

The title and content


Section: World economy and international relations
UDC 338.001.36
Dorovsky O. V.
Evaluation of Micro-Environment of the Pharmaceutical Industry in Ukraine (p. 8 - 21)

The article is aimed at evaluation and analysis of micro-environment factors of the pharmaceutical industry in Ukraine. In order to achieve the desired goal, in the article a structural-logic model of micro-environment of the pharmaceutical industry in Ukraine is built. It has been proven that the pharmaceutical industry of Ukraine can be reasonably analyzed in the following directions: influence factors, supply channels, distribution channels, and competition. Micro-environment of the pharmaceutical industry in Ukraine was analyzed in the selected directions. Its evaluation was carried out by means of the OT-analysis. A cognitive map of the causation of opportunities and threats to the micro-environment of the pharmaceutical industry in Ukraine was built. On the basis of the study has been proven, that the following factors represent the biggest threats to the pharmaceutical industry in Ukraine: large volumes of imported pharmaceutical products (PhP) in value terms on the domestic market, higher-than-anticipated growth of cost of conventional PhP-packing, population decline and the low volumes of hospital procurements of PhP.
Keywords: pharmaceutical industry, micro-environment, factor, pharmaceutical product, OT-analysis, cognitive map
Fig.: 18. Tabl.: 8. Bibl.: 15.

Dorovsky Oleksandr V. – Candidate of Sciences (Economics), Associate Professor, Applicant, Research Centre for Industrial Problems of Development of NAS of Ukraine (2 floor 1-a Inzhenernyi Ln., Kharkіv, 61166, Ukraine)

Article is written in Ukrainian
Downloads/views: 172

Reference to this article:
Dorovsky, Oleksandr V. (2014) “Evaluation of Micro-Environment of the Pharmaceutical Industry in Ukraine.” The Problems of Economy 4:8–21.

List of references in article

Porter, M. Mezhdunarodnaia konkurentsiia [International competition]. Moscow: Mezhdunarodnye otnosheniia, 1993.
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Gaydenko, T. A. Marketingovoe upravlenie. Polnyy kurs MVA. Printsipy upravlencheskikh resheniy i rossiyskaia praktika [Marketing management. Full MBA. Principles of management decisions and the Russian practice]. Moscow: EKSMO, 2006.
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Kizim, N. A., and Dorovskoi, A. V. “Analiz osnovnykh tendentsiy razvitiia mirovogo rynka generikov i bioanalogov“ [Analysis of the main trends of the world market of generic and biosimilars]. Modeliuvannia rehionalnoi ekonomiky, no. 1 (23) (2013): 157-170.
Avdeeva, Z. K., and Kovriga, S. V. Formirovanie strategii razvitiia sotsialno-ekonomicheskikh obektov na osnove kognitivnykh kart [Development strategy for socio-economic facilities on the basis of cognitive maps]. Saarbrucken: LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing GmbH&Co. KG, 2011.
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Khaustova, V. E., Zinchenko, V. A., and Moshchitskaia, T. A. “Sushchnost kognitivnogo modelirovaniia i osobennosti ego primeneniia v sovremennykh issledovaniiakh“ [The essence of cognitive modeling and especially its use in modern research]. Biznes Inform, no. 12 (2) (2009): 200-203.

Section: Social economy, policy and demography
UDC 368.03:004.056
Zhabynets O. Y.
The Information Security Policy at Insurance Companies: Ukrainian Context and U.S. Experience (p. 22 - 27)

The article studies the prospects for the information security policy implemented by Ukrainian insurance companies. In particular, the legal framework and international information security standards ISO/IEC 27001:2013 and ISO/IEC 27002:2013 were analyzed, as well as the role of the information security policy according to the new version of the international information security standard ISO/IEC 27002:2013. The study analyzes key risk evaluation factors in forming the information security policy of Philadelphia Insurance Companies, a U.S.-based risk insurance company. The author concludes that despite the fact that operations of an insurance company, as well as any other financial institution, for example, a commercial bank, have distinctive properties, their information security is based on the generally accepted principles and requirements of international standards. Each Ukrainian insurance company can currently solve the problems of forming and implementing the information security policy in accordance with the national legislation, international standards and the experience of foreign insurance companies. Simultaneously, due to lack of stability in the socio-economic and political situation in our state and the resulting uncertainty of operating conditions of the insurance market even in the most immediate future, domestic insurance companies cannot stabilize and predict their incomes, which restricts the possibility of planning and pursuing a well-defined IT policy, including the information security policy.
Keywords: information security policy, insurance companies, international information security standards, legal framework for information security, risk evaluation factors
Fig.: 2. Tabl.: 1. Bibl.: 10.

Zhabynets Olga Yo. – Candidate of Sciences (Economics), Associate Professor, Research Associate, Department of Spatial Development, Institute of Regional Research named after V. I. Dolishniy of the NAS of Ukraine (4 Kozelnytska Str., Lvіv, 79026, Ukraine)

Article is written in Ukrainian
Downloads/views: 614

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Reference to this article:
Zhabynets, Olga Yo. (2014) “The Information Security Policy at Insurance Companies: Ukrainian Context and U.S. Experience.” The Problems of Economy 4:22–27.

List of references in article

Domarev, V. V. Bezopasnost informatsionnykh tekhnologiy. Metodologiia sozdaniia sistem zashchity [Safety of information technology. Methodology for creating protection systems]. Kyiv: TID «DS», 2002.
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“PHLY at a Glance“
“Philadelphia Insurance Companies. Information Security Policy“

Section: World economy and international relations
UDC 339.13
Kolbasin Y. S., Ostapenko A. V., Yaroshenko I. V.
Analysis of the World Bus Manufacturing Market (p. 28 - 39)

The article focuses on the issue of development of the world bus manufacturing market. Evidence was provided that the development rates of the bus manufacturing industry vary throughout the world. The dynamics of the world bus manufacturing industry in the world’s leading countries and companies manufacturing automobiles was analyzed in terms of decennial trends of the recent years. The ratings of the world’s leading countries were determined based on the bus production output volumes in the segment of “large-sized buses”. A conclusion was drawn concerning significant fluctuations in the bus manufacturing performance during the global financial crisis. The article also proposes an analytical study of the latest trends in the development of bus manufacturing in the EU and CIS countries. The study established that two-thirds of the world bus manufacturing market volume is concentrated in three countries. The volumes of commercial bus sales in the leading manufacturing countries of the world and in Ukraine were studied. The bus manufacturing profile among the models produced by companies based in the Russian Federation was analyzed. The study established that the national manufacturers lag considerably behind the world leaders in the bus manufacturing industry.
Keywords: automobile manufacturing, industry, market, rating, segment, crisis, the EU, the CIS
Fig.: 10. Tabl.: 5. Bibl.: 11.

Kolbasin Yevhen S. – Candidate of Sciences (Economics), Research Associate, Industrial Policy Sector for Innovative Development of the Industrial Policy and Energy Security Department, Research Centre for Industrial Problems of Development of NAS of Ukraine (2 floor 1-a Inzhenernyi Ln., Kharkіv, 61166, Ukraine)
Ostapenko Andriy V. – Applicant, Research Centre for Industrial Problems of Development of NAS of Ukraine (2 floor 1-a Inzhenernyi Ln., Kharkіv, 61166, Ukraine)
Yaroshenko Ivan V. – Doctor of Sciences (Economics), Research Centre for Industrial Problems of Development of NAS of Ukraine (2 floor 1-a Inzhenernyi Ln., Kharkіv, 61166, Ukraine)

Article is written in Ukrainian
Downloads/views: 270

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Reference to this article:
Kolbasin, Yevhen S., Ostapenko, Andriy V., and Yaroshenko, Ivan V. (2014) “Analysis of the World Bus Manufacturing Market.” The Problems of Economy 4:28–39.

List of references in article

Zinchenko, V. A. Upravlinnia konkurentnoiu borotboiu pidpryiemstv na zovnishnikh rynkakh [Management of competitive struggle on export markets]. Kharkiv: INZhEK, 2012.
Kyzym, M. O., and Kolbasin, Ye. S. Derzhavna pidtrymka avtomobilebuduvannia v Ukraini [State support for Ukraine's car]. Kharkiv: INZhEK, 2011.
Briukhovetskaia, N. E. “Analiz vedushchikh proizvoditeley legkovykh avtomobiley na mirovykh rynkakh“ [Analysis of the leading manufacturers of passenger cars in the world markets]. Biznes Inform, no. 8 (2010): 119-124.
Briukhovetska, N. Yu. “Vplyv svitovoi finansovoi kryzy na stan avtomobilnoho rynku Ukrainy“ [The impact of the global financial crisis on the state of the automobile market of Ukraine]. Problemy ekonomiky, no. 4 (2009): 19-23.
Bubnov, Yu. V., Kizim, A. O., and Starkova, N. O. “Analiz mirovogo rynka legkovykh avtomobiley“ [Analysis of the global car market].
Moroz, L. A. “Tendentsii rozvytku ukrainskoho avtomobilnoho rynku i marketynhova komunikatsiina polityka ioho uchasnykiv“ [Trends in the Ukrainian automobile market and marketing communication policy of its members]. Visnyk Natsionalnoho universytetu «Lvivska politekhnika». Lohistyka, no. 735 (2012): 154-159.
Khaustova, V. E., and Lidovskiy, Yu. A. Modelirovanie marketingovoy strategii predpriiatiia na rynkakh produktsii proizvodstvenno-tekhnicheskogo naznacheniia [Simulation of marketing strategy in the markets of products for industrial purposes]. Kharkiv: INZhEK, 2004.
Kyzym, M. O., Matiushenko, I. Yu., and Kupriianova, V. S. Perspektyvy rozvytku ta derzhavna pidtrymka vyrobnytstva tsyvilnykh litakiv v Ukraini [Prospects for the development and state support of civil aircraft in Ukraine]. Kharkiv: INZhEK, 2012.
Ofitsiinyi sait «Svitovoi asotsiatsii vyrobnykiv avtotransportnykh zasobiv».
[Legal Act of Russia] (2010).
“Analiz rynka avtobusov v Rossii v 2009 – 2013 gg., prognoz na 2014 – 2018 gg. (Demonstratsionnaia versiia otcheta)“ [Analysis of the bus market in Russia in 2009 - 2013, The forecast for 2014 - 2018 (The demo version of the report)].

Section: World economy and international relations
UDC 330.3 +332.1
Matyushenko I. Y.
Prospects for the Development of the Fusion Energy Industry in the Developed Countries of the World and in Ukraine (p. 40 - 46)

The article discusses the primary directions and issues in the development of the fusion energy industry in the world and in Ukraine. Nuclear power-engineering based on uranium and plutonium fission was established to be the most significant alternative to hydrocarbons as of today, yet it is inevitably linked to two more global problems, namely disposal of highly active and spent nuclear fuel and other radioactive waste, as well as nuclear safety. The study shows that the fusion energy industry based on using the energy released during fusion of light nuclei has significant advantages – nuclear fusion can not only satisfy the current energy demands of mankind (16 TW), but also produce a much larger amount of energy; quite a small amount of common substances is required to fuel the process; the inherent safety of the fusion energy industry is at a high level; there is no long-lived high-level radioactive waste; yet there are disadvantages as well – technological complexity of running a self-sustained thermonuclear reaction; there are currently no effective technologies capable of converting the energy released during the thermonuclear fusion into electricity. The study also determined that today, the problem of forming the fusion energy industry is of the technical and economic rather than physical nature, as creation of economically sound power stations requires solving two principal tasks: continuation of the development of new materials capable of enduring severe service conditions; creation of new technologies in the sphere of remote control, containment design, fuel cycles, etc. The study proves that a possible way out of the energy impasse can be offered by “the cold fusion”, that is the process of running completely safe low-energy nuclear reactions, for instance, on the basis of the nickel nanopowder and hydrogen, carried out in the E-Cat heat generator. The article also includes areas of focus outlined in the Targeted Research and Development Program of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine “Prospective Research in Plasma Physics, Controlled Thermonuclear Fusion and Plasma Technologies” for 2014-2016.
Keywords: fusion energy industry, controlled thermonuclear fusion, cold fusion, E-Cat heat generator
Fig.: 1. Bibl.: 10.

Matyushenko Igor Yu. – Doctor of Sciences (Economics), Professor, Professor, Department of International Economic Relations, V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University (4 Svobody Square, Kharkіv, 61022, Ukraine)

Article is written in Ukrainian
Downloads/views: 598

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Reference to this article:
Matyushenko, Igor Yu. (2014) “Prospects for the Development of the Fusion Energy Industry in the Developed Countries of the World and in Ukraine.” The Problems of Economy 4:40–46.

List of references in article

Matiushenko, I. Yu., and Buntov, I. Yu. “Perspektyvy stvorennia v Ukraini enerhetyky maibutnyoho na osnovi komertsiinoho vykorystannia nanotekhnolohii“ [Prospects for a future of energy in Ukraine based on commercial use of nanotechnology]. Problemy y perspektyvy ynnovatsyonnoho razvytyia ekonomyky. Simferopol: IT ARIAL, 2012.341-354.
Vysotskyi, V. “«Brydke kachenia» iadernoi fizyky ta mozhlyvyi prohres svitovoi enerhetyky“ ["The Ugly Duckling" Nuclear Physics and possible progress of world energy]. Dzerkalo tyzhnia, no. 24 (2014): 12-.
Vysotskyi, V. “Chy vyroste bilyi lebid iz brydkoho kacheniaty? Novi rezultaty termoiadernykh doslidzhen zdatni kardynalno zminyty stavlennia do iadernoi enerhii, masshtabiv ii vyrobnytstva i vykorystannia“ [Will grow white swan with abominable duckling? New results of fusion research are able to radically change the attitude to nuclear energy, the scale of its production and use]. Dzerkalo tyzhnia, no. 45 (2014): 12-.
Zaets, I. “Termoiadernyy vek“ [Thermonuclear age]. Ekspert, no. 50 (2009): 46-50.
Norris, G. “Skunk Works Reveals Compact Fusion Reactor Details. Lockheed Martin aims to develop compact reactor prototype in five years, production unit in 10“
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“Iz zaly zasidan Prezydii NAN Ukrainy (18 veresnia 2013 r.)“ [From the boardroom of Presidium of NAS of Ukraine (September 18, 2013)]. Visnyk Natsionalnoi akademii nauk Ukrainy.
[Legal Act of Ukraine] (2013).
[Legal Act of Ukraine] (2013). /130918_115_1.pdf

Section: World economy and international relations
UDC 336.52:858.14:681.5
Melnyk A. G.
High Technology Financing Systems (p. 47 - 52)

The article focuses on the properties of the innovative processes at industrial enterprises of the high technology sector viewed from the perspective of structural transformations in the system of innovative directions which concern upgrading the technological basis of the production operations, acquisition of new technologies, and R&D. Characteristic features of such transformations within the system of high-technology production were singled out. Construction principles of financing systems for development and implementation of high technology in industrial production were formulated. A methodological approach to construction of a high technology development financing system was proposed, which implies elimination of the negative implications arising during transition of an industrial enterprise to high-technology production, as well as development of new technologies.
Keywords: financing system, high technology, R&D, convergent technologies, technological basis of the production operations, innovative development
Fig.: 2. Tabl.: 1. Bibl.: 9.

Melnyk Alexander G. – Candidate of Sciences (Economics), Research Associate, Department of Innovation Policy, Economics and high technology, Institute for Economics and Forecasting of NAS of Ukraine (26 Panasa Myrnoho Str., Kyiv, 01011, Ukraine)

Article is written in Ukrainian
Downloads/views: 571

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Reference to this article:
Melnyk, Alexander G. (2014) “High Technology Financing Systems.” The Problems of Economy 4:47–52.

List of references in article

Heiets, V. M., and Semynozhenko, V. P. Innovatsiini perspektyvy Ukrainy [Innovative perspectives of Ukraine]. Kharkiv: Konstanta, 2006.
Onyshko, S. V. Finansove zabezpechennia innovatsiinoho rozvytku [Financial support for innovative development]. Irpin: Natsionalna akademiia DPS Ukrainy, 2004.
Vozniak, H. V., and Kuznietsova, A. Ya. Innovatsiina diialnist promyslovykh pidpryiemstv ta sposoby ii finansuvannia v Ukraini [Innovative activity of industrial enterprises and ways of financing in Ukraine]. Kyiv: UBS NBU, 2007.
Petruk, O. M., and Moshenskyi, S. Z. Teoriia ta praktyka venchurnoho finansuvannia [Theory and practice of venture financing]. Zhytomyr: Ruta, 2008.
Sviderskyi, P. V. “Finansove zabezpechennia innovatsiinoho rozvytku promyslovykh pidpryiemstv“ [Financial support for the development of innovative enterprises]. Ekonomika i upravlinnia, no. 6 (2011): 145-151.
Rehionalni innovatsiini systemy Ukrainy: transformuvannia ta rozvytok v umovakh intehratsiinykh vyklykiv [Regional innovation system of Ukraine: the transformation and development in the integration challenges]. Kyiv, 2013.
Odotiuk, I. V. “Vitchyzniana industriia vysokykh tekhnolohii: znannievi, innovatsiini, investytsiini faktory ii formuvannia i rozvytku“ [The domestic industry of high technology, knowledge, innovation, investment factors of its formation and development]. Visnyk NAN Ukrainy, no. 11 (2011): 21-33.
[Legal Act of Ukraine] (2008).
Ray, O. High-technology entrepreneurshipParis: Recherche, 2012.

Section: World economy and international relations
UDC 338.45;338:504;504.05:62/69
Musina L. A., Kvasha T. K.
A Study of the Effect of Resource Efficiency on the Economic Development in the Countries that Are Leaders of “Green” Modernization (p. 53 - 61)

The United Nations Organization has pointed out the key role of industrialization and a new industrial policy for ensuring structural reorganization and potential economic growth. Measures and incentives for efficient use of natural resources, as it was proven, tend to produce a positive effect on the economic parameters in numerous countries and are given substantial attention in their reform packages. This must be a top priority for Ukraine, considering its severe resource constraints and a challenging situation in the Eastern regions The objective of the work consists in studying the factors promoting growth in the GDP resource efficiency and their connection with the policy of greening the economies used in the EU countries,as well as proposing solutions for Ukraine. Such factors were analyzed for Great Britain and the Netherlands, certain steps were proposed for Ukraine, in particular, development of a State Policy Framework and plan of action aimed at a “green” economy, incentives for efficient use of resources, including fairer prices for natural resources, varied waste disposal fees, changes in the tax policy and state procurement favoring resource efficiency and eco-innovation.
Keywords: “green” economy, resource efficiency, toolsof the resource efficiency promotion policy
Fig.: 2. Bibl.: 27.

Musina Ludmyla A. – Candidate of Sciences (Economics), Ministry of Economic Development and Trade (12/2 Hrushevskoho Str., Kyiv, 01008, Ukraine)
Kvasha Tetiana K. – Head of Department, Department of forecasting and analytical support innovation, Ukrainian Institute for Scientific, Technical and Economic Information (180 Horkoho Str., Kyiv, 03680, Ukraine)

Article is written in Ukrainian
Downloads/views: 607

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Reference to this article:
Musina, Ludmyla A., and Kvasha, Tetiana K. (2014) “A Study of the Effect of Resource Efficiency on the Economic Development in the Countries that Are Leaders of “Green” Modernization.” The Problems of Economy 4:53–61.

List of references in article

“Global Sustainable Development Report 2015“
“A Zero Waste Programme for Europe“
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Measuring material flows and resource productivity. OESD, 2008.
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Guidance on the legal definition of waste and its applicationUnited Kingdom: Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs, 2012.
“Waste Framework Directive“
“Packaging directive“
“Producer Responsibility Obligations (Packaging Waste) Regulations 2007“
“The Packaging (Essential Requirements) Regulations 2003“
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The State of Play on Extended Producer Responsibility: Opportunities and Challenges. Japan; Tokyo: Ministry of the Environment, 2014.
Towards a circular economyBrussels: EUROPEAN COMMISSION, 2014.
Roadmap to a Resource Efficient EuropeBrussels: EUROPEAN COMMISSION, 2011.
“Tackling the Challenges in Commodity Markets And On Raw Materials“
“Environment Action Programme to 2020“
Industry and Technology Policies in Korea: OECD Reviews of Innovation Policy: OECD Publishing, 2014.
Competition Details Technology Strategy Board Competition: Infrastructure for Offshore Renewables-Collaborative R&DThe United Kingdom: Technology Strategy Board, 2013.
“Industrial Strategy Conference 2011: Securing Jobs and a Stronger Economy“BIS Analysis Paper, no. 1 (2011).
“Positioning the UK as the global centre of low carbon propulsion development and production“
“Netherlands Green Plan“
“WEEE Management Regulations“
“Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE)“
“Green growth in action : The Netherlands“
“Building bridges : Coalition agreement“
“Year of approval of the SD strategy and updates“
Sustainable Materials Management: OECD, 2012.

