кolodizieva, Tetiana O. (2017) “Using Innovation Management Concepts to Improve the Functioning of Supply Chains.” The Problems of Economy 2:200–209.

List of references in article

Balashova, Ye. S. “Formirovaniye organizatsionno-upravlencheskogo mekhanizma vyyavleniya, otsenki i ispolzovaniya rezervov promyshlennogo predpriiatiia: teoriia, metodologiia i praktika“ [Formation of the organizational-administrative mechanism for the identification, evaluation and use of reserves of industrial enterprises: theory, methodology and practice].
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Section: Economics and Enterprise Management
UDC 657:334.012:46
Krutova A. S.
The Synthesis of the Hierarchical Structure of Information Resources for Management of Electronic Commerce Entities (p. 210 - 216)

The aim of the article is to develop the theoretical bases for the classification and coding of economic information and the scientific justification of the content of information resources of an electronic commerce enterprise. The essence of information resources for management of electronic business entities is investigated. It is proved that the organization of accounting in e-commerce systems is advisable to be built on the basis of two circuits: accounting for financial flows and accounting associated with transformation of business factors in products and services as a result of production activities. There presented a sequence of accounting organization that allows to combine the both circuits in a single information system, which provides a possibility for the integrated replenishment and distributed simultaneous use of the e-commerce system by all groups of users. It is proved that the guarantee of efficient activity of the information management system of electronic commerce entities is a proper systematization of the aggregate of information resources on economic facts and operations of an enterprise in accordance with the management tasks by building the hierarchy of accounting nomenclatures. It is suggested to understand nomenclature as an objective, primary information aggregate concerning a certain fact of the economic activity of an enterprise, which is characterized by minimum requisites, is entered into the database of the information system and is to be reflected in the accounting system. It is proposed to build a database of e-commerce systems as a part of directories (constants, personnel, goods / products, suppliers, buyers) and the hierarchy of accounting nomenclatures. The package of documents regulating the organization of accounting at an enterprise should include: the provision on the accounting services, the order on the accounting policy, the job descriptions, the schedules of information exchange, the report card and the schedule for drawing up internal and external reporting forms.
Keywords: electronic commerce, organization of accounting, management information resources, database, accounting nomenclatures.
Fig.: 4. Tabl.: 1. Bibl.: 12.

Krutova Angelika S. – Doctor of Sciences (Economics), Professor, Head of the Department, Department of Finance, Kharkiv State University of Food Technology and Trade (333 Klochkіvska Str., Kharkіv, 61051, Ukraine)

Article is written in Ukrainian
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Reference to this article:
Krutova, Angelika S. (2017) “The Synthesis of the Hierarchical Structure of Information Resources for Management of Electronic Commerce Entities.” The Problems of Economy 2:210–216.

List of references in article

Mnykh, Ye. V., Tsykalo, Ye. I., and Bun, R. M. Orhanizatsiia avtomatyzovanykh robochykh mists oblikovoho personalu [The organization of workstations accounting staff]. Lviv: LNU im. I. Franka, 2004.
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Section: Economics and Enterprise Management
UDC 338.439:108
Nifatova O. M.
The Benchmarking of Integrated Business Structures (p. 217 - 222)

The aim of the article is to study the role of the benchmarking in the process of integration of business structures in the aspect of knowledge sharing. The results of studying the essential content of the concept “integrated business structure” and its semantic analysis made it possible to form our own understanding of this category with an emphasis on the need to consider it in the plane of three projections — legal, economic and organizational one. The economic projection of the essential content of integration associations of business units is supported by the organizational projection, which is expressed through such essential aspects as existence of a single center that makes key decisions; understanding integration as knowledge sharing; using the benchmarking as exchange of experience on key business processes. Understanding the process of integration of business units in the aspect of knowledge sharing involves obtaining certain information benefits. Using the benchmarking as exchange of experience on key business processes in integrated business structures will help improve the basic production processes, increase the efficiency of activity of both the individual business unit and the IBS as a whole.
Keywords: integration, integrated business structures, benchmarking, knowledge sharing.
Fig.: 2. Bibl.: 15.

Nifatova Olena M. – Candidate of Sciences (Economics), Associate Professor, Department of Entrepreneurship and Business, Kyiv National University of Technologies and Design (2 Nemyrovycha-Danchenka Str., Kyiv, 01011, Ukraine)

Article is written in Ukrainian
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Reference to this article:
Nifatova, Olena M. (2017) “The Benchmarking of Integrated Business Structures.” The Problems of Economy 2:217–222.

List of references in article

Pylypenko, A. A. Stratehichna intehratsiia pidpryiemstv: mekhanizm upravlinnia ta modeliuvannia rozvytku [Strategic enterprise integration: mechanism for control and modeling development]. Kharkiv: INZhEK, 2007.
Kyzym, M. O. et al. Intehrovani struktury biznesu: problemy teorii ta praktyky otsiniuvannia konkurentospromozhnosti [Integrated business structure: problems of theory and practice of evaluation of the competitiveness]. Kharkiv: INZhEK, 2010.
Marchenko, V. M. “Metodychni pidkhody do otsiniuvannia synerhetychnoho efektu zlyttia i pohlynannia“ [Methodological approaches to the evaluation of the synergistic effect of mergers and acquisitions]. Aktualni problemy ekonomiky, no. 4 (118) (2011): 135-142.
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Section: Economics and Enterprise Management
UDC 65.01
Skrynkovskyy R. M., Vizniak Y. Y., Pawlowski G., Koropetskyi O. O.
Diagnosis of Diversification Processes at an Enterprise (p. 223 - 228)

The aim of the article is formation and development of theoretical and methodological basis for diagnosing diversification processes at an enterprise in the context and on the basis of theory and practice of economics and enterprise management. It is found that: 1) one of the most common ways of development of an enterprise is diversification, which contributes to effective implementation of its development strategy and formation of its prospects; 2) diagnosis of diversification processes at an enterprise is a targeted evaluation of its state, trends and development prospects associated with identification of new spheres (branches) of activities and penetration into them, development of new production technologies and markets, expansion of the range of products (goods), which is most conducive to effective realization of competitive advantages of an enterprise with the purpose of maximization of its incomes received from all directions of its activity and minimization of expected risks. It is determined that the key business indicators of the diagnostic system are indicators that reflect the level of diversification of an enterprise’s activities: the absolute level of diversification; the transformed concentration index; the Berry index / the Herfindahl-Hirschman index; the concentration ratio of the sphere of activity (branch) according to the descending (or increasing) principle; the entropy index; the Atton index; the index of diversification; the level of risk. The prospect for further scientific and practical research in this area is development of a multi-criteria system for diagnosing the activities of enterprises, taking into account diagnosis of diversification processes at an enterprise as a partial diagnostic purpose of the system of partial diagnostic purposes of the multi-criteria system of economic diagnosis of an enterprise.
Keywords: enterprise, diversification, production, products, diagnosis, business indicators.
Tabl.: 1. Formulae: 7. Bibl.: 17.

