


Section: World economy and international relations
UDC 339.9
Tischenko A. N.
Competitiveness of Ukraine in the World Rankings (p. 3 - 8)

Article is devoted to the competitiveness of countries and Ukraine’s place in the world community. Considered the most well known rankings of various international financial and social organizations. Showing the position of Ukraine, its advantages and disadvantages.
Keywords: competitiveness of countries, world rankings, Ukraine
Fig.: 2. Tabl.: 6. Bibl.: 16.

Tischenko Aleksandr N. – Doctor of Sciences (Economics), Professor, Head of Department, Research Centre for Industrial Problems of Development of NAS of Ukraine (2 floor 1-a Inzhenernyi Ln., Kharkіv, 61166, Ukraine)

Article is written in Russian
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Reference to this article:
Tischenko, Aleksandr N. (2011) “Competitiveness of Ukraine in the World Rankings.” The Problems of Economy 3:3–8.

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Section: World economy and international relations
UDC 303.101.3
Reznikova T. A., Bardadym O. I.
Ways of Increase of Motivation of Innovators to the International Cooperation (p. 9 - 14)

The article considers the important issues of innovators motivation for international collaboration. The intercultural differences of innovators approach to work are investigated. The way of defining of innovators competences level for international collaboration is offered. The formula of financial reward for inventions is suggested. The matrix of different types of innovators ability to execute various international projects is developed.
Keywords: motivation, innovator, international cooperation, financial reward
Fig.: 3. Tabl.: 3. Formulae: 1. Bibl.: 13.

Reznikova Tatyana A. – Candidate of Sciences (Economics), Associate Professor, Department of International Economy and Foreign Economic Activity Management, Simon Kuznets Kharkiv National University of Economics (9a Nauky Ave., Kharkіv, 61166, Ukraine)
Bardadym Olga I. – Junior Researcher, Research Department, Simon Kuznets Kharkiv National University of Economics (9a Nauky Ave., Kharkіv, 61166, Ukraine)

Article is written in Ukrainian
Downloads/views: 1853

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Reference to this article:
Reznikova, Tatyana A., and Bardadym, Olga I. (2011) “Ways of Increase of Motivation of Innovators to the International Cooperation.” The Problems of Economy 3:9–14.

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Section: Economics and national economy management
UDC 330.342 + 332.1
Matyushenko I. Y., Buntov I. Y., Kovalchuk E. V.
The Ukraine Industrial Defense complex: the perspectives for development and the place on the world market of the armaments (p. 15 - 24)

The condition and structure of the Ukraine industrial defense complex were considered. The analysis of the main parts of Ukraine’s armament export were carried out. The perspective contracts and directions of the military techniques collaboration for the Ukraine industrial defense complex were represented.
Keywords: industrial defense complex, world market of the armaments, armament export
Fig.: 3. Tabl.: 2. Bibl.: 15.

Matyushenko Igor Yu. – Doctor of Sciences (Economics), Professor, Professor, Department of International Economic Relations, V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University (4 Svobody Square, Kharkіv, 61022, Ukraine)
Buntov Ivan Yu. – Applicant, Research Centre for Industrial Problems of Development of NAS of Ukraine (2 floor 1-a Inzhenernyi Ln., Kharkіv, 61166, Ukraine)
Kovalchuk Ekaterina V. – Applicant, V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University (4 Svobody Square, Kharkіv, 61022, Ukraine)

Article is written in Ukrainian
Downloads/views: 1818

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Reference to this article:
Matyushenko, Igor Yu., Buntov, Ivan Yu., and Kovalchuk, Ekaterina V. (2011) “The Ukraine Industrial Defense complex: the perspectives for development and the place on the world market of the armaments.” The Problems of Economy 3:15–24.

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Section: Economics and national economy management
UDC 331.522.4
Fedorova V. A., Karpenko T. V.
Formation and Use of Staff Potential of National Economy (p. 24 - 28)

The article presents the author’s version of a definition of the essence of the “staff potential of national economy” notion and improved structural and logical model of formation and use of staff potential of a macro level with an expanded range of factors of external environment.
Keywords: staff potential, national economy, structural and logical model
Fig.: 2. Bibl.: 10.

Fedorova Valentina A. – Candidate of Sciences (Economics), Associate Professor, Head of the Department, Deparment of International Finance, Oles Honchar Dnipro National University (72 Haharina Ave., Dnіpro, 49010, Ukraine)
Karpenko Tatyana. V. – Lecturer, Deparment of International Finance, Oles Honchar Dnipro National University (72 Haharina Ave., Dnіpro, 49010, Ukraine)

Article is written in Ukrainian
Downloads/views: 2048

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Reference to this article:
Fedorova, Valentina A., and Karpenko, Tatyana. V. (2011) “Formation and Use of Staff Potential of National Economy.” The Problems of Economy 3:24–28.