Section: World economy and international relations
UDC 332.1
Omarov S. A.
Research and Practical Aspects of Implementation of the Sustainable Development Concept: Domestic and Foreign Experience (p. 61 - 67)

The article deals with the analysis of research and practical basis for implementation of the sustainable development concept in the system of governmental management of the country development at the national and regional levels. Relevance of the article is determined by the necessity of finding solutions to global and national issues within the context of transition to a balanced economic, social, and ecological development. The objective of the article consists in generalizing domestic and foreign experience of introducing the sustainable development concept into laws and regulations of the country and its regions. The experience of leading countries of the world and Ukraine in forming the elements of the mechanism of governmental support of sustainable development, namely legislative, organizational, and public and social ones was analyzed, and their strengths and weaknesses were singled out. It was proven that most countries of the world are developing a set of measures aimed at implementation and promotion of sustainable development which includes legislative acts, national sustainable development strategies, sustainable development programs or projects, and its monitoring indicators. Directions for future improvement of legislation and sustainable development regulation practices in Ukraine and other countries of the world were determined.
Keywords: sustainable development, mechanism, concept, governmental support, legislative environment
Fig.: 1. Tabl.: 5. Bibl.: 16.

Omarov Shakhin A.-O. – Doctor of Sciences (Economics), Associate Professor, Honorary Consulate of the Republic of Albania in Kharkiv (1 Akademika Proskury Str., Kharkiv, 61070, Ukraine)

Article is written in Ukrainian
Downloads/views: 387

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Reference to this article:
Omarov, Shakhin A.-O. (2014) “Research and Practical Aspects of Implementation of the Sustainable Development Concept: Domestic and Foreign Experience.” The Problems of Economy 4:61–67.

List of references in article

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“Upravlinnia u sferi okhorony navkolyshnyoho pryrodnoho seredovyshcha“ [Management in the field of environmental protection].
Osnovy staloho rozvytku Kharkivskoi oblasti do 2020 roku [Principles of sustainable development of the Kharkiv region by 2020]. Kharkiv: INZhEK, 2010.
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[Legal Act of Ukraine].

Section: Economics and national economy management
UDC 336:336.77(477)
Baitsym V. F.
Analysis of Energy Efficiency Problems of Powering Ukrainian Cities within the Context of Sustainable Economic Development (p. 68 - 74)

Considering the fact that saving one energy unit is currently three times cheaper than the cost of its extraction, intensification of energy efficiency measures becomes one of the key aspects of economic development of Ukraine both at the national and the regional and local levels. The essence of energy efficiency consists in utilization of the whole package of effective means aimed at reducing specific energy consumption per one unit of output (including traded energy) and increasing productivity of labor. Ukraine is a country whose energy consumption rates are extremely high, which is caused by unbalanced energy use patterns and irrational use of energy. The country belongs to energy-dependent countries importing over a half of gas consumed with a total cost of more than $10 bln annually. A significant part of gas consumed in Ukraine is used in the housing and public utilities sector, including heat, power, and hot water consumption. Simultaneously, efficiency of energy consumption of both the Ukrainian economy in general and its housing and public utilities sector in particular, is 2-3 times lower than that of developed countries. In other words, improved efficiency of energy consumption could significantly reduce energy dependence of the country. In fact, with the current level of energy consumption, the country is capable of covering approximately 40% of its needs using its own fuel resources, whereas efficiency of energy use can be potentially increased by 67% in the industrial sector, 40% in heat generation and heat carrier media, 55% in the housing sector. The article analyzes basic problems of energy efficiency in Ukraine using the example of a typical city – the administrative center of Volyn region. The author’s logical conclusion is that the principal problems of Ukrainian cities consist in an extremely low efficiency of powering Ukrainian cities with simultaneous maintenance of international proportions. The article demonstrates that actual potential for energy saving in such cities, and thus in Ukraine in general, exceeds 70%. Solving the energy efficiency problems discussed in the article will make Ukraine (and its regions) energy independent.
Keywords: energysaving, saving one energy unit, efficiency, intensification, reforms, energy efficiency
Fig.: 3. Tabl.: 4. Bibl.: 10.

Baitsym Vasyl F. – Candidate of Sciences (Economics), Candidate on Doctor Degree, The Economic Research Institute of the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade of Ukraine (28 Druzhby narodіv Blvd., Kyiv, 01103, Ukraine)

Article is written in Ukrainian
Downloads/views: 614

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Reference to this article:
Baitsym, Vasyl F. (2014) “Analysis of Energy Efficiency Problems of Powering Ukrainian Cities within the Context of Sustainable Economic Development.” The Problems of Economy 4:68–74.

List of references in article

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Section: Economics and national economy management
UDC 339.3:33.012.23
Barna M. Y.
The Transformation Concept of the Home Trade System (p. 75 - 83)

The objective of the article consists in providing rationale for the transformation concept of the home trade system, whose foundation is formed by basic organization frameworks and which is balanced with basic conceptual provisions of trade development and regulation. The results of the conducted analysis, systematization, and generalization of scientific approaches to home trade system transformation were used to determine the degree of correspondence between conceptual provisions of trade development and regulation and the transformation concept of the home trade system, to identify the degree of agreement between basic organization frameworks and the transformation concept of the home trade system. The results of the study allowed establishing that there is currently no functional framework for home trade development in Ukraine. This practical task can be solved using a substantiated transformation concept of the home trade system as a foundation. Prospects for future research in this field consist in studying home trade system transformation with a view to clear identification of problems hampering the development of the sphere, problems arising in each subsystem and the system overall, diagnostic checks of the status of changes taking place in the system itself and the sector in general. Finding a solution to this research-to-practice task requires selecting the indicators which describe the influence of factors and the state of each subsystem forming the home trade system, substantiating principles of assessment of the home trade system and developing a corresponding methodology for efficiency evaluation of this system within the context of changes occurring both inside the sector and in its external environment.
Keywords: home trade, system, transformation, concept
Fig.: 1. Tabl.: 2. Bibl.: 27.

Barna Marta Yu. – Candidate of Sciences (Economics), Associate Professor, Associate Professor, Department of Expertise of Goods and Services, Lviv Academy of Commerce (10 Tuhan-Baranovskoho Str., Lvіv, 79005, Ukraine)

Article is written in Ukrainian
Downloads/views: 128

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Reference to this article:
Barna, Marta Yu. (2014) “The Transformation Concept of the Home Trade System.” The Problems of Economy 4:75–83.

List of references in article

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Section: Economics and national economy management
UDC [330.332+330.341.1»71»(477)
Bondar-Pіdhurska O. V.
Re-engineering as a Multipurpose Tool for Innovative Development of an Economy (p. 84 - 90)

The article focuses on the study of re-engineering as a multipurpose tool for innovative development of an economy in terms of forming socially-oriented principles and technological security of Ukraine’s economy. Relevance of implementing business process re-engineering within the context of intensified innovative development at industrial enterprises at the time of Ukraine’s civilizational choice was substantiated. Using a comprehensive approach, the article offers an analysis of multidimensionality of manifestation of the business process re-engineering phenomenon in terms of its substance as well as a developed system of indicators (primary and additional) to evaluate the effectiveness of implementing business process re-engineering measures as a multipurpose tool for innovative development of an economy. The architectonic structure of re-engineering as a multipurpose tool for innovative development was considered which implies re-engineering of science, education, technology transfer, commercialization of outcomes of innovative activities, as well as re-engineering of investment efficiency evaluation in order to meet the vital needs of each participant in the process, ensure competitiveness, technological security, and create a reliable foundation for a socially-oriented economy.
Keywords: innovative development, re-engineering, business processes, industry, vital needs, innovative process, tool, new economy
Fig.: 2. Bibl.: 19.

Bondar-Pіdhurska Oksana V. – Doctor of Sciences (Economics), Associate Professor, Professor, Department of Management, Poltava University of Economics and Trade (3 Ivana Banka Str., Poltava, 36003, Ukraine)

Article is written in Ukrainian
Downloads/views: 745

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Reference to this article:
Bondar-Pіdhurska, Oksana V. (2014) “Re-engineering as a Multipurpose Tool for Innovative Development of an Economy.” The Problems of Economy 4:84–90.

List of references in article

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Karenov, R. S. “Reinzhiniring biznesa - novoe napravlenie strategicheskogo menedzhmenta, osnovannogo na biznes-protsessakh“ [Reengineering business - a new direction of strategic management based on business processes].

Section: Economics and national economy management
UDC 330.101.541(477.1–01):69
Zalunina O. M.
Creation of Ukrainian Regions Grouping Conceptual Framework According to Macroeconomic Parameters in the Construction Sector (p. 91 - 96)

The article describes the methodological approach to monitoring the construction sector, which would help to develop measures to reduce the incidence of critical conditions for the construction on territory and meeting the requirements of availability, flexibility, adaptability to practical application in modern conditions. A conceptual diagram of Ukrainian regions grouping according to macroeconomic parameters is offered. Clustering algorithm using hyperspheres areas as decision rules can be used in the automatic classification not only in Ukraine, but also for companies and construction enterprises.
Keywords: construction industry, grouping scheme, macroeconomic parameters, the external environment of construction enterprises
Tabl.: 1. Formulae: 14. Bibl.: 25.

Zalunina Olha M. – Candidate of Sciences (Engineering), Associate Professor, Associate Professor, Department of Management, Kremenchuk Mykhailo Ostrohradskyi National University (20 Pershotravneva Str., Kremenchuk, 39600, Ukraine)

Article is written in Russian
Downloads/views: 180

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Reference to this article:
Zalunina, Olha M. (2014) “Creation of Ukrainian Regions Grouping Conceptual Framework According to Macroeconomic Parameters in the Construction Sector.” The Problems of Economy 4:91–96.

List of references in article

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Section: Economics and national economy management
UDC 64.011.8:332.122.66
Ilyash O. I., Buhaichuk N. V.
Directions for Reforming the Amenities and Social Infrastructure and the Social Service Provision System in Border Areas (p. 97 - 103)

The article provides evidence of the insufficient level of development of the amenities and social infrastructure, as well as the network of institutions providing welfare and medical and social care to incapacitated persons in border areas of the Western regions of Ukraine. The study investigates the negative aspects and identifies obstacles to functioning of the amenities and social infrastructure and the social service provision system. Priority directions and ways of reforming the amenities and social complex infrastructure were proposed, as well as ways to maintain and ensure effective functioning and further development of the social service sphere in order to satisfy the housing and utility as well as household needs of the population inhabiting the border areas.
Keywords: amenities and social infrastructure, social sphere, social complex, social service system
Fig.: 1. Tabl.: 1. Bibl.: 16.

Ilyash Olha I. – Doctor of Sciences (Economics), Professor, Professor, Department of Economic Cybernetics, National Technical University of Ukraine «Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute» (37 Beresteiskyi Ave., Kyiv, 03056, Ukraine)
Buhaichuk Nataliia V. – Postgraduate Student, The National Institute for Strategic Studies (7-a Pyrohova Str., Kyiv, 01030, Ukraine)

Article is written in Ukrainian
Downloads/views: 294

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Reference to this article:
Ilyash, Olha I., and Buhaichuk, Nataliia V. (2014) “Directions for Reforming the Amenities and Social Infrastructure and the Social Service Provision System in Border Areas.” The Problems of Economy 4:97–103.

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Popova, O. L. “Kompleksne zhytlove budivnytstvo u seli iak skladova silskoho rozvytku“ [Integrated housing in the village as part of rural development]. Ekonomika i prohnozuvannia, no. 2 (2013): 106-115.
Shkin, O. M. “Innovatsiini napriamy modernizatsii systemy tsentralizovanoho vodopostachannia i vodovidvedennia v Ukraini“ [Innovative trends of modernization of district water supply and sanitation in Ukraine]. Naukovyi visnyk ChDIEU. Seriia «Ekonomika», no. 1 (13) (2012): 87-91.

Section: Economics and national economy management
UDC 330.322
Manoilenko O. V., Kravchenko S. M.
Theoretical and Methodical Aspects of Improving the State Investment Policy on Development of Knowledge-Intensive Industries (p. 104 - 109)

The article is aimed at forming the basic theoretical and methodological positions on improving the state investment policy on development of knowledge-intensive industries sector in the national economy. In the article an analysis of existing approaches is conducted and is also reasoned that, in order to form an effective investment state policy on the development of knowledge-intensive industries, the differentiation of its measures by economic levels should be considered, including the following components: analysis of the current state of knowledge-intensive industries in the national economy and constant monitoring of its changes; elaborating of state policies and strategies for the development of knowledge-intensive industries (system of goals and methods to achieve them); creating a favorable institutional and infrastructure environment; working out the tools for state regulation of investment activity in the sector of knowledge-intensive industries; coordination of the investment and the financial-economic policy of the state; determining consequences of implementation of investment policy of the state in terms of its influence on economic development. It has been proven, that at the present stage of development of the national economy, for the improvement of the state investment and innovation policy towards the knowledge-intensive industries, «point measures» for the implementation of foreign experience must be introduced, which are connected at the macroeconomic level with creation of information and analytical support to the development of knowledge-intensive industries; elaborating the economic-mathematical apparatus for forecasting the consequences of its implementation; and at the mesoeconomic level – introduction of new forms of institutional cooperation between the state and business in the context of limited financial resources (innovative clusters, integrated corporate scientific and production associations and public-private partnerships on the basis of risk-and-income-sharing), establishment of a network of regional coordinating centers for providing informational, analytical and advisory support to the enterprises of knowledge-intensive sector.
Keywords: state investment policy towards the knowledge-intensive industries, innovation clusters, integrated corporate scientific and industrial associations
Fig.: 2. Bibl.: 18.

Manoilenko Oleksandr V. – Doctor of Sciences (Economics), Professor, Director, Educational and Scientific Institute of Economics, Management and International Business, National Technical University «Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute» (2 Kyrpychova Str., Kharkіv, 61002, Ukraine)
Kravchenko Serhii M. – Applicant, Research Centre for Industrial Problems of Development of NAS of Ukraine (2 floor 1-a Inzhenernyi Ln., Kharkіv, 61166, Ukraine)

Article is written in Ukrainian
Downloads/views: 172

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Reference to this article:
Manoilenko, Oleksandr V., and Kravchenko, Serhii M. (2014) “Theoretical and Methodical Aspects of Improving the State Investment Policy on Development of Knowledge-Intensive Industries.” The Problems of Economy 4:104–109.

List of references in article

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Cherbiakova, O. V. “Kontseptualni osnovy ta isnuiuchi pidkhody do problemy rehuliuvannia innovatsiinoi diialnosti na derzhavnomu rivni“ [Conceptual basis and existing approaches to regulation of innovation at the state level]. Investytsii: praktyka ta dosvid, no. 17 (2009): 79-81.

Section: Economics and national economy management
UDC 339.3:33.012.23
Orlov P. A.
Problems of Social Responsibility of Economic Operators and Marketing within the Context of Their Intensive Development and the Global Economic Crisis (p. 110 - 117)

The article focuses on the causes and examples of social irresponsibility of economic operators and their marketing in advanced industrial economies and Ukraine, in particular using the Internet, mobile telephony, and on-line shops. The interconnected concepts of social responsibility of economic operators and socially responsible marketing (SRM) were substantiated alongside identification of the primary criteria. Evidence was presented to support the conclusion that the development of marketing significantly outpaces growth of its social responsibility. It was proven that the SRM framework can be implemented on a large scale in any market-economy country only provided that the economy is duly controlled by the government and non-governmental consumer protection organizations are developed, rather than only on the basis of growing responsibility of owners of enterprises and social initiatives. Rationale was provided for a significant effect of the quality of a country’s economic system on the social responsibility of economic agents. Arguments were provided which demonstrate that even short-term discontinuation of government control of the quality of products being produced and sold, especially food and medicines, is unacceptable,as it prevents potential enormous material and moral damages. Rationale was provided for the conclusion that in those countries whose economic systems are incapable of ensuring a due degree of government regulation of the economy and its social orientation, the population is bound to be exploited by socially irresponsible economic operators, suffer moral and physical degeneration, or even extinction.
Keywords: mobile marketing, Internet marketing, government regulation, economic system, banks, financial pyramid schemes, producers of medicines, food, and alcohol
Bibl.: 18.

Orlov Petro A. – Doctor of Sciences (Economics), Professor, Head of the Department, Department of Economics and Marketing, Simon Kuznets Kharkiv National University of Economics (9a Nauky Ave., Kharkіv, 61166, Ukraine)

Article is written in Russian
Downloads/views: 372

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Reference to this article:
Orlov, Petro A. (2014) “Problems of Social Responsibility of Economic Operators and Marketing within the Context of Their Intensive Development and the Global Economic Crisis.” The Problems of Economy 4:110–117.

List of references in article

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“Ekho skandala: stavku LIBOR budut schitat ne v Londone, a v Niu-Yorke“ [Echo scandal: the LIBOR rate will be assumed to be in London and in New York].
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Gollands, S. “Eksperty: kazhdye deviat iz desiati tovarov v Internete - poddelka“ [Experts: nine out of every ten products on the Internet - a fake].
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“V Natskomfinuslug predosteregli ot uchastiia v piramide, obeshchaiushchey uchastnikam 750 mln grn pribyli“ [In Natskomfinuslug warned against participation in the pyramid that promises participants 750 million USD profit].
“V Kharkove obiavili voynu igrovym zalam i bukmekerskim kontoram“ [In Kharkov declared war gaming halls and bookmakers].

Section: Economics and national economy management
UDC 336.148
Pikhotskiy V. F.
Prospects for the Introduction and Development Audit Function in the Management of Public Finances in Ukraine (p. 118 - 126)

The aim of the article is to study the audit functions in the whole system of the state financial control, the theoretical and practical aspects of the regulation of financial relations, identification of existing problems in this sphere, making suggestions on how to address them, as well as proposals to reform the system of state financial control. The urgency of the issue of acceptance of public financial management in Ukraine, achieving social and economic objectives and future directions of development of the state financial control is studied. There is conducted the analysis of the current state of public finances, including evaluation of audit functions of the use of public financial resources and financial audit, the need to strengthen the ability of the audit of the Accounting Chamber of Ukraine. It is concluded that the state needs the formation of public administration and decentralization of control systems, integrated with the management of programs and activities of the budgetary funds, as required by EU standards.
Keywords: state financial control system, audit functions, financial audit, independent monitoring, audit of the use of public funds
Fig.: 1. Tabl.: 3. Bibl.: 26.

Pikhotskiy Volodymyr F. – Candidate of Sciences (Economics), Associate Professor, Head of the Department, Territorial Office of the Accounting Chamber for Lviv, Volyn, Rivne, Ternopil, Zakarpattia and Ivano-Frankivsk Regions (2 Lіnkolna Str., Lviv, 79068, Ukraine)

Article is written in Ukrainian
Downloads/views: 504

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Reference to this article:
Pikhotskiy, Volodymyr F. (2014) “Prospects for the Introduction and Development Audit Function in the Management of Public Finances in Ukraine.” The Problems of Economy 4:118–126.

List of references in article

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“Zvit Rakhunkovoi palaty za 2012 r.“ [Report of the Accounting Chamber in 2012].

Section: Economics and national economy management
UDC 332.012:338.48
Prushkivskyj V. G., Kolesnykov V. I.
Theoretical Approaches to Defining Rural Areas (p. 127 - 132)

The objective of the article consists in analysis of scientific approaches to defining rural areas and development of the author’s own definition of a “rural area”. Relevance of a theoretical study of rural areas was substantiated, as the currently existing definitions lack in functionality, that is possibility of applying and adjusting the notion “rural area” for the needs of not only various economic sectors, but also the social, institutional, and environmental spheres. The article presents an analysis of primary scientific approaches and methods serving as a foundation for determination of the essence and content of the notion “rural area”. On the basis of this analysis, a whole series of scientific and methodological approaches were singled out, in particular, the territorial, spatial, structural, systemic, and multicriteria approaches. Weaknesses and strengths of the above approaches were singled out, which allowed a more profound study of the notion under consideration. It was established that the most comprehensive approach to interpretation of rural areas is the dualistic one which combines the systemic and spatial approaches. The author’s definition of the notion “rural area” was proposed on the basis of the dualistic approach.
Keywords: rural area, rural development, rural district, space, system
Fig.: 1. Bibl.: 23.