Skrynkovskyy Ruslan M. – Candidate of Sciences (Economics), Associate Professor, Department of Business Economy and Information Technology, Lviv University of Business and Law (99 Kulparkіvska Str., Lviv, 79021, Ukraine)
Vizniak Yurii Ya. – Candidate of Sciences (Economics), Lviv Regional Council (18 Vynnychenka Str., Lviv, 79008, Ukraine)
Pawlowski Grzegorz – Company «Zaklad Handlowo-Uslugowy BHP» (17 Kostrzynska Str., Gorzyca, 69-113, Poland)
Koropetskyi Oleh O. – Student, Faculty of Law, Lviv University of Business and Law (99 Kulparkіvska Str., Lviv, 79021, Ukraine)

Article is written in Ukrainian
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Skrynkovskyy, Ruslan M. et al. (2017) “Diagnosis of Diversification Processes at an Enterprise.” The Problems of Economy 2:223–228.

List of references in article

Bahorka, M. O., and Bilotkach, I. A. “Dyversyfikatsiia yak faktor pidvyshchennia efektyvnosti diialnosti pidpryiemstv v suchasnykh umovakh“ [Diversification as the factor of increase of efficiency of activity of enterprises in modern conditions]. Investytsii: praktyka ta dosvid, no. 10 (2009): 17-21.
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Kovinko, O. M. “Sutnist ta zmist stratehii dyversyfikatsii pidpryiemstv pry vykhodi na zovnishnii rynok“ [The nature and content of the diversification strategy of enterprises when entering foreign markets]. Visnyk Khmelnytskoho natsionalnoho universytetu. Ekonomichni nauky vol. 2, no. 5 (2014): 7-11.
Derzhavna sluzhba statystyky Ukrainy: ofits. sait.

Section: Economics and Enterprise Management
UDC 331.5
Shchetinina L. V., Rudakova S. G., Lesnikova N. R.
Impression Management: Current Practice and Recommendations (p. 229 - 234)

The aim of the work is to identify current trends in impression management on the basis of sociological research and develop recommendations to managers, employees of personnel management services, social workers on peculiarities of impression management. The relevance of the article is in studying the strengthening desire of people to influence each other. Among the objectives of the influence the most common one is the desire to create a good impression on others. This point was chosen by 91 % of the respondents. However, the use of various impression management techniques is ambiguous in its consequences, and, therefore, can constitute significant risks for effective management and interpersonal interaction. At the present stage the conducted studies are mainly related to considering peculiarities of application of impression management techniques in narrow scientific and applied fields. The article proves the wide prevalence of the use of impression management techniques in the business sphere and informal environment, their high effectiveness and negative consequences of their application. Prospect for further research in this direction are development and implementation of practical systematic measures to overcome the negative consequences of using the tactics of impression management as well as improving their effectiveness.
Keywords: perception, effective communication, methods of impression management, mistakes in decision making, manipulation.
Bibl.: 9.

Shchetinina Ludmila V. – Candidate of Sciences (Economics), Associate Professor, Associate Professor, Department of Personnel Management and Labour Economics, Kyiv National Economic University named after Vadym Hetman (54/1 Beresteiskyi Ave., Kyiv, 03057, Ukraine)
Rudakova Svetlana G. – Candidate of Sciences (Engineering), Associate Professor, Associate Professor, Department of Personnel Management and Labour Economics, Kyiv National Economic University named after Vadym Hetman (54/1 Beresteiskyi Ave., Kyiv, 03057, Ukraine)
Lesnikova Nataliia R. – Student, Kyiv National Economic University named after Vadym Hetman (54/1 Beresteiskyi Ave., Kyiv, 03057, Ukraine)

Article is written in Ukrainian
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Reference to this article:
Shchetinina, Ludmila V., Rudakova, Svetlana G., and Lesnikova, Nataliia R. (2017) “Impression Management: Current Practice and Recommendations.” The Problems of Economy 2:229–234.

List of references in article

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Section: Economic theory
UDC [334:631.1]:330.1
Hutorov A. O.
Rent and Rent Seeking Behavior in the System of Integration Relations in the Agrarian Sector of Economy (p. 235 - 244)

The aim of the article is to improve the theoretical and methodological basis of rental relations and rent seeking behavior in the system of integration relations in the agricultural sector of economy. It is shown that the system of economic mechanisms of integration relations in the agrarian sector of economy includes one of the most important and at the same time the most controversial elements — rent seeking behavior. The dialectical unity of rental and integration relations in the agricultural sector of economy follows from the nature of rent itself, its interconnection with economic relations as well as the place in the system of agrarian relations as a whole. This interdependence is empirically confirmed based on the dynamics of frequency of using the terms “integration” and “rent”, as well as their derivatives in scientific works with the Latin and Cyrillic script. The taxonomic system of rent in the modern economic paradigm is developed, rental principles of development of integrated business entities in the agricultural sector of economy are generalized. It is confirmed that the strategy of rent seeking under conditions of imperfection of state and market institutions is unproductive at the micro-level and destructive at the macro-level. Its consequences are the Dutch disease, excessive misuse of funds, low rates of economic development, deindustrialization and disintegration. A productive rent seeking, on the contrary, stimulates innovations, promotes rational distribution of property and resources in economy, raising the level of people’s well-being.
Keywords: rent, rent seeking behavior, integration, integration relations, agrarian sector of economy.
Fig.: 5. Formulae: 2. Bibl.: 17.