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Section: Economics and national economy management
UDC 338.2
Khaustova V. Y., Grygorova-Berenda L. I.
Theory and Practice of an Assessment of the External Economic Safety of the State (p. 28 - 34)

In article the essence of category the external economic safety is considered. Existing approaches to an assessment of the external economic safety of the state are analyzed. Their advantages, shortcomings and features of use are defined.
Keywords: external economic safety, assessment, approaches
Formulae: 4. Bibl.: 20.

Khaustova Viktoriia Ye. – Doctor of Sciences (Economics), Professor, Director, Research Centre for Industrial Problems of Development of NAS of Ukraine (2 floor 1-a Inzhenernyi Ln., Kharkіv, 61166, Ukraine)
Grygorova-Berenda Larysa I. – Candidate of Sciences (Economics), Associate Professor, Department of International Economic Relations, V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University (4 Svobody Square, Kharkіv, 61022, Ukraine)

Article is written in Ukrainian
Downloads/views: 2275

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Reference to this article:
Khaustova, Viktoriia Ye., and Grygorova-Berenda, Larysa I. (2011) “Theory and Practice of an Assessment of the External Economic Safety of the State.” The Problems of Economy 3:28–34.

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Section: Economics and national economy management
UDC 338.2
Merkho A.
The Gas Constituent of Energy Security as a Necessary Component of Competitiveness of National Economy (p. 34 - 39)

In the context of the mutual influence of competitiveness and energy security of the country considered gas component of the latter. Defined, historically, the specificity of security of energy resources of the national economy, as manifestations of subjectivity of the residual phenomenon of «resource curse» in Ukraine.
Keywords: energy security, gas component, competitiveness of national economy
Fig.: 5. Bibl.: 17.

Merkho Alexander – Candidate of Sciences (Economics), Research Associate, Research Centre for Industrial Problems of Development of NAS of Ukraine (2 floor 1-a Inzhenernyi Ln., Kharkіv, 61166, Ukraine)

Article is written in Russian
Downloads/views: 1961

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Reference to this article:
Merkho, Alexander. (2011) “The Gas Constituent of Energy Security as a Necessary Component of Competitiveness of National Economy.” The Problems of Economy 3:34–39.

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Section: Economics and national economy management
UDC 658.5:621 (477)
Ponomarenko E. V., Annenkova E. V.
Methodical Approach to an Assessment of Competitiveness of Branches of Mechanical Engineering of Ukraine (p. 39 - 41)

In the article the considered questions of the methodical going are near the estimation of competitiveness of machine building complex of Ukraine. The algorithm of estimation of competitiveness of industries of engineer is developed.
Keywords: competitiveness, branches of mechanical engineering industry, algorithm of estimation
Tabl.: 1. Bibl.: 6.

Ponomarenko Evgeniy V. – Candidate of Sciences (Economics), Associate Professor, Research Associate, Research Centre for Industrial Problems of Development of NAS of Ukraine (2 floor 1-a Inzhenernyi Ln., Kharkіv, 61166, Ukraine)
Annenkova Elena V. – Candidate of Sciences (Economics), Research Associate, Research Centre for Industrial Problems of Development of NAS of Ukraine (2 floor 1-a Inzhenernyi Ln., Kharkіv, 61166, Ukraine)

Article is written in Ukrainian
Downloads/views: 2088

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Reference to this article:
Ponomarenko, Evgeniy V., and Annenkova, Elena V. (2011) “Methodical Approach to an Assessment of Competitiveness of Branches of Mechanical Engineering of Ukraine.” The Problems of Economy 3:39–41.

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Section: Regional economy
UDC 589.651
Kyzym M. O., Khaustova V. Y.
Features of Formation and Development Agro-Industrial Cluster in Economy of the Kharkiv Area (p. 42 - 47)

In article results of research of the market situation which has developed in agro-industrial complex of Ukraine are presented. Need of development of agro-industrial clusters on production and meat and milk processing in its regions is proved. For realization of this direction development according to the project «the future village» is offered.
Keywords: agro-industrial cluster, meat and milk processing, future village
Fig.: 10. Tabl.: 4. Bibl.: 1.