Prushkivskyj Volodymyr G. – Doctor of Sciences (Economics), Professor, Pro-rector, Zaporizhzhya National Technical University (64 Zhukovskoho Str, Zaporіzhzhia, 69063, Ukraine)
Kolesnykov Vjacheslav I. – Postgraduate Student, Zaporizhzhya National Technical University (64 Zhukovskoho Str, Zaporіzhzhia, 69063, Ukraine)

Article is written in Ukrainian
Downloads/views: 226

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Reference to this article:
Prushkivskyj, Volodymyr G., and Kolesnykov, Vjacheslav I. (2014) “Theoretical Approaches to Defining Rural Areas.” The Problems of Economy 4:127–132.

List of references in article

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Section: Economics and national economy management
UDC 378:331.102.344(477)
Revak I. O.
Higher Education within the Structure of Intellectual Assets of Ukraine: the Current Status and Development Prospects (p. 133 - 140)

The objective of the article is the analysis of the current status of higher education in Ukraine and its development prospects. The article emphasizes the interpretation of higher education as one of the intellectual assets of Ukraine which provides significant opportunities for storage, reproduction, and accumulation of knowledge. The legal framework for educational activities in Ukraine was analyzed, and rationale was provided for the private education functioning on a level with the public education. The study also describes the system of higher educational establishments currently existing in Ukraine and discusses the intrasystemic causes of the deteriorating quality of higher education. The rates of increase in the number of students at higher educational establishments of the 3rd and 4th accreditation levels, as well as rates of growth in the number of graduates over the past five years were established to have negative values. A comparison of the staffing of state-affiliated and private higher education establishments demonstrated the ability of Ukrainian educational establishments with varying forms of ownership to provide services of equal quality. The article also analyzes the structure of state financing for higher education and reaches a conclusion on the degree to which financing for domestic education approaches the European standards. Special emphasis is put on the structural deformation of the system of higher education in Ukraine and its excessive humanization. The article also identifies positive trends in training top-qualification specialists and substantiates the necessity of organizing advance training for the population using the continuing education system and making higher education more accessible. A comparative analysis of indicative rates of higher education and professional training in Ukraine and leading countries of the world was conducted.
Keywords: higher education, intellectual assets, top-qualification specialists, professional training, higher education system
Fig.: 1. Tabl.: 4. Bibl.: 17.

Revak Iryna O. – Candidate of Sciences (Economics), Associate Professor, Head of the Department, Department of Social Sciences, Lviv State University of Internal Affairs (26 Horodotska Str., Lviv, 79066, Ukraine)

Article is written in Ukrainian
Downloads/views: 717

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Reference to this article:
Revak, Iryna O. (2014) “Higher Education within the Structure of Intellectual Assets of Ukraine: the Current Status and Development Prospects.” The Problems of Economy 4:133–140.

List of references in article

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“Sotsiolohichni opytuvannia. Hromadiany Ukrainy. Osvita“ [Public opinion polls. The citizens of Ukraine. Education]. Tsentr Razumkova. php?cat_id=178

Section: Economics and national economy management
UDC 338.12.017
Salashenko T. I., Fedenko G. M.
Energy Security of Ukraine in the Oil Refining Sphere (p. 141 - 152)

The article presents methodical positions for evaluating the energy security of Ukraine in the oil refining sphere, which are based on the indicative, taxonomic analyses as well as parametric identification, which provide an ordering of risk factors and sustainability factors in production and consumption of motor fuels. To the local energy security indicators in the oil refining sphere are referred: the share of oil and the gas condensate in the structure of primary energy supply, the share of oil products in the structure of final energy consumption; indicators of energy dependence on imports of oil, oil products and motor fuels; proportion of the production and consumption of oil and gas condensate; the rate of growth of production and consumption of motor fuel; the loading level of production capacities in the oil refining; light oil products yield; the Herfindahl-Hirschman index for production and imports of motor fuel. The research on the energy security of Ukraine in the oil refining sphere conducted in 2007-2013 has provided a conclusion about its pre-crisis level up to the plummeting into crisis state because of fundamental changes in the resource cycle of motor fuel. As main risks was recognized the lack of sufficient stocks of the Ukrainian oil, non-competitiveness of the enterprises in this industry branch as for both the technological level of production and the quality of products, low diversification of production and import of the oil products.
Keywords: energy security, energy dependence, oil, oil products, motor fuel
Fig.: 6. Tabl.: 9. Bibl.: 22.

Salashenko Tetiana I. – Candidate of Sciences (Economics), Senior Research Fellow, Department of Industrial Policy and Energy Security, Research Centre for Industrial Problems of Development of NAS of Ukraine (2 floor 1-a Inzhenernyi Ln., Kharkіv, 61166, Ukraine)
Fedenko Galina M. – Postgraduate Student, Simon Kuznets Kharkiv National University of Economics (9a Nauky Ave., Kharkіv, 61166, Ukraine)

Article is written in Ukrainian
Downloads/views: 424

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Reference to this article:
Salashenko, Tetiana I., and Fedenko, Galina M. (2014) “Energy Security of Ukraine in the Oil Refining Sphere.” The Problems of Economy 4:141–152.

List of references in article

Barannik, V. O. “Enerhetychna bezpeka derzhavy: analiz stanovlennia suchasnoi paradyhmy“ [Energy security: analysis of the formation of the modern paradigm].
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Shevtsov, A. I. et al. Enerhetychna bezpeka Ukrainy: stratehiia ta mekhanizmy zabezpechennia [Ukraine's energy security: a strategy and mechanisms to ensure]. Dnipropetrovsk: Porohy, 2002.
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Section: Economics and national economy management
UDC 502.35:621.311.21
Skrypnyk A. V., Holiachuk O. S.
Environmental Management and the Cascade of the Dnieper Reservoirs (p. 153 - 160)

Based on common approaches regarding to environmental management the research questions the effectiveness of the use of the Dnieper cascade hydroelectric power stations. As an alternative, there is considered the use of flooded areas in agriculture. There is used average productivity per unit of agricultural land and the amount of electricity generated by hydropower plant. In general, in terms of money value of all produced electricity it was approximately 60% of the potential value of agricultural products (in 2010 prices). There is introduced the concept of efficiency in the use of flooded areas as the ratio of the cost of electricity to the potential value of agricultural products. The most effective were the Dnieper reservoirs for which the cost of electricity significantly exceeded the potential value of agricultural products. The least effective were Kiev, Kremenchug and Kakhovka reservoirs, where the efficiency of the flooded area is 25 to 30%. There is given the general scheme of the risks of further use of reservoirs. They can be divided into economic, environmental and man-made. The authors consider the share of the economic component (inefficient use of space). Environmental risk can be a first approximation to estimate the cost of measures to bring the state of the water masses in the reservoir (no flow) to a state of the uncontaminated masses. The greatest difficulty in terms of estimation are technological risks, which are presented in both static (regular maintenance of dams, measures to support the state reservoirs) and stochastic (the possibility of a tsunami) components. If based on the existing world statistics on dam reservoirs disasters, the probability of failure of a separate dam is approximately equal to 0.01%. The situation is made more complex by the presence of 90 million tons of radioactive sludge at the bottom of the Kiev reservoir. In the case of this scenario, radioactive contamination may be subject to 10% of the territory of Kyiv. If considered as a possible solution to the dismantling of the dam, the problem reduces to the standard formulation of income and consumable analysis. It should be emphasized that the degree of depreciation (demolition) will increase the cost of maintenance and the probability of technological hazards, the cost of human life must be taken into account in future studies.
Keywords: environmental management, efficient use of water reservoirs, the risks of exploitation of income and expenditure analysis
Fig.: 3. Tabl.: 4. Formulae: 5. Bibl.: 17.

Skrypnyk Andrii V. – Doctor of Sciences (Economics), Professor, Head of the Department, Department of Economic Cybernetics, National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine (15 Heroiv Oborony Str., Kyiv, 03041, Ukraine)
Holiachuk Olha S. – Postgraduate Student, Department of Economic Cybernetics, National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine (15 Heroiv Oborony Str., Kyiv, 03041, Ukraine)

Article is written in Ukrainian
Downloads/views: 198

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Reference to this article:
Skrypnyk, Andrii V., and Holiachuk, Olha S. (2014) “Environmental Management and the Cascade of the Dnieper Reservoirs.” The Problems of Economy 4:153–160.

List of references in article

Veklych, O., and Shlapak, M. “«Ekolohichna tsina» ekonomichnoho zrostannia Ukrainy“ ["The environmental cost" of economic growth in Ukraine]. Ekonomika Ukrainy, no. 1 (2012): 51-60.
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“The Columbia River Basin provides more than 40% of total US hydroelectric generation“Today in Energy, 2014.

Section: Economics and national economy management
UDC 339.564
Skrypnyk A. V., Yara T. Y.
The Effect of Variability of Individual Factors on Agricultural Production (p. 161 - 169)

The work contains an analysis of performance of agricultural enterprises over the period of 2009-2013 and the planting area, gross croppage, and yield of basic crops, as well as livestock sector production, in particular production of meat, milk, and eggs in 2012-2013. The contribution of individual components to the agricultural production process was examined using a multiplicative production function (the Cobb-Douglas function) and additional parameters, namely planting areas and time. A model of the effects of individual factors on the agricultural production was developed by using the econometric analysis methods on the basis of time series within the interval of 1998-2012. A comparative analysis of the developed models was conducted which established that the model including such parameters as fixed assets, employment size, planting areas, and time (for progress in science and technology) has the highest adequacy rates. Also, the effect of variability of the above factors on variability of production output volumes was evaluated.
Keywords: agricultural production, multiplicative production function (the Cobb-Douglas function), fixed assets of the agricultural sector, planting areas, expenditure of time, variability of indices
Fig.: 2. Tabl.: 7. Formulae: 4. Bibl.: 15.

Skrypnyk Andrii V. – Doctor of Sciences (Economics), Professor, Head of the Department, Department of Economic Cybernetics, National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine (15 Heroiv Oborony Str., Kyiv, 03041, Ukraine)
Yara Tetiana Yu. – Senior Research Fellow, Department of Economic and Mathematical Modeling and Information-analytical Support of the Financial and Economic Research, Academy of Financial Management (38 Druzhby Narodiv Blvd., Kyiv, 01014, Ukraine)

Article is written in Ukrainian
Downloads/views: 130

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Reference to this article:
Skrypnyk, Andrii V., and Yara, Tetiana Yu. (2014) “The Effect of Variability of Individual Factors on Agricultural Production.” The Problems of Economy 4:161–169.

List of references in article

Shumska, S. S. “Instrument vyrobnychoi funktsii v doslidzhenni ukrainskoi ekonomiky“ [Tools of the production function in the study of the Ukrainian economy].
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Skrypnyk, A. V., and Zinchuk, T. Yu. “Parytetnyi pryntsyp vyznachennia eksportnykh kvot na pshenytsiu“ [The parity principle determining export quotas for wheat]. Ekonomika Ukrainy, no. 2 (2012): 26-37.

Section: Economics and national economy management
UDC 368.029
Tatarina T. V., Tretiak K. V.
Characteristics of Operations of Reinsurance Brokers on the Domestic Reinsurance Market (p. 170 - 176)

The objective of the article consists in studying the characteristics of functioning of reinsurance brokers in Ukraine, identifying the range of problems existing in operations of intermediaries and substantiating possible solutions. The article focuses on the organizational framework for operations of reinsurance brokers in Ukraine. The essence of the notion “reinsurance broker” was determined, as well as its functional characteristics according to the requirements of the domestic legal framework. A review of the State Register of Insurance and Reinsurance Brokers was conducted enabling identification of basic flaws in its information content which interfere with monitoring of brokers’ operations and analysis of their efficiency. The article presents a study of primary indicators of intermediary operations dealing with reinsurance agreements: the number of insurance and reinsurance brokers in comparison with the overall number of insurers and the share of the reinsurance market involving brokers. A comparative analysis of broker operations was conducted in terms of reinsurance agreement premiums received by residents and non-residents in order to predict future tendencies in the development of the domestic reinsurance market. The conducted analysis allowed identifying a series of issues in the operations of insurance and reinsurance brokers and substantiating possible measures aimed at creation of a favorable environment for their functioning on the domestic reinsurance market in order to improve the dynamics of sale of reinsurance services and intensify inward reinsurance as a tool for attraction of funds to the economy of the state.
Keywords: reinsurance, reinsurance market, reinsurance broker, functions of the reinsurance broker
Fig.: 1. Tabl.: 3. Bibl.: 9.

Tatarina Tetyana V. – Candidate of Sciences (Economics), Associate Professor, Associate Professor, Department of Insurance, Kyiv National Economic University named after Vadym Hetman (54/1 Beresteiskyi Ave., Kyiv, 03057, Ukraine)
Tretiak Kateryna V. – Postgraduate Student, Department of Insurance, Kyiv National Economic University named after Vadym Hetman (54/1 Beresteiskyi Ave., Kyiv, 03057, Ukraine)

Article is written in Ukrainian
Downloads/views: 657

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Reference to this article:
Tatarina, Tetyana V., and Tretiak, Kateryna V. (2014) “Characteristics of Operations of Reinsurance Brokers on the Domestic Reinsurance Market.” The Problems of Economy 4:170–176.

List of references in article

Tretiak, K. V. “Formuvannia popytu na perestrakhovi posluhy v umovakh rozvytku strakhovoho rynku Ukrainy“ [Formation of demand for reinsurance services in terms of the insurance market of Ukraine]. Hrudnevi chytannia - 2013. Kyiv: Lohos, 2013.239-240.
[Legal Act of Ukraine] (1996).вр/conv
Kneisler, O. V. Rynok perestrakhuvannia Ukrainy: teoretyko-metodolohichni dominanty formuvannia ta priorytety rozvytku [Market reinsurance Ukraine: theoretical and methodological dominant formation and development priorities]. Kyiv: Tsentr uchbovoi literatury, 2012.
[Legal Act of Ukraine] (2004).
[Legal Act of Ukraine] (2005).
Kneisler, O. V. “Prahmatyzm funktsionuvannia perestrakhovykh brokeriv v Ukraini“ [Pragmatism operation reinsurance brokers in Ukraine]. Naukovyi visnyk Uzhhorodskoho natsionalnoho universytetu. Seriia «Ekonomika», no. 3 (37) (2012): 80-84.
“Informatsiia pro stan i rozvytok strakhovoho rynku Ukrainy“ [Information on the status and development of the insurance market of Ukraine]. Natsionalna komisiia, shcho zdiisniuie derzhavne rehuliuvannia u sferi rynkiv finansovykh posluh.
“Derzhavnyi reiestr strakhovykh ta perestrakhovykh brokeriv“ [A list of insurance and reinsurance brokers]. Natsionalna komisiia, shcho zdiisniuie derzhavne rehuliuvannia u sferi rynkiv finansovykh posluh.
“Informatsiia pro poserednytski posluhy u strakhuvanni ta / abo perestrakhuvanni“ [Information intermediary services in insurance and / or reinsurance]. Natsionalna komisiia, shcho zdiisniuie derzhavne rehuliuvannia u sferi rynkiv finansovykh posluh.

Section: Economics and national economy management
UDC 338.22
Tokar V. V.
The Bankruptcy of an Individual in the Economic Security of Ukraine (p. 177 - 182)

The purpose of this paper is a conceptual study of the bankruptcy institution of the individual who is not engaged in business activities in the economic security of Ukraine. The article analyzes the current state of Ukrainian market of lending to individuals for purposes not related to business activities. There is identified the threat of economic security of Ukraine, due to the lack of state programs to prevent the collapse of the national financial system in general and the banking system in particular with regard to the potential of mass insolvency of individual debtors. The urgency of creating the individuals bankruptcy institution and the definition of the debtor in this context are suggested. The basic criteria for the procedure of bankruptcy of an individual in the event of a debt not related to entrepreneurial activity is determined.
Keywords: economic security of the state, bankruptcy, an individual, institution, commercial bank, state regulation
Tabl.: 2. Bibl.: 13.

Tokar Volodymyr V. – Doctor of Sciences (Economics), Associate Professor, Professor, Department of International Finance, Kyiv National Economic University named after Vadym Hetman (54/1 Beresteiskyi Ave., Kyiv, 03057, Ukraine)

Article is written in Russian
Downloads/views: 134

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Reference to this article:
Tokar, Volodymyr V. (2014) “The Bankruptcy of an Individual in the Economic Security of Ukraine.” The Problems of Economy 4:177–182.

List of references in article

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Section: Economics and national economy management
UDC 338.48
Khaustova V. Y., Gorbatova Y. F.
Estimating the Quality of Programs for Development of Tourism Industry in the Regions of Ukraine (p. 183 - 196)

The article is aimed to work out a methodical approach to estimate the quality of target programs for development of tourism industry in the regions of Ukraine, and to conduct a corresponding study on the basis of the elaborated approach. In order to achieve the article's objective, the existing methodical approaches to estimating the quality of specific programs in the various sectors of the economy were analyzed, their disadvantages and advantages were determined. On the basis of the conducted analysis, a model for estimating the quality of the target programs for development of tourism industry in the regions of Ukraine was developed, which allows to level the inadequacies of the existing approaches. In accordance with the proposed approach, has been suggested that estimation of programs' quality is carried out by the integral indicator, which comprises the following components: expediency, coherence in levels of the hierarchy, structural correspondence, scientific validity, feasibility, informativeness. In turn, each component is estimated by means of the relevant criteria (partial indicators). On the basis of the elaborated approach, quality of programs for development of tourism industry in the regions of Ukraine has been estimated.
Keywords: target program, estimation, quality, tourism industry, region
Fig.: 3. Tabl.: 10. Bibl.: 55.

Khaustova Viktoriia Ye. – Doctor of Sciences (Economics), Professor, Director, Research Centre for Industrial Problems of Development of NAS of Ukraine (2 floor 1-a Inzhenernyi Ln., Kharkіv, 61166, Ukraine)
Gorbatova Yevgeniia F. – Applicant, Research Centre for Industrial Problems of Development of NAS of Ukraine (2 floor 1-a Inzhenernyi Ln., Kharkіv, 61166, Ukraine)

Article is written in Ukrainian
Downloads/views: 538

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Reference to this article:
Khaustova, Viktoriia Ye., and Gorbatova, Yevgeniia F. (2014) “Estimating the Quality of Programs for Development of Tourism Industry in the Regions of Ukraine.” The Problems of Economy 4:183–196.

List of references in article

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Section: Economics and national economy management
UDC 330.322
Khaustova V. Y., Khomenko O. I.
Methodical Approach to Formation of Enterprise's Development Strategy, Taking into Account the Dynamics of Market Value and the Life Cycle Curve (on Example of the Iron-and-Steel Industry of Ukraine) (p. 197 - 205)

The article defines that one of the most important components of the strategy of enterprise's development are the dynamics of market value and the stage of life cycle. As result of an analysis of the available scientific studies has been proved, that problematics of interrelation of these categories and their combined use in the management of an enterprise are still not sufficiently covered. A methodical approach to the choice of enterprise's development strategy on the basis of the market value of the enterprise and the stage of its life cycle has been proposed, consisting of the following main stages: evaluation of enterprise's life cycle stage, calculation of the market value of the enterprise, determining the narrowness of the relationship between the market value and the stage of enterprise's life cycle, formation of the analytical base for managerial decisions, and choice of enterprise's development strategy. An implementation of the elaborated methodical approach is demonstrated on example of OJSC «ArcelorMittal Kryviy Rih».
Keywords: enterprise, cost, life cycle, capitalization, stage, evaluation, methodical approach
Fig.: 6. Tabl.: 4. Formulae: 2. Bibl.: 33.

Khaustova Viktoriia Ye. – Doctor of Sciences (Economics), Professor, Director, Research Centre for Industrial Problems of Development of NAS of Ukraine (2 floor 1-a Inzhenernyi Ln., Kharkіv, 61166, Ukraine)
Khomenko Olga I. – Applicant, Department of Finance and Credit, Kharkiv National University of Civil Engineering and Architecture (40 Sumska Str., Kharkіv, 61002, Ukraine)

Article is written in Ukrainian
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Reference to this article:
Khaustova, Viktoriia Ye., and Khomenko, Olga I. (2014) “Methodical Approach to Formation of Enterprise's Development Strategy, Taking into Account the Dynamics of Market Value and the Life Cycle Curve (on Example of the Iron-and-Steel Industry of Ukraine).” The Problems of Economy 4:197–205.

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Section: Economics and national economy management
UDC 330.101
Shkarlet S. M., Kholiavko N. I.
The Potentially-Factorial Substantiationof the Objective Functionalsof Management of the Information Economy FormationProcesses (p. 206 - 211)

The aim of the article is the potentially-factorial substantiation ofa restricted list of objective functionals of management of the information economy formation processesin a state. The article studies the scientific and application-oriented foundations of transformation of the national economic system in Ukraine. The results of the potentially-factorial substantiation of the objective functionals of management of the information economy formation processesare described. The author identifies the functions of the primary constituents of the system-universal functioning within the context of management of the information economy formation processes in Ukraine in a resource-constrained environment.
Keywords: information economy, objective functional, potentially-factorial substantiation
Tabl.: 2. Bibl.: 24.