Hutorov Andrii O. – Doctor of Sciences (Economics), Professor, Chief research scientist, Department of Organization of Management, Public Administration and Administration, National Science Centre «Institute of Agricultural Economy» (10 Heroiv Oborony Str., Kyiv, 03680, Ukraine)

Article is written in Ukrainian
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Reference to this article:
Hutorov, Andrii O. (2017) “Rent and Rent Seeking Behavior in the System of Integration Relations in the Agrarian Sector of Economy.” The Problems of Economy 2:235–244.

List of references in article

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Section: Economic theory
UDC 330.341.1
Farat O. V.
The Typology of Methodological Approaches to Development of Innovative Clusters (p. 245 - 250)

The aim of the article is to study the existing methodological approaches to assessing the development of enterprises for further substantiation of possibilities of their using by cluster associations. As a result of research, based on the analysis of scientific literature, the most applicable methodological approaches to assessing the development of enterprises are characterized. 8 methodical approaches to assessing the level of development of enterprises and 4 methodological approaches to assessing the level of development of clusters are singled out. Each of the approaches is characterized by the presence of certain advantages and disadvantages, but none of them allows to obtain a systematic assessment of all areas of cluster functioning, identify possible reserves for cluster competitiveness growth and characterize possible strategies for their future development. Taking into account peculiarities of the functioning and development of cluster associations of enterprises, we propose our own methodological approach for assessing the development of innovative cluster structures.
Keywords: methodological approach, level of development, innovative cluster.
Tabl.: 1. Formulae: 1. Bibl.: 9.

Farat Olexandra V. – Candidate of Sciences (Economics), Associate Professor, Department of Entrepreneurship and Environmental Expertise of Goods, National University «Lviv Polytechnic» (12 Stepana Bandery Str., Lvіv, 79013, Ukraine)

Article is written in Ukrainian
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Reference to this article:
Farat, Olexandra V. (2017) “The Typology of Methodological Approaches to Development of Innovative Clusters.” The Problems of Economy 2:245–250.

List of references in article

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Parkhomenko, A. A. “Synerhetychnyi vektor klasteriv“ [Synergistic vector of clusters]. Ekonomichnyi chasopys-XXI, no. 11-12 (2012): 25-27.
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Samuliak, V. Yu., and Feshchur, R. V. “Otsiniuvannia rivnia rozvytku pidpryiemstv“ [Assessment of the level of development of enterprises]. Visnyk Natsionalnoho universytetu «Lvivska politekhnika». Seriia: Lohistyka, no. 633 (2008): 627-636.
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Tyshchenko, O. M. “Klastery yak vektor rozvytku ekonomiky: orhanizatsiia, sutnist i kontseptsii“ [Clusters as a vector of development of economy: organization, entity, and concept]. Teoretychni ta prykladni pytannia ekonomiky, no. 21 (2010): 74-80.
Fedorenko, O. V. “Otsinka efektyvnosti diialnosti mashynobudivnoho klastera“ [The estimation of efficiency of activity of machine-building cluster]. Ekonomichnyi analiz vol. 16 (2) (2014): 171-179.
Feshchur, R. V., and Samuliak, V. Yu. “Hrupy pokaznykiv (indykatoriv) otsiniuvannia rivnia rozvytku pidpryiemstv“ [Groups of indicators (indicators) assessment of the level of development of enterprises]. Visnyk Natsionalnoho universytetu "Lvivska politekhnika". , no. 691: Menedzhment ta pidpryiemnytstvo v Ukraini: etapy stanovlennia i problemy rozvytku (2010): 231-239.
Farat, O. V. “Sutnist ta vydy rozvytku innovatsiinykh klasteriv“ [The nature and types of development of innovation clusters]. Naukovyi visnyk Khersonskoho derzhavnoho universytetu, no. 9 (2014): 67-71.

Section: Finance and banking
UDC 336.71:65.012.12
Bezrodna O. S., Lesik V. O.
Theoretical and Methodological Aspects of Assessing the Financial Stability of the Banking System (p. 251 - 263)

The aim of the article is to substantiate the directions and develop methodological tools for assessing the financial stability of the banking system. Taking into account the emergence character of the banking system as a complex systemic formation and the results of the analysis of scientific literature, arguments are given regarding the need to assess its financial stability using the following groups of indicators: intensity of the credit and financial interaction in the interbank market; functional load of the banking system in the context of ensuring macroeconomic development; structural changes and financial imbalances in the banking system and the activity of systemically important banks. There proposed a methodological approach to assessing the financial stability of the banking system, which implies quantitative integral assessment of its level and qualitative interpretation of the results using the methods of entropy and “golden section”, respectively. The application of the improved approach will allow identifying sources of risk distribution in the banking system and develop a set of effective regulatory measures in accordance with a certain level of its financial stability. Prospects for further research in this direction are to determine the dominants of ensuring the financial stability of the banking system as well as the threshold values of its assessment indicators, which serve to diagnose the crisis and can be used as a tool for the macro-prudential policy.
Keywords: financial stability, banking system, emergence, financial imbalances, systemically important banks.
Fig.: 2. Tabl.: 5. Bibl.: 46.

Bezrodna Olena S. – Candidate of Sciences (Economics), Senior Lecturer, Department of Banking, Simon Kuznets Kharkiv National University of Economics (9a Nauky Ave., Kharkіv, 61166, Ukraine)
Lesik Vitaliy O. – Postgraduate Student, Department of Banking, Simon Kuznets Kharkiv National University of Economics (9a Nauky Ave., Kharkіv, 61166, Ukraine)

Article is written in Ukrainian
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Reference to this article:
Bezrodna, Olena S., and Lesik, Vitaliy O. (2017) “Theoretical and Methodological Aspects of Assessing the Financial Stability of the Banking System.” The Problems of Economy 2:251–263.