Kyzym Mykola O. – Doctor of Sciences (Economics), Professor, Corresponding Member of NAS of Ukraine, Chief research scientist, Research Centre for Industrial Problems of Development of NAS of Ukraine (2 floor 1-a Inzhenernyi Ln., Kharkіv, 61166, Ukraine)
Khaustova Viktoriia Ye. – Doctor of Sciences (Economics), Professor, Director, Research Centre for Industrial Problems of Development of NAS of Ukraine (2 floor 1-a Inzhenernyi Ln., Kharkіv, 61166, Ukraine)

Article is written in Ukrainian
Downloads/views: 1808

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Reference to this article:
Kyzym, Mykola O., and Khaustova, Viktoriia Ye. (2011) “Features of Formation and Development Agro-Industrial Cluster in Economy of the Kharkiv Area.” The Problems of Economy 3:42–47.

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Section: Regional economy
UDC 332.1:330.341.1.025.2
Vartanyan V. M., Kolisnik O. P.
Formation of Functions of State Management of Innovations at the Regional Level (p. 48 - 52)

The article defines the functions of state management innovations, their division into general and special kinds and it is found that management functions defined by nature of managerial work. It is also found by classics of economic science that we shall include into functions of management functions of decision making, which leads to the realization of innovative goals.
Keywords: innovations, state management, regional level
Fig.: 1. Bibl.: 4.

Vartanyan Vasiliy M. – Doctor of Sciences (Engineering), Professor, Head of the Department, Department of Economics and Marketing, National Aerospace University «Kharkiv Aviation Institue» named after M. Ye. Zhukovskiy (17 Chkalova Str., Kharkіv, 61070, Ukraine)
Kolisnik Oksana P. – Postgraduate Student, National Aerospace University «Kharkiv Aviation Institue» named after M. Ye. Zhukovskiy (17 Chkalova Str., Kharkіv, 61070, Ukraine)

Article is written in Ukrainian
Downloads/views: 3163

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Reference to this article:
Vartanyan, Vasiliy M., and Kolisnik, Oksana P. (2011) “Formation of Functions of State Management of Innovations at the Regional Level.” The Problems of Economy 3:48–52.

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Section: Regional economy
UDC 338.2.009.12(1-32)
Krasnonosova O. M., Olejnik A. D.
Regions-Leaders in Economic Space of Country: Competitive Edges and Social Problem (p. 52 - 55)

The dynamics of the main social and economic development indicators of the major Ukrainian regions has been investigated. The problem questions about the level of nominal wages of employers and environmental costanding of the region were considered. Emphasis is placed on the fact that we have to implement economic and ecological model of development and the experience of European countries.
Keywords: regions, competitive advantages, social problems, economic and ecological model of development
Fig.: 1. Tabl.: 2. Bibl.: 10.

Krasnonosova Olena M. – Candidate of Sciences (Economics), Associate Professor, Senior Research Fellow, Department of Macroeconomic Policy and Regional Development, Research Centre for Industrial Problems of Development of NAS of Ukraine (2 floor 1-a Inzhenernyi Ln., Kharkіv, 61166, Ukraine)
Olejnik Alla D. – Research Associate, Research Centre for Industrial Problems of Development of NAS of Ukraine (2 floor 1-a Inzhenernyi Ln., Kharkіv, 61166, Ukraine)

Article is written in Ukrainian
Downloads/views: 2233

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Reference to this article:
Krasnonosova, Olena M., and Olejnik, Alla D. (2011) “Regions-Leaders in Economic Space of Country: Competitive Edges and Social Problem.” The Problems of Economy 3:52–55.

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Section: Regional economy
UDC 332.122:379.84
Bashta A. I.
Innovative Development of the Recreational Areas on the Basis of Energy Conservation (p. 55 - 58)

The analysis and economic assessment of innovative energy saving technologies in the development of recreational systems was performed that will save conventional energy resources, environmental improvements and enhance the quality of recreational services.
Keywords: recreational area, energy conservation, innovative development
Fig.: 1. Bibl.: 5.

Bashta Alexander I. – Doctor of Sciences (Economics), Director, Crimean Scientific Center of NAS and MES of Ukraine (pr. Vernadskogo, 2, Sіmferopol, 95007, Ukraine)

Article is written in Russian
Downloads/views: 1788

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Reference to this article:
Bashta, Alexander I. (2011) “Innovative Development of the Recreational Areas on the Basis of Energy Conservation.” The Problems of Economy 3:55–58.

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Section: Regional economy
UDC 30.15
Pronoza P. V., Gromyka N. K.
Social and Economic Development of Regions of Ukraine in the Conditions of Crisis (p. 58 - 70)

Results of research of influence of world crisis on social and economic development of regions of Ukraine are given in article. Resistance of regions to crisis and depth of the crisis phenomena is estimated at them.
Keywords: social and economic development, regions, world crisis
Fig.: 8. Tabl.: 5. Formulae: 4. Bibl.: 2.