Shkarlet Serhiy M. – Doctor of Sciences (Economics), Professor, Rector
Kholiavko Nataliia I. – Doctor of Sciences (Economics), Professor, Professor, Department of Finance, Banking and Insurance, National University «Chernihiv Polytechnic» (95 Shevchenka Str., Chernihiv, 14027, Ukraine)

Article is written in Ukrainian
Downloads/views: 141

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Reference to this article:
Shkarlet, Serhiy M., and Kholiavko, Nataliia I. (2014) “The Potentially-Factorial Substantiationof the Objective Functionalsof Management of the Information Economy FormationProcesses.” The Problems of Economy 4:206–211.

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Section: Regional economy
UDC 332.146.2
Bondarenko V. M., Mashiko K. S.
Tools of State Regulation of Business Development at the Regional and Subregional Levels (p. 212 - 219)

In the scientific literature on regional economic policy and regional development, aspects of comparability of science-based tools for regional policy and legislated means to implement the authorities at the regional and subregional levels remain unresolved. As a result, the enterprise of a certain territory or a potential investor does not possess the full information on the possible directions of state support for business development of regional and local authorities. In this regard, the idea of the study is to determine the means of implementation of statutory instruments of regional policy at the regional and subregional levels in the context of possible support for business development. In this article the reasons of differences in scientists interpretation of content and components of the regional development regulation . Analysis of national law allowed to systematize tools promoting regional development for the following units: budget and financial, raising competitiveness of business; institutional guarantee; interaction and communications support. In the article there are set out means to implement the above-mentioned instruments; they reflect existing powers of local governments, local and regional executive authorities to create conditions for the effective and efficient functioning of enterprises or direct influence on these processes in accordance with the priorities of territorial development. The developed system declared means of implementing regional policy instruments has practical importance for business in Ukraine, because it indicates the potential direction to facilitate their development by the authorities.
Keywords: tool, means of implementation, regional and subregional level
Tabl.: 4. Bibl.: 32.

Bondarenko Viktoriia M. – Candidate of Sciences (Economics), Senior Research Fellow, Senior Research Fellow, Transcarpathian Regional Centre for Socio-Economic and Humanities Research NAS of Ukraine (21 Unіversytetska Str., Uzhhorod, Zakarpattia region, 88017, Ukraine)
Mashiko Kateryna S. – Candidate of Sciences (Economics), Senior Research Fellow, Transcarpathian Regional Centre for Socio-Economic and Humanities Research NAS of Ukraine (21 Unіversytetska Str., Uzhhorod, Zakarpattia region, 88017, Ukraine)

Article is written in Ukrainian
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Reference to this article:
Bondarenko, Viktoriia M., and Mashiko, Kateryna S. (2014) “Tools of State Regulation of Business Development at the Regional and Subregional Levels.” The Problems of Economy 4:212–219.

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[Legal Act of Ukraine] (2011). Ofitsiinyi sait Verkhovnoi Rady Ukrainy.п
[Legal Act of Ukraine] (2006). Ofitsiinyi sait Verkhovnoi Rady Ukrainy.
[Legal Act of Ukraine] (2011). Ofitsiinyi sait Verkhovnoi Rady Ukrainy.п
[Legal Act of Ukraine] (2005). Ofitsiinyi sait Verkhovnoi Rady Ukrainy.
[Legal Act of Ukraine] (2000). Ofitsiinyi sait Verkhovnoi Rady Ukrainy.
[Legal Act of Ukraine] (2002). Ofitsiinyi sait Verkhovnoi Rady Ukrainy.
[Legal Act of Ukraine] (2012).
[Legal Act of Ukraine] (2012). Ofitsiinyi sait Verkhovnoi Rady Ukrainy.
[Legal Act of Ukraine] (2010). Ofitsiinyi sait Verkhovnoi Rady Ukrainy.
[Legal Act of Ukraine] (1999). Ofitsiinyi sait Verkhovnoi Rady Ukrainy.
[Legal Act of Ukraine] (1999). Ofitsiinyi sait Verkhovnoi Rady Ukrainy.
[Legal Act of Ukraine] (2005). Ofitsiinyi sait Verkhovnoi Rady Ukrainy.
[Legal Act of Ukraine] (2011). Ofitsiinyi sait Verkhovnoi Rady Ukrainy.п
[Legal Act of Ukraine] (2010). Ofitsiinyi sait Verkhovnoi Rady Ukrainy.
[Legal Act of Ukraine] (1997). Ofitsiinyi sait Verkhovnoi Rady Ukrainy.вр
[Legal Act of Ukraine] (2010). Ofitsiinyi sait Verkhovnoi Rady Ukrainy.п
[Legal Act of Ukraine] (2004). Ofitsiinyi sait Verkhovnoi Rady Ukrainy.

Section: Regional economy
UDC 332.144+519.246.8
Veshсhypan O. O., Poliakova O. Y.
Diagnostics of the Regional Economic Development Based on a System of Leading Indicators (p. 220 - 228)

The article analyzes the prospects of using a system of consolidated economic development indicator indices for operational diagnostics of the regional economic development. The analysis shows that inclusion of consolidated leading, coincident, and lagging indicators into the system of operational diagnostics of the socio-economic development of regions allows predicting the trends for the immediate future and diagnosing the economic development of a region as pre-critical, critical, or as growth depending on the dynamics and temporal correlation of the turning points of consolidated indicators. Using the example of Kharkiv region, smoothing and search for the turning points in the economic development were conducted on the basis of monthly data using filtration. Consolidated leading, coincident, and lagging indicator indices were constructed which suggest the leading character of erosion of the purchasing power of the population relative to the decrease in industrial production volumes. Analysis of the dynamics of consolidated indicators over the past two years allowed concluding that the critical situation is still in progress and currently there are no signs of stabilization observed. After a certain increase in late 2013, the consolidated leading indicator index dropped drastically again, which suggests a new wave of crisis developments.
Keywords: socio-economic development, region, diagnostics, consolidated indices, leading indicators
Fig.: 6. Tabl.: 3. Formulae: 1. Bibl.: 18.

Veshсhypan Olga O. – Postgraduate Student, Research Centre for Industrial Problems of Development of NAS of Ukraine (2 floor 1-a Inzhenernyi Ln., Kharkіv, 61166, Ukraine)
Poliakova Olha Yu. – Candidate of Sciences (Economics), Associate Professor, Head of, Sector of Macroeconomic Analysis and Forecasting of the Department of Macroeconomic Policy and Regional Development, Research Centre for Industrial Problems of Development of NAS of Ukraine (2 floor 1-a Inzhenernyi Ln., Kharkіv, 61166, Ukraine)

Article is written in Ukrainian
Downloads/views: 240

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Reference to this article:
Veshсhypan, Olga O., and Poliakova, Olha Yu. (2014) “Diagnostics of the Regional Economic Development Based on a System of Leading Indicators.” The Problems of Economy 4:220–228.

List of references in article

Blokhin, A. A., Bogomolova, A. V., and Solntsev, O. G. Sistema operezhaiushchikh pokazateley dinamiki sektorov rossiyskoy ekonomiki [The system of leading indicators dynamics sectors of the Russian economy]. Moscow: Analiticheskiy tsentr pri Pravitelstve Rossii, 2011.
Horshkova, N. I. “Diahnostyka stanu ekonomiky v systemi stabilizatsiinoi polityky derzhavy“ [Diagnosis of the economy as a system of stabilization policy]. avtoref. dys. … kand. ekon. nauk : 08.02.03, 2004.
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Section: Regional economy
UDC 332.12
Goliyad N. Y.
Analysis of the Categorical Framework for Regional Crisis Management (p. 229 - 233)

The article presents an analysis of the categorical framework for regional crisis management based on study of literary sources, which includes, in particular, analysis of the existing interpretations of the definitions “crisis management”, “crisis”, “region” and proposing more accurate ones; analysis of the factors which have caused a crisis in Ukraine; analysis of principal theories concerning the origin of economic crises; identifying basic spheres of activities of a region and types of crises that affect them. Besides, the analysis described in the article allows claiming that more accurate definition and understanding of the essence of crisis management is likely to be instrumental in developing an effective mechanism of leading a region out of a critical or pre-critical situation, which, in turn, will make a significant contribution to the recovery of the state overall.
Keywords: crisis, region, socio-economic system, crisis management, meso-level, process
Tabl.: 1. Bibl.: 21.

Goliyad Nataliya Yu. – Candidate of Sciences (Economics), Associate Professor, Department of Economic Cybernetics, Simon Kuznets Kharkiv National University of Economics (9a Nauky Ave., Kharkіv, 61166, Ukraine)

Article is written in Ukrainian
Downloads/views: 260

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Reference to this article:
Goliyad, Nataliya Yu. (2014) “Analysis of the Categorical Framework for Regional Crisis Management.” The Problems of Economy 4:229–233.

List of references in article

Brokgauz, F. A., and Efron, Y. A. Entsiklopedicheskii slovar [Encyclopedic Dictionary]. St. Petersburg: Tipografiia Akts. Obshch. «Izdat. Delo, byvshee Brokgauz-Efron», 1899.
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Rehiony Ukrainy: problemy ta priorytety sotsialno-ekonomichnoho rozvytku [Regions of Ukraine: Problems and Priorities of socio-economic development]. Kyiv: Znannia Ukrainy, 2005.
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Bankrutstvo ta sanatsiia pidpryiemstva: teoriia ta praktyka kryzovoho upravlinnia [Bankruptcy and reorganization of enterprises: the theory and practice of crisis management]. Kharkiv: INZhEK, 2003.
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Blank, I. A. Osnovy finansovogo menedzhmenta [Fundamentals of Financial Management]. Kyiv: Nika-Tsentr, 1999.
The World Book Dictionary: World Book, Inc., 1988.

Section: Regional economy
UDC 332.143:005.585
Manoilenko O. V., Savchenko N. V.
Formation of a System of Basic Indicators for Evaluation of Sustainability of the Socio-Economic Health of a Region (p. 234 - 240)

The objective of the article is forming a system of basic indicators for evaluation of sustainability of the socio-economic health of a region. The study presents a comparative analysis of the existing methods for evaluation of basic indicators of sustainability of the socio-economic health of a region using the following criteria: structuredness of an integral indicator; its formation process; orientation of the evaluation (dynamic and static trends); the quantity and quality of utilized indicators; interpretation of the obtained evaluation results. The findings of the analysis were used as a basis for forming a methodological approach to evaluation of basic indicators of sustainability of the socio-economic health of an area. The following groups of indicators were singled out: the population quality; the economic activity of the population; the living (consumption) standard; the volume (scale) of business activities; economic performance; quality of the regional environment. An integral rating for evaluation of sustainability of the socio-economic health of a region was formed which is obtained from simple addition of the component indices of individual indicator groups. Integral ratings measure the interregional differentiation in sustainability of the socio-economic health of regions and characterize sustainability of the socio-economic health of a region in an indirect way, through the achieved development level and development dynamics (as realization of the competitive advantages of a region). Final comprehensive evaluation results allow positioning regions within a system of parameters, showing the results on schematic maps (constructing cartograms), drawing a textual analytical conclusion based on the interpretation model.
Keywords: sustainability of the socio-economic health of a region, system of basic indicators for evaluation of sustainability of the socio-economic health of a region; integral evaluation of sustainability of the socio-economic health of a region
Fig.: 1. Formulae: 4. Bibl.: 18.

Manoilenko Oleksandr V. – Doctor of Sciences (Economics), Professor, Director, Educational and Scientific Institute of Economics, Management and International Business, National Technical University «Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute» (2 Kyrpychova Str., Kharkіv, 61002, Ukraine)
Savchenko Natalia V. – Postgraduate Student, Research Centre for Industrial Problems of Development of NAS of Ukraine (2 floor 1-a Inzhenernyi Ln., Kharkіv, 61166, Ukraine)

Article is written in Russian
Downloads/views: 165

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Reference to this article:
Manoilenko, Oleksandr V., and Savchenko, Natalia V. (2014) “Formation of a System of Basic Indicators for Evaluation of Sustainability of the Socio-Economic Health of a Region.” The Problems of Economy 4:234–240.

List of references in article

Novikova, O. F.Stalyi rozvytok promyslovoho rehionu: sotsialni aspekty [Sustainable development of industrial region: social aspects]. Donetsk, 2012.
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Skotarenko, O. V. “Novye metody otsenki urovnia sotsialno-ekonomicheskogo razvitiia regionov Rossii“ [New methods for estimating the level of socio-economic development of regions of Russia].
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“The Global Competitiveness Index“.

Section: Regional economy
UDC 339.5 (477)
Preobrazhenska O. S.
Methodological Support for Analysis of Resilience in Regional Development (p. 241 - 248)

The article focuses on the sustainable development of regions as a basis for satisfaction of the economic interests of the country, analyzes the essence of the term “economic resilience”. The regional constituent of the economic resilience was considered within the context of its interconnection with the sustainable development concept, and stages of diagnostics of the economic resilience of a region were described. The article also provides an analysis of the primary components of the economic resilience of regions, namely the investment and financial components, as well as the sustainable development index in terms of three dimensions: economic, ecological, and social ones. The study also identified the hazards which produce the most significant effect on the socioeconomic situation in the country – crime, corruption, social disparity, unemployment rates. The constituents of resilience in functioning of Kharkiv region were listed. Prospects for future research of the economic resilience of a region with application of the market analysis methods were determined.
Keywords: methodology, economic resilience, sustainable development, indicator, constituent
Fig.: 1. Tabl.: 5. Formulae: 1. Bibl.: 11.

Preobrazhenska Olena S. – Candidate of Sciences (Economics), Associate Professor, Department of Economic Analysis, Simon Kuznets Kharkiv National University of Economics (9a Nauky Ave., Kharkіv, 61166, Ukraine)

Article is written in Ukrainian
Downloads/views: 543

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Reference to this article:
Preobrazhenska, Olena S. (2014) “Methodological Support for Analysis of Resilience in Regional Development.” The Problems of Economy 4:241–248.

List of references in article

Zablodska, V. “Zbalansovanyi rozvytok rehionu iak peredumova ioho ekonomichnoi bezpeky“ [Balanced development of the region as a precondition for its economic security].
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Babets, I. H. et al. Osnovy formuvannia ekonomichnoi bezpeky Ukrainy [Principles of formation of economic security of Ukraine]. Lviv: SPOLOM, 2011.
Hordiienko, T. M. “Rozvytok rehionalnoi ekonomiky v konteksti ekonomichnoi kryzy“ [The development of regional economy in the context of the economic crisis]. Aktualni problemy ekonomiky, no. 6 (2010): 162-166.
Tkach, V. O. “Ekonomichna bezpeka rehioniv“ [The economic security of the region]. Derzhava ta rehiony. Seriia «Ekonomika ta pidpryiemnytstvo», no. 5 (2009): 153-160.
Gubareva, I. O. “Diagnostika ugroz ekonomicheskoi bezopasnosti natsionalnoi ekonomiki Ukrainy“ [Diagnosis of threats to economic security of the national economy of Ukraine]. Ekonomika. Upravlinnia. Innovatsii, no. 1 (11) (2014).
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Libanova, E. M. et al. Vymiriuvannia iakosti zhyttia v Ukraini [Measuring quality of life in Ukraine]. Kyiv: In-t demohrafii ta sots. doslidzhen imeni M. V. Ptukhy NAN Ukrainy, 2013.
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“What we do and how - OECD“ The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD).
“The Global Competitiveness Index 2013 - 2014 rankings and 2012 - 2013 comparisons“

Section: Economics and Enterprise Management
UDC 303.7:658:005.336
Manoilenko O. V., Aleksandrova V. O.
Evaluating the Efficiency of Business Processes of the Integrated Corporate Structures (p. 249 - 255)

In the article, the main points of methodological approach to forming criteria for evaluating the efficiency of business processes is proposed. The approach is based on studying the relationship between innovativeness and magnitude of the end-to-end business processes in the integrated corporate structures, determining the hierarchy of their construction and narrowness of their relationship with release of the final product. As a result, an evaluation of significance of the individual business processes is accomplished. When comparing the decomposed system of goals of a separate business unit with the indicators of determining the efficiency of key business processes, the criteria for evaluating their efficiency are being formed. The proposed points are considered as a basis for managerial decisions on the need for (possibility of) their re-engineering and outsourcing with the aim to enhance the efficiency of activity of the integrated corporate structure as a whole. To achieve these goals, formation of partial integral indicators of the efficiency of business processes is suggested, an evaluation of their level allows to make weighted decisions about the need for re-engineering or feasibility of an outsourcing.
Keywords: business process, integrated corporate structure, evaluation of efficiency
Fig.: 2. Tabl.: 4. Formulae: 3. Bibl.: 15.

Manoilenko Oleksandr V. – Doctor of Sciences (Economics), Professor, Director, Educational and Scientific Institute of Economics, Management and International Business, National Technical University «Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute» (2 Kyrpychova Str., Kharkіv, 61002, Ukraine)
Aleksandrova Viktoriia O. – Candidate of Sciences (Economics), Associate Professor, Department of Economic Analysis and Accounting, National Technical University «Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute» (2 Kyrpychova Str., Kharkіv, 61002, Ukraine)

Article is written in Russian
Downloads/views: 618

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Reference to this article:
Manoilenko, Oleksandr V., and Aleksandrova, Viktoriia O. (2014) “Evaluating the Efficiency of Business Processes of the Integrated Corporate Structures.” The Problems of Economy 4:249–255.

List of references in article

Aleksandrova, A. V. “Formirovanie strategicheski orientirovannoy sistemy upravleniia integrirovannymi korporativnymi strukturami (na primere mashinostroitelnogo kompleksa)“ [Formation strategically oriented management system integrated corporate structures (for example, mechanical engineering)]. Problemy sovremennoy ekonomiki, no. 2 (2011): 45-54.
Gorbatov, V. M. “Intehrirovannye struktury biznesa: sushchnost poniatiy i klassifikatsiia“ [Integrated business structure: the nature of concepts and classification]. Ekonomika promyslovosti, no. 2 (2006): 33-41.
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Kozenkov, D. E. “Proektuvannia biznes-protsesiv iak osnova stvorennia arkhitektury pidpryiemstva“ [Designing business processes as a basis for the creation of enterprise architecture]. Visnyk SumDU. Seriia «Ekonomika», no. 3 (2011): 126-136.
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Repin, V. V., and Eliferov, V. G. Protsessnyy podkhod k upravleniiu. Modelirovanie biznes-protsessov [Process approach to management. Business process modeling]. Moscow: Standarty i kachestvo, 2004.
Robson, M., and Ullakh, F. Reinzhiniring biznes-protsessov: Prakticheskoe rukovodstvo [Business Process Reengineering: A Practical Guide]. Moscow: YuNITI-DANA, 2003.
Roter, M., and Shuk, D. Uchites videt biznes-protsessy. Praktika postroeniia kart potokov sozdaniia tsennosti [Learn to see the business processes. The practice of mapping the value stream]. Moscow: Alpina Biznes Buks, 2008.
Titova, V. A., and Kolocheva, V. V. “Otsenka i povyshenie rezultativnosti biznes-protsessov predpriiatiia“ [Evaluation and improvement of the effectiveness of business processes]. Integral, no. 3 (53) (2010): 82-83.
Tkachenko, I. N., and Kizikov, I. V. “Optimizatsiia biznes-protsessov integrirovannykh kholdingovykh struktur“ [Optimization of business processes integrated holding structures]. Upravlenets, no. 3-4 (2011): 40-45.
Khammer, M., and Champi, Dzh. Reizhiniring korporatsii: Manifest revoliutsii v biznese [Reizhiniring Corporation: A Manifesto revolution in the business]. Moscow: Mann, Ivanov, Ferber, 2006.
Kharrington, Dzh., Esseling, K. S., and Van Nimvegen, Kh. Optimizatsiia biznes-protsessov: dokumentirovanie, analiz, upravlenie, optimizatsiia [Optimization of business processes: documentation, analysis, management, optimization]. St. Petersburg: Azbuka; BMikro, 2002.
Tsapko, S. G. et al. “Metodika otsenki biznes-protsessov priborostroitelnogo predpriiatiia“ [Methods of assessing business processes electronics manufacturer]. Informatika i sistemy upravleniia, no. 4 (30) (2011): 104-115.
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Yakovenko, S. I. “Informatsiini tekhnolohii ta reinzhynirynh u protsesakh orhanizatsii, transformatsii i upravlinnia korporatsiiamy“ [Information technology and reengineering processes in the organization, management and transformation of corporations]. Aktualni problemy ekonomiky, no. 10 (2005): 222-236.