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Lesyk, V. O. “Otsiniuvannia finansovoi stabilnosti bankivskoi systemy z urakhuvanniam vlastyvosti emerdzhentnosti“ [Assessing the financial stability of the banking system given the properties of emergence]. Biznes Inform, no. 3 (2017): 294-301.
Mishchenko, V. I. et al. Likvidnist bankivskoi systemy Ukrainy: naukovo-analitychni materialy [The liquidity of the banking system of Ukraine: analytical materials]. Kyiv: Tsentr nauk. dosl. NBU, 2008.
Mishchenko, V., and Maliutin, O. “Instrumentalne zabezpechennia stabilnosti bankivskoi systemy na osnovi rozrobky ahrehovanoho indeksu“ [Instrumental stability of the banking system on the basis of the aggregated index]. Visnyk Natsionalnoho banku Ukrainy, no. 4 (2015): 32-37.
Mishchenko, S. V. “Problemy zabezpechennia likvidnosti bankiv na osnovi vykorystannia mekhanizmiv refinansuvannia“ [The problem of providing liquidity through the use of mechanisms of refinancing]. Finansy Ukrainy, no. 7 (2009): 75-88.
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Section: Finance and banking
UDC ((336+005.411):334.722):005.342
Yermak S. O., Kostakova L. D., Plotnitskaya V. V.
Innovative Forms of Financing the Creation and Development of Small Business (p. 264 - 269)

For small enterprises, unlike large ones, the issue of fundraising emerges both in the process of their creation, development and current activity. Small enterprises are experiencing quite a high demand for additional sources of financing. The aim of the research is to study innovative forms of financing the creation and development of small enterprises, their advantages and disadvantages. At present in addition to traditional ways of raising capital, such as bank loans or public offering of shares among external investors (IPOs), there exist a number of alternative options. Among them the most common are grants, international programs, loans from international banks and financial institutions, such as EBRD (European Bank for Reconstruction and Development), IFC (International Finance Corporation), NEFCO (Nordic Environment Finance Corporation), KfW (Kreditanstalt f?r Wiederaufbau), fundraising, crowdsourcing, crowdfunding, and angel investment. The article studies in detail the last two ways of financing: their essence, components, positive and negative features, experience of application in Ukraine and the world. The research shows that crowdfunding is suitable for business development at the early stages, that is, for those enterprises that require, for example, to complete prototyping and start mass production of their first product. Business angels can be a good choice for enterprises that already have a permanent customer base and want to grow their business.
Keywords: small business, sources of financing, crowdsourcing, crowdfunding, business angels.
Fig.: 1. Tabl.: 2. Bibl.: 14.

Yermak Svitlana O. – Candidate of Sciences (Economics), Associate Professor, Associate Professor, Department of Business and Trade, Donetsk National University of Economy and Trade named after M. Tugan-Baranovsky (16 Tramvaina Str., Kryvyi Rih, Dnipropetrovsk region, 50005, Ukraine)
Kostakova Lina D. – Senior Lecturer, Department of Entrepreneurship and Trade, Donetsk National University of Economy and Trade named after M. Tugan-Baranovsky (16 Tramvaina Str., Kryvyi Rih, Dnipropetrovsk region, 50005, Ukraine)
Plotnitskaya Veronika V. – Student, Donetsk National University of Economy and Trade named after M. Tugan-Baranovsky (16 Tramvaina Str., Kryvyi Rih, Dnipropetrovsk region, 50005, Ukraine)

Article is written in Ukrainian
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Reference to this article:
Yermak, Svitlana O., Kostakova, Lina D., and Plotnitskaya, Veronika V. (2017) “Innovative Forms of Financing the Creation and Development of Small Business.” The Problems of Economy 2:264–269.

List of references in article

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Petrushenko, Yu. M., and Dudkin, O. V. “Kraudfandynh yak innovatsiinyi instrument finansuvannia proektiv sotsialno-ekonomichnoho rozvytku“ [Crowdfunding as an innovative tool for financing projects for socio-economic development]. Marketynh i menedzhment innovatsii, no. 1 (2014): 172-182.
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Yermak, S. O., and Lisnichenko, O. O. “Dzherela finansuvannia innovatsiinoi diialnosti v Ukraini“ [Sources of financing innovative activities in Ukraine]. Efektyvna ekonomika.
Sas, B. B., and Spiak, H. I. “Rozvytok systemy venchurnoho finansuvannia v Ukraini“ [Development of system of venture financing in Ukraine]. Ekonomichnyi analiz vol. 18, no. 1 (2014): 195-202.
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“10 samykh perspektivnykh ukrainskikh startapov“ [10 most promising Ukrainian startups].

Section: Finance and banking
UDC 336.76
Kravchuk I. S.
The EU Capital Markets Union and Financial Stability (p. 270 - 275)

The aim of the article is to study the processes of formation of the EU Capital Markets Union in the context of their influence on stability of the markets and the financial system as a whole. In the course of analyzing the project for the building of a single capital market with respect to financial stability, there determined its positive aspects as well as threats and challenges associated with simplification of information requirements to the prospectus of public offering of securities, low liquidity and higher volatility of the equity markets of small and medium-sized businesses, reduction of the regulatory requirements to investment firms (securities traders), correction of prudential norms for infrastructure investments of banking institutions and insurance companies, introduction of a simple, transparent and standard securitization, a secondary market for distressed banking assets, and a potential spread of financial instability at cross-border investments in securities.
Keywords: financial integration, Capital Markets Union, financial stability, securitization.
Fig.: 1. Bibl.: 17.

Kravchuk Igor S. – Candidate of Sciences (Economics), Associate Professor, Candidate on Doctor Degree, Department of Banking Management and Accounting, Ternopil National Economic University (11 Lvіvska Str., Ternopil, 46020, Ukraine)

Article is written in Ukrainian
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Reference to this article:
Kravchuk, Igor S. (2017) “The EU Capital Markets Union and Financial Stability.” The Problems of Economy 2:270–275.

List of references in article

Segre, C. The development of a european capital market. Report of a group of experts appointed by the EEC Commission, 1966.
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Section: Finance and banking
UDC 338.42:330.322
Otlyvanska G. A.
The Prospects and Possibilities for Using Crowdfunding in the Investment Activity of Ukrainian Enterprises (p. 276 - 281)

The aim of the article is a comprehensive study of the possibilities and prospects for using crowdfunding as an instrument for financing the investment activities of Ukrainian enterprises based on analysis, synthesis and systematization of publications of domestic and foreign scientists, as well as practitioners. The article presents statistical data characterizing the dynamic development of crowdfunding in the world, the growth of interest of business in its application. Types of crowdfunding are characterized, and also signs of their allocation are defined. The main characteristics of crowdfunding platforms are formulated for choosing a platform for implementing an investment solution. The advantages and disadvantages of crowdfunding as an instrument for financing the enterprise investment activity are summarized, and prospects for its development in Ukraine are outlined.
Keywords: crowdfunding, crowdfunding platform, crowdinvesting, investment activity, enterprise, instrument.
Fig.: 1. Tabl.: 1. Bibl.: 20.