Pronoza Pavlo V. – Doctor of Sciences (Economics), Associate Professor, Dean, Faculty of Finance, Simon Kuznets Kharkiv National University of Economics (9a Nauky Ave., Kharkіv, 61166, Ukraine)
Gromyka Nadezhda K., – Applicant, Research Centre for Industrial Problems of Development of NAS of Ukraine (2 floor 1-a Inzhenernyi Ln., Kharkіv, 61166, Ukraine)

Article is written in Ukrainian
Downloads/views: 2052

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Reference to this article:
Pronoza, Pavlo V., and Gromyka, Nadezhda K.,. (2011) “Social and Economic Development of Regions of Ukraine in the Conditions of Crisis.” The Problems of Economy 3:58–70.

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Section: Economics and Enterprise Management
UDC 338.012
Freeman І. M., Kovalchuk K. F.
The Management of Investments in the Development of Human Capital as a Factor of the Increase of Competitiveness of an Industrial Enterprise (p. 71 - 74)

In this work intercommunication of investments management in the development of human capital of an industrial enterprise is shown. The methods of investments management in the human capital of an enterprise are analysed and for validity of their investment the index of profitability of investments is offered.
Keywords: human capital, investments in development, increase of competitiveness
Tabl.: 5. Formulae: 5. Bibl.: 6.

Freeman Іrina M. – Senior Lecturer, The National Metallurgical Academy of Ukraine (4 Haharіna Ave., Dnіpropetrovsk, 49600, Ukraine)
Kovalchuk Kostyantyn F. – Doctor of Sciences (Economics), Professor, Dean, Faculty of Economics and Management, The National Metallurgical Academy of Ukraine (4 Haharіna Ave., Dnіpropetrovsk, 49600, Ukraine)

Article is written in Russian
Downloads/views: 3199

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Reference to this article:
Freeman, Іrina M., and Kovalchuk, Kostyantyn F. (2011) “The Management of Investments in the Development of Human Capital as a Factor of the Increase of Competitiveness of an Industrial Enterprise.” The Problems of Economy 3:71–74.

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Section: Economics and Enterprise Management
UDC 658.012.32
Iastremska O. M.
Motivation of Labor in the Strategic Reorganization (p. 75 - 79)

In the article considered peculiarities of motivation personal at enterprises in conditions of accompany strategic organization transformations on the basis strategic centers, proposed system of indexes financial stimulation.
Keywords: motivation of labour, strategic reorganization, indexes of financial stimulation
Tabl.: 1. Bibl.: 11.

Iastremska Olena M. – Doctor of Sciences (Economics), Professor, Head of the Department, Department of Management, Logistics and Innovations, Simon Kuznets Kharkiv National University of Economics (9a Nauky Ave., Kharkіv, 61166, Ukraine)

Article is written in Ukrainian
Downloads/views: 2126

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Reference to this article:
Iastremska, Olena M. (2011) “Motivation of Labor in the Strategic Reorganization.” The Problems of Economy 3:75–79.

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Section: Economics and Enterprise Management
UDC 658.009
Amosov O. Y.
Assessment of the Potential Competitiveness as a Key Aspect of Enterprise Development (p. 79 - 83)

There are the considered methods of estimation of potential of competitiveness of enterprises in the article. The types of approaches are systematized in relation to the estimation of potential of competitiveness of enterprises. The chart of estimation of potential of competitiveness of enterprises is offered.
Keywords: competitiveness, enterprise development, estimation of potential
Fig.: 3. Bibl.: 24.

Amosov Oleg Yu. – Doctor of Sciences (Economics), Professor, Deputy Director, Kharkiv Regional Institute of Public Administration of National Academy of Public Administration under the Office of the President of Ukraine (75 Moskovskyi Ave., Kharkіv, 61050, Ukraine)

Article is written in Ukrainian
Downloads/views: 2514

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Reference to this article:
Amosov, Oleg Yu. (2011) “Assessment of the Potential Competitiveness as a Key Aspect of Enterprise Development.” The Problems of Economy 3:79–83.

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Section: Economics and Enterprise Management
UDC 658.7(043)
Pilipenko A. A., Litvinenko A. A.
Reengineering and Restructuring in the Mechanism of Management of Development of Material and Technical Basis of an Industrial Enterprise (p. 83 - 89)

The paper considers theoretical and methodological principles of organization of management of reproduction of enterprise’s logistics by creating appropriate administrative mechanism, guided by principles of restructuring and reengineering.
Keywords: reengineering, restructuring, development management, material and technical basis
Fig.: 5. Formulae: 6. Bibl.: 12.