Section: Economics and Enterprise Management
UDC 334.722.8:330.34.01
Vasylchuk I. P.
Theoretical and Methodological Approaches to Determination of the Essence of Sustainable Corporate Development (p. 256 - 261)

The objective of the article is systematization and analysis of the existing theoretical approaches to determination of the essence of sustainable development of corporations. The article studies the theoretical sources of the corporate sustainable development concept. The sustainable corporate development concept was found to be grounded in the conceptual framework of the stakeholder approach, to have developed from it. Arguments were provided to show that the triune sustainable corporate development concept must be viewed as a contemporary management paradigm within the system of strategic corporate management. The study analyzes the existing scientific perspectives of domestic and foreign researchers on the essence of the notion “sustainable corporate development”. A tendency to mostly application-oriented consideration of the issue of sustainable corporate development was identified. Three theoretical approaches to interpretation of the essence of sustainable corporate development were singled out, namely the normative, the innovative approaches, as well as the approach aimed at preservation of the capital substance. The author’s own view on the essence of the sustainable corporate development concept was proposed. The study concludes that most leading corporations of the world currently associate their future development with the principles of sustainable development. Corporations intend to implement the sustainable development principles in their strategies and operations, which is likely to ensure a competitive advantage. Prospects for future research in this field consist in refinement of the theoretical and methodological foundations of the sustainable corporate development concept with a view to using the theory for development of practical measures.
Keywords: sustainable development, corporations, triple bottom line concept
Fig.: 1. Bibl.: 23.

Vasylchuk Irуna P. – Doctor of Sciences (Economics), Associate Professor, Professor, Department of Finance, Banking and Insurance, Kryvyi Rih Economic Institute of Kyiv National Economic University named after Vadym Hetman (16 Medychna Str, Kryvyi Rih, Dnіpropetrovsk region, 50051, Ukraine)

Article is written in Ukrainian
Downloads/views: 186

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Reference to this article:
Vasylchuk, Irуna P. (2014) “Theoretical and Methodological Approaches to Determination of the Essence of Sustainable Corporate Development.” The Problems of Economy 4:256–261.

List of references in article

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Section: Economics and Enterprise Management
UDC 658.628.
Verba V. A., Lishchynska V. V.
Optimization of Commodities Portfolio as a Factor in Increasing the Economic Efficiency of Production Enterprise (p. 262 - 268)

The article is aimed to study the methodical aspects of the balance of products portfolio of enterprises of the baking industry as a factor of economic efficiency of their activities. The article clarifies definition of the terms «range of products» and «products portfolio». Criteria and methods of forming the products portfolio of production enterprise, as well as criteria of efficiency of commodities portfolios, have been determined. The relevance of change of the management approach to enterprise's product policy has been substantiated: from managing the range of products to products portfolio management. Management practices, related to range of products from industrial producers of bread and bakery products, were analyzed. The main approaches, used by directors of the studied enterprises in making management decisions about the structure of commodities portfolio, have been summarized. The products portfolio of JSC "Korostenskii hlibozavod" was analyzed by means of ABC and XYZ methods, the main directions for its optimization has been identified.
Keywords: products portfolio, range of products, portfolio management, ABC-analysis, XYZ-analysis, optimization of commodities portfolio, bakery industry
Tabl.: 3. Bibl.: 8.

Verba Veronika A. – Doctor of Sciences (Economics), Professor, Professor, Department strategy of enterprises, Kyiv National Economic University named after Vadym Hetman (54/1 Beresteiskyi Ave., Kyiv, 03057, Ukraine)
Lishchynska Victoria V. – Applicant, Department of Enterprise Strategies, Kyiv National Economic University named after Vadym Hetman (54/1 Beresteiskyi Ave., Kyiv, 03057, Ukraine)

Article is written in Ukrainian
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Reference to this article:
Verba, Veronika A., and Lishchynska, Victoria V. (2014) “Optimization of Commodities Portfolio as a Factor in Increasing the Economic Efficiency of Production Enterprise.” The Problems of Economy 4:262–268.

List of references in article

Verba, V. A., and Yakovenko, S. V. “Metodychni polozhennia optymizatsii tovarnoho portfelia vyrobnychoho pidpryiemstva“ [Methodical provision commodity portfolio optimization production company]. Stratehiia ekonomichnoho rozvytku Ukrainy, no. 32 (2013): 164-176.
Bilenkyi, O. Yu. “Vdoskonalennia systemy upravlinnia asortymentom produktsii: napriamy ta rezultatyvnist“ [Improving management product range: trends and performance]. Visnyk ONU imeni I. I. Mechnykova, no. 1/1 (2013): 31-37.
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Denysiuk, O. H., and Zadereiko, O. V. “Osoblyvosti asortymentnoi polityky pidpryiemstv khlibopekarskoi haluzi Ukrainy“ [Features product policy baking industry enterprises of Ukraine]. Visnyk ZhDTU, no. 1 (59) (2012): 95-99.
Korniichuk, A. “Analiz stanu ta perspektyv rozvytku pidpryiemstv khlibopekarskoi haluzi Zhytomyrskoi oblasti“ [Analysis of the business and prospects of the baking industry Zhytomyr region]. Sotsialno-ekonomichni problemy i derzhava, no. 2 (9) (2013): 67-74.
Maliuk, S. O. “Pokaznyky ta metody otsinky efektyvnosti systemy upravlinnia tovarnym asortymentom khlibopekarskykh pidpryiemstv“ [Indicators and methods for assessing the effectiveness of the control product range bakeries]. Naukovyi visnyk Khersonskoho derzhavnoho universytetu vol. 3, no. 6 (2014): 22-25.

Section: Economics and Enterprise Management
UDC 658.005
Voloshchuk L. O.
Innovative Activities and Development of Industrial Enterprises of Ukraine: Problems of Statistical and Economic Analysis (p. 269 - 274)

The article substantiates that management of the innovative development processes of industrial enterprises requires corresponding analytical data which must be formed within the systems of statistical and economic analysis and reflect both developmental trends and features demonstrating that this development is innovative (innovative activities and innovation potential); also key indicators of statistical analysis of innovative activities and development used both in Europe and in the domestic practice were studied; their systematization allowed establishing that the domestic statistical reporting gives the possibility to evaluate only one factor of innovative development, namely innovative activities, without taking into consideration its relation to the indices of innovation potential and influence produced on the indices of economic development of enterprises; studying works of specialists in evaluation of innovative activities of enterprises and grouping indicators listed there allowed singling out essential blocks and levels of detail for analysis of innovative activities and development of enterprises, identifying certain faults in the set of tools employed for the economic analysis of innovative development of enterprises; rationale was provided for directions for improvement of the tools used to analyze the innovative development of enterprises and their data support.
Keywords: innovative development, innovative activities, industrial enterprise, analysis, evaluation, statistical data, reporting, indices
Tabl.: 3. Bibl.: 11.

Voloshchuk Lidia O. – Doctor of Sciences (Economics), Associate Professor, Head of the Department, Department of Accounting, Analysis and Audit, Odesa National Polytechnic University (1 Shevchenka Ave., Odesa, 65044, Ukraine)

Article is written in Ukrainian
Downloads/views: 892

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Reference to this article:
Voloshchuk, Lidia O. (2014) “Innovative Activities and Development of Industrial Enterprises of Ukraine: Problems of Statistical and Economic Analysis.” The Problems of Economy 4:269–274.

List of references in article

Voloshchuk, L. O., Kirsanova, V. V., and Filyppova, S. V. Analitychni instrumenty upravlinnia innovatsiinym rozvytkom promyslovoho pidpryiemstva [Analytical tools of innovative development of industrial enterprises]. Odesa: ONPU; Tsentr analitychnykh doslidzhen ta ekspertyz, 2014.
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Derzhavna sluzhba statystyky Ukrainy.
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Stratehichni vyklyky XXI stolittia suspilstvu ta ekonomitsi Ukrainy [Strategic challenges of the XXI century society and economy in Ukraine]. Kyiv: Feniks, 2007.
Merkulov, N. N. Nauchno-tekhnologicheskaia deiatelnost: innovatsionnyy aspekt [Scientific and technological activities: innovative aspect]. Odessa: Astroprint, 2007.
Zakharchenko, V. I., Korsikova, N. M., and Merkulov, M. M. Innovatsiinyi menedzhment: teoriia i praktyka v umovakh transformatsii ekonomiky [Innovation Management: Theory and Practice in the economic transformation]. Kyiv: Tsentr navchalnoi literatury, 2012.
Chervanyov, D. M. Systema innovatsiinoho menedzhmentu: teoriia i praktyka [System Innovation Management: Theory and Practice]. Kyiv: Kyivskyi universytet, 2012.
Kulikov, P. M., Tyshenko, D. O., and Kulieshova, N. V. Ekonomika ta orhanizatsiia innovatsiinoi diialnosti [Economics and organization innovation]. Kharkiv: KhNEU, 2013.

Section: Economics and Enterprise Management
UDC 339.94
Ilchuk P. G.
The Typology of Entry and Presence Forms of an Enterprise in Foreign Markets as Part of Formation and Implementation of the Internationalization Marketing Strategy (p. 275 - 281)

The objective of the article consists in studying and developing approaches to establishment of the typology of entry and presence forms of an enterprise in foreign markets, providing a more detailed description of individual types. On the basis of analysis, systematization, and generalization of works of domestic and foreign researchers, the entry and presence forms of enterprises in foreign markets were subdivided into four groups, the criteria being the level of participation of the enterprise and the configuration level of activity types in the value chain, which is likely to ensure detailed elaboration and study of the essence of the entry and presence forms of an enterprise in foreign markets. The advantages and disadvantages of the entry and presence forms of an enterprise in foreign markets were systemized according to the criteria of the internationalization level and acquisition of knowledge (skills) which should allow optimization of managerial decision-making in terms of formation and implementation of the internationalization marketing strategy of an enterprise. The article also provides substantiation for the observation that individual types of entry and presence of an enterprise in foreign markets can be the next developmental stages of the simplest entry and presence forms of an enterprise in foreign markets. The prospects for future research consist in the development of methodological and practical recommendations for the entry and presence of an enterprise in foreign markets as part of the internationalization marketing strategy of an enterprise taking into account the findings of this study.
Keywords: internationalization, strategy, strategic management, internationalization marketing strategy
Tabl.: 3. Bibl.: 11.

Ilchuk Pavlo G. – Candidate of Sciences (Economics), Associate Professor, Associate Professor, Department of Finance, National University «Lviv Polytechnic» (12 Stepana Bandery Str., Lvіv, 79013, Ukraine)

Article is written in Ukrainian
Downloads/views: 564

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Reference to this article:
Ilchuk, Pavlo G. (2014) “The Typology of Entry and Presence Forms of an Enterprise in Foreign Markets as Part of Formation and Implementation of the Internationalization Marketing Strategy.” The Problems of Economy 4:275–281.

List of references in article

Vasylkivskyi, D. M. “Rozvytok kontseptualnykh zasad mizhnarodnoho marketynhu“ [Development of conceptual foundations of international marketing]. Visnyk Khmelnytskoho natsionalnoho universytetu vol. 2, no. 2 (2011): 262-266.
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Section: Economics and Enterprise Management
UDC 658.589
Labunska S. V.
A Framework for Construction of an Economic Security System of an Enterprise Pursuing Innovative Activities (p. 282 - 289)

The objective of the article consists in the development of an economic security management system of an enterprise within the context of its innovative activities. The study allowed solving the following tasks: more specific definitions of the terms “economic security of an enterprise” and “mechanism of economic security system management of an enterprise” were developed, the functional of the categorial meaning of economic security of anenterprise (ESE) as well as an algorithm for implementing the ESE system management mechanism were developed, rationale was provided for construction of an ESE system based on the rhizomatic approach with a view to taking into account the effect on the innovative activities management system, and this foundation was used to improve the definition and structure of the business framework of an enterprise, the necessity for ensuring the ability of the system to develop and self-organize was substantiated as it is a crucial component of achieving the desired level of economic security in the process of innovative activities pursued by an enterprise. The author formulated the principles of construction of an economic security system within the rhizomatic approach taking into account specific aspects of implementing the proactive strategy of an enterprise, which enabled developing an algorithm for itsfunctioning mechanism within the context of innovative activities. The developed approach to organization of operational safety and interdependence of subject-oriented management systems functioning allows optimizing the work of all subsystems of the overall enterprise management system based on the efficient operation of the ESE management mechanism.
Keywords: economic security management systemof an enterprise, business framework of an enterprise, innovative activities, rhizomatic approach
Fig.: 1. Formulae: 3. Bibl.: 16.

Labunska Svitlana V. – Doctor of Sciences (Economics), Professor, Professor, Department of Accounting and Business Consulting, Simon Kuznets Kharkiv National University of Economics (9a Nauky Ave., Kharkіv, 61166, Ukraine)

Article is written in Ukrainian
Downloads/views: 580

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Reference to this article:
Labunska, Svitlana V. (2014) “A Framework for Construction of an Economic Security System of an Enterprise Pursuing Innovative Activities.” The Problems of Economy 4:282–289.

List of references in article

Vasyliev, O. V. “Formuvannia systemy upravlinnia ekonomichnoiu bezpekoiu promyslovykh pidpryiemstv“ [Formation of management of economic security industry]. Ekonomichnyi analiz vol. 14, no. 2 (2013): 138-145.
Hnilytska, L. V., Zakharov, A. I., and Pryhunov, P. Ya. Teoretyko-metodychni ta prykladni osnovy zabezpechennia ekonomichnoi bezpeky sub'iektiv hospodarskoi diialnosti [Theoretical and methodological and practical foundations of economic security of economic activity]. Kyiv: Dorado-Druk, 2011.
Holikov, I. V. “Sutnist ta evoliutsiia poniattia «ekonomichna bezpeka»“ [The essence and evolution of the concept of "economic security"]. Problemy ekonomiky, no. 1 (2014): 309-314.
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Ivanchenko, N. O. “Formalizatsiia potentsialiv systemy upravlinnia ekonomichnoiu bezpekoiu pidpryiemstva“ [The formalization of potential management of economic security]. Formuvannia rynkovoi ekonomiky, no. 28 (2012): 128-134.
Ivanchuk, K. O. “Stiikyi ekonomichnyi rozvytok pidpryiemstva: teoretychne obgruntuvannia“ [Sustainable economic development of the enterprise: theoretical justification]. Ekonomika rozvytku, no. 3 (71) (2014): 84-88.
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Cherkasova, S. O. “Formuvannia orhanizatsiino-ekonomichnoho mekhanizmu upravlinnia protsesom zmitsnennia ekonomichnoi bezpeky promyslovykh pidpryiemstv“ [Formation of organizational and economic mechanism of the process of strengthening economic security industry]. Ekonomika: realii chasu, no. 2 (7) (2013): 22-23.
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Zachman, J. A. “Federal Enterprise ArchitectureFramework / J. A. Zachman. - The Chief Information Officers Council (USA)“

Section: Economics and Enterprise Management
UDC 658:330.341.1:005.591.4
Mekhovych S. A., Tkachenko M. O.
Forming a Theoretical Approach to Development of Strategy Maps for Reengineering of the Innovative Development Management Process at an Industrial Enterprise (p. 290 - 297)

The objective of the article consists in the development of a methodological approach to formation of strategy maps for reengineering of management of the innovative development at an industrial enterprise. The study focuses on the theoretical aspects of using a balanced system of indicators and strategy maps and proposes utilization of these tools in the process of reengineering of the innovative development management of an enterprise by constructing strategy maps for enterprises which are segmented with the aid of the matrix “economic efficiency – innovative activity rate – enterprise management system”. The article discusses the primary stages of forming strategy maps for reengineering of the innovative development management process and describes a strategy map constructed for enterprises of one of the matrix segments which allows determining an exhaustive list of tools for improving the efficiency of their innovative development processes. Prospects for further studies consist in forming a methodological approach to assessment of efficiency of using tools for reengineering of the innovative development management processes at enterprises.
Keywords: reengineering of the innovative development management process, balanced system of indicators, strategy map
Fig.: 5. Bibl.: 12.

Mekhovych Sergey A. – Candidate of Sciences (Economics), Professor, Department of Economic Analysis and Accounting, National Technical University «Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute» (2 Kyrpychova Str., Kharkіv, 61002, Ukraine)
Tkachenko Maryna O. – Assistant, Department of the Economic analysis and auditing, National Technical University «Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute» (2 Kyrpychova Str., Kharkіv, 61002, Ukraine)

Article is written in Ukrainian
Downloads/views: 590

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Reference to this article:
Mekhovych, Sergey A., and Tkachenko, Maryna O. (2014) “Forming a Theoretical Approach to Development of Strategy Maps for Reengineering of the Innovative Development Management Process at an Industrial Enterprise.” The Problems of Economy 4:290–297.

List of references in article

Kolisnyk, M. K. “Zbalansovana systema pokaznykiv iak sposib pidvyshchennia efektyvnosti upravlinnia diialnistiu pidpryiemstva“ [Balanced Scorecard as a way of improving the management of the enterprise]. Naukovyi visnyk NLTU Ukrainy, no. 18.5 (2008): 225-230.
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Tkachenko, M. O. “Protses upravlinnia protsesamy innovatsiinoho rozvytku promyslovoho pidpryiemstva“ [The process of development of innovative industrial enterprise]. In Doslidzhennia ta optymizatsiia ekonomichnykh protsesiv, 188-199. Kharkiv: Tsyfrova drukarnia № 1, 2012.
Tkachenko, M. O. “Metodychnyi pidkhid do vyznachennia vplyvu innovatsiinoi aktyvnosti na finansovo-ekonomichnyi stan pidpryiemstva“ [The methodical approach to determine the impact of innovative activity in the financial and economic performance]. Komunalne hospodarstvo MIST, no. 115 (2014): 304-310.

Section: Economics and Enterprise Management
UDC 330:332
Mieshkov A. V., Mentel O. Y.
Improving Assessment Tools of Investment Attractiveness of the Company in Accordance with Modern Market Challenges and Changes of the Applicable Law (p. 298 - 304)

The aim of the article is to adapt the methodology of investment attractiveness evaluation due to changes in laws and regulations governing the preparation of the financial reporting forms, and improvement of the evaluation in connection with the increasing role of intellectual capital in the production process. The coordination of procedures for assessing the investment attractiveness of enterprises in Ukraine before and after the change in national accounting standards in 2013 is made. By taking into account the current needs of investors, there are allocated new groups of indicators that reflect the level of investment attractiveness of the company. There are refined indicators characterizing human capacity and the efficiency of the intellectual capital of the company, the integrated use of which will improve the quality and informativeness of the results for determining the attractiveness of business entities.
Keywords: investment attractiveness, human capital, organizational capital, customer capital
Fig.: 2. Tabl.: 4. Formulae: 1. Bibl.: 14.

Mieshkov Andrii V. – Candidate of Sciences (Economics), Associate Professor, Associate Professor, Department of Business Economy, Donetsk National Technical University (2 Shybankova Square, Pokrovsk, Donetsk region, 85300, Ukraine)
Mentel Oleksandra Yu. – Postgraduate Student, Department of Business Economy, Donetsk National Technical University (2 Shybankova Square, Pokrovsk, Donetsk region, 85300, Ukraine)

Article is written in Ukrainian
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Mieshkov, Andrii V., and Mentel, Oleksandra Yu. (2014) “Improving Assessment Tools of Investment Attractiveness of the Company in Accordance with Modern Market Challenges and Changes of the Applicable Law.” The Problems of Economy 4:298–304.

List of references in article

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Section: Economics and Enterprise Management
UDC 656.7.03: 656.7:061.5(045)
Panasiuk I. P.
Specific Aspects of Forming the Tariff Policy of an Airline Company (p. 305 - 310)

The objective of the article consists in refinement of methodological approaches to the process of forming the tariff policy of an airline company with application of aggregate tariffs as a certain set of tariffs formed according to a homogeneous operational focus and reflecting characteristic features of the existing market environment. The article deals with the process of forming the tariff policy of an airline company as a significant component of its commercial activities which ensures competitiveness of the airline company on the air transport service market and positive financial results. Finding a solution to the problem of efficient tariff rate setting within the variable context of market environment serving as an economic lever for profit growth will ensure improved efficiency of operations of the airline company and achievement of a certain cost-effectiveness level, which will help the airline company survive within a challenging economic environment. For this reason, solving the task of setting tariff rates by an airline company taking into consideration its objectives, strategies, and methods determines the relevance of forming aggregate tariffs. For alignment of basic business processes of the airline company, estimation of the required resources, as well as their optimum utilization, a mechanism should be employed which allows achieving a specific goal of the airline company with varying mutual effects taking place, realizing a complex of its strategic objectives through an efficient tariff policy. The influence mechanism is essentially a multi-aspect analysis of integrated indicators of company operations from the perspective of its strategic priorities, anticipated profits, risks associated with implementation of the tariff policy with a view to balancing the interests of all market participants, which necessitates estimation of the viability of implementation of aggregate tariffs and taking into account expenditures resulting from this decision. The conducted analysis allows drawing a conclusion concerning viability of functioning of aggregate tariffs of an airline company aimed at reducing the total of expenses and increasing profits, which can be achieved by providing an adequate and timely response to emerging risks and potential threats. For this reason, the ultimate goal of forming aggregate tariffs concerns the nature and value of the costs associated with operating processes and reflecting the degree of their interaction and the amount of saving achieved by the airline company.
Keywords: airline company, tariffs, tariff policy, aggregate tariffs, tariff policy factors
Fig.: 2. Tabl.: 3. Formulae: 2. Bibl.: 13.