Otlyvanska Galyna A. – Candidate of Sciences (Economics), Associate Professor, Associate Professor, Department of Enterprise Economics and Corporate Governance, Odesa National Academy of Telecommunications named after A. S. Popov (1 Kuznechna Str., Odesa, 65029, Ukraine)

Article is written in Russian
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Reference to this article:
Otlyvanska, Galyna A. (2017) “The Prospects and Possibilities for Using Crowdfunding in the Investment Activity of Ukrainian Enterprises.” The Problems of Economy 2:276–281.

List of references in article

“Massolution Crowdfunding Industry 2015 Report“
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Tsenkler, N. I. et al. “Kraudfanding v Ukraine: spetsifika ucheta“ [Crowdfunding in Ukraine: specificity of accounting]. Sustainable Development vol. 3 (24) (2015): 38-42.
Kievich, A. V., and Koyp, A. D. “Kraudinvesting kak alternativnaya model finansirovaniya investitsionnogo proekta“ [Crowdinvesting as an alternative model of financing of the investment project]. Ekonomika i banki, no. 1 (2016): 58-65.
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Pasychnik, I. “De zbyraty hroshi: Kickstarter vs Indiegogo. Osoblyvosti naipopuliarnishykh kraudfandynhovykh maidanchykiv“ [Where to save money: Kickstarter vs Indiegogo. Features the most popular of crowdfunding sites]. Forbes Ukraina.
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“Crowdfunding. Advantages and disadvantages of crowdfunding“

Section: Finance and banking
UDC 336.71:336.76
Chunytska I. I.
Measures to Prevent Financial Fraud and Legalization of Illicit Funds (p. 282 - 291)

The problems of preventing financial fraud and legalization of funds using mechanisms of the financial market are considered. The relevance of this problem in general and peculiar features of its research in developing economies are substantiated. The experience of organizations created to prevent the legalization of illicit funds is studied. It is determined that new organizations are created in response to the global challenges. It is justified that in Ukraine the fight against the legalization of illicit funds has actualized due to a lack of financial resources in the country, declaration of course towards European values and also as a result of the military conflict in the east of the country. The risk factors for financial fraud and illegal movement of financial flows are systematized according to the groups of conditions: pressure, favorable situation, propensity (justification). It is determined which levels of risk of generating illegal financial flows are inherent in different sectors of the economy depending on institutional factors. It is argued that the increase in the risks of illegal financial flows occurs under conditions of a low level of maturity of the institutional environment and a high level of information asymmetry. Types and tools of fraud in the financial market that increase the risks of illegal financial flows are systematized. It is determined that main types of fraud in the financial market are related to information manipulations and regulatory deficiencies. The world experience of legislative initiatives on counteracting the legalization of funds in financial markets is systematized. It is justified that, in order to prevent financial fraud and prevent legalization of illicit funds in Ukraine, it is necessary to ensure maximum transparency of information on the movement of financial flows in financial markets. In addition, regulators of the financial market should not only cooperate with each other but also prevent cases of evasion from punishment for fraud in financial markets or participation in schemes for the legalization of illicit funds.
Keywords: financial market, financial fraud, financial flows, legalization of illicit funds.
Fig.: 1. Tabl.: 5. Bibl.: 32.

Chunytska Iryna I. – Doctor of Sciences (Economics), Associate Professor, Professor, Department of Financial Markets, The University of the State Fiscal Service of Ukraine (31 Universytetska Str., Irpіn, Kyiv region, 08201, Ukraine)

Article is written in Ukrainian
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Reference to this article:
Chunytska, Iryna I. (2017) “Measures to Prevent Financial Fraud and Legalization of Illicit Funds.” The Problems of Economy 2:282–291.

List of references in article

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Section: Finance and banking
UDC 368.01
Sholoiko A. S.
Professional Appraisers of Risks and Losses in the Insurance Market Infrastructure of Ukraine (p. 292 - 297)

The aim of the article is to elucidate the main differences between certain types of professional appraisers of risks and losses in the insurance market infrastructure of Ukraine. Analyzing and summarizing the provisions of regulatory legal acts and the results of researches by leading scientists in the field of insurance, it is determined that the range of functions of the underwriter at the stage preceding the conclusion of the insurance contract are somewhat wider than those of the surveyor, and the range of functions of the emergency commissioner at the stage of settlement of the insured event are wider than those of the appraiser, the average adjuster and the adjuster. Taking into account that professional appraisers of risks and losses as well as actuaries are responsible for the appraisals and recommendations provided by them, it is advisable to insure their professional responsibility. It is found that the number of certified emergency commissioners and actuaries is low in Ukraine, which requires further stimulation of the development of the insurance market infrastructure in terms of these components. Due to the fact that the work of the surveyor and adjuster is not legally regulated in Ukraine, these issues constitute prospects for further researches in this area.
Keywords: underwriter, surveyor, emergency commissioner, adjuster, average adjuster, insurance market infrastructure.
Fig.: 3. Tabl.: 2. Bibl.: 21.

Sholoiko Antonina S. – Candidate of Sciences (Economics), Senior Research Fellow, Associate Professor, Department of Insurance, Banking and Risk Management, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv (60 Volodymyrska Str., Kyiv, 01033, Ukraine)

Article is written in Ukrainian
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Reference to this article:
Sholoiko, Antonina S. (2017) “Professional Appraisers of Risks and Losses in the Insurance Market Infrastructure of Ukraine.” The Problems of Economy 2:292–297.