Pilipenko Andrey. A. – Doctor of Sciences (Economics), Associate Professor, Head of the Department, Department of Accounting, Simon Kuznets Kharkiv National University of Economics (9a Nauky Ave., Kharkіv, 61166, Ukraine)
Litvinenko Alina A. – Lecturer, Department of Finance and Credit, Simon Kuznets Kharkiv National University of Economics (9a Nauky Ave., Kharkіv, 61166, Ukraine)

Article is written in Ukrainian
Downloads/views: 3166

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Reference to this article:
Pilipenko, Andrey. A., and Litvinenko, Alina A. (2011) “Reengineering and Restructuring in the Mechanism of Management of Development of Material and Technical Basis of an Industrial Enterprise.” The Problems of Economy 3:83–89.

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Section: Economics and Enterprise Management
UDC 339.137
Serhiienko O. A., Tatar M. S.
Tools of Research of an Assessment and Analysis of Level of a Competitive position of the Enterprises (p. 90 - 94)

The article offers a set of tools of a complex study of competitiveness of metallurgical enterprises on the basis of a rating type of assessment with the use of modern tools of economic and mathematical modelling, in particular, methodology of taxonomic assessment and dynamic phase analysis.
Keywords: competitive position, assessment, analysis, economic and mathematical modelling, dynamic phase analysis
Fig.: 2. Tabl.: 1. Formulae: 4. Bibl.: 5.

Serhiienko Olena A. – Doctor of Sciences (Economics), Professor, Professor, Department of Entrepreneurship, Trade and Logistics, National Technical University «Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute» (2 Kyrpychova Str., Kharkіv, 61002, Ukraine)
Tatar Maryna S. – Candidate of Sciences (Economics), Associate Professor, Associate Professor, Department of Finance, Accounting and Taxation, National Aerospace University «Kharkiv Aviation Institue» named after M. Ye. Zhukovskiy (17 Chkalova Str., Kharkіv, 61070, Ukraine)

Article is written in Ukrainian
Downloads/views: 2391

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Reference to this article:
Serhiienko, Olena A., and Tatar, Maryna S. (2011) “Tools of Research of an Assessment and Analysis of Level of a Competitive position of the Enterprises.” The Problems of Economy 3:90–94.

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Section: Economics and Enterprise Management
UDC 334.75.001.76
Grynko T. V.
Fundamentals of Adaptive Innovation Development Enterprise (p. 94 - 97)

The problem problems innovation in the enterprise, classification of adaptive management innovation. Formed approaches to adaptive innovation.
Keywords: innovation development, innovation implementation, adaptive implementation
Tabl.: 1. Bibl.: 13.

Grynko Tetiana V. – Doctor of Sciences (Economics), Professor, Professor, Department of Business Economics and Enterprise Management, Oles Honchar Dnipro National University (72 Haharina Ave., Dnіpro, 49010, Ukraine)

Article is written in Ukrainian
Downloads/views: 3412

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Reference to this article:
Grynko, Tetiana V. (2011) “Fundamentals of Adaptive Innovation Development Enterprise.” The Problems of Economy 3:94–97.

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Section: Mathematical methods and models in economy
UDC 336.74+330.43
Goridko N. P., Nizhegorodtsev R. M.
Depreciation of Fixed Assets as a Factor of Inflation in the Contemporary Ukrainian Economy: the Econometric Investigation (p. 98 - 100)

The paper is devoted to elaborating econometric models to illustrate the impact of depreciation of fixed assets onto inflation dynamics in the contemporary Ukrainian economy, including the lag influences.
Keywords: depreciation of fixed assets, inflation, econometric analysis
Tabl.: 5. Formulae: 3. Bibl.: 4.

Goridko Nina P. – expert, Consulting company «Clever Point» (ul. Nagatinskaya d. 9, k. 1, Moscow, 115533, Russia)
Nizhegorodtsev Robert M. – Doctor of Sciences (Economics), Professor, Head of the Laboratory, Institute of Control Sciences V. A. Trapeznikov Russian Academy of Sciences (ul. Profsoyuznaya, d. 65, Moscow, 117997, Russia)

Article is written in Russian
Downloads/views: 2113

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Reference to this article:
Goridko, Nina P., and Nizhegorodtsev, Robert M. (2011) “Depreciation of Fixed Assets as a Factor of Inflation in the Contemporary Ukrainian Economy: the Econometric Investigation.” The Problems of Economy 3:98–100.

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