Panasiuk Iryna P. – Postgraduate Student, Department of Finance, Accounting and Auditing, Institute of Economics and Management of the National Aviation University (1 Kosmonavta Komarova Ave., Kyiv, 03058, Ukraine)

Article is written in English
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Reference to this article:
Panasiuk, Iryna P. (2014) “Specific Aspects of Forming the Tariff Policy of an Airline Company.” The Problems of Economy 4:305–310.

List of references in article

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Section: Economics and Enterprise Management
UDC 339.564:658
Piddubna L. I., Ivaniienko K. V.
Systemic Imperatives for Formation and Development of the Export Potential of an Industrial Enterprise (p. 311 - 316)

The objective of this study consists in the analysis and systematization of systemic imperatives for formation and development of the export potential of an industrial enterprise. By using analysis, synthesis, and generalization of data from scientific literature in the field, external and internal imperatives for formation, utilization, and development of the export potential of industrial enterprises were singled out. Internal imperatives are determined by consistent patterns in functioning and development of systems, and external imperatives reflect requirements and limitations imposed by the “supersystem”. The study allowed identifying functional levels of the export potential of an industrial enterprise and imperatives for their development. Simultaneously, within the context of the market and competition-based mechanism coordinating the results of the international economic cooperation, ensuring the imperative of competitiveness becomes a top-priority task in terms of strategic planning, identifying managerial objectives and the strategy of export potential development of industrial enterprises. Prospects for future research consist in further studies aimed at improvement of the export potential management system of industrial enterprises taking into account the listed imperatives for its formation, utilization, and development.
Keywords: export potential of an enterprise, system, formation, development, imperatives, resources, competitiveness
Fig.: 2. Bibl.: 13.

Piddubna Lyudmyla I. – Doctor of Sciences (Economics), Professor, Simon Kuznets Kharkiv National University of Economics (9a Nauky Ave., Kharkіv, 61166, Ukraine)
Ivaniienko Karyna V. – Postgraduate Student, Simon Kuznets Kharkiv National University of Economics (9a Nauky Ave., Kharkіv, 61166, Ukraine)

Article is written in Russian
Downloads/views: 583

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Reference to this article:
Piddubna, Lyudmyla I., and Ivaniienko, Karyna V. (2014) “Systemic Imperatives for Formation and Development of the Export Potential of an Industrial Enterprise.” The Problems of Economy 4:311–316.

List of references in article

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Section: Economics and Enterprise Management
UDC 338.24
Popova O. Y., Kuznetsov V. Y.
Economic and Institutional Conditions Justifying Energy Efficiency of the Enterprise (p. 317 - 321)

The aim of the research is to clarify the nature of economic and institutional conditions justifying the efficiency of economic activity of the enterprises on a new basis, a feature of which is the use of energy equivalent to the formation of the results and costs over time. The methodical framework for the assessment of efficiency of economic activity of the enterprise is worked out. Clarification of the effectiveness from the perspective of indicators, criteria and conditions is analyzed. There are argued disadvantages of traditional assessment system which are associated with static when considering the effectiveness of the main components - income and expenses. The necessity of using dynamic performance and efficiency of the concept of "energy efficiency of the enterprise" is proved. The use of energy equivalents for measuring income and expenses is offered. Updated methodological basis for calculating the value of energy efficiency of the company, which is based on the Pareto optimum is specified.
Keywords: energy efficiency, behavior, evaluation criteria, enterprise, financial and economic result
Bibl.: 12.

Popova Olga Yu. – Doctor of Sciences (Economics), Professor, Head of the Department, Department of International Economics, Donetsk National Technical University (2 Shybankova Square, Pokrovsk, Donetsk region, 85300, Ukraine)
Kuznetsov Vladislav Yu. – Applicant, Department of Business Economy, Donetsk National Technical University (2 Shybankova Square, Pokrovsk, Donetsk region, 85300, Ukraine)

Article is written in Ukrainian
Downloads/views: 86

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Reference to this article:
Popova, Olga Yu., and Kuznetsov, Vladislav Yu. (2014) “Economic and Institutional Conditions Justifying Energy Efficiency of the Enterprise.” The Problems of Economy 4:317–321.

List of references in article

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Section: Economics and Enterprise Management
UDC 658.62.018
Popova O. Y., Ena Y. K.
The Character of Motivation for Production of Eco-Friendly Products at Enterprises (p. 322 - 326)

The objective of the article consists in determination of the substance of eco-friendly products on the basis of economic characteristics, which should allow forming a body of consistent incentives to invigorate environmental innovation at enterprises and enhance the financial and economic business outcomes. The article provides a study of characteristic features and conditions for implementation of environmental innovations at enterprises. The article also describes the interconnection among strategies, tactical tools, and the economic outcomes of implementation of environmental innovations. The substance of eco-friendly products as a factor in improvement of economic efficiency of an enterprise was clarified. A system of forming the incentives to produce eco-friendly products at three levels was proposed, namely the investor, the producer, and the consumer levels. The basic principles of motivation for production of eco-friendly products were formulated, whose application allows simultaneous improvement of the ecological and economic characteristics of the business operations of an enterprise.
Keywords: energy efficiency, behavior, evaluation, criterion, enterprise, financial and economic outcome
Bibl.: 16.

Popova Olga Yu. – Doctor of Sciences (Economics), Professor, Head of the Department, Department of International Economics, Donetsk National Technical University (2 Shybankova Square, Pokrovsk, Donetsk region, 85300, Ukraine)
Ena Yurii K. – Applicant, Department of Business Economy, Makiyivka Institute of Economics and Humanities (vul. Ostrovskogo, 16, Makiyivka, 86157, Ukraine)

Article is written in Ukrainian
Downloads/views: 117

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Reference to this article:
Popova, Olga Yu., and Ena, Yurii K. (2014) “The Character of Motivation for Production of Eco-Friendly Products at Enterprises.” The Problems of Economy 4:322–326.

List of references in article

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Section: Economics and Enterprise Management
UDC 005.31:005.52:005.74
Strokovych A. V., Zhukova D. A.
Theoretical Grounds for Forming the Strategic Choice System of an Enterprise (p. 327 - 333)

The article analyzes the existing approaches to forming a strategic decision and making a strategic choice of an enterprise. Since this category of strategic management is not widely used, there is a necessity for drawing clear terminological distinctions between the basic definitions employed by researchers while developing a methodology for strategic choice. Since the article deals with study of the strategic choice system, it contains the definitions of such categories as the system, strategy, strategic decision, strategic choice, strategic alternative, and distinctions are made between strategic decision, choice, and alternative. On the basis of the analyzed literature, the authors constructed a scheme of the mechanism of forming a strategic choice and making a strategic decision taking into account the classical stages of strategic alternative development – analysis of possibilities, hazards of the external environment and assessment of the strengths and weaknesses of the internal environment.
Keywords: system, strategy, strategic decision, strategic choice, strategic alternative
Fig.: 2. Bibl.: 18.

Strokovych Anna V. – Candidate of Sciences (Economics), Head of the Department, Department of Business Economics
Zhukova Daria A. – Applicant, Department of Business Economy

Article is written in Ukrainian
Downloads/views: 320

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Reference to this article:
Strokovych, Anna V., and Zhukova, Daria A. (2014) “Theoretical Grounds for Forming the Strategic Choice System of an Enterprise.” The Problems of Economy 4:327–333.

List of references in article

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Voronina, A. Yu., and Zaporozhets, H. V. “Stratehichni alternatyvy rozvytku promyslovykh pidpryiemstv“ [Strategic alternatives of industrial enterprises]. Zbirnyk naukovykh prats DDTU. Seriia «Tekhnichni nauky», no. 2 (15) (2010): 235-239.
Otenko, V. I. “Formuvannia kontseptsii stratehichnoho vyboru pidpryiemstva“ [Formation of the concept of strategic choice of the company]. Menedzhment ta pidpryiemnytstvo v Ukraini: etapy stanovlennia i problemy rozvytku, no. 691 (2010): 374-381.
Otenko, V. I. < “Analitychnyi instrumentarii pidtrymky stratehichnoho vyboru pidpryiemstva“ [Analytical tools support strategic choices of the company]. Lohistyka, no. 690 (2010): 504-507.
Otenko, V. I. Stratehichnyi vybir pidpryiemstva ta ioho realizatsiia [The strategic choice of the company and its implementation]. Kharkiv: FOP Pavlenko O. H. ; INZhEK, 2010.
Bulakh, I. V. “Vybir konkurentnoi stratehii pidpryiemstva: metodychnyi pidkhid“ [The choice of competitive strategy of enterprise: methodological approach]. Ekonomika i orhanizatsiia upravlinnia, no. 2 (8) (2010): 25-32.
Chupyr, O. M., and Yamantaieva, Ya. A. “Osnovni elementy protsesu stratehichnoho upravlinnia rozvytkom pidpryiemstva z urakhuvannia potentsialu pidpryiemstva ta minlyvykh faktoriv makro- ta mikroseredovyshcha“ [The main elements of the strategic management of enterprise development with regard to potential businesses and changing macro and micro factors]. Naukovyi visnyk budivnytstva, no. 53 (2009): 283-294.
Aaker, D. Strategicheskoe rynochnoe upravlenie [Strategic Market Management]. St. Petersburg: Piter, 2007.

Section: Economics and Enterprise Management
UDC 338.984
Chajka T. Y.
Features and Area of Application of Balance Method in Planning of Logistical Support (p. 334 - 338)

The article considers issues of using the balance method in planning of logistical support. Features and area of application of balance method as a tool to implement logistics management based on balance and proportionality were analyzed. Approaches to application of balance method as in building the balance logistical support models, so in decision-making about support tasks related to construction of deterministic models; determining the degree of influence of individual factors in conducting economic analysis; analysis of efficiency of use of material resources; and control of correctness of the analytical calculations as such, have been refined.
Keywords: logistics management, plan of logistical support, balance method, balance, normative approach, balance model, basic balance equation, balance of logistical support, needs for material resources, material resource reserves, additive model
Tabl.: 1. Formulae: 5. Bibl.: 8.

Chajka Tatyana Yu. – Candidate of Sciences (Economics), Senior Lecturer, Department of Economic Analysis and Accounting, National Technical University «Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute» (2 Kyrpychova Str., Kharkіv, 61002, Ukraine)

Article is written in Ukrainian
Downloads/views: 145

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Reference to this article:
Chajka, Tatyana Yu. (2014) “Features and Area of Application of Balance Method in Planning of Logistical Support.” The Problems of Economy 4:334–338.

List of references in article

Shkoda, M. S. “Udoskonalennia upravlinnia materialno-tekhnichnym zabezpechenniam pidpryiemstva“ [Improvement of Logistics Enterprise]. Problemy i perspektyvy rozvytku bankivskoi systemy Ukrainy vol. 33 (2011): 354-362.
Danyliuk, M. O., and Kyba, L. M. “Reinzhenirynh v systemi upravlinnia materialno-tekhnichnym zabezpechenniam naftohazovoho kompleksu“ [Reengineering in the management of logistical support oil and gas industry]. Naukovyi visnyk IFNTUNH, no. 3 (25) (2010): 145-152.
Okhotenko, A. S., and Treytiakova, E. V. “Metodicheskie podkhody k avtomatizatsii protsessa korrektirovki plana materialno-tekhnicheskogo obespecheniia“ [Methodological approaches to automate the process of adjustment plan logistics]. Vestnik Gomelskogo gosudarstvennogo tekhnicheskogo universiteta im. P. O. Sukhogo, no. 1 (44) (2011): 86-95.
Shapovalova, E. N., and Riabchenko, A. S. “Balansovyy metod v analize razvitiia regionalnoi ekonomiki“ [Balance method to analyze the development of the regional economy]. Visnyk Odeskoho natsionalnoho universytetu imeni I. I. Mechnykova vol. 18, no. 2/1 (2013): 219-221.
Lachinov, Yu. N. “Bukhhalterskiy uchet v ekonomicheskikh issledovaniiakh. Metod bukhhalterskogo balansa“ [Accounting in economic research. Balance sheet method]. Problemy teorii ta metodolohii bukhhalterskoho obliku, kontroliu i analizu, no. 2 (17) (2010): 197-204.
Zarudna, N. Ya. “Vyznachennia shliakhiv znyzhennia vytrat na materialno-tekhnichne zabezpechennia vyrobnychykh pidpryiemstv“ [Identify ways to reduce costs for logistical support manufacturing enterprises]. Ekonomichnyi analiz, no. 6 (2010): 240-243.
Beliuseva, S. V., and Luzgina, O. A. “Balansovyy metod planirovaniia nezavershennogo proizvodstva promyshlennogo predpriiatiia“ [Balance method of planning work in progress of an industrial enterprise]. Izvestiia vysshikh uchebnykh zavedeniy. Povolzhskiy region, no. 3 (19) (2011): 107-114.
Karpov, V. A., and Zakharich, D. V. Planirovanie na predpriiatii [Planning for the enterprise]. Grodno: GrGU im. Ya. Kupaly, 2013.

Section: Economics and Enterprise Management
UDC 330.342.3
Shumilo O. S.
Specific Aspects of Scientific Approaches to Defining “Economic Security of an Enterprise” (p. 339 - 344)

Issues associated with economic security of an enterprise tend to gain in relevance both in terms of science and research and practical application. The number of published works, research-to-practice conferences, seminars dealing with problems of economic security of enterprises is currently on the increase. By analyzing various scientific works, it is possible to detect a shift in the approaches to defining the essence of the term “economic security of an enterprise”. The article analyzes the existing scientific approaches to defining the term “economic security of an enterprise”, systematizes and classifies the existing economic definitions into two groups: those based on the enterprise’s fulfillment of its basic operational goals and those based on the concept of protectability of the enterprise against internal and external threats. Also, the author clarified, extended, and enhanced the essence of the term by taking into account primary operational goals of an enterprise and variability of the internal and external context.
Keywords: security, threats, enterprise, economic security of an enterprise
Tabl.: 1. Bibl.: 23.

Shumilo Olha S. – Doctor of Sciences (Economics), Associate Professor, Associate Professor, Department of Economics, Kharkiv National University of Civil Engineering and Architecture (40 Sumska Str., Kharkіv, 61002, Ukraine)

Article is written in Ukrainian
Downloads/views: 263

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Reference to this article:
Shumilo, Olha S. (2014) “Specific Aspects of Scientific Approaches to Defining “Economic Security of an Enterprise”.” The Problems of Economy 4:339–344.

List of references in article

Ford, G. Moia zhizn, moi dostizheniia [My life, my accomplishments]. Moscow: Finansy i statistika, 1992.
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Vorobyov, V. M. “Problemy ekonomicheskoi bezopasnosti v stranah rynochnoi transformatsii“ [The problems of economic security in the market transformation]. Visnyk Kharkivskoho derzhavnoho universytetu. Ekonomichna seriia, no. 34-36 (1999): 162-166.
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Hichova, N. Yu. “Diahnostyka ta pidvyshchennia ekonomichnoi bezpeky pidpryiemstva“ [Diagnosis and increase economic security]. dys. … kand. ekon. nauk : 08.00.04, 2010.
Dykan, V. L., Volovelska, I. V., and Makovoz, O. V. Ekonomichna bezpeka pidpryiemstva [Economic security]. Kharkiv: UkrDAZT, 2011.

Section: Economics and Enterprise Management
UDC 331.1:631.1
Yakubiv V. М., Yakubiv R. D.
The Matrix Evaluation of the Management Efficiency and Development Prospects of Agricultural Businesses (p. 345 - 350)

The objective of the article consists in the development of a methodology for the matrix evaluation of management efficiency and development prospects of agricultural businesses. The article proposes an algorithm for classification of businesses according to their development prospects. A system of integral indices and indicators of their level for evaluation of the financial firmness and development prospects of businesses was substantiated. The matrix evaluation of the management efficiency and prospects of balanced development of agricultural businesses was proposed. The article also presents the developed methodological and organizational aspects of classification of businesses based on the balance degree and development prospects. 9 groups of enterprises combined into development prospect matrices were singled out, as well as their criterion values in terms of financial firmness, management efficiency, and development prospects. Rationale was provided for areas of improvement of the management system efficiency at the enterprise with a view to ensuring steady prospective development.
Keywords: agricultural businesses, matrix, balance in development, management efficiency, classification, development prospects
Fig.: 3. Bibl.: 8.

Yakubiv Valentyna М. – Doctor of Sciences (Economics), Professor, Head of the Department, Department of Management and Business Administration, Precarpathian National University named after V. Stefanyk (57 Shevchenka Str., Ivano-Frankіvsk, 76018, Ukraine)
Yakubiv Roman D. – Postgraduate Student, Precarpathian National University named after V. Stefanyk (57 Shevchenka Str., Ivano-Frankіvsk, 76018, Ukraine)

Article is written in Ukrainian
Downloads/views: 364

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Reference to this article:
Yakubiv, Valentyna М., and Yakubiv, Roman D. (2014) “The Matrix Evaluation of the Management Efficiency and Development Prospects of Agricultural Businesses.” The Problems of Economy 4:345–350.

List of references in article

Pastukhova, T. Yu. “Matrychni metody rozrakhunku konkurentospromozhnosti pidpryiemstva“ [Matrix methods for calculating competitiveness]. /2012_09_21/1_pastuhova.htm
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Verba, V. A., and Novikova, I. V. “Metodychni rekomendatsii z otsinky innovatsiinoho potentsialu pidpryiemstva“ [Guidelines to assess the innovation potential of the company]. Problemy nauky, no. 3 (2003): 22-31.
Yakubiv, V. M. Zbalansovanyi rozvytok ahrarnykh pidpryiemstv u silskomu zrostanni [Balanced development of agriculture in the rural growth]. Ivano-Frankivsk: Vyd-vo Prykarpatskoho natsionalnoho universytetu imeni Vasylia Stefanyka, 2011.
[Legal Act of Ukraine] (2001).

Section: Economics and Enterprise Management
UDC 334.76.6058(045)
Ianchuk M. B.
Scientific and theoretical aspect of high-tech enterprises integration in an open economy (p. 351 - 356)

The purpose of this paper is the development of scientific and theoretical points and expansion of scientific and conceptual basis of economic integration, designed as a system concept that includes some theoretical principles, interpretations and definitions which will form the basis for the formation of an effective system of economic integration of competitive and globally oriented national high-tech enterprises. There is clarified the definition of economic integration of high-tech enterprises, which is represented in the present conditions by large multinational reproduction complexes and is one of the most important factors in the formation of a new model of an open economy in the form of a single world production cycle. It is ustified on scientific and theoretical level, that the basis of economic integration of high-tech enterprises in the development of an open economy is a property of integrity. On this basis, the author's definition of economic integration in an open economy is an internally coordinated process that involves participation of equal and independent members oriented in the manufacture of the product on the basis of a joint partnership subsystems, collective production and sharing activities provided there is a unity of purpose, strategies, collective and intangible assets, as well as on the basis of harmonization of economic interests to achieve certain economic benefits for participants. There is given the definition of integrative development (high-tech systems) as an agreed process for qualitative, quantitative and structural changes in their subsystems aimed at improving their complementarity, consolidation, organization and resource complementarity. Prospects for further research in this direction is in the formation of an effective system of market-oriented and globally competitive national high-tech enterprises in the creation of the global production cycle.
Keywords: economic integration, the property of integrity, integrative development, high-tech enterprises
Fig.: 1. Tabl.: 2. Bibl.: 10.

Ianchuk Marina B. – Doctor of Sciences (Economics), Associate Professor, Professor, Department of Organization of Aerial Work and Services, National Aviation University (1 Lubomyra Husara Ave., Kyiv, 03058, Ukraine)

Article is written in Ukrainian
Downloads/views: 416

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Reference to this article:
Ianchuk, Marina B. (2014) “Scientific and theoretical aspect of high-tech enterprises integration in an open economy.” The Problems of Economy 4:351–356.