List of references in article

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Section: Social economy, policy and demography
UDC 330.341.2:316
Zhukova L. M.
Social Factors of the Evolution of State Institutions (p. 298 - 303)

The aim of the article is a comprehensive study of social factors in the evolution of state institutions. By analyzing, systematizing and summarizing the scientific works of many scientists, the process of transformation of state institutions is considered in view of the features of Ukraine’s social and economic development and the impact of institutional changes on the social needs of society. As a result of the research, it is revealed that one of the main factors of social evolution is the culture of relations between the state, business and society. The logical and contradictory interaction of these subjects is analyzed, since based on them there formed an economy aimed at reviving social resources and ensuring both the stability of the social system and the dynamism of its development. It is determined that Ukraine requires urgent development of an integrated socio-economic development strategy that would include specific measures that can ensure improvement of the living standards of citizens, creation of a competitive economy, successful integration into the world and European space. It is substantiated that the system of relations “state – business – society” should be revised from the position of strengthening the importance of both social values and the business community facing the challenges of globalization. Prospects for further research in this area are justification of the strategic goals of the state social policy as a multi-level and multifunctional system that can ensure the country’s social and economic development by activating human capital and maximizing its innovative potential.
Keywords: social evolution, state institutions, social policies of corporations, households, civil society.
Fig.: 1. Tabl.: 1. Bibl.: 15.

Zhukova Larysa M. – Candidate of Sciences (Economics), Associate Professor, Department of Finance and Credit, V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University (4 Svobody Square, Kharkіv, 61022, Ukraine)

Article is written in Ukrainian
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Reference to this article:
Zhukova, Larysa M. (2017) “Social Factors of the Evolution of State Institutions.” The Problems of Economy 2:298–303.

List of references in article

Shtompka, P. Sotsiolohiia sotsialnykh zmin [Sociology of social change]. Moscow: Aspekt Pres, 1996.
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Pyshchulina, O. M. “Zmina metodyky rozrakhunku prozhytkovoho minimumu - krok do reformuvannia sotsialnoi polityky“ [The change in the method of calculation of a living wage is a step toward social policy reform]. Stratehichni priorytety, no. 1 (10) (2009): 106-114.
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Section: Economic statistics. Accounting and Auditing
UDC 657.6
Nazarenko I. M.
The Explication and Clarification of the Interpretation of the Concepts “Audit” and “Financial Audit” (p. 304 - 309)

The aim of the scientific article is explication, clarification of the interpretation of the concepts “audit” and “financial audit” taking into account their functional significance. Based on analyzing fundamental scientific achievements, legislative and normative documents, it is justified that the identification of the concepts “audit” and “financial audit” is inexpedient, since the latter by means of a transformation expands the functional hypostasis of the audit. It is proved that one of the topical issues of the scientific controversy on the problem is the practical application of financial audit as an active instrument of financial management, which will provide the management component of the business environment with the necessary information support that would correspond to the basic and strengthening criteria for qualitative characteristics of the information usefulness. It is substantiated that the financial audit is characterized by interdisciplinarity, which is advisable to be considered as interaction of the planes of audit and economic diagnostics. It is stated that the interdisciplinarity forms a set of features of financial audit.
Keywords: audit, financial audit, diagnostics, interpretation, planning, principles.
Bibl.: 16.

Nazarenko Inna M. – Doctor of Sciences (Economics), Professor, Department of Economic Control and Audit, Sumy National Agrarian University (160 Kondratieva Str., Sumy, 40021, Ukraine)

Article is written in Ukrainian
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Reference to this article:
Nazarenko, Inna M. (2017) “The Explication and Clarification of the Interpretation of the Concepts “Audit” and “Financial Audit”.” The Problems of Economy 2:304–309.

List of references in article

Butynets, F. F. Audyt [Audit]. Zhytomyr: Ruta, 2002.
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Naochnyi posibnyk z audytu [Visual aid audit]. Simferopol: Pidpryiemstvo Fieniks, 2011.
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Chyzhevska, L. V. “Osoblyvosti doslidzhennia terminolohii bukhhalterskoho obliku“ [Especially the study of accounting terminology]. Problemy teorii ta metodolohii bukhhalterskoho obliku, kontroliu i analizu, no. 2 (23) (2012): 389-400.
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“Finansovyy audit“ [Financial audit]. Vash Bukhgalter.

Section: Mathematical methods and models in economy
UDC 336.71
Burtnyak I. V., Malytska H. P.
Calculating the Price for Derivative Financial Assets of Bessel Processes Using the Sturm-Liouville Theory (p. 310 - 316)

In the paper we apply the spectral theory to find the price for derivatives of financial assets assuming that the processes described are Markov processes and such that can be considered in the Hilbert space L^2 using the Sturm-Liouville theory. Bessel diffusion processes are used in studying Asian options. We consider the financial flows generated by the Bessel diffusions by expressing them in terms of the system of Bessel functions of the first kind, provided that they take into account the linear combination of the flow and its spatial derivative. Such expression enables calculating the size of the market portfolio and provides a measure of the amount of internal volatility in the market at any given moment, allows investigating the dynamics of the equity market. The expansion of the Green function in terms of the system of Bessel functions is expressed by an analytic formula that is convenient in calculating the volume of financial flows. All assumptions are natural, result in analytic formulas that are consistent with the empirical data and, when applied in practice, adequately reflect the processes in equity markets.
Keywords: spectral theory, financial flows, Bessel diffusion process, Bessel functions, Green function, singular parabolic operator, infinitesimal operator.
Formulae: 13. Bibl.: 12.

Burtnyak Ivan V. – Candidate of Sciences (Economics), Associate Professor, Department of Economic Cybernetics, Precarpathian National University named after V. Stefanyk (57 Shevchenka Str., Ivano-Frankіvsk, 76018, Ukraine)
Malytska Hanna P. – Candidate of Sciences (Physics and Mathematics), Associate Professor, Department of Mathematical and Functional Analysis, Precarpathian National University named after V. Stefanyk (57 Shevchenka Str., Ivano-Frankіvsk, 76018, Ukraine)

Article is written in English
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Reference to this article:
Burtnyak, Ivan V., and Malytska, Hanna P. (2017) “Calculating the Price for Derivative Financial Assets of Bessel Processes Using the Sturm-Liouville Theory.” The Problems of Economy 2:310–316.

List of references in article

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Burtniak, I. V., and Malytska, H. P. “Systemnyi pidkhid do otsiniuvannia optsioniv na bazi modeli CEV“ [A systematic approach to evaluating options on the base model CEV]. Biznes Inform, no. 10 (2016): 155-159.

Section: Mathematical methods and models in economy
UDC 658:519.866
Kotsyuba O. S.
The Fuzzy Adaptation of Probabilistic Risk Indicators (p. 317 - 323)

The aim of the article is to develop fuzzy tools for measuring risk based on adaptation of corresponding indicators developed within the methodology of the probability theory. The study is limited to the situations where the economic indicator, which performs the function of a decision criterion and is an object of the analysis of the degree of risk, is modeled by a fuzzy number, and the latter is to be understood as a fuzzy value with a normal and convex membership function. Also in this case there applied the interval method, which describes fuzzy estimation of the criterion index by membership degrees. Within the framework of implementing the goal set, there consistently considered a number of probabilistic indicators of risk degree: mean absolute deviation, semideviation, coefficient of unfavorable deviations, ratio of expected losses (losses). For the latter, a modified version is proposed, in which the expected favorable and unfavorable deviations of the values of the criterion index are estimated taking into account the probability of their occurrence due to which it was called the weighted expected loss ratio. For the initial and modified version of the expected loss ratio, their fuzzy adaptations are formulated. According to the known property of the semideviation index, in the situation of probabilistic uncertainty the values of the coefficient of unfavorable deviations and the weighted expected loss ratio coincide. If the analyzed criterion index is described by a fuzzy estimate, the use of fuzzy adaptations of these coefficients in the general case leads to different results. It is also revealed that the fuzzy adaptation of the coefficient of unfavorable deviations coincides with the indicator of the degree of risk on the basis of a combined (hybrid) version of the possibility measure.
Keywords: uncertainty, fuzziness, measure of risk, mean absolute deviation, semideviation, expected loss ratio, coefficient of unfavorable deviations.
Formulae: 39. Bibl.: 24.

Kotsyuba Oleksiy S. – Candidate of Sciences (Economics), Associate Professor, Associate Professor, Department of Business Economics and Entrepreneurship, Kyiv National Economic University named after Vadym Hetman (54/1 Beresteiskyi Ave., Kyiv, 03057, Ukraine)

Article is written in Ukrainian
Downloads/views: 11

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Reference to this article:
Kotsyuba, Oleksiy S. (2017) “The Fuzzy Adaptation of Probabilistic Risk Indicators.” The Problems of Economy 2:317–323.

List of references in article

Ekonomichnyi ryzyk: ihrovi modeli [Economic risk: game models]. Kyiv: KNEU, 2002.
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Kotsiuba, O. S. “Kilkisne otsiniuvannia hospodarskoho ryzyku v mezhakh nechitko-mnozhynnoi metodolohii“ [Quantitative assessment of business risk within the framework of fuzzy methodology]. Stratehiia ekonomichnoho rozvytku Ukrainy, no. 36 (2015): 195-208.
Kotsiuba, O. S. “Rozrakhunok stupenia hospodarskoho ryzyku na osnovi protsedury defazzyfikatsii“ [The calculation of the degree of business risk based on the procedures defuzzify]. Ekonomika: problemy teorii ta praktyky vol. 3, no. 253 (2009): 673-681.

Section: Mathematical methods and models in economy
UDC 332.14:330.1
Pilko A. D., Harda T. P.
The Modeling of the Processes of Assessment and Analysis of the Level of Socio-Ecological-Economic Development of a Region (p. 324 - 330)

There presented results of the research of existing scientific and methodological, and theoretical approaches to management of the socio-ecological-economic development of a region with subsequent definition of priorities of the regional policy taking into account the concepts of security and development. Based on the study of literature sources and the analysis of the available statistical base, the problem of assessing the level of social, economic, ecological development, the level of sustainable development and the degree of harmonization of sustainable development of territorial systems of a region is formulated, and a possible method of its solution is suggested. The direction and nature of the cause-effect relationships between social tension and the levels of economic, environmental, social development and the level of sustainable development of a region are determined. There proposed a scheme to build models for assessing the effectiveness of levers for managing social, economic and environmental processes at the level of territorial systems in a region, taking into account the level of social tension and indicators of the investment component of development.
Keywords: sustainable development, territorial system, region, simulation model, Granger casualty test, social tension, harmonization of sustainable development.
Fig.: 1. Tabl.: 4. Formulae: 11. Bibl.: 11.

Pilko Andriy D. – Candidate of Sciences (Economics), Associate Professor, Associate Professor, Department of Economic Cybernetics, Precarpathian National University named after V. Stefanyk (57 Shevchenka Str., Ivano-Frankіvsk, 76018, Ukraine)
Harda Tetiana P. – Leading Specialist, Department of Industry, Business Development, Management and Integration of Economic Development, The Executive Committee of the Ivano-Frankivsk City Council (21 Hrushevskoho Str., Ivano-Frankivsk, 76004, Ukraine)

Article is written in Ukrainian
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Reference to this article:
Pilko, Andriy D., and Harda, Tetiana P. (2017) “The Modeling of the Processes of Assessment and Analysis of the Level of Socio-Ecological-Economic Development of a Region.” The Problems of Economy 2:324–330.

List of references in article

Pilko, A. D., and Harda, T. P. “Sotsialno-ekonomichnyi rozvytok rehionu: poshuk novykh oriientyriv ta mekhanizmiv realizatsii v konteksti evoliutsii bezpekoznavchykh paradyhm“ [Socio-economic development of the region: search for new landmarks and implementation mechanisms in the context of the evolution of security science paradigms]. Biznes Inform, no. 10 (2016): 112-116.
Pilko, A. D. “Postanovka zadachi otsinky rivnia bezpeky rozvytku terytorialnoi systemy“ [Establishment of the task of assessing the level of security of the territorial system development]. Biznes Inform, no. 10 (2013): 173-179.
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Section: Mathematical methods and models in economy
UDC 378:303.094.3
Rayevnyeva O. V., Prokopovych S. V.
Self-Evaluation of the Scientific Activity of a Higher Educational Institution (p. 331 - 339)