List of references in article

Yanchuk, M. B. Intehratsiia aviabudivnykh pidpryiemstv Ukrainy v umovakh hlobalizatsiinykh vyklykiv [Integration aircraft building enterprises in Ukraine under globalization challenges]. Kyiv: Osvita Ukrainy, 2013.
Golovanova, N. B., and Silnitskiy, I. S. “Organizatsionno-ekonomicheskie osnovy ustoychivogo razvitiia predpriiatiy vysokotekhnologichnogo kompleksa“ [Organizational and economic basis for sustainable development of enterprises of high-tech industry].
Salikhova, O. B. Vysokotekhnolohichni vyrobnytstva: vid metodolohii otsinky do pidnesennia v Ukraini [High-tech production from assessment methodology to rise in Ukraine]. Kyiv, 2012.
Shvediuk, O. “Merezhevi struktury u systemi ekonomichnykh vidnosyn“ [Network structure in the economic relations]. Stratehiia rozvytku Ukrainy (ekonomika, sotsiolohiia, pravo), no. 1-2 (2009): 134-139.
Katukov, D. D., Malygin, V. E., and Smorodinskaia, N. V. Institutsionalnaia sreda globalizirovannoy ekonomiki: razvitie setevykh vzaimodeystviy [The institutional environment of the globalized economy: development of network interactions]. Moscow: Institut ekonomiki RAN, 2012.
Rumiantsev, K. N. “Noveyshie proiavleniia integratsionnykh protsessov“ [The latest manifestation of the integration process]. Nauka. Obrazovanie. Innovatsii, no. 7 (2008): 52-71.
Bochko, V. S. “Integrativnaia ekonomika - ekonomika skoordinirovannogo i sotsialno orientirovannogo prostranstva“ [Integrative economy - the economy of a coordinated and socially oriented space].
Ananin, O., Khaitkulov, R., and Shestakov, D. “Vashingtonskiy konsensus: peyzazh posle bitvy“ [Washington consensus: the landscape after the battle]. Mirovaia ekonomika i mezhdunarodnye otnosheniia, no. 12 (2010): 15-27.
Kochetov, E. G. Geoekonomicheskiy (globalnyy) tolkovyy slovar (osnovy vysokikh geoekonomicheskikh tekhnologiy sovremennogo biznesa) [Geo-economic (global) Dictionary (geo-economic foundations of high tech modern business)]. Ekaterinburg: Uralskiy rabochiy, 2006.
Ekonomichna entsyklopediia [Economic Encyclopedia]. Kyiv: Akademiia, 2000.

Section: Finance and banking
UDC 336.26
Volkovskyi I. I., Kotina H. M., Stepura M. M.
The Budgetary Capacity and Capacity of the Budget of the Area: Methodological Aspects (p. 357 - 362)

The objective of the article consists in identifying the structural interconnections between the notions of “the budgetary capacity of the area” and “the capacity of the budget of the area” on the basis of analysis and study of the financial capacity, fiscal space, and the budgetary capacity. The article uses analysis, systematization, and generalization of research findings of numerous scientists for discussion of the perspectives on the interpretation of the definitions of “financial capacity”, “fiscal space”, and “budgetary capacity” and establishment of the interconnections among them. The study allowed singling out three points of reference which should be taken into account while assessing the capacity of the budget of the area: the available fiscal possibilities, the fiscal federalism model, and effective operations of the governmental bodies. The first two points are described by the budgetary resources which can presumably be accumulated in order to exercise the authority of local governing bodies. The third point characterizes the availability of additional sources for funding of local government initiatives. The interpretation of the budgetary capacity was found to be different from that of the capacity of the budget of the area. The latter is essentially a part of the budgetary capacity of the area and its fiscal space. The hierarchy and interconnection between these notions allowed graphical construction of the dependence between the definitions, introduction of mathematical tools for their interrelations and further analysis of the possibilities for accumulation of financial resources of the area in the local budget.
Keywords: fiscal space of the area, financial capacity of the area, taxable capacity of the area, budgetary capacity of the area, capacity of the budget of the area
Fig.: 2. Formulae: 3. Bibl.: 18.

Volkovskyi Ievgen I. – Senior Lecturer, Department of Financial Markets, Kyiv National Economic University named after Vadym Hetman (54/1 Beresteiskyi Ave., Kyiv, 03057, Ukraine)
Kotina Hanna M. – Candidate of Sciences (Economics), Associate Professor, Department of Finance, Kyiv National Economic University named after Vadym Hetman (54/1 Beresteiskyi Ave., Kyiv, 03057, Ukraine)
Stepura Maryna M. – Candidate of Sciences (Economics), Associate Professor, Associate Professor, Department of Finance, Kyiv National Economic University named after Vadym Hetman (54/1 Beresteiskyi Ave., Kyiv, 03057, Ukraine)

Article is written in Ukrainian
Downloads/views: 134

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Reference to this article:
Volkovskyi, Ievgen I., Kotina, Hanna M., and Stepura, Maryna M. (2014) “The Budgetary Capacity and Capacity of the Budget of the Area: Methodological Aspects.” The Problems of Economy 4:357–362.

List of references in article

Diakova, E. B., and Perekrestova, L. V. “Kategorii fiskalnogo prostranstva i biudzhetnoy emkosti v teorii biudzhetnogo regulirovaniia“ [Categories fiscal space and fiscal capacity in the theory of fiscal adjustment].
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Pushak, Ya. Ya. “Sut ta napriamy vykorystannia biudzhetnoho potentsialu rehionu“ [The essence and use of budgetary potential]. Visnyk ekonomichnoi nauky Ukrainy, no. 1 (2014): 103-.
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Section: Finance and banking
UDC 336.71
Ivasiv I. B., Fuksman O. Y.
The Status of Liquidity Management Systems in Ukrainian Banks (p. 363 - 368)

The objective of the article consists in studying the status of principal elements of liquidity management systems in domestic banks. Basic liquidity management strategies of banks were analyzed, the necessity of implementing an integrated liquidity management system was stressed. Key properties and elements of an integrated liquidity management system were identified. By using a questionnaire survey method, the current status of the liquidity management system in Ukrainian banks was analyzed in terms of correspondence of its elements to the characteristics of an integrated one; its principal flaws were identified. The necessity of equal attention paid by the management to the liquidity risk and the credit risk was substantiated. The prospects for further research in this field consist in analysis of the identified flaws of the liquidity management systems in banks and development of recommendations for their elimination, in particular: involvement of front-office representatives into active participation in liquidity management; introduction of an algorithm for calculation of a stimulating liquidity premium within the transfer model in order to achieve more efficient liquidity management by using transfer pricing; improvement of the information support of liquidity management by developing new reporting and analytical forms, etc.
Keywords: liquidity, liquidity management system, asset management, liability management, balanced approach
Tabl.: 2. Bibl.: 8.

Ivasiv Ihor B. – Doctor of Sciences (Economics), Professor, Professor, Department of Banking, Kyiv National Economic University named after Vadym Hetman (54/1 Beresteiskyi Ave., Kyiv, 03057, Ukraine)
Fuksman Oleksandr Yu. – Postgraduate Student, Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics (19 Kіoto Str., Kyiv, 02156, Ukraine)

Article is written in English
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Reference to this article:
Ivasiv, Ihor B., and Fuksman, Oleksandr Yu. (2014) “The Status of Liquidity Management Systems in Ukrainian Banks.” The Problems of Economy 4:363–368.

List of references in article

Faliuta, A. “Udoskonalennia systemy upravlinnia likvidnistiu bankiv Ukrainy“ [Improving the system of bank liquidity Ukraine]. Formuvannia rynkovoi ekonomiky v Ukraini, no. 19 (2009): 471-476.
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Kryklii, O. A., and Rebryk, Yu. S. “Systema kompleksnoho upravlinnia likvidnistiu banku“ [The system is integrated liquidity management of the bank]. Finansovo-kredytna diialnist: problemy teorii ta praktyky vol. 2, no. 1 (8 (2010): 9-17.
Ivasiv, I. B., and Fuksman, O. Yu. “Intehrovana systema upravlinnia likvidnistiu v bankakh“ [Integrated management of liquidity in banks]. Biznes Inform, no. 4 (2014): 348-355.
Ofitsiinyi sait Natsionalnoho banku Ukrainy.

Section: Finance and banking
UDC 657.6
Melnychenko O. V.
Organization of Electronic Money Audit in Banks (p. 369 - 375)

The article describes the technological aspects of the organization of the of electronic money audit in the banks. There are given practical recommendations for inspection on the basis of accounting data presented in the automated banking system as an example of one of the most popular banks in Ukraine - ABS «SR Bank». The main purpose of this work is to form integrated scientific approaches, activities and principles of the electronic money audit in the banks, taking into account other publications on this topic. There are analyzed the main aspects of the audit, highlighted the differences and characteristics of audit the organization and given practical recommendations for its implementation. The author examines each of the stages of the audit: planning, research, evaluation, determination of credibility and accountability, within each of which presents the problem of auditors to verify transactions with electronic money in the bank.
Keywords: electronic money, audit, bank, audit organization
Fig.: 7. Tabl.: 1. Bibl.: 8.

Melnychenko Oleksandr V. – Candidate of Sciences (Economics), Associate Professor, Candidate on Doctor Degree, Zhytomyr State Technological University (103 Chudnivska Str., Zhytomyr, 10005, Ukraine)

Article is written in Ukrainian
Downloads/views: 255

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Reference to this article:
Melnychenko, Oleksandr V. (2014) “Organization of Electronic Money Audit in Banks.” The Problems of Economy 4:369–375.

List of references in article

“Avtomatizatsiia bankovskikh protsessov: mif ili realnost?“ [Automation of banking processes: Myth or Reality?].
Dorosh, N. I. Audyt: metodolohiia i orhanizatsiia [Audit: methodology and organization]. Kyiv: Znannia; KOO, 2001.
Kinashchuk, L. L. “Shliakhy udoskonalennia dohovirnykh vzaiemovidnosyn audytoriv (audytorskykh firm) iz hospodariuiuchymy sub'iektamy“ [Ways to improve contractual relations auditors (auditors) of business entities]. Porivnialno-analitychne pravo, no. 1 (2014): 113-115.
Melnychenko, O. “Audyt elektronnykh hroshei za mizhnarodnymy standartamy“ [Audit of electronic money by international standards]. Visnyk Khmelnytskoho natsionalnoho universytetu, no. 5 (2014): 115-122.
Melnychenko, O. V. “Kontseptsiia obliku elektronnykh hroshei v bankakh“ [Accounting concept of electronic money in banks]. Problemy ekonomiky, no. 2 (2014): 296-301.
Pasko, O. V. “Transformatsiia struktury, zmistu ta obsiahu audytorskoho zvitu v Mizhnarodnykh standartakh audytu“ [The transformation of the structure, content and scope of the audit report in the International Standards on Auditing]. Oblik i finansy, no. 1 (59) (2013): 80-91.
Khom'iak, R. L., Tsiutsiak, I. L., and Tsiutsiak, A. L. “Orhanizatsiia ta metodyka audytu finansovoi zvitnosti sub'iektiv hospodariuvannia“ [The organization and methods of financial statements audited entities]. Visnyk NU «Lvivska politekhnika», no. 623 (2008): 259-264.
“Sr_Bank. Osnovnye tekhnologicheskie osobennosti“ [Sr_Bank. The main technological features].

Section: Finance and banking
UDC [657:336.226.322]:004
Ohiychuk M. F., Horkovenko I. V., Skolotiy I. V.
E-taxation in the Accounting System of Value Added Tax (p. 376 - 381)

This article discusses the formation and functioning of the tax system. it is proved that the development of modern technologies and the widespread use of the Internet have contributed to a fundamentally new economic relations in the Information Society - e-tax. It is proved that a modern accounting system involves the use of primary documents, their workflow, storage and transmission of information on assets, equity and liabilities in electronic form. It is determined that among the main applications of electronic document is released electronic reporting, using the service "Electronic office of the taxpayer" and a system of electronic VAT administration. There is studied the system of electronic VAT administration and proved the need to address a number of issues, which will take into account the interests of both the state and taxpayers. Namely, there is need to implement the resolution of the issues of special VAT accounts service, bank statements periodicity, the cost of maintenance services, enterprise access to account information, date of VAT making on cash and barter, responsibility to the company for non-transfer of payments. The technique of reflection on accounts of value added tax, taking into account all the changes in its taxation is suggested. By debatable nature there are referred VAT refund from special accounts, including those for taxpayers who are in a special mode to VAT.
Keywords: electronic document, electronic document management, electronic taxation, system of electronic administration
Fig.: 1. Tabl.: 1. Bibl.: 10.

Ohiychuk Mykola F. – Candidate of Sciences (Economics), Professor, Head of the Department, Department of Accounting and Audit, Kharkiv National Agrarian University named after V. V. Dokuchaev (p/v «Dokuchaievske-2», Kharkіvskyi district, Kharkіv region, 62483, Ukraine)
Horkovenko Inna V. – Candidate of Sciences (Economics), Associate Professor, Associate Professor, Department of Accounting and Audit, Kharkiv National Agrarian University named after V. V. Dokuchaev (p/v «Dokuchaievske-2», Kharkіvskyi district, Kharkіv region, 62483, Ukraine)
Skolotiy Igor V. – Candidate of Sciences (Economics), Associate Professor, Senior Lecturer, Department of Accounting and Audit, Kharkiv National Agrarian University named after V. V. Dokuchaev (p/v «Dokuchaievske-2», Kharkіvskyi district, Kharkіv region, 62483, Ukraine)

Article is written in Ukrainian
Downloads/views: 601

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Reference to this article:
Ohiychuk, Mykola F., Horkovenko, Inna V., and Skolotiy, Igor V. (2014) “E-taxation in the Accounting System of Value Added Tax.” The Problems of Economy 4:376–381.

List of references in article

Melnyk, P. M. et al. Elektronne opodatkuvannia: sutnist ta perspektyvy zastosuvannia [Electronic tax: the nature and prospects of application]. Irpin: NUDPS Ukrainy, 2010.
Novytskyi, A. M. Pravove rehuliuvannia instytutsionalizatsii informatsiinoho suspilstva v Ukraini [Rights institutionalization of information society in Ukraine]. Irpin: NUDPS Ukrainy, 2011.
Matveichuk, L. O. “Derzhavne upravlinnia opodatkuvanniam u protsesi rozvytku informatsiinoho suspilstva: teoretychni aspekty“ [State tax administration in the development of the information society: theoretical aspects]. Visnyk NADU, no. 1 (2014): 18-24.
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Hrynovych, A. A., and Pukhalska, H. V. “Elektronnyi tsyfrovyi pidpys: osoblyvosti zastosuvannia, perevahy ta problemy“ [Digital Signature: application features, advantages and problems]. Visnyk Khmelnytskoho natsionalnoho universytetu vol. 1, no. 2 (2009): 19-21.
Pron, N. O. “Vymohy do elektronnykh dokumentiv: mizhnarodna praktyka ta dosvid Ukrainy“ [Requirements for Electronic Records: international practice and experience Ukraine]. Zbirnyk naukovykh prats NUDPS Ukrainy, no. 1 (2012): 356-366.
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[Legal Act of Ukraine] (2014).
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Ishchenko, H. “Stratyty ne mozhna pomyluvaty“ [Execute never pardon].

Section: Finance and banking
UDC 336.02
Paientko T. V., Rudaia M. I.
Organizational Basis of the Customs Controlling in the Financial Services (p. 382 - 387)

The paper is devoted to the study of organizational basis of customs controlling in the financial services. The purpose of the article is generalization of key directions and justification of organizational basis of customs controlling in the financial services. According to the results of research the essence of customs controlling in the financial services is substantiated, its types (strategic and operational) and functions (service and consulting) are analyzed. The main directions of the customs controlling in the financial services are outlined. There are allocated the stages of customs controlling organization and defined related totality of management procedures directed to increase of service - oriented management and administration. There are characterized approaches to conduct customs audit, which special attention is aimed at preventing participation of financial institutions in customs payments evasion schemes. It is generalized that customs controlling in the financial services helps increase efficiency of financial flows controls through the adoption of optimal solutions in the sphere of foreign economic activity. Outlook for further research is generalization of world trends in customs controlling tools application in the financial services and adapting customs controlling to modern conditions of Ukrainian economy.
Keywords: controlling, customs controlling in the financial services, customs auditing, customs controlling system
Fig.: 3. Bibl.: 8.

Paientko Tetiana V. – Doctor of Sciences (Economics), Professor, Professor, Department of Finance, Kyiv National Economic University named after Vadym Hetman (54/1 Beresteiskyi Ave., Kyiv, 03057, Ukraine)
Rudaia Maryna I. – Candidate of Sciences (Economics), Senior Research Fellow, Associate Professor, Department of Financial Markets, National University of State Tax Service of Ukraine (31 Universytetska Str., Irpіn, Kyiv region, 8201, Ukraine)

Article is written in Ukrainian
Downloads/views: 398

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Reference to this article:
Paientko, Tetiana V., and Rudaia, Maryna I. (2014) “Organizational Basis of the Customs Controlling in the Financial Services.” The Problems of Economy 4:382–387.

List of references in article

Tereshchenko, O. O. “Instytut finansovoho kontrolinhu - innovatsiina platforma dlia korporatyvnykh finansiv i kontrolinhu“ [Financial Controlling Institute - an innovative platform for corporate finance and controlling]. Bukhhalterskyi oblik i audyt, no. 5 (2014): 52-53.
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Pushkar, M. S., and Pushkar, P. M. Kontrolinh - informatsiina pidsystema stratehichnoho menedzhmentu [Controlling - Information Subsystem Management]. Ternopil: Kart-blansh, 2004.
Hoffmann, O. Balances Scorecard-basiertes Controlling in einem Internet-Startup, 2000.
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Formuvannia systemy mytnoho audytu v Ukraini [The formation of a customs audit in Ukraine]. Khmelnytskyi: PP Melnyk A. A., 2014.
“Mizhnarodna hrupa kontrolinhu“ [International Group controlling].

Section: Finance and banking
UDC 339.138:336.71
Rats O. M., Tysyachna Y. S.
Study on the Competitive Advantages of Banks in the Deposit Market of Ukraine (p. 388 - 394)

The article is aimed to study the competitive advantages of domestic banks in the deposit market. In the article the state of bank deposits market has been analyzed. It has been defined, that market of deposit services is unstable due to the volatile situation in the country's economy, though it continues to evolve despite some problems. To the leading banks in Ukraine, as for both attracting deposits and criterion of reliability, belong the banks from the first group of the assets sizes. Clustering of 15 banks, carried out in the article in terms of deposit portfolio size as well as return on assets, has helped to distinguish five groups of banks. With aim of a more detailed study of the banks' deposit activities, the fourth cluster has been chosen, which includes the system-wide banks. Also in the article a competitive analysis of the banks from the fourth cluster, in terms of dynamics and structure of the deposit portfolio, and making use of the coefficient method, is conducted. SWOT analysis was applied to identify strengths and weaknesses as well as opportunities and threats to the bank. In order to elaborate a strategy and an effective strategic management, analysis of the bank's direct competition in the deposit market was carried out. It has been determined that benchmarking is the tool, which will allow the performance indicators of a bank to exceed competitors in the market of deposit services. Specific features of the application of benchmarking in the formation of bank's deposit policy has been disclosed. Benefits from use of benchmarking in the bank's deposit policy has been highlighted.
Keywords: bank, deposit market, deposit policy, competitive advantage, competitive analysis, clustering, benchmarking
Tabl.: 5. Bibl.: 12.

Rats Olha M. – Candidate of Sciences (Economics), Associate Professor, Department of Banking, Simon Kuznets Kharkiv National University of Economics (9a Nauky Ave., Kharkіv, 61166, Ukraine)
Tysyachna Yunna S. – Candidate of Sciences (Economics), Associate Professor, Department of Finance, Simon Kuznets Kharkiv National University of Economics (9a Nauky Ave., Kharkіv, 61166, Ukraine)

Article is written in Ukrainian
Downloads/views: 532

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Reference to this article:
Rats, Olha M., and Tysyachna, Yunna S. (2014) “Study on the Competitive Advantages of Banks in the Deposit Market of Ukraine.” The Problems of Economy 4:388–394.

List of references in article

Versal, N. I. “Osoblyvosti formuvannia depozytnykh resursiv bankamy Ukrainy“ [Features of formation of deposit funds of the Bank Ukraine]. Finansy Ukrainy, no. 12 (2009): 15-21.
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Bykhova, O. M. “Klasyfikatsiia vydiv benchmarkinhu v systemi upravlinnia bankamy“ [Classification of benchmarking in the management of banks]. Ekonomika rozvytku, no. 3 (2014): 15-18.
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Kramarchuk, S., and Lubkei, N. “Vyznachennia sutnosti poniattia benchmarkinhu“ [Determining the essence of the concept of benchmarking]. Halytskyi ekonomichnyi visnyk, no. 4 (2013): 229-234.
Mouton, D. M., and Claasen, S. J. “Managing benchmarking in a corporate environment“Southern African Institute for Industrial Engineering, no. 2 (2012): 13-18.
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Ofitsiinyi sait Ministerstva finansiv Ukrainy.
Ofitsiinyi sait PAT «Ukrsotsbank».
Redchenko, K. I. Stratehichnyi analiz u biznesi [Strategic analysis in business]. Lviv: Novyi svit, 2009.