The article is dedicated to the problem of self-evaluation of the scientific activity of a higher educational institution (HEI) as a component of its overall ranking evaluation. On the basis of a potentially effective approach to studying this problem, there proposed a system of indicators for evaluating the scientific activity of a HEI, which makes it possible to determine the potential of its scientific activity in terms of staff and resource provision, and the efficiency — in terms of quality of the training of scientific staff (students, graduate students, young scientists, etc.), financial results of scientific activity and publication activity. To obtain an integral ranking score of the scientific activity of a HEI, the use of the taxonomic method is justified, the necessity of applying weight coefficients of the significance of primary indicators is determined. The approbation of the approach was carried out on the basis of the data of S. Kuznets KhNEU for the period of 2013-2016, which made it possible to obtain not only point estimates of the integral indicator of the scientific activity of an HEI but also determine the trends in its changes and identify their reasons. The proposed approach to the self-evaluation of the scientific activity of a HEI allows its administration to develop effective management solutions to increase the level of scientific activity of its scientific and pedagogical, and scientific staff, which will provide additional competitive advantages in the national and world educational space.
Keywords: self-evaluation, higher educational institution, scientific activity, integral indicator, potential, effectiveness.
Fig.: 3. Tabl.: 3. Formulae: 2. Bibl.: 24.

Rayevnyeva Olena V. – Doctor of Sciences (Economics), Professor, Head of the Department, Department of Statistics and Economic Forecasting, Simon Kuznets Kharkiv National University of Economics (9a Nauky Ave., Kharkіv, 61166, Ukraine)
Prokopovych Svitlana V. – Candidate of Sciences (Economics), Associate Professor, Associate Professor, Department of Economic Informatics and Cybernetics, Simon Kuznets Kharkiv National University of Economics (9a Nauky Ave., Kharkіv, 61166, Ukraine)

Article is written in Ukrainian
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Reference to this article:
Rayevnyeva, Olena V., and Prokopovych, Svitlana V. (2017) “Self-Evaluation of the Scientific Activity of a Higher Educational Institution.” The Problems of Economy 2:331–339.

List of references in article

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Section: Economics of Natural Resources and Environment
UDC 332.146:330.322
Holian V. A., Sunduk A. М., Savchuk V. V.
The Institutional Bases of Investment Support for Rationalization of Agricultural Nature Management in Areas of Risk Farming (p. 340 - 346)

The features of the imbalance in agricultural nature management in areas of risk farming (drainage and irrigation areas, mountain territories) are determined. The main trends in the financing of capital investments and current expenditures for protection and rehabilitation of soil, groundwater and surface water are analyzed, which is a prerequisite for improving the institutional support for nature protection activities with respect to reproduction of the soil and water-resource potential. It is found that improving the institutional environment of investment support for nature protection and nature-exploitation activities is especially urgent for areas of risk farming, where balanced nature management is provided on the basis of coordinating the priorities for the use of land, water and biological resources. It is proved that the institutional bases of investing in the rationalization of agricultural land use in areas of risk farming should include proposals for expanding the set of incentives for financing the ecologization of the use of the agricultural resource potential, formation of public-private partnership agreements on the environmental reengineering of reclaimed territories and implementation of environmental investment projects within the framework of the Eastern Partnership programs.
Keywords: investment support, capital investments, agricultural nature management, risk farming, reengineering, public-private partnership.
Fig.: 2. Bibl.: 8.

Holian Vasyl A. – Doctor of Sciences (Economics), Professor, Leading Researcher, Separated Subdivision of National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine “Boyarka Forestry Research Station” (12 Lisodoslidna Str., Boiarka, Kyievo-Sviatoshynskyi district, Kyiv region, 08150, Ukraine)
Sunduk Anatolii М. – Doctor of Sciences (Economics), Senior Research Fellow, Head of, Department of Problems of Economics of Land and Forest Resources, Institute of Environmental Economics and Sustainable Development of the NAS of Ukraine (60 Tarasa Shevchenka Blvd, Kyiv, 01032, Ukraine)
Savchuk Vladyslav V. – Postgraduate Student, Institute of Environmental Economics and Sustainable Development of the NAS of Ukraine (60 Tarasa Shevchenka Blvd, Kyiv, 01032, Ukraine)

Article is written in Ukrainian
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Reference to this article:
Holian, Vasyl A., Sunduk, Anatolii М., and Savchuk, Vladyslav V. (2017) “The Institutional Bases of Investment Support for Rationalization of Agricultural Nature Management in Areas of Risk Farming.” The Problems of Economy 2:340–346.

List of references in article

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Section: Economics of Natural Resources and Environment
UDC 330.131.5: 633.63
Tomashevska O. A., Petrynyak N. S.
Problems of Development and Increase of Economic Efficiency of Sugar Beet Production (p. 347 - 352)

The aim of the article is the studying of the trends of development and economic efficiency of sugar beet production (using the example of agricultural enterprises of Rokytne district of Kyiv region) and an attempt to outline the directions for improvement of the situation in the sugar beet industry. As a result of the research, the dynamics of development and economic efficiency of sugar beet production at farms of Rokytne district of Kyiv region is analyzed, and the break-even volume of sugar beet production by agrarian enterprises of Kiev region and an individual enterprise of Rokytne district is determined. Particular attention is paid to the dynamics of profitability of sugar beet production in the period from 2011 to 2015. The main problems hindering the development of sugar beet production are identified, namely, the lack of sales channels and high production costs. Prospects for further research in this area are to increase the economic efficiency of sugar beet production and find ways to develop this sector, provided that the production is properly organized, the manufacturing process is followed, the fertilizers are properly used, the seeds are chosen correctly, advanced technologies and high-performance equipment are applied, etc.
Keywords: sugar beet production, economic efficiency, profitability level, selling price, production cost, break-even point.
Fig.: 1. Tabl.: 3. Bibl.: 17.

Tomashevska Olga A. – Candidate of Sciences (Economics), Associate Professor, Associate Professor, Department of Economics of the Enterprise named after Professor I. N. Romanenko, National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine (15 Heroiv Oborony Str., Kyiv, 03041, Ukraine)
Petrynyak Natalia S. – Master, National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine (15 Heroiv Oborony Str., Kyiv, 03041, Ukraine)

Article is written in Ukrainian
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Reference to this article:
Tomashevska, Olga A., and Petrynyak, Natalia S. (2017) “Problems of Development and Increase of Economic Efficiency of Sugar Beet Production.” The Problems of Economy 2:347–352.

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