Section: Finance and banking
UDC 336.11
Ryazanova N. S.
Financial Information as a Factor in Creation of the Value Added in the Innovation Market Economy (p. 395 - 406)

The objective of the work consists in studying financial information as a factor in creation of the value added in the innovation market economy. The innovation market economy is characteristic of the developed information (postindustrial) society and replaced the classical market economy at the beginning of the 21st century. This transformation gives rise to significant challenges which consist in the need for understanding the forthcoming informational changes, forming corresponding economic paradigms and searching for new efficient economic management mechanisms. Within the context of the innovation market economy, where all processes have a monetary dimension grounded in the pricing mechanism, financial information is of critical importance, which makes it a key component of efficient economic management mechanisms, it becomes a special factor in creation of the value added. Characteristic features of such information were discussed, in particular the processes of its obsolescence, qualitative characteristics, the ability to represent all surrounding phenomena and objects in the contrastive monetary dimension, and a series of other properties. Specific aspects of the process of creating the value added involving financial information were studied, as well as tendencies of this process in the innovation market economy.
Keywords: value added, innovation market economy, obsolescence of financial information, factor in creation of the value added, financial information, characteristics features of financial information, price of financial information, quality of financial informatio
Bibl.: 43.

Ryazanova Nadiya S. – Candidate of Sciences (Economics), Associate Professor, Associate Professor, Department of Financial Markets, Kyiv National Economic University named after Vadym Hetman (54/1 Beresteiskyi Ave., Kyiv, 03057, Ukraine)

Article is written in English
Downloads/views: 190

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Reference to this article:
Ryazanova, Nadiya S. (2014) “Financial Information as a Factor in Creation of the Value Added in the Innovation Market Economy.” The Problems of Economy 4:395–406.

List of references in article

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Section: Economic theory
UDC 338.24
Kolupaieva I. V.
The Regulatory Policy Tools of the State (p. 407 - 417)

The objective of the article is scientific and theoretical substantiation of the regulatory policy tools of the state considering the contemporary economic development context and integration processes. The study provides a comprehensive analysis and summary of the aims, functions, and principles of the regulatory policy of the state. The author substantiated and updated the list of specific principles – with the scientific validity principle and the competence principle. The article also proposes the author’s own view on the stages of implementation of the regulatory policy of the state. The organizational support and the legal framework were analyzed, as well as the information, financial and economic support; also rationale was provided for singling out the analytical support for the state regulation of the economy. The study provides schematic representation of the components of the regulatory policy tools of the state which include the aim, functions, principles, methods, organizational, information, analytical, financial and economic support, as well as legal framework and can be used at the level of state regulation of the economy.
Keywords: regulatory policy, regulatory policy tools, regulatory policy principles
Fig.: 3. Tabl.: 3. Bibl.: 34.

Kolupaieva Irina V. – Doctor of Sciences (Economics), Professor, Professor, Department of Economic Cybernetics and Management of Economic Security, Kharkіv National University of Radioelectronics (14 Nauky Ave., Kharkіv, 61166, Ukraine)

Article is written in Ukrainian
Downloads/views: 180

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Reference to this article:
Kolupaieva, Irina V. (2014) “The Regulatory Policy Tools of the State.” The Problems of Economy 4:407–417.

List of references in article

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Hlushko, A. D. “Kontseptualni zasady zdiisnennia derzhavnoi rehuliatornoi polityky orhanamy mistsevoho samovriaduvannia v Ukraini“ [Conceptual principles of state regulatory policy by local authorities in Ukraine]. Molodyi vchenyi, no. 12 (15) (2014): 104-107.
Kravchenko, S. O., and Markovskyi, S. S. “Sutnist finansovoho zabezpechennia derzhavnoi rehionalnoi polityky“ [The essence of financial security of the state regional policy].
Amosov, O. Yu., and Halushko, B. P. “Formirovaniie mekhanizma gosudarstvennogo regulirovaniia toplivno-enerheticheskogo kompleksa regiona“ [Formation of the mechanism of state regulation of the fuel and energy complex of the region]. Problemy ekonomiky, no. 3 (2013): 21-27.
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Tretiak, H. S., and Blishchuk, K. M. Derzhavne rehuliuvannia ekonomiky [State regulation of the economy]. Lviv: LRIDU NADU, 2008.
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Naumenkova, S. “Formuvannia novoi finansovoi arkhitektury: osnovni pytannia ta mozhlyvi vyklyky dlia Ukrainy“ [Formation of a new financial architecture: the main issues and possible challenges for Ukraine]. Visnyk NBU, no. 1 (167) (2010): 8-13.
Kantsir, I. A. “Instytutsiina struktura ta arkhitektura finansovoi systemy v umovakh hlobalizatsii“ [The institutional structure and architecture of the financial system in the context of globalization]. Yevropeiski perspektyvy vol. 2, no. 4 (2012): 229-234.
Pohribniak, M. A. “Pryntsypy rehuliatornoi polityky v Ukraini ta derzhavakh IES“ [Principles of Regulatory Policy in Ukraine and the EU]. Teoriia ta praktyka derzhavnoho upravlinnia, no. 4 (19) (2007): 41-47.
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Yasiukevych, O. A. “Napriamy vdoskonalennia normatyvno-pravovoho zabezpechennia derzhavnoho rehuliuvannia rynku ob'iektiv promyslovoi vlasnosti v Ukraini“ [Ways to Improve regulatory state regulation of industrial property market in Ukraine].
Derun, T. M. “Instrumenty formuvannia i realizatsii derzhavnoi polityky rozvytku malykh mist Ukrainy“ [Tools formation and implementation of public policy development in small cities of Ukraine].

Section: Economic theory
UDC 339.9:330.34
Sardak S. E.
Prevailing Forms of Management and Regulatory Impact on the Development of Human Resources in the Multilevel Social and Economic Systems (p. 418 - 423)

Dynamic conversion in society caused by globalization lead to the need to find main forms controls development human resources. The purpose of study is to determine prevailing forms of management and regulatory impact on the development of human resources in the multilevel social and economic systems and provision of their features. The article harmonizes thirteen levels of human activities environment and five management levels which form managerial and regulatory impact on the development of human resources in social and economic systems. It is proved that prevailing forms of management influence on development of human resources in social and economic systems have varying degrees of "managerial rigidity" - from "very hard" (self-management and management) to "moderate" (regulation) and "soft" (coordination) on various management levels. The scientific novelty, practical significance and originality of results are in creation of methodological framework for design of mechanisms of managerial and regulatory impact on the development of human resources in any social and economic systems.
Keywords: management, development, human resources, management level, social and economic system
Tabl.: 2. Bibl.: 22.

Sardak Sergii E. – Doctor of Sciences (Economics), Associate Professor, Professor, Department of Economics and Management of National Economy, Oles Honchar Dnipro National University (72 Haharina Ave., Dnіpro, 49010, Ukraine)

Article is written in Ukrainian
Downloads/views: 246

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Reference to this article:
Sardak, Sergii E. (2014) “Prevailing Forms of Management and Regulatory Impact on the Development of Human Resources in the Multilevel Social and Economic Systems.” The Problems of Economy 4:418–423.

List of references in article

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Section: Economic theory
UDC 65.012.432
Shatilova O. V., Moskvin B. Y.
The Notion, Structure, and Functions of the Market for Corporate Control (p. 424 - 431)

The article discusses the characteristic features of functioning of the market for corporate control which is an integral part of the internal market in countries with established market relations. The objective of the article consists in generalization and systematization of the existing perspectives on the essence of the market for corporate control, its structure and functions. Based on the comparative analysis of the interpretations of the market for corporate control currently existing in the economic literature, four approaches were singled out which concern interpretation of the essence of the market for corporate control: 1) the approach which defines the market for corporate control as an area where deals on transfer of the rights to exercise control over enterprises occur; 2) the approach that equates the market for corporate control with the stock market; 3) the approach which defines the market for corporate control as a place where the transfer of the property rights to assets of an enterprise takes place; 4) the approach that regards the market for corporate control as an external mechanism regulating corporate operations. The authors propose their own definition of the essence of the market for corporate control. The structure of the market for corporate control was studied as well. The article describes the composition and functions of such basic structural elements of (participants in) the market for corporate control as market actors, market objects, intermediaries, market regulators, and other market participants. Based on the study of the information, regulatory, stimulating, integrating, and control functions of the market, specific properties of their manifestation within the context of the market for corporate control were singled out, which arise from particular needs typical for the participants in this kind of market. The prospects for further studies in this field consist in the analysis of characteristic aspects of formation of individual segments of the market for corporate control and study of the behavior of enterprises with various types of ownership on the market for corporate control
Keywords: market for corporate control, structure of the market for corporate control, functions of the market for corporate control
Fig.: 1. Tabl.: 4. Bibl.: 15.

Shatilova Olena V. – Candidate of Sciences (Economics), Associate Professor, Associate Professor, Department of Management, Kyiv National Economic University named after Vadym Hetman (54/1 Beresteiskyi Ave., Kyiv, 03057, Ukraine)
Moskvin Borys Yu. – Director, Department of Corporate Governance, IGO “International Police Corporation of Public Safety” (10 Bohomoltsia Str., Kyiv, 01024, Ukraine)

Article is written in Ukrainian
Downloads/views: 200

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Reference to this article:
Shatilova, Olena V., and Moskvin, Borys Yu. (2014) “The Notion, Structure, and Functions of the Market for Corporate Control.” The Problems of Economy 4:424–431.

List of references in article

Gomtsian, S. V. Pravila pogloshcheniia aktsionernykh obshchestv: sravnitelno-pravovoy analiz [Terms of absorption of joint stock companies: a comparative legal analysis]. Moscow: Volters Kluver, 2010.
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“What is corporate control market?“

Section: Mathematical methods and models in economy
UDC 336.748.12:339.7(477)
Golofaieva I. P.
Financial Regulation of Inflationary Developments in Ukraine on the Basis of the Cognitive Approach (p. 432 - 438)

The article discusses the essence and primary factors causing the inflationary developments in Ukraine. The effects of inflation on macro- and microeconomic performance indicators of the government and economic operators were described. A cognitive model for the study of the inflationary development dynamics was constructed taking into account the cause-and-effect relations between inflation and other macroeconomic indicators, in particular the currency exchange rate, which permits identifying the priority focus areas for the state in the future helping decrease the inflation rate. The cognitive model serves as the basis for development of inflation situation scenarios, which enables using the model to identify the possible scenarios, ways and mechanisms of influencing the situation in order to achieve the desired results, to avoid the undesirable consequences, and to develop a set of measures to influence the predicted situation. The proposed scenarios are characterized by the initial data, managerial influence, and the predicted result. Thus, using the cognitive approach to modeling of the inflationary developments will help improve management efficiency at each level of the hierarchy, since introduction of modern information technology to the management of the financial processes of the state will ensure adoption of the corresponding anti-inflationary policy in the process of achieving the sought state development objectives.
Keywords: multidimensional scaling, currency exchange rate, inflation, inflationary developments, cognitive approach, macroeconomic indicators, regulation
Fig.: 8. Bibl.: 13.

Golofaieva Iryna P. – Candidate of Sciences (Economics), Associate Professor, Associate Professor, Department of Finance, Simon Kuznets Kharkiv National University of Economics (9a Nauky Ave., Kharkіv, 61166, Ukraine)

Article is written in Ukrainian
Downloads/views: 483

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Reference to this article:
Golofaieva, Iryna P. (2014) “Financial Regulation of Inflationary Developments in Ukraine on the Basis of the Cognitive Approach.” The Problems of Economy 4:432–438.

List of references in article

Abdikeev, N. M., Averkin, A. N., and Efremova, N. A. “Kognitivnaia ekonomika v epokhu innovatsiy“ [Cognitive economy in an era of innovation]. Vestnik REA, no. 1 (2010): 3-20.
Avdeeva, Z. K., Kovriga, S. V., and Makarenko, D. N. Kognitivnoe modelirovanie dlia resheniia zadach upravleniia slabostrukturirovannymi sistemami (situatsiiami) [Cognitive modeling for solving semi-structured management systems (situations)]. Moscow: Institut problem upravleniia RAN, 2007.
Makroekonomika [Macroeconomics]. St. Petersburg: Poisk, 2006.
Mnogomernyy statisticheskiy analiz v ekonomike [Multivariate statistical analysis of the economy]. Moscow: YuNITI-DANA, 1999.
Serhiienko, O. A., and Tatar, M. S. “Doslidzhennia faktoriv zovnishnyoho seredovyshcha v protsesi formuvannia konkurentnykh stratehii rozvytku pidpryiemstva“ [The study of environmental factors in the formation of competitive strategies of the company]. In Prostorova ekonomika: kontseptsii, modeli ta rehionalni aspekty, 289-303. Berdiansk: Vyd-vo Tkachuk, 2012.
Shepel, Ye. V. “Sutnist infliatsii iak systemnoho utvorennia i osnovni chynnyky ii vynyknennia“ [The essence of inflation as a system of education and key factors for its occurrence]. Aktualni problemy ekonomiky, no. 2 (116) (2011): 32-41.
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“Richnyi zvit“ [Annual Report]. Ofitsiinyi veb-sait Natsionalnoho banku Ukrainy.
“Dilovi ochikuvannia pidpryiemstv Ukrainy“ [Business expectations Enterprises of Ukraine]. Ofitsiinyi veb-sait Natsionalnoho banku Ukrainy.
Ofitsiinyi veb-sait Ministerstva finansiv Ukrainy.
Website of US Department of Labor.
Website of Japan Statistics.

Section: Mathematical methods and models in economy
UDC 336.22.02:330.33
Laktionova O. A.
Methodological Approach to Evaluation of Market Flexibility in Terms of Cyclic Economy Development (p. 439 - 454)

The article defines a methodological approach to evaluation of both market flexibility in the post-crisis period of recovery of the business activity and growth of needs for economic operators in the financial securing. It has been determined that evaluation of flexibility of a financial system providing for the movement and transformation of financial resources through the financial market is based on assessment of flexibility as the resulting characteristics of efficient adaptation of market to the challenges of the economic environment, but also as a buffer stock or a potential of adaptive answering. As an ex-post flexibility indicators were used: duration, amplitude, asymmetry, speed of recovery and expansions of the functional capacity of the market. The integrated value of the Ukrainian market flexibility towards the increase of financial support for the economy in the period 2008-2013 has been estimated.
Keywords: market flexibility, potential of cyclical economic development, financial securing, potential of financial securing, liquidity of the financial market
Fig.: 8. Tabl.: 6. Formulae: 5. Bibl.: 16.

Laktionova Olexandra A. – Candidate of Sciences (Economics), Candidate on Doctor Degree, Department of Finance and Banking, Donetsk National University (21 600-richchia Str., Vinnytsia, 21021, Ukraine)

Article is written in Ukrainian
Downloads/views: 359

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Reference to this article:
Laktionova, Olexandra A. (2014) “Methodological Approach to Evaluation of Market Flexibility in Terms of Cyclic Economy Development.” The Problems of Economy 4:439–454.

List of references in article

“Assessing global liquidity from a financial stability perspective“
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Loayza, N., and Ranciere, R. “Financial Development, Financial Fragility, and Growth“

Section: Mathematical methods and models in economy
UDC 658.15
Malуarets L. M., Smoliakova O. M.
Identification of Internal Interconnections as a Precondition for Economic Strength of an Enterprise (p. 455 - 465)

The study substantiates the necessity of taking into account the degree of interconnection among the elements and components of economic strength of an enterprise and analyzing the internal cause-and-effect relations linking the indicators describing each of the economic strength components: the costs, the production, the financial component, functioning in terms of the life cycle, stability on the produce and capital goods markets while addressing economic strength issues. For such an analysis, it is recommended to use multivariate statistical methods which permit identifying the interconnections among individual indicators, among the components, which allows establishing the rating of the cross-system interrelationships among the indicators, namely factor analysis and canonical analysis. Methodological guidelines for analysis of the internal interconnections in the economic strength of an enterprise were developed. These guidelines propose the following sequence of stages: determination of the conceptual content of the economic strength of the enterprise; formation of systems of individual indicators describing the components of economic strength; singling out internal latent factors for each of the components in order to identify close inter-element links; detailed economic analysis of the most significant indicators; identification of the internal cross-system interrelationships among the economic strength components and rating the influence of the indicators; singling out the most significant indicators ensuring close intra-systemic connections for maintenance of the economic strength of the enterprise.
Keywords: precondition for economic strength, components of strength, internal interconnections, mathematical tools for identification, methodological guidelines for strength analysis
Fig.: 8. Formulae: 21. Bibl.: 10.

Malуarets Lyudmyla M. – Doctor of Sciences (Economics), Professor, Head of the Department, Department of Higher Mathematics and Economics and Mathematical Methods, Simon Kuznets Kharkiv National University of Economics (9a Nauky Ave., Kharkіv, 61166, Ukraine)
Smoliakova Olga M. – Postgraduate Student, Department of Economics and Property Valuation Companies, Simon Kuznets Kharkiv National University of Economics (9a Nauky Ave., Kharkіv, 61166, Ukraine)

Article is written in Ukrainian
Downloads/views: 423

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Reference to this article:
Malуarets, Lyudmyla M., and Smoliakova, Olga M. (2014) “Identification of Internal Interconnections as a Precondition for Economic Strength of an Enterprise.” The Problems of Economy 4:455–465.

List of references in article

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Zaytsev, O. N. “Otsenka ekonomicheskoy ustoychivosti promyshlennykh predpriiatiy (na primere promyshlennosti stroitelnykh materialov)“ [Estimation of economic stability of industrial enterprises (for example, the building materials industry)]. avtoref. diss. … kand. ekon. nauk : 08.00.05, 2007.
Ivanov, V. L. Upravlinnia ekonomichnoiu stiikistiu promyslovykh pidpryiemstv (na prykladi pidpryiemstva mashynobudivnoho kompleksu) [Managing the economic stability of industrial enterprises (for example, machine-building enterprises)]. Luhansk: SNU im. V. Dalia, 2005.
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Soroka, K. O. Osnovy teorii system i systemnoho analizu [Basic theory of Systems]. Kharkiv: Tymchenko, 2005.
Ponomarenko, V. S., and Maliarets, L. M. Analiz danykh u doslidzhenniakh sotsialno-ekonomichnykh system [Data analysis in studies of socio-economic systems]. Kharkiv: INZhEK, 2009.
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Section: Mathematical methods and models in economy
UDC 339.1; 330.4; 658.6
Pursky O. I., Grynjuk B. V., Mazoha D. P.
Modeling of the Transaction Expenses of Consumers in Electronic Trading (p. 466 - 473)

The article deals with modeling of the transaction expenses of consumers in electronic trading for various territorial urbanization categories according to two product sales channels based on the classical Salop model. Characteristics of the primary product sales channels in electronic trading were identified, namely delivery to the place of residence and delivery to the nearest collection point. The transaction expenses were analyzed depending on the delivery distance and product weight. The average product delivery distance was determined for different urbanization categories. The following characteristics were proposed as indicators determining the average product delivery distance in electronic trading: the number of online shop page views with a purpose of buying products, average workload for each of the product sales channels, the number of buyers’ addresses on the product delivery route, the overall delivery route distance. The article also studies the reliance of the transaction expenses on the number of buyers’ addresses on the delivery route. The obtained results demonstrated that the transaction expenses of buyers in electronic trading can be reduced significantly through optimization of the product delivery routes, which entails additional advantages within the context of competitive commercial market.
Keywords: electronic trading, modeling, transaction expenses, urbanization categories
Fig.: 3. Tabl.: 2. Formulae: 16. Bibl.: 29.

Pursky Oleg I. – Doctor of Sciences (Physics and Mathematics), Professor, Department of Cybernetics and Systems Analysis, Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics (19 Kіoto Str., Kyiv, 02156, Ukraine)
Grynjuk Bogdan V. – Postgraduate Student, Department of Economic Cybernetics and Information Systems, Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics (19 Kіoto Str., Kyiv, 02156, Ukraine)
Mazoha Dmytro P. – Postgraduate Student, Department of Economic Cybernetics, Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics (19 Kіoto Str., Kyiv, 02156, Ukraine)

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Reference to this article:
Pursky, Oleg I., Grynjuk, Bogdan V., and Mazoha, Dmytro P. (2014) “Modeling of the Transaction Expenses of Consumers in Electronic Trading.” The Problems of Economy 4:466–473.

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